Thursday, February 29, 2024

Cain, Kain, Kane, Caine, Cane, etc : unacceptable grain problem at hand

 Read about Tobadoniyah ( H2899) in 2nd Chronicles chapter 17  , and weep if you want to.

 2nd Peter 2:17  is not referring to Tobadoniyah.  A letter of communication does not have to be perfect to have truth within it, and it is the responsibility of the reader to sift through a letter using their personal  MIND system.

 If the MIND malfunctions, the reader will believe a lie or  rely upon unintentional error.

What I am about to expound upon is unique and not applicable to many others who don't accept the concept of a garden patch, 6 years of working the land before a 7th year rest and consideration of a Jubilee year when family is supposed to be united.

I need to be very honest; I do not know when the next Jubilee year is, but it certainly is NOT the year 2025 as the Jesuit Vatican pope has proclaimed.  

Joseph Dumont seems to have done plenty of research and claims the 29th year of a a 50 year cycle is about to begin. Then, the same Joseph Dumont flies to Tel Aviv, supports the genocidal IDF and is hiking through fields of PLANTED BARLEY to check for a barley ripening. Clearly the caretakers of fields he is checking did not consider this past year to be a 7th year.  How could barley planted during a 7th year of rest possibly be an acceptable offering?  It can't be, and the stored grains from the previous year's crops should be used if the receiver of the offering is reasonable.  Can a man who acclaims the IDF be accurate regarding a Jubilee year even if he is more than sloppy in heeding other manners? Actually, yes he could be correct about the Jubilee year while he is looking for signs in a field that never should have been planted until it was given a full year's rest.

Another person who endorsed Nehemia Gordon claims that 2024 is a Jubilee year, but that the 50th year and a 1st year are the same. That can't be true, since the command to work the field for 6 years would be disregarded if the 49th year and the 50th year are both years of rest for crop land and then a 50 year cycle does not start over but continues on and a 56th year is observed as a sabbath year.

If I don't observe a 50th Jubilee year in the upcoming year, the next opportunity would be 2031, after letting my land rest in 2030.  Without any reliable and consistent information from a male leader, I'll consider my own single position as a widow with no husband nor son caring for me.  I now have 2 pieces of land, thus my land is divided.  That was not so during the last planting season in which I observed a 7th year land rest.  Thus, I probably will postpone the possibility of  observing a Jubilee until 2031 to be observed, when I no longer am divided between Michigan and Wisconsin and a 6th year of seeding and planting has been completed when my land is no longer divided.  I don't know any reliable leaders who represent יהוה., and that lack of leadership then requires diligence mixed with natural intuition to avoid wickedness and complacency.

When a reliable keeper of commandments cannot be found, study and pray so you can think then work and rest your body through another testing of your spirit.  It's possible that when Kane's supposedly provided a grain offering,  it  was planted or harvested in a 7th year when there were no restrictions on slaughtering animals but there were restrictions on  agricultural procedures. This consideration makes the concept of an unacceptable grain offering become more plausible and nor a matter of showing favoritism or preferring the works of a man that slits the necks of a lamb to a man who bears a sickle and harvests grain in a timely manner.

What I decide to work or let rest in the upcoming year is my responsibility, yet while making such serious decision I'd be a fool to ignore the words from .׃הוה. Is not illogical to believe that renewed teachings were given through Moshe Ben Amram, not new protocol that Adam, Eve, Kane and Abel were totally unaware of.

If you consider my writings, warnings, challenges and humor to be foolish, you won't be bothered nor troubled when I cease to share information in this unsecure, unreliable electronic venue.  I suspect the upcoming lunar and solar eclipses will significantly confirm or eradicate my Jubilee concerns. Stephen Pidgeon has no answer regarding a Jubilee year either, so I am not the only conscientious hesitater, though I won't keeping pesach week twice as wealthy Mr. Pidgeon intends to. Observing pesach twice in the spring seems as absurd as observing Yom Kippur in subsequent months; some authors have warned against being 'double minded'.

Adar 25th is a week away; Yermiyahu chapter 52's content has a message of compassion included.  

If it's not year 50 nor 29 ahead, it could be year 43 soon to commence for me, my divided land and I.  As I recall, 1981 was a troubling, pivotal year in my family's history that didn't revolve around a fraudulent state of Israel.  An educated guess is thoughtful, unlike careless gambling in an disgusting casino.

