Do not become a 'Cam Atkinson'. Cam Atkinson is likely unable to stop looking at his electronic device, even during a live hockey game between the 2 former teams of Curtis Shayne Joseph, namely Phoenix Coyotes and Detroit Redwings. 🟡 Curtis Shayne Joseph's mother decided to put him up for adoption rather than murder him in Keswick, Canada. Curtis Joseph is not a Joseph at heart and his DNA is not from his adoptive family; indeed Curtis Shayne Joseph has filled his life with much sin by choice. Nevertheless, his mother made a thoughtful decision to refuse to murder her son. Herodians will try to protect their power and their political gambling income that really is never earned properly while anti-Herodians will flee or fight to protect their family from the cloud of murderous brute beasts much more evil than a band of locusts.
Michigan voters with a true 'anti-depraved' mentality voted against proposal 3, and those programmed into a state of depraved, murderous mindsets by the electronic media devices voted for proposal 3. If the behaviors of the Michigan saints does not get altered after murderous mindsets cast their ballots for wicked Whitmer, those Michigan saints will get demoted to 'robot' status as they continue their vain reputations while the enemy has gained a political or paycheck advantage. Gaining a political advantage of popularity contest among wicked Michiganders by declaring you refuse to protect innocent babies at the same time rapists and robbers are loosed often leads to loss of a spiritual advantage is folly in progress. The comforting message to those who change their behaviors after voting against proposal 3 in Michigan and realizing they were 'outnumbered by programmed wickedness' is that those people who voted for Proposal 3 will not enter the turf of יהוה 's protective services, which at times is only as little as the wing of a duck.
If a robot sees a tragedy, IT doesn't care, IT doesn't respond thoughtfully and IT doesn't change it's contrived programming. A tragedy occurred on Election Day in Michigan and those who haven't been programmed like robots WILL change their behavior. There have been people who have claimed to see visions who then altered their behavior; how much more should humans change their behavior when they observe an tragic incident that their 'neighbors' allowed to happen or worse, caused to happen? It's not about 'everything must change', but rather, the thoughtful humans must change and become more defensive and less pleasant and predictable.
Is a movie called 'Sucker List', where a character 'dies off' after being assaulted by gambling hoodlums who would not even protect an innocent babe? "Blue Bolt' lost a race, and was that some Democrat indicator light? There were plenty of codes in the 1940's inserted into film rolls. Wayne Gretzky has become a pusher of gambling rings and is a disgrace to his family, but he has been programmed by the media rather than influenced by יהוה and hard-working men who realize it impossible to KEEP A PUCK ALIVE . How many NHL buffoons are saying ' we are trying to keep the puck alive', yet you know for a fact they wouldn't fight to keep the United States constitution upheld and as a consequence, they would not fight to defend the life of a real person in the womb of a struggling mother. Without keeping an 'eye' on the media and sports, we would not know that wimps like Wayne Gretzky are pushing gambling time rather than prayer time.
Those of us who are anti- abortion and who also despise fraudulent voters need to change their regimen in states that supposedly have a majority of 'Democrat' supporters. Those of us who keep timelines and study past history now need to observe social habits of their companions and must somehow band together though not directly connected..
My suggestions might not produce the effects I desire them to , namely to financially penalize the businesses who want to pretend as though an electoral tragedy has not occurred in Michigan. I seriously recommend that you retrain your household to STOP DINING IN RESTAURANTS completely until there no longer is a pro-abortion Democratic political majority removing the protection of from your state. Why do I think this plan will work to benefit conservative, anti-abortion households? Here's a list of the benefits of 'stopping the fiscal apathy' :
I) The youth in your family need to see adults be able to control their desires. An example of a family leader willing to restrain from social partying will indicate to the youth in your household that this is a time of mourning, not a time to pretend as though your state can continue in the direction it's going.
II) Republicans need to be an example of fiscal savings. While boycotting restaurants in states that have reported pro-abortion Democratic 'wins', it's a guarantee the spending habits of the honest, conservative working families needs to change into a 'saving' rather than spending mode.
