Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Income vs. outcome: Enterprise Center split between PUCK and SUCKEr

  Candy bar code variables in St. Clair County's  'police vs. firefighter'  split are included. When you see the number 133, it represents PUCK; when you see the number 201, it represents SUCKEr.

SUCKEr is a type of fish, not a lollipop.


Pepsi                             red                          Ticketmaster

Toyota                           ice                         Bud Light

Leafs                             wall                          Blues

    A                            Scottrade                         H

   Boston                      yellow                      St. Louis

      cash                         green                          golf

     school.                      color                          road

  secondary                   primary                        ZZ

   hurricane                   IRMA.                       54442

 Skaradzinski             'ROBERT'.                  DeLeon

   Roy Banks                Doerfler                   Dean Noonan

 158 Payday.              Bit O Honey          156. Butterfinger

   Thomas                   Hendricks                     Chad

      police                        Levi                    firefighters

     flashlight                  brown                          ax

      Yale                        Schlage    .                 Master

        V.                              M.                              I

   'BUCKY".               ' GOLDY'                " BRUTUS"

         6                              40                              70

  Sergei  Fedorov          91.224                   Catfish Hunter

                  RU                CWA                       US

      Chancellor               Winters                 Abbott

           Davidson              HOG              Harley

                      crown         Jack          dentures

                              14          7           1

                        basic     BOULTON   acidic

                         Nitschke     36     Nathan


                      David         leather        Mitchell   

                       RICE          skin          VERNON    

                           97       BrONSON      29

                        Marie          Se=34        Fiddler

                            L.                O.             T

                         201                16              132

                olive                     street                    ring

                    old               Milwaukee           brewer

                            29         Wisconsin        31     




_89___________________ ๐Ÿˆ____________________91_

 B                   E                     N                   C                     H

 P                    R                     E                   S                      S

                      M       45          A       45        X

                              Deer.        T       Koslov

                                ⚾         ื˜         ๐Ÿ’


          Maurice       ♫        Cincinnati       ๐ŸŽณ      Harvey      

A man who isn't thinking sanely has  uttered on ESPN during the St. Louis Blues vs. the Toronto Maple Leafs : 'Make sure you don't turn over the puck."    ๐Ÿญ

Pucks always get turned over during a hockey game.  I know a puck isn't nominal value, but surely it would be wiser and more sane to say 'Make sure you don't  cheat and try not to lose another tooth . Wear a full mask." 

It's not a sin nor a crime to turn over a puck; what's ESPN''s problem?

VErIFY the surname 'Ing' if you are able to. This is incident report 1974 out of  2008.

When your income is unearned stolen funds or corrupt government 'hand outs' known as an election bribe  too many loosed criminals are still casting votes for their favorite criminal and are thus worse than dogs with a dog license, When your income or property is stolen, your  physical outcome should be disastrous.

A salutatorian is not supposed to be 'voted for', but school systems who wanted a TOKEN have wrongfully ignored GPA in Mosinee High School,  I was threatened with being jailed when I wanted to home school my son in 1996 in Wisconsin.  I complied out of fear then, but his father went to into hiding to avoid child support and I need to work rather than to be jailed.

Shame on Mosinee school district; they attacked me when I was weak, a single mother and struggling financially;  that is how the mostly liberal teachers unions ruin a state, one district at a time,  

Jeffrey Brezovar, an exceptional high school and collegiate athlete, studied and earned his honorable position.  In the 1970's public school students were not pretending to be a kitty or a goldfish in class because if we did that, we'd have been  sent to a psychiatrist or an exorcist!

Beware of people who lower their standards so that 'blacks' can become more uneducated than they should be.   David Clarke should agree with this paragraph, and might even be able to verify 'Ing' instead of claiming to be Darren Clarke's sister. 

 Most water ways seem to be extremely impure now. Which 'Donny' is going to test Majkowski the Lion?


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