Friday, February 21, 2025

Gideon and Asaph's wringer in the middle

                                          13th year

Psalm 75:8                         מָצָה                             Judges 6:38 

                                       Isaiah 51:17

To draw out is to wring out; eventually there is no more moisture that can be extracted  or anger that can be outpoured by physical hands on pressure  of a human.  Eventually a water pitcher or vessel of liquids appears to be empty but is not instantly dry.

 Wind and air can complete a  moisture draw.  When the last time you cried real tears?

Two silent witnesses: February 22, 2022

 There is not  an exit wound when  a ring of flint becomes a symbol of anti-artificial intelligence. Water came out of a rock,  unique rings were needed to carry the ark of the covenant . Thus, a silver ring with a flint stone certainly seems to be more appropriate than tossing a crucifix on your neck that Barabas didn't use.   As far as the testimony of the 'thief on the cross' goes,  where was his demonstration of righteous works before he died?  He makes a statement,and he dies being a thief who deserved a death sentence. Thus , the thief's  declaration from Luke 23:41-43 does  equate to the justice system  able to condemn or justify declared by יחזקאל   chapter 18 .  

Hear what the thief testified to.  He actually testified about  יחזקאל  (Yzequiel)  chapter 18! The thief did not say that his evil deeds should have expunged or gone without punishment.  

As far as the idea of 'paradise',  when the body feels no more pain, no more warring and death wins,  some might describe that as paradise. This term 'paradise' is as problematic as translating כות to 'Iron' rather than to "KOTt' or KUT in Joshua 19:38. The amount of inconsistencies in English Bible translations is astounding and should compel a competent person avoiding deception to become an  investigator with למוד skills.

Seven, eight...lay EM straight on February 22, 2022.  What if H2885 is as a 'rear guard' with Exodus chapter 36 being pivotal regarding the term 'coupled as one'?

Year 7, day 2496: חַלָּמִישׁ as in Deteronomy 8:15, YShIYH 50:7 and Psalm 114/flint

Year 8, day 2885: טַבַּצַת as in Exodus 25:12, 35:22 and 36:29 as well as בראשית  chapter 41:42 describing a ring.  ZKRYH chapter 1:7 -2:6 is you prefer history to comics such as "Reality Check' by Dave Whammed  that tossed the Flintstone characters into  today's edition.

                                             🦭          Л   T   ת           🦡   

                                     L   ט  Tt

  41:8 of יקזקאל has a one time word used to define a foundation; it took 12 years to reach H4328. The topic is 'side chambers' dimensions which enlarged a 'house'.  


Thursday, February 20, 2025

ESPN lying legion: '4 Nations' disgraceful groupies

Disney and ESPN are scripted groups that like to align with LGBTQ,  prescription drug sellers and gambling syndicates. Their highly paid commentator wrongly stated that this was a chance to prove which nation had the best team, but without Russia being invited, what they claim they are going to prove will not be proven at all.

All the 4 Nations tournament 'proves' is that ESPN and Disney aren't capable of being truthful.  In my opinion, whichever team has the least penalty minutes for the tournament is the most impressive team of the 4  countries invited to the NHL invitational.

Study H2988 if you are able to; יָבָל  refers to a stream of water and seems to be similar to the name EBLE tossed onto a Wisconsin hockey rink. I don't think Isaiah 42:1 was referring to 'Jesus' because  Isaiah 42:2 says the anointed servant of יהוה   will not cry out.  When a man claims that a prophesy has been fulfilled by reading from a book of Isaiah in a temple already defiled by the Talmud ring of businessmen,  why isn't it possible that some 'abomination of desolation' prophecy was fulfilled then?  Actually, it is possible since Isaiah 42:2 excludes the man labeled as 'Jesus Christ' who cried out in agony claiming to be forsaken, who had rode in peacefully to many zones  and who's image has been sold by metalworkers and statue makers worldwide. Incidentally, it was the prophet יחזקאל  who was told not to cry out when his wife died suddenly and he did not cry out.  

When you slowly back up with a vehicle and hit an object, rarely is there anything more than property damage. When you keep going forward at a high speed  and collide with an object or oncoming vehicle, more damage is likely to occur than in the back-up accident.

Part of bringing justice to nations  and individuals therein includes destroying those who deserve to be destroyed because of their wickedness.  

Not seeing any Russians in the NHL's invitational tournament  in 2025 is like not seeing any blacks at the front of a Milwaukee city school bus in 1988;  the NHL as a whole isn't gracious enough nor courageous  enough to oppose Joseph Biden, the United Kingdom's military leader and Kaja Kallas's international racism.

The permanent  family surname  on the back of a players jersey is much more important than the name on their temporary  team name on the front of their jersey.

 A nation with 61 active player/ employees in the NHL, namely Russia, wasn't even invited to the NHL invitational in 2025, but it's only like being excluded from a birthday party where the pig  sausages get tossed from the western Christianity pizza into the mouths of their anti-ישעיה religious group. Finland only has 51 player employees in the NHL now.

The book of Daniel does mention that   ירמיהו is an actual prophet who was not involved in lying signs and deceptive wonders.  Earthquakes in divers players does mean earthquakes in sea basins, since G2596  followed by G5117 does mean deep sea places similar to the swines dive team mentioned in Matthew 5:32, not diverse shallow places.

If you have been careful, you never jumped into media platform labeled X since  Elon Musk, a by-poduct of Bill&Melinda Gates computer idolatry,  is not an advocate of 'saving flesh'.

Brian Bouncher  lied when he said the 4 Nations tournament was important, but surely said tournament revealed the pro-gambling shame of Wayne Gretzky again alongside the disgraceful  anti-Russian racism the NHL is adhering to to appease Disney's LBGTQ gangs and Jill Biden's bigots.

Did you know that President George Washington freed his family's servants when he died?   Thomas Jefferson was not as gracious or thoughtful  toward his slaves when he died and caused more families to be divided like an arrogant divorce attorney who is only interested in his financial gains does now. This about these history facts, knowing that George Washington attended a church without statues and with the name יהוה lifted up in front of the congregation.  

February 22 is an important date for me to remember, but so is the 24th day during the 11th month that the prophet זכריה thought was important enough to leave a written record of, and that day will occur on February 22, 2025 according to my understanding of lunar calendar recognition.

You could've watched  St. Lucian chef Richardson Skinner vs.  Mrs. Stuart Skinner's excessive belly exposures instead of focusing on my opinions in serious matters that involve discernment and discretion.

'Project Esther' isn't my method of operation.  "Operation VAsHTi' seems like a safer plan to depart and shift to reduced exposure to unrighteousness demands from absurd political gaming administrations..

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Glass houses: deception and Deuteronomy 17:18-20

Which glass is least likely to deceive a person as much as Billy Joel songs have deceived people?  

1. Ned Glass in 'West Side Story" and 'Hogan's Heroes'

2. Ron Glass in 'Barney Miller'

3. Becker glass in hockey rinks

4.  Corning glass made into a paper weight

5. Cody Glass, a Penguin who is not from Wyoming

6. windows of agate as mentioned in YShIYH 54:11-13

7. basketball backboard glass

8. all of the above

Hint: 2 is  probably not the correct  answer, but 8 could be correct if Ron Glass is less deceptive that Billy Joel

YcCZQAL  chapter 17 mentions a riddle being supplied; UW-Superior  hockey chose a Riddle who isn't named Nelson.