III) Refusing to dine out in states that 'went blue' can never be declared to be illegal procedure, as some other protests such as trucker's blockades or intentional vandalism toward Democratic Party supporters 'things'. Thus, while not only spiritually improving your position in the sight of anti-abortion dieties you also are proving you can control your behaviors in a purer way than your enemies.
IV) If restaurants go out of business, it will not be because of the vote you cast against Michigan's Proposal 3. There currently seems to be far too many restaurants since the amount of people willing to work in such venues is decreasing. Don't feel guilty or sad if you see restaurants losing income; was there any indication that the restaurant (s) you were supporting wa opposed to Proposal 3? or did they crawl into the 'fearful apathy zone' during pre-election months? While restaurants may be going out of business, it will reflect badly upon the Democratic pro-abortio regime.
V) By abstaining from dining in public restaurants, you also will be resisting those who often are attired in nastiness or do not cover their bodies properly. Restaurants typically do not turn away people who are dressed in a whorish manner, and your willingness to be in that environment displays your moral weakness, not your moral strength and spiritual conditioning.
VI) Expect yourself to be able to eat healthier within your home and also to become a family that cooks together rather than texts together. All household members can be part of the conversion to dining at home, and even can learn how to 'wait on tables' for their loved rather than taking health risks by waiting on people with questionable health care decisions. ( It has been proven that the COVID injections do not prevent the spread of infections, and boosters are still being pushed in social media.) Your VOLUNTARY withdrawal from public dining gatherings will condition you to rely on your household members, not on strangers for your nourishment.
VII) YOU WILL BE MISSED IN. MANY DINING LOCATIONS THAT YOUR MAY HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING. If you are so well known that they contact you to ask where you have been, it will be a wonderful opportunity to explain the anti-Democrat cause of your safe and legal protest positioning. Maybe the restaurant will survive, but can you imagine one if 50% of the Michigan voters discontinue eating in Michigan restaurants what an obvious visual impact that would have on the contents of the diners as they get loaded up with either apathetic or pro-abortion Democrats? Maybe the owners or managers of those diners will decide they no longer want to be as the pro-abortion Democrats are.
VIII) Avoiding public dining will also prevent an angry outburst from you incited by someone who knows your anti-abortion position. Yup, there's plenty of baiting going around and social targeting against conservatives isn't limited to the Armada Fair owners.
IX) Exercise during the time you might normally have opted to publicly socialize around food. Continue to support hockey arenas, bowling alleys, golf courses and other fitness facilities BUT DO NOT EAT OR DINE AT THOSE LOCATIONS; if necessary, purchase non-alcoholic non-sugary beverages only such as tea or coffee and use the water fountain rather than buy water. Again, restraining your spending in sports venues should be noticeable, at least to yourself and your savings accounts.
X) If the anti-abortion conservatives get wealthier and the liberals get more impoverished, that's the way pro-abortion Democrats design their 'programs', correct? This isn't a time to 'Choose Love', it's time to 'Choose Sanity'. Pretending as though a spiritual and ethical tragedy in Michigans and several other USA states is not a sign of sanity but rather a sign of a conscience that has gotten decommissioned due to lack of taking יהוה and anti-abortion policies seriously.
XI) It's not easier to change a 'habit'. Eating in restaurants has become a habit for many people, though actually I rarely see people eat alone at a table as I typically do. It's time to learn how to invite guests who are like-minded against abortion into your home rather than dining with and getting too 'comfortable' around the enemies of innocent babies. Seriously, if a person would openly not be ashamed of getting an abortion or openly sell abortions procedures, what makes you think that person would also not try to murder an adult who isn't paying attention to the trends against anti-abortion conservatives? A baby in the womb does not expect to be murdered; plenty of adults need to realize they might be the next target of a poison or a toxin dished out to them in a restaurant where they really didn't KNOW the kitchen personnel or serving staff as well as they should have.
