Saturday, February 22, 2025

Instructor of etiquette named MIM, the stream

Some people do human mime activities to entertainment; in this case mime describes silent gestures that indicate a phrase or emotion or location.  Turtles don't need a mime, they need a  MYM . Removing females from Navy and Coast Guard leadership roles is very wise from historic military protocol perspective;  for instance, Gideon was not a female and he was not forced to work with anyone who was afraid to go into battle.  It is a curse to have a woman in the highest position of any military unit, and it is a  a  cultural shame and improper national etiquette to have women taken to fill roles in a military that willing men should have been assigned to.  However, any executive order to vaccinate all poultry is the sign of an idiot leader willing to eat products from McDonald's;  as such he  has no honorable intentions regarding how a private citizen decides to farm or raise crops.  A mandate is not a law, so you can ignore an irrational executive order which is nothing more than a doctrinal mandate even though others may lie to you and SAY, like an incompetent goalie, that you have to do as the idiot says.

MYM or Mim as מים  means a stream or a brook; streams typically have an underground source and will still have water flowing even when other river beds have gone dry due to humans imposing their unnatural canals into areas that are artificially productive.  Artificial productions compete with natural output and it is getting more difficult to be near natural output zones where humans have decided humbly NOT to increase  the artificial but rather increase natural farming and landscaping methods that can host species like butterflies, bees and birds safely.

What's artificial? I suspect 29 year old doctor Robert Levine marrying 47 year old Mary Tyler Moore seems artificial but if the gender was reversed fewer would be questioning that combo. Moore married Levine, a man as young as her son, so that might have been her  version replacement theology. Her artificial lifestyles on television became her curse and her lifestyle was extremely unhealthy; why didn't her husband/doctor choose a healthier wife? Because many doctors are attracted to weakness that leads to $ signs. Roger Moore and Mary Tyler Moore seemed to have done more damage to society trends and proper family etiquette than a sufficient coat of Benjamin Moore 'Majestic Sage'.

I  and several other classmates in Milwaukee worked after school hours on some history books with a lady named Miss Mim, and she pronounced her name 'Meem' , comparable to MYM.  Those history books, if viewed more often, might cause some memory fog to depart. For instance, Jeff Jackson of Notre Dame hockey clearly wouldn't be Jeff Zillner playing water polo.  Those history books, referred to a yearbooks, contained facts and figures and evidence of humanity rather than artificially generated mimes and electronic figures so fake that there is not a sign of truthfulness within them.

I have a son who doesn't want his high school yearbooks and in fact, I believe his memory is failing.  If your memory is failing, how would you remember important teachers and truthful teachings in your past? If your memory is failing, you'll retain the simple and discard the complicated, but it is complicated that hones the mind and does not let it get so dull that it can no longer discern between truth and lies, between good and evil or between fiction and non-fiction.  Who would want anyone's memory to fail? People who want to control you want your memory to fail and they replace your natural history with their agenda.

Students that work on a yearbook staff are more important than the Josten company that may have developed your class ring.  The yearbook staffs compiled history books, not comic books that make jokes about Jorel and Dana trading places in a thorazine scene.  A teen who is able to remain in one high school for four years typically had some sort of stability in their pivotal years,  since even if they had parents that failed in many other ways it was their primary parent that remained stable enough to maintain living quarters in that high school district.  

Does Matthew 15:1-8 confirm Proverbs 20:20's vision?  If so, a lamp going out into obscure darkness equals a form of dementia or maybe removal into a location that they no longer are part of their parent's or grandparent's birthday celebrations.  I actually don't believe everything that Solomon penned is accurate, but Proverbs 20:20 seems more probable than improbable.  I suppose Proverbs 20:20 refers to outer darkness as obscure darkness. 

Thank you , Miss Mim. You, with a very cheerful disposition,  spent time  after school hours with students  who were thankful for their educators and high school staff and who wanted their high school classmates to have a history book to refer to.  You allowed Steve Martin into our books for a bit of historic comedy, not Mary Tyler Moore.  Indeed, Miss Mim was as a clean stream of  water in a world that had many despots disposing of  family etiquette and  truthfulness.   Unlike the artificial rivers depicted by garth Brooks or Billy Joel, Miss Mim is truly a teacher named STREAM.

George Washington had knowledge of waterways and so did my grandmother who farmed on a naturally streamed property.  Both have a birthday today, though  Washington is much older than my grandmother.

אלעליון   has jurisdiction over, understands and oversees natural waterways, not over the artificial pools that water polo boys jump around in or the baptism ceremonies contrived by Catholicism and shoved into Protestant churches that take people away from אלעליון the magnificent naturalist. and into various versions of "Jesus Christ'  business offices.

When earthquakes are occurring in  deep sea beds that are divers places, it might be the exact plan to redirect or regenerate underground water tables which aren't filled up with lead nor PVC pipes. If you are afraid to pray to יהוה because of Jacob's history, I suggest you defer from Hashem and opt for  AL ILYON.  . 

              Above photo does not depict  retired Milwaukee police officer  Ceske nor Jiri Novotny.

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