This might be a wonderful year to learn how to make your own bone broth as YCZQAL did according to chapter 24.

Zechariah's mention of the 11th month, 24th day should be recalled on the evening of February 22, 2025. I guess such a date is more important than offering wedding anniversary kindness to a couple who  disregards official messages from a person who is not offended by the gospel of the prophet יחזקאל which clearly indicates that works do matter and forgiveness can be achieved without drowning in the blood from a tortured man who never met the qualification of Leviticus 22:22.

Deceptions believed become deceptions preached.   False prophets were sent out to test the listeners knowledge of the original Scriptures that were supposed to be copied in full by every king of ישראל.  Deuteronomy 17:18-20 is not a vague rule.  Where is the copy of the Torah scrolls that were written by Jesus of Nazareth?  I suspect there isn't such a text and there is indication that Jesus of Nazareth wrote in sand; wouldn't reporting his writing of a copy of the Torah be very important detail is he was to be viewed as a 'king'?

For those who have been sickened and deceived by those employed in the business of religion, do not forget that 'pastor' means cooked pork in the Spanish language, not clean animal bone broth.

English H translates to an X in both Spanish and Russian.  

I suppose asking anyone who claims to be king of  ישראל  to show you a copy of the Torah which they wrote and have with them would eliminate a multitude of imposters.  Now you know how YOU can prevent being deceived by a false 'king' who might claim to be 'King of kings and LORD of Lords.'  Surely the required hand-written copy of the Torah a genuine king of ישראל would have would not be shoved into a tiny box and be hung from a hat.

You may now head to tank #93 advertising Prell shampoo in 'The Twilight Zone' and head to Custer, Wisconsin or Custer, South Dakota to search for the Marie X. AcUTe pane or Ricardo Greppi's Italian dressing at the 18th hole.   ⛳

Monday, February 17, 2025

Rebuilding point tune up, ZKRYH's south side story

This is composition # 2,169, not a telephone post ; remember the lifestyle of a זֶמֶר .  🐐

ע can't look ahead through  Lincoln,  Nebraska's goalie Lentz #30.

Who told a NAPHL goalie named 'ENGLISH' to put  number  44,  the UK's telephone code,  on his back?

I don't think Andrew Bush, a terrific shoe merchant,  told English to put a bowling shoe size on his back.


There's a place for us

Somewhere a place for us

Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us somewhere 


There's a time for us

Some day a time for us

Time together with time to spare 🎳

Time to learn, time to care  


Some day, somewhere......



I'll try a new way of living ; I'll read  יחזקאל chapters 18-24 many times and study  ZKRYH  chapter 9 as well as 1st Samuel chapter 14.

Who'll find a way of forgiving if he  or she doesn't actually believe זְכַרְיָה ?


Many young athletes in NAPHL's Dixon Cup  hockey tournament from different teams openly prayed  together in Michigan's icy cold neutral zone.  There wasn't a paid, professional pastor asking for donations nor fictitious Disney character's interrupting their strength training; their  youth ministry is  very costly. 

I wonder why NAPHL's Madison Capitals #28 had no name on his back, but #2 had SCHULTZ.

I wonder why so many members of the Car Shield NAPHL team prayed together even if Car Shield has sordid rappers in their commercials and they don't pay to repair Bryan Rust; then I noticed a speedy MICH as in MICHELIN and I thought about my valuable 4 DEFENDERS and was thankful my recent years included good, better and best decisions with יהוה as my guide .

MiKMaS Is mentioned in YShIYH 10:28; it has no ש  .  



Saturday, February 15, 2025

WIAC hockey prayer showtime: zero or 6 to 4?

Below is a list of public university home ice public prayer participants in February of 2025.  This is viewed as 'showtime' by some and humility with religious fervor by others.  No coaches took a knee  to pray openly with their students, but not praying openly doesn't mean 'won't pray at all'.  I've seen men like Daunte Culpepper and Michael Bennett of the Minnesota Vikings do the FCA type of prayer time with players from the opposing team. Michael Bennett eventually was punished for committing some type of loan fraud and I have no idea how he did after that punishment.  Whitney Houston's supposedly called on 'Jesus' but 'Jesus' didn't seem to punish  nor correct her nor her father which should trouble those who trust only in 'Jesus'. 

 3, 17 & 23 were common to both teams in the prayer showtime group but that's only a probability and statistics observation.  Eventually I will fill in the roster names.


   UWSuperior mens hockey          coaches                     UWStevens Point  mens hockey

   2025  Yellowjackets                         0                                     2025 Pointers

                 3                                                                                        3 Junker

                13                                                                                      17

                16                                                                                      23  Hart

                17                                                                                      72. Proctor



+  on February 15, 2025:  





I happen to think the above list is interesting, but if they are unwilling to occasionally speak with their parents or grandparents or communicate to them by letter with respect while they are alive, the public prayer really is nothing more than showtime.    

3 more hockey athletes joined in to showtime  bringing the Yellojackets up to 9 participants without exceptional drummer Will Kennedy; Bryson Gray singing 'Pray for my Enemies'  nor James Block singing Psalm 91 were not heard at Superior, Wisconsin's center ice .                                                                         


Thursday, February 13, 2025

RaRe Russian semi-conductor XOPH roll call

When  RARE EARTH  minerals are being discussed, it's actually a Detroit-generated code from Motown records' only successful 'white  male ' band.  It takes a lot of mineral deposits to make a quality drum set with cymbals.   Gilbert Bridges might be able to translate a bit more for you than I am able to.   When RARE  EARTH division is discussed, the semi-conductor of a musical band matters since it is a semi- conductor that trucks the bands equipment around.   If 70% of  RARE EARTH assets are on Russia's white side or current geography, slither your mind toward Detroit's RARE EARTH band members and do some research to understand the language masking the actual topic of white males and musician survival skills coupled with a precious ability to  'Get Ready'  'Under God's Light'. 💡

The locusts work in bands and have no king.   

           I just want to celebrate another day of living....   🧀

As I'd say in  Pskov,  Columbus , Angarsk or Milwaukee

" The H becomes X, the R becomes P, the N becomes H, and the V becomes B."

  The Z becomes З.   For instance,   HORN becomes XOPH if it doesn't become HoRn.

Try not to feel too stupid if you think  the recent 'rare earth' hype is actually literally about scattered mineral deposits in Europe typically obtained by strip mining which won't be permitted. 

 I used to think  musician/singer Rick Astley was a tall black male until I saw one of his videos.

Miss Coffey, hit records? Ukraine hasn't had a legitimate election since illegal Obama and criminal Clinton propped Zelensky's sordid penis into their key piano section.  In contrast to the dictator of Ukraine,  the recent legitimate presidential election in Russia was actually  86 % for President Vladimir Putin, not 63% for a Bratt and 63% for a Marchand and 63% for Paul  F. Stanton.  Got LNG?

                                                                  🍲         🎹       🚰

                                                                   🔥    Хорошо    🦆

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Chaff day leads crash KORSh H3566

H3566 does not look like Cyrus to me, it looks like KURSh or KORSh; there is not Y in H3566, which described the king of Persia who destroyed Babylon.

Since the term chaff  was brought up recently , it now cam up in 13th year word sequence and it looks like it is the basis for one of the most hyped, overprocessed and useless products laced as 'matzo' sold to a lot of disobedient, apathetic people possibly like Mary Tyler Moore's 3rd husband, Robert Levine. Putting on a show as deplorable as LeCrae and 'The 700 Club' does  to make others believe a  very profitable lie is what most  organized religions do, including Catholicism and Judaism.  