Though no actual, naturally intelligent or willfully curious person might ever read this report, it has been written to weigh matters at hand. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Possible 1981 correction : 49th year ending roughly 20.85 years from now or April 8th, 2024?

1981.... and I'll be done. 

As I again heard a vain repetition about an angel deceiving many and most believe that angel to be evil and tainted and unable to protect and SERVE, what if  after  centuries and multitudes of false accusations against that angel, that ANGEL becomes holy, purified, holy and redeemed while his FALSE accusers have no defense system anymore,  True accusations are not problematic in the eyes of יהוה, and many 'brethren' are accurately accused of their sins, evil deeds and lawlessness.

I don't hate' Judas Iscariot' and I don't hate Miroslav Satan.  I do hate people who torture and have crucified human beings. I believe many people have falsely represented Satan and made images of Satan in their own image of queerness, lewdness, uncleanness, repulsiveness, blood-thirsty, swine eating, disobedient beasts, snake like,  as  motorcycles groups such as 'Hell's Angels' or the 'Outlaws' are, have been and will be.  Those groups do not have any from of Satan testing their faith in YHoWH as Satan was trusted to do with  יוב.

Again, I remind you that anyone with a military mindset would never instruct someone they did not trust to 'get behind them'.  Many idiots an haughty, naughty teachers with electronic devices working in schools and extremely offensive military units never had a day of urban warfare or combat against someone wanting to injure or kill them in their life!  Actual unholy, unthankful, lewd and violent wickedness such as  the CIA, most mayors in USA cities , Obama abortionists and Biden's deplorable needle injection units    consist of never have represented goodness, kindness, honor and honesty. When samples of the enemy are named, you need discernment and angelic guidance when facing an unknown.

I do vaguely recall a 'Calvin and Hobbes'  sketch were 'the devil' was spoken about, and the child  Calvin said something to the effect that that humans didn't need any help being evil.  Never would an unholy angel or king be able to be in the presence of  יהוה willing and able to heed limitations and instructions given by יהוה   .  Think about Abaddon's role all you want to now.

Who hath deceived you about the image and role of Satan that you have believed a lie and insulted an angel trusted to be in the company of YHoWH and correct about accusing the filthiness of a priest often referred to as 'Joshua'. I've known very good people who worked in vice squad units that deceived others into thinking they were wicked and evil, with the intent to send the actual criminals to prison.  

I can't put a spoonful of brown sugar into an electronic device.

Read the prior post to see how my opposition, namely 'The Gate Church' of Birmingham England, belittles  the challenges that a  mother faces after her son's father deserts them both and how many laughs the paid preacher gets  when he talks about stealing from widows.  'the Gate Church'  church doesn't heed the word of  יהוה   , but reads from the book of 'Luke'  and emits propaganda trickled with an assortment of untrue details.    If Eileen Davidson was been so traumatized that she can't recall what has happened during her roles, it's possible that another actor might intentionally distort a report rather than investigate his or her own history properly.

Some sources indicate that the next Jubilee year starts in 2045, not in the spring of 2024 as I have been considering to be a 'no plant' year, but some transplants were done.

Plant as if it's the 1st year of the 5th year cycle, or the 29th year after you pray about Joseph F. Dumond's findings that he shared with a 2 part presentation on 'God's Learning Channel' in 2023.

If it is the 29th year and there is silence in heaven for 1/2 hour, which expands to 20.83 years, suppose those 20.83 years will commence shortly and that final judgments will be occurring with 'becoming silent' now an important duty in some venues. It might take a miracle to have some people 'go silent' , yet on a golf course, merely a sign being held up typically a 'quiet' condition is achieved.

Nevertheless, this past year was a 7th year and the 28th year of a jubilee cycle being nearing it conclusion.

What then shall I think of 'unless the time be shortened' no flesh shall be saved ?  Will 20.83 years get squeezed into 1/2 an hour?  If so, the spring of 2024 would be a jubilee year.  

By April 8th, 2024 I should know whether or not I can sow again with the blessing of אלעליון.  Attempt to be significantly better, not worse as a student of יהוה.

My apologies if I have erred unintentionally regarding the spring of 2024 being the start of a Jubilee year. The years of atonement might indeed occur during the 5th cycle of 7 years, namely from the 29th year through the 34th year, with another rest starting in spring of 2030.  

