Sunday, February 2, 2025

Bear clan premise: don't hate your mucus or discharge papers

 I'm going to refer to boxed  facial tissue as discharge papers.

It seems like many bodies are unaffected by the chemical outbursts deployed to alter  and control meteorological conditions. I am going to lay out a premise that might make you thankful your nasal cavity is producing mucus when skies are fogged by the same governments that wanted people to get needled into a genetically altered condition.

When a person is forced to or chooses to wear a mask, they cover their nose and their mouth, but they decrease their own oxygen supply by intaking their own condensed carbon dioxide.  I seen fools not only advocate the wearing of masks, but demand everyone refuse to trust their own. bodies capability to defend itself.  What I am about to share with you might make you appreciate the days you have nasal congestion thought your lungs are rather clear and other symptoms of attacks against your body are mild enough to slow you down but not incapacitate you.   

Start noticing when heavy chemical spraying is obvious in your turf;  not all of those sprays might be intended to alter the weather but might be intended to get humans and wildlife impaired or moribund. Nasal mucus is a type of a natural mask because the mucus catches problems in the air and if you refuse to buy into the decongestant pill packaging, your nasal passages should stay stuffy until the air quality is safer and your body is recovered enough to handle another assault paid for by your own vile, anti-goodness government.  Once your mucus is loose enough to expel, use your discharge papers and expect more mucus to return that can handle more chemical atmospheric attacks on you with due diligence.

The most difficult practice to retrain yourself in is breathing IN through your impeded nasal passage  and expelling air either through your mouth or your nose.  Learning to do this should be more comfortable than encasing your facial area with a dry mask that doesn't do much other than make the mask salesman wealthy.   Using a facial steam mist occasionally on your most congested days would be a way to be good to yourself because no one else will be good to you. The mucus you cough up didn't get into your bloodstream and disease is being purged by a cough that requires abdominal strength.  It's imperative to do abdominal exercises and a basic exercise routine as long as your are able to breathe and move about without getting dizzy, even if the government chemical sprays have you feeling as though your body is being attacked  with the intent to cause injury BECAUSE IT IS BEING ATTACKED by the chemical sprays!!!!

Earthlings might all die off within a small period of time and maybe the criminals who have been paying for the spraying of the skies will survive in their bunkers and multiple mansions purchased with stolen, coerced or unearned grants from wicked administrations, but no spiritually beautiful person would want to have those people hiding in their expensive caves or overbuilt. mansions for a neighbor, for a mayor or for a priest or a next-of-kin so don't be afraid to die off with your nice neighbors if the sprayed toxins reach such a high level in the earth's domed system that humans only last a while longer than the honeybees did.

This report helped remind me of the reason for mucus development; the healthier that you eat and drink, the more efficient  and helpful your mucus production will be when you are subjected to intentional chemical attacks by your disgustingly evil military jets and  extremely wicked corporate jets.

Not many people would believe what I have written, but I believe the premise of mucus is true and it's time to start retraining yourself to breath in through your nostrils even if they are moderately congested but not totally blocked because you didn't want to use your discharge papers properly. Drink plenty of hot liquids such as tea or hot water with lemon and honey and like a morning dove couple preparing a nest with a few sticks in a place they deem safe , do what you can to prepare naturally for the unnatural attacks.

Your mucus has masking capability; the mucus limits the amount of hazardous air that can enter your body at a given time and allows your body to withstand and prevail against those who decided they'd rather be genetically modified so that symptoms don't appear as they should when a biological attack occurs in their area.  My  symptoms of congestion and slight increase in bodily temperature occurred after I spent a couple of day shifts with a bunch of people from the USA's west coast;  I might be thankful to them for innoculting me with. dose of something that my body countered with a reasonable response.   

It's a perennial month 11, day 3/ 11-03 ;  I'd like to know what Wisconsin Badger goalie Jon Michelizzi thinks of my premise but what I'd like to happen does not always occur.  

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