Believing the contents of a book does not mean you have to believe the librarian. Believing th contents of the Bible should steer you away from the religious business offices labeled 'church' or a 'synagogue' and a 'mosque' in my opinion, but many people are afraid to depart from their business buddies.

No obedient person is too lazy to follow the instructions to make hot unleavened flat breads and say no to overpriced, unourishing matzo. 

Oh, here's what the  H4671  chaff  looks like that got mentioned in YShIYH 17:13, 29:5 41:15, Psalm 1:4 and Hosea 13:3:


Call 4146713Jagr is you have any old Milwaukee party lines,  ESPN codes ' with the mother 78' or 'Rock of Ages' numberology questions .  Certainly your favorite AI program will assist you at your demands.

Rhinelander 4287 is no longer in service ; Dick Van Dyke isn't  Joe or Jackson Nieuwendyk. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Heroes of Babylon vs. Chelsea Clinton as a 'whore' of Babylon

Jaroslav Spacek is not 'artificial intelligence'; as people age, most are able to decide if they want to strengthen themselves with due diligence, maintain a level of adequacy to merely survive in reasonable condition(s) or let their mind, body and household dilapidate into a state of ruin.  Jaroslav Spacek looks like he could be a distant cousin of mine, yet I only am aware of him because of his hockey appearances. To my knowledge, he has never claimed to be Chris Nelson, the UW- Badger from Philadelphia nor anyone other than Jaroslav Spacek of Rokycany; likewise,  a chunk of barite is not nearly the same as a clump of realgar. 

Compare YShIYH 44:6 to Revelation 1:8; if it is not the identical being using those words, only the second version can be the imposter of the first version.  In case of doubt, which being you eliminate from connection to that claim matters immensely. As I view a King James Version that does not put the 'Lord' of Revelation 1:8 in all capital letters as note codes suggest, the Lord is an imposter of LORD. Other versions decided to assume the adjustment to connect Revelation 1:8 to YShIYH 44:6 and that should be a wrong assumption.  

It is an accusatory sin to label every person in a 'Babylon' situation as a whore.  If I call someone the whore of Wittenberg, that means not every person in Wittenberg is a whore.   The characteristics of a whore are typically to incite destabilization of a household and to do whatever  he or she wants to with anyone who desires self-gratification, so the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States would meet the definition of a 'whore' as would any governing body who runs up the household debts to unreasonable levels solely because they selfishly do not want to diminish their  maniacal, lavish living conditions while those not in their governing body have made sane adjustments to their spending and kept their debt to a level that they are able to repay in full as any HERO would desire to do.   

If in fact Chelsea Clinton did toss around a 3 million dollar wedding before she trampled her way into a 10 million dollar mansion with money that was supposed to go to the impoverished of Haiti, then her desire to de-stabilize Haiti and gratify herself makes her party to her whorish parents.  I did not come up with these numbers, but there hasn't  ever been an honest, trustworthy respectable adult member of the Hilary Rodman-Clinton household. Unescapable facts are needed to establish a premise but not a theory.

Is Revelation 1:8 replacement theology that contradicts YShiYH 44:6?  I'd say Revelation 1:8 does contradict  YShIYH 44:6 if you insist that Jesus Christ is  the same being as  יהוה  .  Revelaltion 1:5 is  such a mess that it is nonsensical to refer to anyone as 'the prince of the kings of the earth' and then worship that so-called prince who can't fit the definition of a 'king of kings' but might slip into a Lord of lords' wide term of 'theos'.  Millions if not billions have handed their power over to that 'prince' as the KJV describes him.   

It's time to press your own 'pause' button. The 'whore' of Babylon, if that unit exists in bodily forms such as Chelsea Clinton has dishonorably and overtly chosen to be,  is ruining those who do not resist such a destabilizing unit.  Nations are falling because they let groups like the CIA into their nations rather than arresting them as international whores who will never be heroes. 

As far having access to social security numbers goes, having access to those numbers is not a crime or every accountant  and loan officer and banking employee would be as 'guilty' as some say Elon Musk is. It is only if a falsely claims to be the being solely associated with a social security number that it becomes a fraudulent crime. I suspect Elon Musk has his own social security number and isn't going to misuse other people's social security numbers while investigating financial crimes that have been ongoing for far too long in the United States of America.

I am opposed to  Elon Musk's excessive spending,  bizarre inventions and rather immoral works, but he seems more qualified to investigate the electronic systems that have been hiding financial crimes than most of the world's less affluent  members of the population because he doesn't have any reason to steal money from anyone else's accounts.

Lemon thyme is short, but not a piece of cake.  Who's going to start referring to  Joe NiEuWeNdYK  as merely Wendy or Wendy K or   Wendy Kreuger instead of 'Bavarian Pretzel 1126' ? Maybe Wayne Presley will, but it's seriously time that people in the hockey world start referring to each others by their actual legal names if they don't want to fall into their own abyss of deceptions with no goalie nor defenseman willing to pull them out of some dangerous realgar net.

Is a 2-eleven in progress always worse than a four-15 in progress on 'Adam 12'?  You be the legal citizen.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Jerry Paris's Cheesiest Packer puzzle place pieces

Now that 'Riviera' in Marine City, Michigan has become neutralized with new ownership, that location is more like Benjamin Moore's 'Mistletoe' than a place that should be boycotted because of  waitress Theresa's pro-cigarette policies.  I'm glad I returned to that business which deserves a first chance to serve me a meal someday.  If you want to see  how stupid and sordid  beauty pageants actually are with or without  'Miss Finland',  you'd have to watch reruns of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'.  The stupidity of  sordid heathen beauty pageants was occurring during the questionable 'Book of Esther' time frame in which there actually was not a justifiable outcome for either side of Mordecai's politicized body; such a fact is why this puzzle has more of a Calvin Dent' USPS flair included rather than sordid, unladylike, whotrish gymnastic outfits attached to it.

This is version of 'play school' designed to question the numerology of  television stereotypes.  Since the prejudiced '4 Nations' hockey tournament didn't invite Russia because they are entrenched in unjust EU policies and  putrid Pentagon  politics, have a look at  an expansion of 'Jerry Paris' set-ups with Russia included.

Sally Rogers did not appear to sit in seat 197 as expected by Bert Monker during a pre-planned Jerry Paris scene on a show with many Jewish 'stereotypes' such as Morey Amsterdam ; Mary Tyler Moore's multiple marriage figure replaced Sally Rogers in seat 197 and Moore eventually married a Jewish doctor , Robert Levine. 

 Don't be deceived; movie studios and television studios, like sports teams, use numerical codes to slither their money laundering and employees into proxy places they have predestined for them.