Each individual of thee 144,000 sealed by ישראל shall bear responsibility for choosing to regard or disregard official instructions from יהוה  . It's impossible to always do your best, but possible to do  well consistently.

I went outside at 0200 to look at the full moon; there was a white ring shining around it, with a radius extending out at minimum of 11 times the diameter of the moon. It's February 25, 2024 according to many, yet it's the 14th  of the 12th perennial month as I now account for time.

Yermiyah 17:10 is reconnected to Revelation 2:23 by the one who has the keys of death and hell.  Don't ignore the book of Yermiyah.

 The 5th angel looses King Abaddon's troops which have breastplates of iron and have only 5 months of power to sting rather than kill, but the angels that are loosed by the 6th angel have breastplates of jacinth rather than iron.  Certainly if that prophecy is true, do not confuse iron and jacinth. 

Corrections are possible, but rarely desired.  The wise desire justified correction.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Switch at Caboose #158: 'The Gate Church' lips are as tainted as Cindy Crawford

Josef Seibel shoes are not made very well and break at the seams along the sole; Germany can't seem to get it's priorities in order anymore so I can't recommend that brand of non-Russell street shoes.

Now, for a check and recheck list:

1. Stephen Heinze, with 158 assists, can replace Dan Plesac with 158 saves.

2. Steve 'Lawrence' Heinze, with 178  goals,  earns him the nickname of '178 feet'.

3.There are some problems that Hines Ward  in squad 68  can't solve.

4. Studying Hafnium the 72nd has gotten more interesting. 

5. Stephen Herbert Heinze 57 is a real male, not a bottle of high fructose corn syrup mixed with sauce.

6. Recollect the N portion in your MIND, but don't limit it to Wausau,Wisconsin roads.

7. I am going to provide a rebuttal in a parenting debate now.    

The final noon does not mean anything alone. Maybe it looks like a goad. When a child gets older an unwiser, he'll focus on what he did not like about the parents who disciplined him because it was their duty to do so. If a parent  was a widow or divorced  or never married but the one who was willing to take on her parental duties, the immature adult focuses on his parents failures.  I chose the best schools I could, I took my son to church and to Bible studies, but he doesn't mention that in his sermons. He mentions the trips he took with his grandparents, but seemed to have forgotten the vacations he had taken with me and his step-brothers...or maybe he thinks he will be liked more if he has nothing good to say about his mother that introduced him to 'Christianity' after a couple of Catholics didn't take their marriage vows seriously. I've heard so many actors give sermons, but why would an adult who refused to go to counseling with his mother then preach about the unconditional love of Jesus and insult his mother who didn't ditch her responsibility as a mother toward him, and mothers should not be ashamed of not letting a child usurp their authority, especially when the child is a thief and a liar in the pattern of his father.  I'd like to be less gentle with this topic, but when people won't speak to you directly, indirect messages lack the intensity needed to rectify a problem that has been going on far too long.

Parents, do you believe your church pastor should have authority over you when he insults the disciplinary role of a parent?  From what I've seen, it's the paid pastors who crave their authority and ability to get other people to do as they say within a group.   A mother would prefer that her child do no wrong, so that she would not have to be stern and choose disciplinary measures rather than giving a child who has been  committing wicked deeds a Coca-cola and a smile.  Is it the son that failed or the mother when a son steals without her consent?  Is it the child who has failed or the father when the father deserts his child?  Did the Roman centurions who didn't care about the feelings of a mother as they drove stakes through the flesh of others love the excessively violent authority they were given?    I know the answer to those questions. I loved  my son  enough to seek employment that offered a sufficient salary to survive reasonably. I loved my son enough to discipline him, even though he has denounced the type of love that generates discipline rather than letting a child run wild with the local gangster thugs or become a truant unable to read the Scriptures he now disects for his income.   Whether I am discouraged or angry doesn't matter, but I am responsive and sober today.


