Josef Seibel shoes are not made very well and break at the seams along the sole; Germany can't seem to get it's priorities in order anymore so I can't recommend that brand of non-Russell street shoes.
Now, for a check and recheck list:
1. Stephen Heinze, with 158 assists, can replace Dan Plesac with 158 saves.
2. Steve 'Lawrence' Heinze, with 178 goals, earns him the nickname of '178 feet'.
3.There are some problems that Hines Ward in squad 68 can't solve.
4. Studying Hafnium the 72nd has gotten more interesting.
5. Stephen Herbert Heinze 57 is a real male, not a bottle of high fructose corn syrup mixed with sauce.
6. Recollect the N portion in your MIND, but don't limit it to Wausau,Wisconsin roads.
7. I am going to provide a rebuttal in a parenting debate now.
The final noon does not mean anything alone. Maybe it looks like a goad. When a child gets older an unwiser, he'll focus on what he did not like about the parents who disciplined him because it was their duty to do so. If a parent was a widow or divorced or never married but the one who was willing to take on her parental duties, the immature adult focuses on his parents failures. I chose the best schools I could, I took my son to church and to Bible studies, but he doesn't mention that in his sermons. He mentions the trips he took with his grandparents, but seemed to have forgotten the vacations he had taken with me and his step-brothers...or maybe he thinks he will be liked more if he has nothing good to say about his mother that introduced him to 'Christianity' after a couple of Catholics didn't take their marriage vows seriously. I've heard so many actors give sermons, but why would an adult who refused to go to counseling with his mother then preach about the unconditional love of Jesus and insult his mother who didn't ditch her responsibility as a mother toward him, and mothers should not be ashamed of not letting a child usurp their authority, especially when the child is a thief and a liar in the pattern of his father. I'd like to be less gentle with this topic, but when people won't speak to you directly, indirect messages lack the intensity needed to rectify a problem that has been going on far too long.
Parents, do you believe your church pastor should have authority over you when he insults the disciplinary role of a parent? From what I've seen, it's the paid pastors who crave their authority and ability to get other people to do as they say within a group. A mother would prefer that her child do no wrong, so that she would not have to be stern and choose disciplinary measures rather than giving a child who has been committing wicked deeds a Coca-cola and a smile. Is it the son that failed or the mother when a son steals without her consent? Is it the child who has failed or the father when the father deserts his child? Did the Roman centurions who didn't care about the feelings of a mother as they drove stakes through the flesh of others love the excessively violent authority they were given? I know the answer to those questions. I loved my son enough to seek employment that offered a sufficient salary to survive reasonably. I loved my son enough to discipline him, even though he has denounced the type of love that generates discipline rather than letting a child run wild with the local gangster thugs or become a truant unable to read the Scriptures he now disects for his income. Whether I am discouraged or angry doesn't matter, but I am responsive and sober today.
Go behind and listen to all the sermons on the book go Luke 4:31-32 that Rich Hendrikson gave at 'The Gate Church' in Birmingham, England. He insulted me saying I 'loved' my authoritative position as a police officer, but I had plenty of fears going to work when his father and his paternal grandparents refused to help. His memory as a 6 year old wasn't correct. There is no way Milwaukee downtown district 1's jail on the 5th floor would have accepted a grade school child into a cell. As a matter of fact and recollection without a memo book to refer to he went to Milwaukee District 2, not downtown where adult prisoners were held for until their court appearance. A friend and fellow police officer that had more authority than me and whom I trusted because he had compassion and common sense, kept an eye on Richard when he was SAFELY in a large cell at Milwaukee District 2 and he could hear him sniffing and crying a bit as he should do after stealing from his grandmother. Only 10 minutes in a safe room for stealing from his grandmother, who was a widow! Richard thinks it was $20, I recall it as $50 or $100. Denominations aren't worth arguing about since he admitted he stole.