                                              'dial 47'



                                Niklas Backstrom 196 W's

                                         Tucker 78  Kraft


                   Bert Monker           seat 196           Sid Melton

                      1. Meeker        2.   Tinker           3.  Levine                         

               Mary Tyler Moore      seat    197           Laura Petrie

                                      Miles    Bokeem    Melton


                                               Bo 229 Melton

              1. Margie Willett      Jerry Van Dyke      2. Arlene  Silver

                                    Richard Wayne Van Dyke

                            20         Russell      Werner       91

                                     Mout Clemens, Michigan

                                      Marine City, Michigan

                 "Coffey"   🏀     250 Parker Street     🏈  "McQueen"

                           experience      "  'PePe's "          location

                                onions            sauce          mushrooms

             🎴        5       points      NCAA       score    Galena   🪨

                  Ray     74     Wisconsin  🍕   Iowa      63     Marie


                                    🪙       George Stec      🦷                                                          

                                        New Haven, Michigan 

                                        Munn   (+95)    Yost

                            Pachniak   < Kenneth >     Hess

               Egg Harbor, WI        seat 198        Egg Harbor City

                                      Viktor Koslov   198 G's




                                                    'dial 7'

Q1: Where did  the 'Miles' of Bokeem Melton  go after being admitted to Rutgers University ?   

Q2: Did  Mary Tyler Moore commit adultery hundreds of times with Richard W. Van Dyke every time they kissed romantically or was she merely like a paid escort service with no marital boundaries  that profited from kissing other married men to increase her  household income?

Q3: Will  I, who is never going to become nasty Post Malone,  observe Mr.  Bosco #32 or Gideon Beers #10  before  Philadelphia's Chris Nelson & Milwaukee's Alex Galchenyuk have a birthday meal in 2025 ?           🍯                            48043                              48307                              48046                                   🧀

Q4:  Is Stoney Creeks basketball player 'Lance Fogelberg #10' a legal substitution for Gideon Beers #10 according to Rochester Hills, Michigan's historically biased and untrustworthy police department financially  connected to the  Rochester Rattlers  ice hockey venue?  This is an "England Dan' vs. 'Dan Fogelberg' type of composition question, not 'Ortiz vs. Arreola'  violent boxing question.

Consistency is an option, but not always preferable for defensive ends or offensive line purposes.  

Actors and actresses are most likely to deny they have an obviously sinful lifestyle .  As I recall, the widowed woman Rose Marie Mazetta, who portrayed  Sally Rogers, took her marriage vows to Bobby Guy more seriously than others on television shows and in movies do.

If you chose wisely as a mourning dove, you did not watch sordid Super Bowl LIX.

Got tomato seeds?   Don't confuse a regular place with an irregular palace.

Mustard seeds might be deemed too 'Jewish' for your faith with  works. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Who should Dmitry Kuleba trade chess spaces with other than 40 or 22?

 Dmitry Kuleba should trade spaces with Gary Burghoff.  Gary Burghodd like to pretend he was part of a military unit and Dmitry Kuleba must  have agreed with everything that Vladimir Zelensky has ordered.

 Dmitry Kuleba wants Ukraine to be like  more like Thailand where you get jailed for opposing tyranny or openly   disagreeing with diabolical government 'leaders' between a fishing line and a deadly hook. 

Who's operating your Green Bay Packer radar today?   

Here are two underlying results of sordid Super Bowl LIX that disgusting 'Post Malone' profited from:

                                 Detroit Redwings


                                  Henrik Zetterberg

                         Cuba City, Wisconsin  1969

Ronald Reagan   🏈            40           🥅      Chris Chelios




    Wausau Wisconsin         2009           Texas Roadhouse



                                        Kansas City

 Grover Cleveland    ⚾       22       🏈     Andre Rison

                     Wittenberg, Wisconsin Class of 1987

                                       Dan Boyle 


                                   San Jose, Sharks

Can you smell your  Stoney Creek  or Mt. Clemens basketball draft picks yet? 

Wayne State's Matt  Coffey #44  and Stney Creek's Gideon 'Gage' Beers #10  are not  the  🔵 / 🎱  combo.   

'For richer or for poorer' sounds like having to choose between New Haven, Michigan and Romeo, Michigan.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Key phrase : 13th year context contrast

What is a key master's duty?  Strongs G4668 , whether of myth or  of message, is only used in Revelation 2:8 to describe 'Smyrna'.  With a ten day variance for Smyrna  on a trial basis  and it has been 4,679 days since  VErY pivotal division that occurred on April 20, 2012.   Have a look at another pivotal division between the usage of the word 'key' by comparing historic events that also were recording to be reviewed. 

Read Judges chapter 3 and YShIYH chapter 22; KJV's  'they'  as ashamed servants is not אֶלְיָקִם .


'they took a key to found their lord dead'       "and the key of the house of דוד I will lay upon his shoulder"

         Judges 3:25                               מַפְתַּה                                            YShIYH 22:22

 What  non-accidental color are the  5th and 13th billiard balls? 

3, 72, 17 and 23 are UWSP  hockey's 'power of prayer' Pointers of 2024-2025 season. the prayer corner they chose was north west, where Naphtaly and Levy  would be stationed according to to YCZQAL's rebuilding code. Captain Evan  Junker, as # 3, surely did not seem to disregard the serious notes I passed to him regarding  'placement' testing  and the sealing systems of  tribe of גד  representatives during autumn of 2024's  Feast of Booths.  

Battles and conflicts surely are not  yet ceasing, but certainly some terrific, intelligent men with leadership roles such as Evan Junker and  goalie Elijah Jones are trying very hard not to add torture or isolation to those that they meet still trying to repair  injuries inflicted on them by intentional cruelty.

Adios! Ideally, some genuine deity needs to create conditions  where putrid people such as Paula White, Jill Biden,  Klaus Schwab, Lindsey Graham, Vladimir Zelensky,   'Netanyahu' who really isn't a  YShRAlY,  all their lying-lipped political companions and seedy, obnoxious international multi-billionaire co-conspirators eventually own no protection, are surrounded by plenty of bug infestations, , attract non-contagious painful illness unto themselves and are terrified of what they have enticed unto themselves ... THEN label them as happy. as  king Zedekyah. 

Have an appropriate plan approved by אלעליון to counter the continual attacks on your body, mind and spirit and only then will you will have appropriate days that turn into weeks, months and years. It's surely time for  the existence and purpose of  יהוה to be proven !

Milwaukee's Best Trojan Assist Award Night

Before Alex Galchenyuk and Chris Nelson's birthdays roll over again, my choice for Milwaukee's  Best Trojan Assist Award has to go to Laura Wagler, who forwarded the best pass to me so that I could achieve a valuable goal.

Laura Wagler and I are still hoping our pension fund remains sufficient for all the actual retirees from the City of Milwaukee workforce.  Those international criminals who have distributed money from United States federal funds, whether budgeted or stolen, to Ukrainian pension funds and Zelensky's Nazi regime are treasonous regardless of their party affiliation or lack of federal charges being filed accordingly.  It is like I told a WTMJ radio host; at least when you hire a convicted criminal you know he was not such a liar , so conniving or so overprotected by accomplices that charges were never even brought up against him or her.  The WTMJ radio host was questioning whether  applicants with criminal records should be eligible to become police officers in Milwaukee, and I said yes, they should be able to after they have completed their sentence of penalty. Being pardoned by a political criminal  for a crime that you knowingly committed is NOT completing a sentence of penalty. 

Calling for an 'assist' as a police officer was not a basketball game of sporting chance nor time for a puck to be the desire of your heart.  YShiYH 44:4 describes non-electronic streaming  as does Strongs H2988, which could be coded as a 298🎱  or restated to  as NHL's Vernon Lindros rather than NFL's Schobert Mayfield 536 .   The spirit of Edwin Layton did not get eradicated but might have been transferred from  Milwaukee countyY to Highway 241.  A  south' side in the form of Strongs H3225 is public knowledge, not a hidden secret; review which tribe's gates are set on the south side in the description of יחזקאל  rebuilding codes. 

