Consider the fact that when a vice squad is looking for officers, they are unlikely to choose the most honorable men and women in their department because experienced police departments know that vice squad officers not only have to infiltrate an anti-Yehowah assembly (church), they also have to assume their characteristics and be able to feel somewhat comfortable while surrounded by nastiness, corruption and wickedness. As I attempt to achieve a good goal, I honestly do not know if I have attracted like-minded readers or have only drawn the attention of adversaries and enemies who I must now use to my advantage and redirect through other less obvious oppositions to Yahowah's teachings and sealing process, if possible.
It has been a common defensive tactic of Yah to send lying prophets to groups of people who have refused to trust him as their LORD of lords and redeemer. In a sense, vice squad officers are also lying and deceiving sectors that they perceive to be more wicked than they are, but typically the vice-squad officer also has not chosen to trust Yehowah or he wouldn't be working for a military or paramilitary agency who duties include defending a woman who is seeking murder by abortion. So while evil vice squad deceivers is busy fighting obvious wickedness, Yehowah is then able to move and reset his faithful and those who rely on the instructions solidified by Moshe Ben Amram but initiated before the flood of Noach's era.
Read and reread Yeremiyahu chapters 11,12 and 13 until you trust it's content historically and prophetically, even if you do not totally UNDERSTAND it's content. I have to this too, so it may be awhile before the conflict against 'sword 1' is either conquered or 'left behind' in order to face famine properly with a team that may be so full of morally compromised athletes and anti-Yehowah mindsets that I have to rely on their willingness to deceive and trick others that are smilier to them after choosing to help me attain a good goal, namely receiving a polite telephone call from my next of kin. Those in this challenge actually are not afraid of conflict, and may have been stupid enough not to have fear of Yehowah and thus, they have disrespected, mocked,tortured and tried to murder his truthful prophets, whom I believe includes such as Yeremiyah. When a false prophet deceives you, you will be led to a false sense of security or drawn in to battle a predominantly wicked nation while continuing your unholy, unclean, evil Babylonian style of warfare.
In the writing of Baruch testifying for Yerimiyaho (H1773), there is a combo of 3 plus 2 different combo's of 4 mentioned, so I will spread Squad 586's goal to completing 11 total 'downs' to get past all of those undesirable 12 allowed deployments intended to weaken or destroy those who have continually unacceptable, unclean, arrogant earthly behavior and thus are in opposition toward Yehowah. The 12 noted obstacles to overcome and surpass, commencing from Yeremiyahu chapter 14, are as follows:
1. sword
2. famine
3. pestilence
( 2 MINUTE TIME OUT for Charlotte's Sideline reminders. 'Daniel Joseph' of Coon Creek, MN is censoring references to Yeremiyahu 40&41. He falsely claimed that 'corner fringe ministries' can't continue without sending his assembly money, but Daniel Joseph is not the leader of every person that chooses to wear blue fringes, thus he and his Herodian-style dance team failed. Online traps are tested, and when censorship occurs against Yeremiyahu chapter 40 by 'Corner Fringe Ministries' , it is time to flee that assembly when given a non-captivity choice at a Mizpah situation. According to the writings compiled by Baruch on behalf of Yeremiyahu's call to Yehowah's OPS, liars will predict peace, but no such peace will occur due to worldwide wickedness. Thus, prepare for conflict. (H2502) The sword will maim and kill*, the famine will cause diseases. Lack of HEALTHY, non-GMO food is famine of pure food; some people have chosen disease and induced famine (lack of healthy food intake) rather than eliminating their cell phones and computer purchases to buy or raise organic foods with their limited incomes. There won't be a no famine of hearing of the word of Yehowah if you have a copy of the Old Testament writings and can read to yourself or your neighbor. Those in Biden's USA military as of today February 5, 2022, who did not choose the way of escape offered to them are worthy of pestilence that the injections they chose will cause or has caused. Remind yourself that those who chose to trust Catholic Biden as their military specialist, spiritual ruler also CHOSE to worship him as a master of anti-Constitutional edicts and remain in the USA military are outnumbered by those not in Biden's USA military. Leaving the USA military or any unholy church position does not necessarily mean unemployment and poverty due to lack of employment options. )
4. death
5. sword
6. famine
7. captivity
8. sword to slay
9. dogs to tear
10. fowls to destroy
11. beasts to destroy
12. unrepentant residue gone to the sword of the enemy
Then Yehowah will help a remnant PASS with the enemy into a new location which I will refer to as a golf course ahead.
In warfare against wickedness and evil-doers such as the 218 members of the 117th Congress who voted to allow murdering innocent babies with late-term abortion tactics, trying an offensive tactic against such OBVIOUSLY wicked assemblies or anti-YeHowah 'churches' only once is very unusual.
Since I am not a public school teacher, you may compile the reference to those 11 as I did, by listening to the KJV audibles by Alexander Scourby or choosing the book of Yereimiyah edition of your preference.
Canelo Alverez on a golf course has his own agenda, and as interesting as his swing might be, I can't use his perspective since he resembles Robert Scott Smith, who rushed 1,411 times in the NFL. Pebble Beach does not attract the humble like the Army golf course at Fort Leonard Wood might, but Pebble Beach does attract plenty of cash and some socialite conflicts that might even get resolved by Thomas Keller's hat trick.
Did I hear 'Second Chance' mentioned by the BCS staff at Pebble Beach Pro-Am 17th hole, a LP album made famous by a Milwaukee band known as 'Oceans'?
"I sat alone because of thy hand..." Yermiyahu, Chapter 15 , for 2
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