In high school, Richard and his buddies decided stealing cookies would be fun. I asked the principal to punish them somehow, and the public school authorities chose to sweep away the event as it was not serious enough in their domain, yet stealing food is extremely WRONG and had I been the principal the thief would have been ordered to work in the cafeteria for at least a week baking cookies or something more constructive than 'doing nothing' as in typical in public schools.
When a man leaves his position of authority in a household, deserts his wife and his son to chase after sex with a local disc jockey and smoke marijuana, does a woman and mother commit suicide rather than take the seat of authority that was deserted by an adulterous man? I didn't kill myself, and my son was shown compassion at Milwaukee District II, something that Richard Hendrikson does not have for his mother anymore....but he used to before he was married.
An eye for eye, an ear for an ear....
Richard Xavier, who now uses the legal name of Richard 'Rich' Hendrikson, didn't stop stealing after being warned and sent to a public building room for 10 minutes. He later stole a baseball glove and in his 20's stole and destroyed, with the aid and consent of his wife, Michael Rood CD's that I had purchased for another ministry and that I had been listening to with as much neutrality as I listen to sermons from a son who won't even take the time to write me a letter while he is employed in England. His father was a thief and stole items from Square D when he was given 'authority' as a security guard ; I reported his theft because I wanted no connection to his thievery. Theodore R. Xavier, Richard's father was then fired from Square D but not jailed nor charged with theft. His father stole from me by refusing to ay the tiny amount of child support he should have. I was very pregnant when Richard's father was bringing stolen property into our apartment at a time I was working at a gas station before I ever chose a higher paying safer job after Richard's father, a thief, deserted us and I was granted a default divorce.
I had authority as a gas manager that I didn't love either. Thieves and gangsters in Milwaukee continually threatened me and my staff, and I had the authority to try to stop shoplifting but I often could not as I tried to set aside my fears of adults and teenagers who were stealing .
Why would I not try to deter my son from becoming like those gangster thugs who threatened me and my co-workers during every shift as a store manager and as a police officer? I tried to deter him, but his father would not even try to do what was correct and honorable. Letting him be taken to Milwaukee district #2 and scolded by an on-duty friend and fit man with authority was a good option when he had not father to punish him or scold him. Jerry Rice's mother or Robert Scott Smith's parents might have handled the matter without compassion nor regard for existing state laws.
No compassion on a thief? Why didn't Richard preach about the lack of compassion his father had on him and his mother? Why didn't Richard speak about the lack of compassion our drug-dealing neighbors had in Milwaukee? My tiny bit of state authority did little good when I was 'off duty' against the drug dealers and gang members in our neighborhood. Why didn't Richard speak about the lack of compassion his step-father, Robin Michael Ortiz, had after Richard had shown Robin respect while he was head-of-household? Why didn't Richard preach about the lack of compassion Shane Hendrikson showed him when they had a fist fight in the yard and Shane then kicked him out of our household when I did not want Richard to leave in such a warring manner? Maybe those topics wouldn't get the laughs he wants from his captive audience. There are many parts of the Scripture which have not yet been proven to be true, such as the book of Revelation.
I took the time to hear how my son was 'preaching', and did so because I desired some news from him, but instead my role as his mother was again insulted publicly and he recieved payment for the speech that dishonored me again. Maybe he wife was smirking at him like Cheryl Lee Brown was smirking in divorce court while I was telling the truth and she was soon to go from poverty into quite a bit of wealth by snagging a wealthy married man away from his wife and children. From what I know, that type of plan isn't supposed to work out very well and neither is a plan to prevent any peace talks between a aged parent and an adult child.
Why didn't Richard preach to the people he has authority over about the lies he told to escape punishment at a Catholic grade school, namely that a man tried to kidnap him? Richard was shown plenty of compassion then after he deceived teachers, parents and Wauwatosa police officers with his lie about an abduction attempt. Maybe he'll preach to his worship team about that incident some day but first he should let the Wauwatosa police department know he filed a false complaint. Some people do have a history of making false claims and never get challenged by their fellow liars.