Do not forget who taught you fundamentals of survival  long after you were served with divorce papers by a wealthy liar or while you are suffering through an unloving marriage while trying to keep your  wedding day vows or unbroken engagement promises. 

I did pass political science in  a  public university loaded with humans disguised as badgers without cheating on exams of funneling money out of funds that I did not honestly deserve access to.

I've considered what is very wrong with the concept of  Christianity's 'one prayer, immediately graduated to heaven' absurdity.  When a chid enters a school system, there should always be  requirements to proceed along to intellectual competency and eventually produce proof that they believed  or at least comprehended their teacher's  curriculum.  Saying some 'sinner's prayer' and expecting to get some a  high school diploma in advance of proving you were not only willing to learn but learned sufficient content to pass examinations for at least 12 years in the typical USA school district.

If you entered a school , whether secular or religious, that started teaching you false information and required you profess to believe their lies, ideally your parent(s ) or temporary guardian  would try to transfer you to a different school that offered a  truthful, challenging and serious curriculum that still was open to constructive criticism rather than  only allowing destructive, false compliments.

On 'Globebusters', a person noted that if the earth  'hangs on nothing'  as some Bible translators have indicated, it is not suspended by a string nor twirls on a 23 degree axis and in fact can be resting on an immovable foundation that neither hangs, nor is suspended in air nor twirls about like a George Benson long-playing record.

Thanks, Laura Wagler!  I never stopped believing the importance of challenging physical education and reasonable level of bodily fitness  but  I certainly did add spiritual education,  cooking, Hebrew, French and now Russian to my somewhat  difficult  (   ♦  )  curriculum.  

                                 🥾🥾.       🚴  🏋      🏹.    🎳.  🏒.   🏌    🎿.  🎾.   


ReVEALing matters of a Point spread, Japan's ivory #3 and 48048 basketball

In varsity basketball's theory of  Journey Parker and Wilcox lanes, St. Clair (48079) high school scored up to 54 and  defenseman Sean Hill*; New Haven (48048) high school scored up to 46 and goalie Niklas Backstrom*.  Neither team got lost during their full court exercise routine.  I suppose if   50 is in the middle of 46 and 54 gets plopped into place, it would be Sergei Krivokrasov  or Sergei Gonchar.

Here's a Mohr revealing 🃅 story fit for  Galena Street sweepers in Milwaukee:

An aged, single lady sat down at her table at a comfortable golf course restaurant.  Ordering for a regular occasion, she sipped on her Point beer and carefully utilized her fork and sharp knife until her platter's chosen tasty culinary blend had been consumed by her.  Knowing the error of Judaic cuisine demands and their unreasonable, unfounded dietary expectations, she asked her waiter bring  her a second helping of her chosen tasty culinary blend and reVEAL it  in an exceptional manner.

The waiter uttered, ' Magnifico !' and eventually returned with her exceptionally reVEALed platter,  namely a second  helping of the restaurant's unique Veal Parmigiana.

It's not always possible to cut off a  single Point. 🍺  John Mack, Jr. , the New Haven Rocket athlete, isn't John Mack, the Milwaukee Trojan athlete who became a courted Pointer.


                                                         Calgary  Flames       🎱      Minnesota Wild

                                                          10417 saves   > 🧀  *    🐄  <  298  points




                                                                          Notice the 29 in the middle!

Anti-casino update: As of February 8, 2025, Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Detroit Redwings has been modified to be Jeff Blashill,  Werner Klemperer & Logan Hensler #6  vs. Todd McLellan, John Banner. and Joe Manning #7.  This modification should alleviate the  problem with  Milwaukee Trojan swimming team duo of Jeffrey Zillner andTodd Jackson .  Do not forget that a BRANDT helmet is not a fowl brant .  Andrew Brandt is really an Andrew Brandt, but 'Andy' Moog is actually a Donald Moog; neither works at 'Carter's Cantina'.🌮🌮🌮  Meijer's helmets are not Pointer bowls, though they could be used as a dog bowl or a potted plant container. I suppose Tampa Bay vs. Detroit is only the battle of  USA interstate 75.

Results of the I-75 game? Detroit quad 34 took 1&2; Tampa Bay  squad 88 took 3,6& 7, Detroit squad 39 took 4,5 &8, Pineville NOBODY #11 took 9 when Todd, not Jeffrey nor Jon,  removed his Detroit goalie. These numbers can be linked up to a 1973  word map that  listed sectors such as  North America + Greenland as  green 1,  England and Western Europe as yellow 2,  Japan as ivory 3, Australia and southern Africa as lime 4,  Russia and Eastern Europe as orange  5 , South America as tan 6, north Africa including Dimona as lilac 7,  central Africa including Sudan and Chad as  peach 8 and  India as  pale pink 9.  As I recall, it might have been a relative of Elon Musk that came up with that numeric 1973 'plan'; nevertheless less, I've honesty seen much worse redistricting plans that never have unified  commerce and create zone coverage than the 1973 map that keeps Nordic countries in sector 2 and the White Sea borders in sector 5.. Try to memorize these color codes and numbers because it is very difficult to access a copy of that 1973 map on the internet now. 

 Gaming politicians are lazy enough to try and settle internal and external disputes by a ' 4 Nations' hockey game  that does not include Sweden nor Russia! According to the 1973 map, the '4 nations' only get up to North America, Europe, Japan and  Australia with southern Africa's tip.  Wealthy, unholy corrupted women running countries and terrorist groups such as Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama and  their companions  European LBGTQ union lazy groupies hate to get injured  or impoverished during a war, so they send  in their hired athletic  servants into a venue to risk their life and limbs in 'light bulb code 31'  zones or they get tossed into a pickle crock labeled # 5318  with a Mesa Global/UWM.ORG  parr labeled #31463.

Maybe whoever takes 3rd place in the 4 nations tournament will submit economic and political orders  to Japan's ivory #3 sector  instead of trying to push Patrick Roy and squad 551 around anymore.

Where does H2922 as  טְלִי then go if not to be reVEALed?  

  H2922 goes ישעיה , not crazy, to chapter  40:11 .



         shallow    diggers      >      🪱   J                           🐜     Q                                   K  🦂


          deep, unclean   tunnel  'ace'  >     🦡     A

1st Chronicles chapter 4 should not be disregarded at verse 36, but it is verse 23 that seems to have captured the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, a man who planted his own cabbage seeds after existing politics at a reasonable age like every sane and reasonable man should do. 

Why is 1st Chronicles 4:23 so lovely and magnificent to a person who plants gardens thoughtfully and personally landscapes  naturally as possible with integrity, wisdom and beautiful geology in mind?

