Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Detroit's James Craig Adds Stupidity to Ignorance

James Craig now joined ranks with  the raising of another anti-Christ fllag  rather than training up his department properly like  clean Danish troops when a strong delusion complains about another strong delusion.

This article is meant to help the few or the many who are disgusted with James Craig'lifting up of lesbian flag in Detroit and is not meant to be a strong delusion.

Delusions occur in many forms, but start  when a person intentionally misrepresents or tries to HIDE what they really are. A Detroit news report relayed information, POSSIBLY false, by a complainant who did not want their identity revealed to THE PUBLIC via television. Honest and truthful witnesses do not try to conceal their identity, and it is possible that the 'complainant' who claimed he was receiving notes and sex toys while working for the City of Detroit may actually have set up  situation himself. IIf a person who  is NOT OF SOUND MIND wanted to try and get another person or 'group' in trouble, they might try to set up false evidence and to entrap some other moral force.

If a immigrant from Poland makes a complaint that is unsolvable or illegitimate, will the James Craig raise up the flag of Poland? James Craig already made committed an act of rebellion against morality and righteousness intended to be the outer and inner integrity system for sealed Israelites. Here are some points to consider if you are frightened by Scripture texts intended for people who should have a choice of which God to serve:

A) The typical lesbian or transvestite types have no chance to be part of the people under the authority of Yehovah because they have openly rejected Him. No good Israelite wants ti commit a sin that could result in death and as a result we are not put to death bu other Israelites. Adolph Hitler, who wasn't an Israelite nor a saint, should not have been trying to discipline or destroy homosexuals but he did so because he rejected the Messiah 'Israelite Option'  plan for humanity .
b) If you have accepted the laws for Israeitites into your mind and your conduct has changed, you certainly won't be buying sex toys for humans who already have a serious mental dilemma and a pattern of behaving contrary to the laws Israelite respect and study for a good reason.  You are free to ignore the rest of this epistle-type post and ask yourself and others, '"What would Cris Carter when confronted with anti-Christ flags or delivering advice to the socially ill?
C)  The God of Israel disciplines his people and often lets the rebrobate and the deranged continue in their anti-Christ behavioe and  take their chances with other anti-Israelite humans like James Craig . If you are able to quit your job working for the city of Detroit or call in sick until they remove the lesbian and transvestite flag from City properly, do so as a peaceful demonstration against  immorality.
D) I found out Muslim men can have up to 1 wife and 4 common law concubines at the same time if they can afford to support four women and not fear getting disciplined by Israelities or fellow Muslims. The typical proper working Church of Philadelphia would  discipline or cast out any man juggling and mating with 4 women at the same time, but the typical Faith Hill and Tim McGraw church doesn't care if Israelites are sinning or Muslims are taking in as many women as Jacob father of Judah and Reuben.
E) You are better off having NO SIGN of affiliation than the wrong sign of affiliation in your hand, on your land or hanging around your neck. For instance, my beryl is not offensive to any Israelite,, any canine unit or any reformed New Jersey Devil and is defensive according to Zebulun. A crucifix or a television camera crew in your office is often offensive and not part of the defense of Jehovah or Yehovah types.
F) This happens to be my favorite Atlanta Thrasher point. What if Edward Flynn decided to raise the flag of Ireland or a box of Lucky charms the next time their is suspicious activity near an Irishman who is not obeying the rules for saints due to the Irishman's pro-Catholic position?  Edward Flynn could be become a counterpoint to James Craig and former Milwaukee police officer Jerome O'Leary could decide if he rather live in a city that supports Ireland and Lucky Charms  or Detroit a city where the police chief openly rebelled against the God of Israel by his anti-neutral actions?  The example of raising up a Lucky Charms box is a good flippant response to avoid being an anti-morality pagan.
G) I suspect that the God of Israel is going to let fools like James Craig keep rejecting the M.O. of the Messiah that many people have chosen to believe, trust in and love. Personally, the transvestite's claims seemed like they might have been done against him by another of equal immoral standing in order to rake in some more money in a lawsuit aligning with the very untrustworthy fake blond attorney who the transvestite has aligned with for some ungodly reason.
H) I'm not watching the ESPY awards because Michelle Obama does not represent courage and wisdom in the middle of a tribulation nor when surrounded by idolatry.  I am being very careful what I choose to serve to my  elderly friends and card sharks on Sheldon Souray's birthday, and it won't be  tennis balls imported from St. Lucia.
I) I hope you understand why it is NOT in the best interest of a community to lift up lesbian and transvestite symbols in communities already overrun with too much sin and not enough holiness. James Craig reacted worse than Axel the dog of Lapeer would when a strong delusion made or caused a complaint to head to Detroit.
J) I now get to watch game 6 of the 2017 Stanley cup for the first time this year since I have been very busy working, studying and preparing for future events. Even though I know the outcome of game 6, the beginning 'ceremonies' were rather disgusting and 'BRYAN 10' is NOT Bryan Little the former Wisconsin Badger.  DISCIPLINE is the good word I saw lifted up on the rear of the Pittsburgh Penguins T-shirts, not 'DELUSION'.
K) James Craig is willfully ignorant of the purpose of the entirety of the Scripture for some reason. If there is going to be a start to equal justice under the law, let the transvestite Detroit office employee who is currently under more surveillance by request than I would ever want to be, flee from his position as carefully as I had to flee 1602 Mary Lane when I found evidence that Shane David Hendrikson (Nazi type) hated me, his wife and boss, and wrote notes that caused me to fear for my life.  Trying to hide your identity or your gender is actually not a wise way to start on a path to a strong defense system and toward a holier,quieter and safer way of life on earth.
L) If you were born a male, you are a 'he' according to English records. If you altered your original gender and now look like a 'she', I will not be your defender nor your judge and you don't have to worry about becoming one of the 144,000 Israelites who made pro-Israelite choices on earth.
M) Do not confuse Dick Lebeau with Tim McGraw, even though both were playing around with the number 44. The number 26 is the much more important than the number 44, especially if you have cared enough to read the Acts of the Apostles or watch Jansen commit a balk in the 88th All-Star game.
N) The transvestite who made a complaint to the Detroit police department is equal to Shania Twain from my point of view, since both want to have cameras around them and both have altered their identity contrary to nature. Closing with a point of Nun (squad 50) is permissable by local law and by Torah.
O) The Ottawa O's know Dan Boyle completed his 42nd year out of his mother's womb and is starting his 43rd year!. I did not have birthday party for Dan Boyle, but I also didn't choose to fast today, July 12th, 2017 since it was only the 4th month and the 17th day of the Israelite calendar.   I was rather hungry from doing so much non-lesbian  non-transvestite gardening work yesterday and of course, doing better non-coma works than Susan Lucci.

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