Friday, February 25, 2022

Resetting the Goal Line: Revisiting 'Fireproof'

 As I wait for the nest month to begin before I continue with Yeremiyahu's use of forceful words, I decided to watch "Fireproof' again, knowing full well that movie is not a good memory in my life. Maybe I went there like Charlie Batch returned to the alley where his sister was killed, but he lived.

I will do my best to try to tie the Kirk Cameron way into the Yah way, suspecting that Cameron still hasn't accepted the dinner invitation for the keeping of the weeklong feast of unleavened bread, nor the other feasts that oddly enough are revealed in 'Family of Cops' but not in Cameron's 'let's play fireman' role. A dinner invitation was 'Day 18' in his big $ movie, 'Fireproof'.

I did notice how rude 'Caleb Holt' was to his mother, how he tried to appease his wife's parents and eventually had to be told by his TV father to respect his mother, and he did in the movie. Now, what happens when a son's father discourages such respect for their mother, even if I as that mother understands 'Day 23" in the 'Fireproof' theory and has resisted boats, ,abhors pornography, resisted gambling and maybe never took a baseball bat to a computer screen in public? What if that mother was physically attacked several times in her line of duty after a 'Michael Simmons' kind of guy ditched her at a young age and then she preferred not to become a 'welfare mom'? I suppose that real mother would still never be the hero that millions have seen 'fireman faker' Kirk Cameron and would be tossed aside like a bunch of dead flowers.

I certainly do wish my son would watch 'Fireproof' and notice more than Chick fil-A sack and pills when a fake fever scene was set up. Maybe he'd notice the reunion of the mother and son, and refocus his goal of love toward his mother rather than be as a typical fireman ,willing to help strangers for a paycheck sooner yet unwilling decide to try to make a dinner for his mother, who actually has more faith in Yahweh than Kirk Cameron has.  Was Kirk Cameron trying to manipulate  'Katherine Holt' in his 'Fireproof' role or merely trying acts of desperation with the encouragement of a few decent anti-divorce people?


Meanwhile, a shofar sounded in Macomb, Michigan. long after 3 males chose not to endure like Kirk Cameron did in his often 'fake' scenes.  

Many might rather say about me  'Marie's been dead 8 years now' like John Candy did in a movie, because they have behaved toward me as though I don't exist, don't have feelings and haven't been seen by them. Yet,  I do have a role that I am obliged to fulfill on behalf of Yahowah, just as Dr. Ben Carson  and John James of Michigan had a role to fill on television today.

There's a huge difference between  Mary Windmiller formerly of Wausau and  Mary Miller, the  Illinois republican politician, yet I took the time to listen to both of them., regardless of whether or not they believe the death of flogged man can eliminate all their sins. 

I am a weaker vessel than I had been, but am strong enough to continue when many others would have given up..🌊 

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