The potters who dwelt among the plants and shrubs and hedges were very near to the king. 🂾


The 4 Nations war starts on Niklas Backstrom's 47th birthday. Finland and Sweden are part of 1973's map yellow sector #2 which includes the United Kingdom but Canada and the United States of America are both in green section #1.  Russia should be thankful it's not taking part in that  '4 Nations' wealthy women's war that drags  Canada's flag day into it's teeth-shattering Jagr-type of  center.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Idolatry of 'Israel' and it's Dimona zone: worshipping LAND

Do the details within the Bible, which include names, places and times intrigue you and assist you or are they discarded as useless, accusative and lacking reason?   If Bible details have assisted you and intrigued you and not been discarded as useless, accusative, biased and lacking reason, then none of my writings should have been deemed useless or lacking reason by you even if you were not oddly intrigued by nor seriously assisted by them 🔵

The occupants of the state of Israel have a large idolatry problem, and that happens to be worshipping real estate and soil. This is  an ongoing sin on both sides of Donald Trump's mouth .  I used the term Dimona to keep the surname 'Gaza' out of the headline.  Seriously, Mr. David Gaza as I recall him would have been drawn to the French Riviera and Las Vegas, repelling himself from  Bible study or keeping of the autumn Feast of Booths.

Land, that is soil location, is part of creation and the those fighting over the state of Israel turf idolize the creation and dishonor the Creator in the process.   I don't see ant people stuck in USA ghetttos being offered land and homes in safer locations but if they were, those ghetto occupants would be wise to move out of an overpopulated ghetto and start elsewhere.

I don't expect the USA to make any wise decisions regarding the rebuilding of the coastal areas west of Dimona.  Five square miles could be a wonderful wildlife refuge or be utilized for herding of animals suitable for Muslim and Jewish meals.

Donald Trump still should be focusing on the USA, but he isn't because his advisors are land worshippers, not worshippers of  אלעליון or יהוה .   If that Gaza area is rebuilt to be as the French Riviera, it will be a target for destruction by every nation the current or recent occupants have been scattered to as Deuteronomy chapter 4 describes as 'driven out'.   Being driven out to survive and learn to stop worshipping the created soil rather than the Creator is actually part of  ancient covenant  justified rulings.

If someone else is willing to build you home and move you to a safer location, only a fool would not accept that way of escape.  Those who refer to themselves as Palestinians should avoid becoming worshippers of turf and instead become protectors of their own flesh by seizing an opportunity that apparently ghetto occupants of the USA do not deserve.

Zechariah chapter 1 was not fiction in my opinion.  When statues like the 'golden calf' got worshipped, statues got destroyed and relocation ensued.  Now soil is being worshipped by real estate developers; expect their coveted soil to get attacked by someone other than worshippers of real estate or those partaking in obvious land idolatry.  If you don't expect the worst curses to  be fulfilled,  you might be fooled into expecting the best blessing to occur.

How would I advise occupants of any part of the current state of Israel? 

Dodge diplomacy and escape to a place offered freely to you if such a place is made possible by GD.

Rogers Street shrubbery: new Milwaukee Jaeck style

 David Bonderson claims to be a 'Family pastor'; he now knows that the missionary leader his church is funding in Birmingham England has not been willing to communicate with his anti-casino USA mother . Additionally  Mr.  David Bonderson, who works with a Mr. Key, was  politely requested to tell Rich Hendrikson that his wedding pianist wants him to have a peaceful anniversary.  Mr. David BOnderson also was informed that Rich Hendrikson needs to reach out to his mother; knowing the premise of business such as Bonderson is in, I realize he probably doesn't care about the mother of a fellow hireling and there is nominal chance he will try to improve his co-workers attitude toward mother and natural family.  How much more diplomacy should I, the pianist. waste my time with when men like Dave Bonderson are likely to be unresponsive or unwilling to hear facts from me regarding the uncooperative flesh of my son in matters that he should have been cooperative in? It's been seven years since Rich Hendrikson last decided to hug me in front of his children and then promptly slam the door on any further contact with him or my grandchildren.   Doesn't his Mesa Global 'boss' see any problem or is his boss  now actually his wife?


An EMOJI is now represents  'Eugene Maurice Horowitz Jewish Inuendo' so you. might not want to rely on EMOJI signs anymore.       


                          Farmer           <     wheat          ☭     nails   >     Carpenter

                                                 Colin Street 12,  Utica Michigan

                                 NBC     Suzanne Rogers       Jake Rogers  MLB

                      Richard Bull          "Molly's Boarding House         Katherine MacGregor

                       Eugene                                  Maurice                      Horowitz

                                          Victor                   Earl                 Robby

                                                ^                       🏈                   ^

                                               🏀         <   Campbell  >           🏒


                              Korducki              <       Michael.      >             Gartner


                          The above diagram represents an expensive throw, not a free throw.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Pey front : Paul Baker's sketchy hockey composition

Today's the last time I review and contemplate the 7th year word used in Nahum 2:10, YSIYH 21:3 and YCZQAL 30:4-9. It is the feminine word for pain, writhing and anguish, namely חַלְחָלָה . So many events on earth are contorting and twisting everything into damages that won't be repaired without equally anguishing efforts to do that which is helpful in your own home zone rather than hurtful in distant lands you do not own nor love nor belong in. Will the silver lining of H2479 moves on to H3479? I don't believe every cloud has a silver lining.

Both of the terms below are pey front words. H1618 as a 'scratch' does not  involve billiard's cue ball. If you prefer greek, G1618 defines fervent and earnest, used only once in 1st Peter 4:8 if you believe such a person existed to warn others of Amos 3:12's lion's mouth.

H6284:  פָּאָה as in Spanish 'paella'; read Deuteronomy 32:26 for more details on covenant curses. If your HOA president, your state senator or  your governor is a woman, you most likely also have a covenant curse.  In case you are unaware of paella, it is mixture that cannot be 'undone' or separated into clean portions after the mussels, squid, chicken and shrimp have all been cornered and then cooked together.  Numbers 24:17 describes this as the corners of Moab and in Amos 3:12 to describe the corner of a Samaritan's bed after mentioning a shepherd that can only retrieve 2 legs or an ear from the mouth of a lion who has been destroying most of the meat from the shepherd's animal. The Amos prophecy warns against the 'great houses' accumulated by such filthy beasts as Vladimir Zelensky and his ferocious fiends who target children in school buses with drones endorsed by Obama, Biden and now Trump.  A 'great house' is a house lavish and excessive in size or property developed  and over-built far beyond what a man of good intentions and self-control would ever desire or  invest in.   James Garfield's house and Rutherford B. Hayes house were not a 'great house' by definition in my opinion though both are still beautiful as H6286,  rather ornate and  both displayed the skills of local craftsman that are unmatched by robotic machinery.

When did United States presidents and politicians begin to desire 'great houses' while they had no qualms about sending youthful men and women in men's clothes to their deaths so that the owners of 'great houses' could attain more  putrid wealth gains  in their ferocious and illicit personal portfolios?


 H6286:   פָּאַר   ; with D-day reminder  of 6 & 6 on the perimeter and squad 28 in the middle, this  6286 should be as a memorable term of golfing endearment and success seen as PAR.    Notice how the A in the middle shifts from a 'boxing bag' below it to a bowling lane below it, however the P retains it's punching bag abilities as well as it's interior puck. tucked inside the pey.  Refer to Psalm 149:4, YShIYH  44:23, 49:3, 55:5 ,60:7 , 60:21 and 61:3 for more descriptive use of Strongs H6286.   'To beautify' or 'to make incredible' is what a land owner is supposed to want to do with their own land and at their own expense with assets they have earned and not stolen.  Ploy Boy Trump has bankrupted several companies and is in casino business; he is the current form of a covenant curse that is not being restrained by his own kind of gamblers and despisers of honest, small homestead keepers that truly only want to own a safe and modest primary residence that they can keep up to PAR, maintenance wise and won't get taxed out of by ploy boys shoving up their own salaries in political bodies of wretchedness.

