Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Suppose Exodus 28:21 Means 'Alphabetical'?

 According to birth order should be easily established, since age established birth order, not who the mother is.  Many Jewish traditions of stone assignments ignore birth order for some reason.

If not birth order, then what does 'according to names' mean? Suppose it meant alphabetical and everything that had been supposed was in error with DN or GD being 'jacinth'?

Who'd like to test this 'by names' line-up, for perfection's sake?



Carbuncle= Gd


Lapis Lazuli=Zbulun

Clear quartz = Yehudah

Jacinth = Ysp. 

Agate = Yshshkr

Amethyst = Lvy

Beryl = NpTtly

Onyx = Reuben

Jasper = Shmyn

Guess work defeats thoughtlessness; according to names might nor be the same as according to birth order.

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