Sunday, February 23, 2025

ZeKRYaH's BOW message arrows of 'Ephraim', copper-tipped

Do not read about these copper-tipped arrows if you believe the writings in the 'Ark of the Covenant' are fiction and that the 'Old Testament' compilation of writings does not contain any historic facts.

I should unload a quiver.  ע is as I.  A copper-tip equals a copper socket, since the shaft of an arrow is not made of copper.

Arrow 1:

Jewish Kapparot is idolatry, deplorable and not sanctioned by יהוה ; it is a sin of idolizing a DEAD chicken to think that a dead chicken swinging around your head can take away your sins or deter justified punishments. Some Indian tribes believed sacrificing a wolverine could bring them luck, so the swinging chicken cult is just as guilty as the  sacrificial wolverine cult. As a matter of fact, neither a slaughtered person nor a slaughtered chicken can eliminate the multitudes of sins that religions worldwide have consented to .

Arrow 2. 

The amount of chickens getting slaughtered and injected are more crimes being ordered by government officials in various locations.  According to an report not yet verified,  there was more gain of function atrocities being done in USA labs associated with Moderna, and the employees who ordered or participated in any gain of function laboratory works designed to harm flocks, herds or humans should have been judged worthy of the death penalty and that death penalty, if not completed, means the judicial system is then guilty of disobeying  the judgment calls of יהוה. In other words, once you refuse to order a death penalty that is substantiated by  יהוה  , you become party to the original crime.

Arrow 3. 

Anthony Fauci deserves the death penalty and so do governments who coerced or pressured humans into getting any injection that was not pure,  was unclean by design and  was clearly not harmless. But when Fauci's sins got swiped away by Biden while he was swinging dead chickens around his head in a plan to kill off millions of chickens that would die on their own if they were not strong enough to recover, the entire USA government body became complicit in refusing to slay Fauci because his 'gain of function' plan killed innocent children. 

Arrow 4.

If governing bodies and judicial bodies do not start ordering death sentences for those worthy of the death penalty according to יהוה's  justified rulings, the governing bodies are guilty of disobeying official orders from יהוה and no insane Jewish person swinging a chicken his head can deter the anger of יהוה  for centuries of intentional disobedience   .

Arrow 5. 

It is because diabolical murderers, rapists, arrogant adulterers, sellers of violence for entertainment^,  pilots spraying toxic mists into the atmosphere( proving they are as diabolical as Lyndon B. Johnson) and  biological warfare laboratory owners and employees have been allowed and paid to live that billions of people are being punished corporately.   We are not all in a lion's den, but we all seem to be in a gas chamber who's air quality is now  dangerous and where atmospheric conditions no longer are able to  allow natural clouds to produce natural rain portions.

Arrow 6. 

Romans who enjoyed watching violent deaths in huge coliseums are no worse than the people investing in violent video games or people purchasing tickets for violent events, even if the violence is 'staged' as in WWF .  There is nothing appropriate  in women's gymnastics or women's wrestling or the nakedness at  swimming and diving  events.  If you can't deter yourself from public nudity, public nakedness ( insufficient coverage but not nudity) or violence that is not intended to rid the planet of the guilty described in arrow 5, you either have an idolatry problem or a mind gone to a debased state.

Arrow 7. If only 12,000 of YHUDH become protected species, they certainly won't be the ones swinging chickens around their head or investing in businesses where biological warfare, harmful drug production, promotion of violence  and refusal to punish thieves and liars is part of the corporation's business plan.

If another arrow is loaded, it will be deployed by  קֶשֶׁת   .    🚼

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