Go behind and listen to all the sermons on the book go Luke 4:31-32 that Rich Hendrikson gave at 'The Gate Church' in Birmingham, England. He insulted me saying I 'loved' my authoritative position as a police officer, but I had plenty of fears going to work when his father and his paternal grandparents refused to help.  His memory as a 6 year old wasn't correct.  There is no way Milwaukee downtown district 1's jail on the 5th floor would have accepted a grade school child into a cell. As a matter of fact and recollection without a memo book to refer to   he went to Milwaukee District 2, not downtown where adult prisoners were held for until their court appearance.  A friend and fellow police officer that had more authority than me and whom I trusted because he had compassion and common sense, kept an eye on Richard when he was SAFELY in a large cell at Milwaukee District 2 and he could hear him sniffing and crying a bit as he should do after stealing from his grandmother. Only 10 minutes in a safe room for stealing from his grandmother, who was a widow! Richard thinks it was $20, I recall it as $50 or $100. Denominations aren't worth arguing about since he admitted he stole.

In high school, Richard and his buddies decided stealing cookies would be fun. I asked the principal to punish them somehow, and the public school authorities chose to sweep away the event as it was not serious enough in their domain, yet stealing food is extremely WRONG and had I been the principal the thief would have been ordered to work in the cafeteria for at least a week baking cookies or something more constructive than 'doing nothing' as in typical in public schools.

When a man leaves his position of authority in a household,  deserts his wife and his son to chase after sex with a local disc jockey and smoke marijuana, does a woman and mother commit suicide rather than take the seat of authority that was deserted by an adulterous man?  I didn't kill myself, and my son was shown compassion at Milwaukee District II, something that Richard Hendrikson does not have for his mother anymore....but he used to before he was married.

An eye for eye, an ear for an ear.... 

Richard Xavier, who now uses the legal name of Richard  'Rich'  Hendrikson, didn't stop stealing after being warned and sent to a public building room for 10 minutes. He later stole a baseball glove and in his 20's stole and destroyed, with the aid and consent of his wife,  Michael Rood CD's that  I had purchased for another ministry and that I had been listening to with as much neutrality as I listen to sermons from a son who won't even take the time to write me a letter while he is employed in England.  His father was a thief and stole items from Square D when he was given 'authority' as a security guard ; I reported his theft because I wanted no connection to  his thievery.  Theodore R. Xavier, Richard's father  was then fired from Square D but not jailed nor charged with theft.  His father stole from me by refusing to ay the tiny amount of child support he should have.  I was very pregnant when Richard's father was bringing stolen property into our apartment at a time I was working at a gas station before I ever chose a higher paying safer job after Richard's father, a thief, deserted us and I was granted a default divorce.

I had authority as a gas manager that I didn't love either. Thieves and gangsters in Milwaukee continually threatened me and my staff, and I had the authority to try to stop shoplifting but I often could not as I tried to set aside my fears of adults and teenagers who were stealing .

Why would I not try to deter my son from becoming like those gangster thugs who threatened me and my co-workers during every shift as a store manager and as a police officer?  I tried to deter him, but his father would not even try to do what was correct and honorable. Letting him be taken to Milwaukee district #2 and scolded by an on-duty friend and fit man with authority was a good option when he had not father to punish him or scold him.  Jerry Rice's mother or Robert Scott Smith's parents might have handled the matter without compassion nor regard for existing state laws.  

No compassion on a thief?  Why didn't Richard preach about the lack of compassion his father had on him and his mother? Why didn't Richard speak about the lack of compassion our drug-dealing neighbors had in Milwaukee?  My tiny bit of state authority did little good when I was 'off duty' against the drug dealers and gang members in our neighborhood.  Why didn't Richard speak about the lack of compassion his step-father, Robin Michael Ortiz, had after Richard had shown Robin respect while he was head-of-household?  Why didn't Richard preach about the lack of compassion Shane Hendrikson showed him when they had a fist fight in the yard and Shane then kicked him out of our household when I did not want Richard to leave in such a warring manner? Maybe those topics wouldn't get the laughs he wants from his captive audience. There are many parts of the Scripture which have not yet been proven to be true,  such as the book of Revelation.

I took the time to hear how my son was 'preaching', and did so because I desired some news from him, but instead my role as his mother was again insulted publicly and he recieved payment for the speech that dishonored me again. Maybe he wife was smirking at him like Cheryl Lee Brown was smirking in divorce court while I was telling the truth and she was soon to go from poverty into quite a bit of wealth by snagging a wealthy married man away from his wife and children. From what I know, that type of plan isn't supposed to work out very well and neither is a plan to prevent any peace talks between a aged parent and an adult child.

