Thursday, February 6, 2025

Pey front : Paul Baker's sketchy hockey composition

Today's the last time I review and contemplate the 7th year word used in Nahum 2:10, YSIYH 21:3 and YCZQAL 30:4-9. It is the feminine word for pain, writhing and anguish, namely חַלְחָלָה . So many events on earth are contorting and twisting everything into damages that won't be repaired without equally anguishing efforts to do that which is helpful in your own home zone rather than hurtful in distant lands you do not own nor love nor belong in. Will the silver lining of H2479 moves on to H3479? I don't believe every cloud has a silver lining.

Both of the terms below are pey front words. H1618 as a 'scratch' does not  involve billiard's cue ball. If you prefer greek, G1618 defines fervent and earnest, used only once in 1st Peter 4:8 if you believe such a person existed to warn others of Amos 3:12's lion's mouth.

H6284:  פָּאָה as in Spanish 'paella'; read Deuteronomy 32:26 for more details on covenant curses. If your HOA president, your state senator or  your governor is a woman, you most likely also have a covenant curse.  In case you are unaware of paella, it is mixture that cannot be 'undone' or separated into clean portions after the mussels, squid, chicken and shrimp have all been cornered and then cooked together.  Numbers 24:17 describes this as the corners of Moab and in Amos 3:12 to describe the corner of a Samaritan's bed after mentioning a shepherd that can only retrieve 2 legs or an ear from the mouth of a lion who has been destroying most of the meat from the shepherd's animal. The Amos prophecy warns against the 'great houses' accumulated by such filthy beasts as Vladimir Zelensky and his ferocious fiends who target children in school buses with drones endorsed by Obama, Biden and now Trump.  A 'great house' is a house lavish and excessive in size or property developed  and over-built far beyond what a man of good intentions and self-control would ever desire or  invest in.   James Garfield's house and Rutherford B. Hayes house were not a 'great house' by definition in my opinion though both are still beautiful as H6286,  rather ornate and  both displayed the skills of local craftsman that are unmatched by robotic machinery.

When did United States presidents and politicians begin to desire 'great houses' while they had no qualms about sending youthful men and women in men's clothes to their deaths so that the owners of 'great houses' could attain more  putrid wealth gains  in their ferocious and illicit personal portfolios?


 H6286:   פָּאַר   ; with D-day reminder  of 6 & 6 on the perimeter and squad 28 in the middle, this  6286 should be as a memorable term of golfing endearment and success seen as PAR.    Notice how the A in the middle shifts from a 'boxing bag' below it to a bowling lane below it, however the P retains it's punching bag abilities as well as it's interior puck. tucked inside the pey.  Refer to Psalm 149:4, YShIYH  44:23, 49:3, 55:5 ,60:7 , 60:21 and 61:3 for more descriptive use of Strongs H6286.   'To beautify' or 'to make incredible' is what a land owner is supposed to want to do with their own land and at their own expense with assets they have earned and not stolen.  Ploy Boy Trump has bankrupted several companies and is in casino business; he is the current form of a covenant curse that is not being restrained by his own kind of gamblers and despisers of honest, small homestead keepers that truly only want to own a safe and modest primary residence that they can keep up to PAR, maintenance wise and won't get taxed out of by ploy boys shoving up their own salaries in political bodies of wretchedness.

Aleph  and Yoseph are both 'pey back' words.  

Don't rush too much; pey front day it  1618 days  ahead and 1.618 is tied to  a 'golden ratio'.  July 13, 2029 shall be a day to prepare for, not remember before it has arrived. Sheldon Souray might be starting his 54th year of life on July 13,  2029, yet will he have learned to dispose of his extremely sordid ways he had displayed unto others while he was youthful?  I'll still be in my 60's and hopefully tending to a  sturdy, practical and beautiful house with a productive vegetable patch as my parents have mentored me to do. I never did desire  an impractical, overbuilt 'great house' that $11,000,000.00 per month from the USA has  illegally and unforgivably shifted over Ukraine's dictator labeled as 'Zelensky' , a putrid and malicious penis piano thug and gangster worse than Al Capone.

I can remember Michael Golden, and he wore #99 as  a S.H.A.W.  hockey player tucked in among very polite juveniles such as Robby Noonan, Patrick Cobb, Steve McGaver, Robby McGaver, Timmy Keepers, Jarob Ortiz, Richie Ortiz, Paul Baker, Andy Forss, Bobby Hartung,  Joey DeLeon, Nathan Ortiz, Andy Genaw, Quentin Doll, Justin Bagley,  Justin Schultz  and several other young Milwaukee County hockey sliders.

Timothy Zahn just came to mind; I guess public school bus stops are not a laughing matter.

I intend to learn quite a bit during the months of מ , נ ,  ס and ע words, yet I do not know if I shall die peacefully  tonight or wake once again battling against wickedness to exist tomorrow.

כּוּן  yourself and your household as best as you can without harming honest, humble people to draw peace to the area that you refer to as 'home' . If you are developing more false narratives and keep financing wicked liars in your chosen processes that lead  to more wars that make the disgustingly rich richer and make the numbers of widows and orphans increase, expect to be deceived and ruined in some way that is extremely painful.  Adults who have been faithful  for 10 years or 3,559 days  toward the expectations of יהוה should be able to understand this last paragraph.

Now it  seems to be  לָיְלָה   as in Micah 3:6, BRShYTt 1:5  and Psalm 136:9.  🌔

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