The remnant of יששכר is required to submit to the authority of יהוה in order to be sanctified and sealed. Many descendants of YShShKR have not done so, but probably have not gotten hooked in the folly of 'Christmas/pagan January 1st holiday activities', though it might have snagged and marred them through incidental contact. How about a 'CaUTiON ball? 🟡
Don't worship YShShKRists nor 'JeSuS CR-ists'. Don't worship Gd either. A warning is not an insult, but it is as cruel insult to reject a thoughtful warning. Shrubbery twisted electrical cords for artificial lights are a nuisance, not a sign of intelligent life. Warnings ignored are not a hazard to the person or creature who warned others to forsake their vain, unnatural repetitions PRIOR to periods of judgment commenced by when heathen humanity ignores natural warnings from. יה.
Tom Scott's fusion jazz cats certainly knew how to choose a huge Tee. The non-blind eye should see יששכר in the letter mixture of 'Jesus Christ' much sooner than I'd see גד or יסף. Check the prophecies about יששכרי , and decide if amethyst or a white clear quartz/'diamond' is indeed the mineral formation that is accurate, setting the Talmud brood aside. I still contend that Moshe Ben Amram's foresight is superior to 'Jacob's guesswork about his children from 4 different woman's womb.
Yes, there is a Richard Tee on the 'keyboards' that is probably wiser than Richard Belmore and Richard Gere. Now what if JSSCHRist is really a YShShKRist? Actually, the letters יששכרי that form the word are closer to 'JesusCR ist' than to Yehudah. Whenever I see one of those waving cats in Asian cook zone, I think of YShShKR, crouching like a lion...the characteristics of felines is not limited to lions, tigers and leopards.
🎹 Not incidentally, YShShKR did arrange itself with YHWDH in some formations mentioned in the book of Numbers, and would be considered 'left wings' in a 6 vs. 6 hockey/gemstone situations, namely when YShShKR is 9th and YHWDH is 4th.
Mr. Richard Tee isn't Gary Player. Does Ottawa still have a police squad labeled '3218'? as was seen in 2015 AD.? Film rolls aren't always made of plastic wrap. 🎥 📷 📹 📸
Who has a 'call girl' problem that looks like. חלל rather than 'Kelly' ?
Tis the season to contemplate the 'Thanksgivings psalms' from the Dead Sea Scrolls in an attempt to discern the spirit of the author who some have supposed to be the brother of James and the same man that Pontius Pilate tried to 'pardon'.
Mind your water table and chemistry table manners. It seems that the 'narrow gate' is the guarded by the righteous man who has been faithful to and loved one wife for life, while providing for his children with his 'first love'. In selfish contrast, the 'wide gate' men such as Royston Potter, and'Jacobian' assemblies of King David and King Solomon, think that multiple marriages or many concubines is acceptable when it's actually rather despicable and leads to a problem diagnosed as a 'house divided'. While searching for intelligent speakers, irrational instructors and stupidity is often detected.
Did you leave your first love and break a marriage covenant or did you stay on 'the narrow gate' plan that does not lead to the destruction of your family foundations? If 'Jesus' wrote the Thanksgiving psalms, he deserves a mulligan, since reporters often misquote or intentionally misrepresent the person of interest in their articles.
Royston Potter is croaking down a dangerous path while pushing the concept of '1 man, many concubines' at the same time he is attempting to defend the ministry of 'Jesus' and the book of James.
🐺 'Detective E. Wolf'' is a real person who shouldn't regard the 'Loveland reception' in wolverine football games as 'significant', since a scorpion os more significant than a dead football that can't be brought to LiFe.
What's a garden patch legend as a '1 timer' ?
להטים., or mathematically 30+5+9+10+600 = 654, not 666. Notice the central letter of that exquisite term of holy defenses which does not mean 'clove hitch'.
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