Saturday, July 22, 2017

Where Moses Is Read, There I Should Be

A person with a good eye sees what a problem is but cannot always force the problem to go away. A person with a spiritually lazy eye does not even see what the problems are around them. A person with a good  ear often hears what is bad, but a person with  good  speech is sometimes even forced to repeat what evil people have said when testifying against a person who speaks lies, often with vulgarities.

I started my day correctly before I went out into the Michigan mission field like a old badger. I did TRY to hear 'Joined to HaShem' but the computer link was uncooperative. I then listened to a different radio broadcast in which MOSES was read, before I found out that shems means 'followers' in some Egyptian language. I could hear the continual verbal problems of people who are natural United States citizens bringing up slavery more often than I bring up the lack of child support I did not receive from the son of Jessie Jackson who would say I am white and that my son, Richard, is black, when in fact we both are United States citizens of different brown shades and now of different mindset due to spiritual warfare. If a religious person cannot break away from WRONGLY dividing Milwaukee police officer Jimmy Black from Atlanta Thrasher Todd White, they also will not try to understand the following corrective measures for the properly operating mind of potential defense specialists or current living saints:

1. The man referred to as Saint Paul of Tarsus told new converts to an Israelite mindset based on their faith in a representative of the tribe of Judah known as 'Yeshua" that they should report to places where MOSES (commonly  referred to as Genesis through Deuteronomy) is read on the 7th day, not where the 'Our Father' is read every Sunday.  Since this type of gathering is nearly impossible to find in my local area, I might as well go to a clean animal assembly and read from the books of Moses myself.
2. Ignoring the instructions to read the writings that start with Beit Resh Aleph Shin Yod Tav' results in a plague of ignorance of the holy Law among religious people who have focused on the wrong spiritual method of operation.  I can see and hear the problem with lack of desire to be like Yeshua, but I cannot force a anti-Moses 'Christian' to dump their anti-26(Yod Hey Vav Hey) mindset.
3. I cannot say that Anthony James Hunt is my enemy and I could claim that he is a friend of mine. What I cannot do is backslide to Egyptian or African symbolism as my preferred method of communication, since I prefer Jehovah to Rah. Notice that Rah is the beginning of Rahab, but Rahab did not draw Joshua and Caleb to back to an Egyptian god for salvation after Moses and Aaron succeeded in a power play against Rah. If Anthony James Hunt's trip to Egypt goes as 'well' as my trip to Israel, he will leave Egypt with a different attitude than he entered Egypt.
4. Football junkies should like this sequence.
 1st Down: Beit
 2nd Down: Resh
3rd Down: Aleph
4th Down: Shin.
 If you have proper offense on 1st through 4th down, you get another chance to advance another 'Yod', which is another ten code. If you cannot complete and advance another ten (Yod) your team goes back to football defense.
5. Ezequiel Delfino students should really appreciate this corrective self defense action: turning the cheek which has not been struck can result in a perfected counter-attack against the person who assaulted your cheek when you were unprepared to stop the initial assault of  your cheek. If someone strikes your right cheek, continue the momentum of the right cheek to the left and let your body do a complete rotation so that you left cheek leads your left eye toward your assailant. Draw your left elbow UP in front of your left cheek to strike your opponent with  your elbow and follow up with a right fist strike, all the while turning the cheek that wasn't struck toward your adversary/enemy. Ideally, you will have turned your other cheek but learned to defend your cheek and body better after you where caught off guard.
6. I'm quite sure Jay Cutler believes in a place called Santa Claus as much as I believe in Milwaukee and Randy Moss believes in Rand.  A good person stops trying to deceive others and instead learns how to receive or reject others properly and safely when verbal, written or face to face encounters occur.
7. It is a little known fact of strength training that ignoring your enemy is often the best form of doing good to them and a form of blessing them. While you are busy ignring your enemy, make sure you try strengthening your relationship with your allies  and your holy family members who have not decided to become your enemy.  The opposite of ignoring your enemy is pestering them or provoking them with vengeance that you were not intended to initiate or impose on them.  If the literature that starts with 'Beit Resh Aleph Shin' is your  enemy, you have chosen a different entity to trust in than I have, and I might be your  very fair and honest adversary before I could ever be your friend or your enemy.
8. I should be on Numbers chapter 34 this week, not the book of Romans this week with the Catholic groups who actually rejected  St. Paul the Benjamite's instructions and thus rejected jasper, the leading stone of the new Jerusalem.  You can't go straight to sardius in the end times, since sardius becomes the 6th stone foundation, 2 after the tribe of Judah and 4 after the tribe of Dan. Instructions from the books of Moses are occasionally read in Catholic churches and usually subsequently disobeyed by those who might trust men like  Jesus Colon of Detroit but haven't trusted the Holy One of Israel for their defense and their salvation.
9. If Truth can only be told or written about what has already occurred, prophesy is not identical to Truth. Telling the truth about our past is not prophesying, but can free us from additional charges and  perjury convictions. Prophesy is an often an  unproven prediction, a probabilty and an expectation of a result possibly related to a miraculous event. If a solar eclipse is predicted next month but not occur due to a miracle, the Truth will clarify the errors of the scientific prediction.

If 300 is greater than 4, the letter shin is greater than a dalet in any bowling math class.

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