He or she who aids and abets another to escape a rod of correction is not friend of the sinner, but rather party to his sins. The more intentional rebellion that occurs, the harsher the rod should strike....unless punishment is to be equal no matter what the offense is.
I suppose I'm the easier target for Richard's hatred and pain, just as I was when he showed me no compassion when he shot me in the back with a paint ball and injuring me while he laughed. He has been very much like his cruel father without love nor compassion for me , and not like my father who has compassion toward me.
Ask Jerry Rice if I showed my son compassion by letting him experience how lonely and hard it is in a cell for 10 minutes rather than whipping him with an electrical cord or tattooing a prison number onto him. Richard, my son, was not bruised and not beaten during visit to the cop shop, yet he still insults the occupation I chose to clothe, feed and shelter him when his lazy, uncompassionate, lying father would not.
Police officers are not death squads. Maybe Richard Hendrikson wants to try to teach about Revelation 9 & 10, which mentions there are those who still refuse to repent of their thefts, their adulteries and their lies.
Richard might have gotten some laughs and more sympathy from his British audience, but I certainly am not laughing now at how after listening to his Sunday morning speech in which he mocked my attempt deter him from committing crimes which deserved punishment, not apathy and laughter.
My son got his audience to laugh in England and trampled on my efforts as his mother while twisting the word 'love' and 'authority', while his wife applauds him.
Adults stepped in Christianity don't expect to be punished for anything anymore, because evangelical Christianity thinks someone other than them, even whom they claim to love, should be punished excessively for crimes and sins they did not commit. 🟢. That seems to be an easy way toward spiritual self-destruction. Many people need to be slapped in the face very hard to see which way they turn their other cheek 'in Jesus name'. If physically attacked or robbed or raped, do Christians call their pastor or do they call the police that they hope might care about them more than the thief, or the rapist or the brute beast that attacked them? I've never seen Jesus Christ respond to a crime scene yet, and does Jesus expect someone else with authority to do so, even if that authority is the true parent of the thief, or rapist or brute beast who severely injures another without being provoked to do? If I did believe in the Jesus of the Bible, he would not despise a parent for trying to discipline their child and deter them from committing crimes.
Maybe the Jesus of the Bible is more like a child trafficker who lures children away from their parents like Santa Claus in a department store, eh? If Jesus is like Santa Claus who bribes and does not discipline, I hope Satan destroys Jesus very soon, even if that makes parts or all of the book of Revelation be improperly translated. There is not time to be sentimental about writings that have been sold to billions of people and profited many booksellers.
If you see Richard Isaiah Hendrikson anywhere, ask him what steps his father took to discipline or deter him from stealing. Ask Rich what vacations his mother took him on when he was a minor, even though his father wouldn't chip in for school tuition, drive him to church or sit at the kitchen table with him for Bible study as I, his mother did. If Rich doesn't mention vacations without his grandparents in Maine Door County, multiple visits to North Carolina and Kentucky, Connecticut, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington D.C and multiple expensive hockey tournament weekends that he enjoyed with his non-grandparent friends, either his memory is failing or the neutral N section of his brain is malfunctioning because he is not able to sit down with his mother and uncles and cousins to be reminded of what family events had occurred...with much compassion and fiscal responsibility included.
I won't write a letter to my son until he's matured and not interested in Tripp Crosby and LeCrea anymore. My son's slants all he can away from my perspective and toward lack of appreciation for a mother that clearly showed him plenty of compassion as well as discipline. I love the authority of אלעליון that limits me and prevents me from ever again believing the 'Jesus did it all' lies of that choke out sanctification.
What would Milwaukee's Jesus Ortiz and Detroit's Jesus Colon do? Maybe they'd eat a spoonful of brown sugar and then throw 'Sweet and Low' , 'Equal' and the NIV translation of the evangelical's bible into the urban alternative trash containers. GMO corn can be tossed to the pigs.
I'll refer to the book of Habakkuk. As Zephaniah has written, darkness and gloominess happen.
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