t's time for the THOUSANDS who have trusted the holiest God and who have obtained mercy to slow down and compare some of the following areas of contrast provided by their 'neighbor' . Avi Ben Mordacai makes more clear TRUE points than the Jesus Colon connection, which is now affiliated with transvestite and lesbian support rather than love and obedience of the true God.
Here are some braking points, which is not the same as David Sanborn's 'Breaking Point":
1. 'Mike Clayton' went to Snyder, Texas and links himself to Mark Smith, not Ken Smith.
2. I do not know the full legal name of the human who goes by the name of 'Mike Clayton', and that is Clayton's problem, not mine. In order to rightly divide the WORD, people have to start rightly identifying who they are as if they were testifying in a court of current law. If you are ashamed of your given name, you are not honoring your father and your mother.
3."Joined To Hashem' is a radio-type program that is an option just like watching 'The National' with Andrew Cheng is an option to get current news, not old testament relays of information. 'The National' is a Canadian broadcast much better than any Detroit 'news' station since you actually can get news about Jerusalem on 'The National'. Mike Dinow might be a more accurate witness than the various forms of 'Clayton' being bounced around like a Kershaw ball near Granada Court in Milwaukee.
4. On the 4th month, the 21st day, I laid down the letter shin, which happens to be the 4th letter of the Tanakh. Beit Resh Aleph SHIN is then followed by a Yod, not a piece of Rust or a piece of Erustas Hallas. Original order matters. Dalet is not the 4th letter of the Bible!
5. It is not a sin to go back and check on another person who has been caught backsliding, a term that the prophets used to describe humans who are not yet consistent in sainthood behavior. Today I am going back to check on the state of a human who rightly rejected 'R Kelly' but did not rightly reject similar female versions of disgusting stage acts. It is my hope that his discretion has improved, but sometimes what I hope for doesn't occur. For instance, I hoped that the father of my son would have paid me back double what he stole ( held back) from me, but he hasn't yet because he does not fear nor believe in the Lord of the Gadites and might be infatuated with gaudy rings.
6. No human being looks beautiful holding a machine gun, but many human being look beautiful holding a hockey stick properly. The problem in Yemen is a form of the problem in the United States: unholy humans+guns=stupidity and wars.
7. Philip Quigley is not Mallory Quigley, even though the might agree on an Elk Point, a Jeff Point or a Brayden Point.
8. Tyrhee Moore is a better United States citizen than Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrikson who are in France. It is usually safer to watch 'The Weather Channel' than to watch Doug Allord or John Payne's protestant staged anti-Medad acts.
9. The Jehovah's Wtness internet site addressed the issue of tattoos, but they do not have Israel's interest at mind. Even Abaddon's necessary offensive linemen will not have a requested tattoo and as a result Abaddon's forces are actually on the LORD's side and the side of the 144,000 who desired mercy and chose lawfulness, not lawlessness.
10. ESPN Mr. 31003 is not Baseball Box Score Team 40400404. Since there is no '4005' in the middle of 40400404, it looks more like a Barrett Jackman double edged 404 surrounding Shawano County Highway 'OO' than 'Pacioretty inf the middle'. Pacioretty is Mr. 4005, not Mr. 4004.
11. When the musical group 'Chicago' sang 'I'm A Man', they did not choose to change the song to 'I'm A Transvestite'. Changing from a good and decent original is usually extremely unwise, and people who have had their name changed such as 'Robert Clary' have usually done so for very wrong reasons. Fictional names become a delusion and are not an accurate and truthful way to identify yourself. For instance, William Panfil should not be signing documents as 'Shifty Trojan', even if he is sometimes a shifty Trojan. 'Shifty' is not William's original name.
12. The heavy rains have avoided Michigan today, but Storm bowling balls haven't. Do not confuse Delmonte the vegetable packers with Belmonte the bowler.
13. I observed a male who sold tattoos yesterday, and he was only slightly less dangerous than a man who sells machine guns for a living. The tattoo 'artist' did not hear me lie when I said I rather see MIckey Redmond than the ugly tattoo assortment. A person with a spirit of fear might have tried to deceive the tattoo salesman, but I did not have the spirit of fear as I established the difference between a n uncolored person (natural flesh tones) and a colored person (inked unnatural and mutilated flesh tones). Getting a tattoo is a form of self-mutilation, not a form of good health care. The tattoo salesman was also a very reckless driver and was not a person I would call my friend, even if he was my neighbor for a short period of time. There is not a fine line between LYING and telling the Truth to your neighbor. When Carmela called me a 'fucking bitch' because I did not give in to her demands, she was not telling the truth so she is an unrepentant liar who happens to be my neighbor, not my friend. Carmela is now just as much as an enemy to me as the owners of the Suburban Ice Rink, and it was not my idea for us to become enemies.
14. Minnesota Viking clothes are no more 'gaudy' than a Barry Sanders jersey. When people who are not like Jesus Colon describe criminals, they often use terms that cause confusion rather than clarification of facts. People who commit crimes have evil minds and evil spirits, even if their clothing choices aren't evil. 'Beyonce', 'Cher' and Verlander's wife are morally worse than a gaudy football jersey on a Wisconsin Badger, so do not be afraid to rebuke nasty, ugly, fake looking television station employees who were never a KSA536 radio personality. Andrew Cheng of Canad is not ugly, by the way.
15. If the Israeli troops are restricting entrance to the Temple Mount, those people who can no longer go to the Temple Mount can do as I did when I was forced out of Loran Livingston's turf. Attitude is something important that us sometimes flippant, and location isn't everything.
16. A semi-truck from Newton ,Wisconsin near Chesterfield, Michingan marked '353' was not Paul Molitor's 352nd unit. At 16, wise people do not only want one thing but would be wise to study Martin Biron,David Justice, sulfur and the Ayin team. The kingdom of heaven doesn't need Tomas Tatar.
17. Tamera Thomas is not Thomas and Tamara, the siblings I rendered financial aid to in St. Lucia, West Indies. Unnatural hair coloring is as anti-beautiful as tattoos in the site of the God of flood waters.
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