XII) Some of the most beloved people on earth have had to carefully choose where and what to eat for their own safety. Daniel decided not to eat the 'king's dainties'. Bob Thiel claimed that the apostles could get attacked by snake poison and not get harmed, but did those apostles then SEEK to intentionally get bit by a snake? An intelligent person does not voluntarily provoke a poisonous animal or desire to get bit by a poisonous asp or a swarm of fire ants.
XIII) I suspect but do not expect a wave of newly contrived 'illnesses' to develop in Democrat strongholds and their perimeter zones because I suspect the Creator of earth is more prepared for vengeance than for an 'I don't care to respond' to those advocating pro-abortion trending . If indeed the wise become prudent, what they say at their dinner table won't be seen, recorded or heard other than by people whom they trust enough to dine with privately. Resisting dining out in Democratic majority states is a tangible way to protect your mind and body against those who clearly 'unfriended' you when they 'friended' pro-abortion Democrats.
XIV) Before you travel, research the composition of the state legislature and governors elected, and apply the same 'do not dine in restaurant' policy that you are now applying in your home state in order to avoid 'unjust scales'. Choose your family vacation destinations accordingly, and steer yourself toward family dinner tables if you are aware of pro=Democrat trending in states where your family members are trying to survive after also being discouraged and disgusted with the spread of Bidenism. 'Employment & public schooling only to the injectioned' being demanded within the U.S.A military, private businesses and local, wicked government systems is also another substantial reason to withdraw from public dining areas in order to avoid being accused of. being a 'spreader' of constitutional and Republican views..
XV) Prepare yourself and your household for MINIMUM of 5 months with ' no dining in restaurants' if you are within a state being ruined by a Democratic and/or pro-abortion majority. It will be about that long until the next Week of Unleavened bread has been completed, which is typically a time of transition. Of course, such resistance to fund state-sponsored apathy might have to continue for 7 years or more, but within 5 months the habit of dining out should be eradicated and replaced with healthy home dinner table options and improved fiscal sanity.
XVI) Don't feel as though it is your duty to support businesses that wouldn't be willing to donate to your bank account, event if you asked them to. A drought of income to apathetic businesses is more likely to change a shameful trend in your state than handing out copies of the 'New Testament with Pslams and Proverbs' to you local law enforcement officers who may or may not agree with the intentional refusal to voluntarily eat among pro-abortion strangers or known, Democratic voters..
XVII) If carry-out meals are the best option due to lack of independent or conservative grocers, don't overindulge and limit your 'to go' options according to your 'gut feeling';recall your past experiences during state 'mandates' about the seller's attitude toward conservative, unmasked and uninjected customers.
XVIII) Get that outdoor garden going this spring! 🍅 🥕🥗🥔🍠🍏🍎🍐🍓🍑🍉 Most urban, suburban and rural lawns are too unsafe to graze upon. 🙉
Give yourself a 'pass' to have one last meal somewhere on Thanksgiving day in the red thumb of Michigan or in an area that you are willing to make a notable appearance. Remember Dan Pilgrim, OK? However, choose something healthier than your last cigarette while retiring from the 'restaurant customer' business. Banks have been using your personal dining information either for or against you too, so withdrawing from that restaurant venues might give the banking industry a reality check that they were not prepared for.
💔 If the anti-abortion voters don't make changes within their households that are evident unto others, it will appear as though they did not have a negative reaction to the anti-infant tragedy that occurred during recent elections. Go ahead and celebrate birthdays of your unabated family members, that is, if they appreciate you enough to associate with you in some manner BUT it is wise to abstain from unholy 'holiday' rituals typically associated with Hannukah/Kwanza/Christmas/January New Year' advocates, who openly oppose the prophet Yermyah and Ruler יהוה .
⛄ Go cold, not lukewarm. The ' Dallas Cowboys 'are not good community leaders if your good housekeeping goal is morality and conservative school dress codes. Uphold modesty and retain standards for keeping the females and males in your household covered properly.
📜. Writing isn't always on a wall. Sidewalk chalk matters. 🎨
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