Aleph  and Yoseph are both 'pey back' words.  

Don't rush too much; pey front day it  1618 days  ahead and 1.618 is tied to  a 'golden ratio'.  July 13, 2029 shall be a day to prepare for, not remember before it has arrived. Sheldon Souray might be starting his 54th year of life on July 13,  2029, yet will he have learned to dispose of his extremely sordid ways he had displayed unto others while he was youthful?  I'll still be in my 60's and hopefully tending to a  sturdy, practical and beautiful house with a productive vegetable patch as my parents have mentored me to do. I never did desire  an impractical, overbuilt 'great house' that $11,000,000.00 per month from the USA has  illegally and unforgivably shifted over Ukraine's dictator labeled as 'Zelensky' , a putrid and malicious penis piano thug and gangster worse than Al Capone.

I can remember Michael Golden, and he wore #99 as  a S.H.A.W.  hockey player tucked in among very polite juveniles such as Robby Noonan, Patrick Cobb, Steve McGaver, Robby McGaver, Timmy Keepers, Jarob Ortiz, Richie Ortiz, Paul Baker, Andy Forss, Bobby Hartung,  Joey DeLeon, Nathan Ortiz, Andy Genaw, Quentin Doll, Justin Bagley,  Justin Schultz  and several other young Milwaukee County hockey sliders.

Timothy Zahn just came to mind; I guess public school bus stops are not a laughing matter.

I intend to learn quite a bit during the months of מ , נ ,  ס and ע words, yet I do not know if I shall die peacefully  tonight or wake once again battling against wickedness to exist tomorrow.

כּוּן  yourself and your household as best as you can without harming honest, humble people to draw peace to the area that you refer to as 'home' . If you are developing more false narratives and keep financing wicked liars in your chosen processes that lead  to more wars that make the disgustingly rich richer and make the numbers of widows and orphans increase, expect to be deceived and ruined in some way that is extremely painful.  Adults who have been faithful  for 10 years or 3,559 days  toward the expectations of יהוה should be able to understand this last paragraph.

Now it  seems to be  לָיְלָה   as in Micah 3:6, BRShYTt 1:5  and Psalm 136:9.  🌔

People of FAITH with wicked works should divide ALL 'Riviera' waters

" I will see you on your knees begging for my smile." -Nita Talbot as 'Marya'

I suppose some people wash floors on their knees and many hockey goalies fall on their knees quite a bit.

Classic lines are not always 'I hate Halloween'.

"Sit down, hymn lure.'  I actually liked working near Heinrich though it was a rare occurence several decades ago..

There is a slight difference between 1475 Strongs Avenue in Stevens Point , Wisconsin and  the 'Riviera' of 475 Water Street in Marine City, Michigan  other than the direction the entrance door faces. Joe Pavelski's  NHL goal number has surpassed the numerology of the 'Riviera' by 1 goal. Pete Patsalis decided he'd opt for 'One Hook and Tackle'  for an additional revenue source, though seeming like a bowling and football mixture.  Golfers do hook their ball, but rarely intentionally.

Focus on  פ front rather than  fear of payback; read Psalm 119:129-136.  I'm sure that verse 135  of Psalm 119 isn't why the Detroit Redwings chose to add  Mr. 'SHINE' to their team but not Danny Shine.  Guys like 'Steve Fletcher 222' on Youtube don't want advice like I just gave in their comment section so Fletcher can keep believing false narratives in movies he's been lured to like an ant heading for grits that will cause bodily inflation.' 'D. SHINE' already had an office on an episode of "Perry Mason' in 'the Case of the Crafty Kidnapper', but that was part of a Danny Shine false narrative.  

Surely I don't understand why Detroit's Denby high school basketball players wanted 'FEAR NONE; ATTACK ALL' on their jackets, but I must not be ALL because they did not attack me when I sat behind their team.  Maybe it was supposed to read 'FeAr NONe' and ALL is nothing more than detergent that has horrific packaging.  Congressional hearings in the USA are laughable and pathetic at the same time.  Extremely guilty men start interrogating self-idolizing applicants and in the end, none of them will be able to keep nor desire to retract their promises  tossed into an audible ocean of deceptive wording.

Sadly, occasionally observing what stupidity and PG-13 wickedness is going on in front of cameras  is part of preparing a current defense against such  media squalor, such obvious stupidity and heathen promotion of movies with false narratives! 7 PREPPERS is another movie nut-case like Steve Fletcher 222 and Repoman 64, all supposedly relying on some form of Jesus to ignore their attraction to movies they never should have watched nor relied upon for information.

Here are 2 examples of people of Faith unified around sordid, wicked works:  

0: Faith (nee Hill) McGraw and  her 'between the sheets' unladylike, Nashville-style videos

00: Reylynn Caster, imposing her image into the role of 'Faith Newman', imitation offspring of Sharon Case and Joshua Morrow

Now you know that 'people of Faith' does not mean anything substantial but is only a vague description of Fatih with wicked, sordid works being edified rather than rebuked during the era of United States of America's advancement of adulterous people paid to indulge their fans with lies and literally false narratives.  Every televised series or movie has always had false narratives loaded with aliases such as 'Michael Landon' who actually is  Jewish/Catholic  Eugene Maurice Orowitz.   Now you know why he added the 'Jewish Percival marries Christian Nellie' to his book of fictional  'last  writes'.   

False narratives are the  norm from paid politicians and paid actresses.  The unspecialized elite now need to rebuke and repudiate those who indeed are people of FAITH coupled with extremely nasty, sordid works with their neighboring ploy boy's applause and cash luring them into extremely shallow, artificial lighting that drags Mr. Shine into the NHL without Mr. Lamp's consent from Western Kentucky University basketball court official.  

When the waters of the Red Sea divided for a short time, it was not those who passed in between the divided waters that remained to die in those waters loaded up with previously strong horses and previously enthusiastic military forces.  My bright green $10 tadpole ring, which reminds me of the preface to the second plague frogs, means more to me than any  expensive ring that  Lee Ayers or  Mr. Wickersham built for me after I submitted very precise, intricate jeweled designs. If it's not a tadpole it's some sort of Gekko or as it would be in Hebrew, a GIELOW.  Jewelry is better than a tattoo because it is unlikely to harm you and if jewelry is lost or stolen, your body can still continue without jewelry.  What if there is some order that  tattoos have to be sliced off bodies by a strict regime? Such an order is quite possible given the atrocities that the occupiers of Syria have endorsed.

Whether AI is in FAITH or AI is in USAID,  AI is not a sign of intelligent life on earth but rather is a sign of programmed hazardous and deadly items on earth.

I still believe in the works of  יהוה   and don't need the works of Shakespeare.  Loyalty with perfect works should be able to outsmart  people  of Faith with increasing bad, unnatural works incited by Michael Jackson and Marie Osmond types.

What shall occur should be interesting to those who are loyal with perfectly natural works.

