There is not an exit wound when a ring of flint becomes a symbol of anti-artificial intelligence. Water came out of a rock, unique rings were needed to carry the ark of the covenant . Thus, a silver ring with a flint stone certainly seems to be more appropriate than tossing a crucifix on your neck that Barabas didn't use. As far as the testimony of the 'thief on the cross' goes, where was his demonstration of righteous works before he died? He makes a statement,and he dies being a thief who deserved a death sentence. Thus , the thief's declaration from Luke 23:41-43 does equate to the justice system able to condemn or justify declared by יחזקאל chapter 18 .
Hear what the thief testified to. He actually testified about יחזקאל (Yzequiel) chapter 18! The thief did not say that his evil deeds should have expunged or gone without punishment.
As far as the idea of 'paradise', when the body feels no more pain, no more warring and death wins, some might describe that as paradise. This term 'paradise' is as problematic as translating כות to 'Iron' rather than to "KOTt' or KUT in Joshua 19:38. The amount of inconsistencies in English Bible translations is astounding and should compel a competent person avoiding deception to become an investigator with למוד skills.
Seven, eight...lay EM straight on February 22, 2022. What if H2885 is as a 'rear guard' with Exodus chapter 36 being pivotal regarding the term 'coupled as one'?
Year 7, day 2496: חַלָּמִישׁ as in Deteronomy 8:15, YShIYH 50:7 and Psalm 114/flint
Year 8, day 2885: טַבַּצַת as in Exodus 25:12, 35:22 and 36:29 as well as בראשית chapter 41:42 describing a ring. ZKRYH chapter 1:7 -2:6 is you prefer history to comics such as "Reality Check' by Dave Whammed that tossed the Flintstone characters into today's edition.
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41:8 of יקזקאל has a one time word used to define a foundation; it took 12 years to reach H4328. The topic is 'side chambers' dimensions which enlarged a 'house'.
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