Icy sidewalk conditions aren't hot, but your human skin can get damaged by dry ice.  Retired millionaire Douglas MacGregor is using the name 'Struggle' when speaking to a UK block, so he might be acquainted with pit bull tags of  Labourie, St. Lucia.  Since ploy boy Donald Trump might only be trying to outwit Donald 'Andy' Moog when he didn't say the French Riviera, maybe he meant he wants Gaza (that should have no G) to become like  the' Riviera' in Marine City, Michigan the latter being his only way out of his  verbal 'great house' problems that stem from spending too much time golfing with murderous, covetous and literally dangerous self-idolaters like South Carolina's Lindsey Graham.   'Riviera' in Marine City got redecorated, is on waterfront and did not accept customers who had medical reasons to remain unmasked during Fauci's reign of diabolical terrorism within United States  boundaries. Marine City is nicer than the French Riviera, but the ' Riviera'  restaurant supported their cigarette smokers and chased away people who had breathing disabilities and medical reasons to not mask their faces.  

Mr. Petro is incorrect and disgusting  as the Wisconsin sordid, untruthful duo of  Susan  Crawford and Stuart Rottier; whiskey is not as bad as cocaine.  'The Cross Movement' mentioned PETRO a long time ago in their Philadelphia business records; if I hear that tune and it's not #15, I'll add the name of their PETRO lyrics which didn't sound like a Zora Petrovich song.

There's places I'd like to return to. 'The Riviera' in Marine City is not one of those places although I would like to hear an explanation from someone other than cigarette smoker Theresa, aka 'Terry' why such wrong decisions were made by such the owners or if smoker Theresa was behaving as if she owned the place while turning away a customer who had been very generous at tipping and tossing a signed picture of Adrian Peterson to the owner.  Maybe  Pete  Patsalis from 'The Riviera' will meet me on the sidewalk someday to discuss his businesses past offenses  even though I don't have as much money as Mr. Ragnow.

What is Mesa Global's Item #31463 doing in a pool?

Mesa Global   item #31463  is requesting donations for their 'Living Well Youth' programming in Birmingham, England.  Living courageously and honestly beats simply living 'well'.   The prophet YCZQAL lived courageously and honestly and did dwell among scorpions. 

Items don't have a heart of flesh, but might have a  an electronic chip in their VISA processing centers.

Mesa Global, as part of UWM.ORG and not LMCU, does not believe a son preaching his version of  Christianity's doctrine should try to cooperate with his mother who is not part of his religion anymore though she is not sanctioning him nor preventing him  from investing in his  dead Christmas trees and unclean Easter pork roasts.   A mother who can retain a sense of humor while being mistreated certainly might be inspired by Elijah Coffee #3 and Colin Street #12 and her high school teachers who didn't intentionally try to discourage her efforts.

Mesa Global is not a good, better or best company, but it does  financially move item #31463 into different locations.

Living Well Youth?   It sounds like a place for minnows that are going to be as bait, but it certainly does not meet the requirements for 12,000 from the tribe of  לוי should some sealing process actually become more than theoretic  .  Maybe 'Gateway Church' investigated Richie Hendrikson's semi-public accusations against his mother and realized he had lied about events during his childhood, thus they wanted to limit his ministry to their building location where his speeches could be fat-checked and activities could be monitored.  Such a 'maybe' is possible but unlikely in the typical assembly of Christianity's hirelings.

 Maybe Living Well Youth needs an old   master swimming instructor named Theodore R. Jackson  or Donald Jackson to show them how to  swimmingly escape from family responsibilities or from caring retired police officers.  I can't tell if street wars conducted by Murray Bannerman using Edmonton Pickard #30 representing south side 30th street  Robert Skaradzinski and Soderblom #40 representing north side Hemlock street Donald Jackson  actually solved any OT mysteries in Milwaukee's firefighting history sectionals but it certainly was interesting how quickly Hyman's bus #18 prevented another unauthorized Koch & Bedoya  'shootout' in Illinois.   'Locker Strong' only reminds me of Woolly Acres 🐑 on Locker Road in Knowlton; I have no idea who the 'LOCKER strong' person is that Alex Ovechkin seemed to be endorsing. Surely no one with corrected vision would mistake Chris Locker's 10-14-77 identity from Duluth, Minnesota with Sean Hill's 02-14-70 Duluth, Minnesota identity.

It's almost time for me lead my exercise class before I go to my voluntary public high school basketball ministry in lower Michigan. So far many other than item #31463 have been receptive to select  words from the the Old Testament and that fact is a reason to have hope and not follow after my own devices.  It seems much safer  watching basketball in Michigan than it had been watching basketball in Nantes, France in 2008 but that might be due to the serious efforts of the Michigan men coaching the public high school teams.

Yermiyah 18:12 even got depicted on 'Speed Bump' by  Dave Coverly on February 6, 2025 when Dave decided to sketch a man lbowing his head to his  electronic device in his hand while walking his dog; then dog started mocking his 'owner'.

I don't suppose I'll hear an 'amen' from my keyboard  that thankfully is not controlled by Colton Key unaware of Keystone Heights, Florida..  I suspect Rob and Dottie Morford would not be too impressed with item #31463' but I certainly could be wrong about Rob, Dottie and Isaac Morford's sentiments toward those of us who have exited Sunday churches with extremely good reason.s and with the intent of improving their  cooperation with  אלעליון  .

David Rose hasn't achieved  much other than contriving musical scores for 'Little House on the Prarie' episodes. Shall we recall Steve McQueen's outburst during 'The Great Escape' of 'two hundred and fifty!' if the United States of America lasts until July 4, 2026 with more casualties of gang warfare on it's home soil than a crucified man would prevent?

Does AHEAD to the past make sense anywhere other than on a Sentry World golf course? 

Another Crawford trying to advertise her unholy way into a Wisconsin judicial seat is pretending that she knows the difference between right and wrong, but she does not know the difference between left and correct.

Should Wisconsin's motto of 'Forward' to the past counter California's bizarre movie 'Back to the Future'? The 1849 laws in Wisconsin protected innocent babies by prohibiting abortion, something nasty female Crawford doesn't want to consider as right even though practical adoption or difficult motherhood rather than abortion is very correct, anti-murderous decision after a crime has been committed against a pregnant woman.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Coca-cola, 'multi-polar' speech tricksters, and MHHA

The above D.A.R.E. bear named Sergei does not advertise for Coca-Cola and  actually is an  anti-Coke bear; he is not a multi-polar bear.

When the verbal tricksters say 'multi-polar' world, they actually are making a reference to Coca-cola's heathen corporate agenda that is like the bottom sticks in a Jenga game.

The polar bears 'advertise' for Coca-cola, which is an extremely devious corporation not interested in making humans healthy again. The more clouded brains are with high fructose corn syrup, the easier they can be lured into oblivion.

Stock portfolios  are coded beyond recognition to even the most educated listeners.  As of today, 1 week before Alex Galchenyuk's next birthday, Coca-cola stock is listed at $63.12 in the USA market; when I last checked that stock, it was $42.88 several years ago.  Too many mutual funds are unethical now which is why I no longer have mutual funds in my stock portfolio; a dreadful beast takes on various characteristics.

Every  ילד is still under attack by pushers of hazardous beverages, hazardous drugs and hazardous electronic devices that a child is insanely allowed to cling onto with the consent of their totally ignorant or obviously uncaring guardians' consent.

2,868 days into the latter part of an 8th year and the Strongs concordance ט words should be considered again;  former Haifa Hawk Ron Soreanu used to work for Coca-cola if that seems like a 'multi-polar' contrast.  


I suspect a couple strongholds are going to topple like a couple of bronze pillars labeled Jachin and Boaz propped up by Solomon and destroyed according to ירמיה chapter 52.

Start pushing a MHHA agenda; make humans healthy again even if you don't think humans can be holy again.