Why didn't Richard preach to the people he has authority over about  the lies he told to escape punishment at a Catholic grade school, namely that a man tried to kidnap him?  Richard was shown plenty of compassion then after he deceived teachers, parents and Wauwatosa police officers with his lie about an abduction attempt.   Maybe he'll preach to his worship team about that incident some day but first he should let the Wauwatosa police department know he filed a false complaint. Some people do have a history of making false claims and never get challenged by their fellow liars.

He or she who aids and abets another to escape a rod of correction is not friend of the sinner, but rather party to his sins.  The more intentional rebellion that occurs, the harsher the rod should strike....unless punishment is to be equal no matter what the offense is. 

I suppose I'm the easier target for Richard's hatred and pain, just as I was when he showed me no compassion when he shot me in the back with a paint ball and injuring me while he laughed.  He has been very much like his cruel father without love nor compassion for me , and not like my father who has compassion toward me.

Ask Jerry Rice if I showed my son compassion by letting him experience how lonely and hard it is in a cell for 10 minutes rather than whipping him with an electrical cord or tattooing a prison number onto him.  Richard, my son, was not bruised and not beaten during visit to the cop shop, yet he still insults the occupation I chose to clothe, feed and shelter him when his lazy, uncompassionate, lying father would not.

Police officers are not death squads.  Maybe Richard Hendrikson wants to try to teach about Revelation 9 & 10, which mentions there are those who still refuse to repent of their thefts, their adulteries and their lies.

Richard might have gotten some laughs and more sympathy from his British audience, but I certainly am not laughing now at how after listening to his Sunday morning speech in which he mocked my attempt deter him from committing crimes which deserved punishment, not apathy and laughter.

My son got his audience to laugh in England and trampled on my efforts as his mother while twisting the word 'love'  and 'authority', while his wife applauds him.

Adults stepped in Christianity don't expect to be punished for anything anymore, because evangelical Christianity thinks someone other than them, even whom they claim to love, should be punished excessively for crimes and sins they did not commit.  🟢. That seems to be an easy way toward spiritual self-destruction.  Many people need to be slapped in the face very hard to see which way they turn their other cheek 'in Jesus name'.  If physically attacked or robbed or raped, do Christians call their pastor or do they call the police that they hope might care about them more than the thief, or the rapist or the brute beast that attacked them?  I've never seen Jesus Christ respond to a crime scene yet, and does Jesus expect someone else with authority to do so, even if that authority is the true parent of the thief, or rapist or brute beast who severely injures another without being provoked to do?  If I did believe in  the Jesus of the Bible, he would not despise a parent for trying to discipline their child and deter them from committing crimes.

Maybe the Jesus of the Bible is more like a child trafficker who lures children away from their parents like Santa Claus in a department store, eh? If Jesus is like Santa Claus who bribes and does not discipline, I hope Satan destroys Jesus very soon, even if that makes parts or all of the book of Revelation be improperly translated.  There is not time to be sentimental about writings that have been sold to billions of people and profited many booksellers.

If you see Richard Isaiah Hendrikson anywhere,  ask him what steps his father took to discipline or deter him from stealing. Ask Rich what vacations his mother took him on when he was a minor, even though his father wouldn't chip in for school tuition, drive him to church or sit at the kitchen table with him for Bible study as I, his mother did.  If Rich doesn't mention vacations without his grandparents in Maine Door County, multiple visits to North Carolina and Kentucky, Connecticut, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington D.C and multiple expensive hockey tournament weekends that he enjoyed with his non-grandparent friends, either his memory is failing or the neutral N section of his brain is malfunctioning because he is not able to sit down with his mother and uncles and cousins to be reminded of what family events had occurred...with much compassion and fiscal responsibility included.

I won't write a letter to my son until he's matured and not interested in Tripp Crosby and LeCrea anymore.  My son's slants all he can away from my perspective and toward lack of appreciation for a mother that clearly showed him plenty of compassion as well as discipline.  I love the authority of  אלעליון that limits me and prevents me from ever again believing the 'Jesus did it all' lies of that choke out sanctification. 


What would Milwaukee's  Jesus Ortiz and Detroit's  Jesus Colon do? Maybe they'd eat a spoonful of brown sugar and then throw 'Sweet and Low' , 'Equal' and the NIV translation of the evangelical's bible into the urban alternative trash containers.  GMO corn can be tossed to the pigs.

I'll  refer to the book of Habakkuk. As Zephaniah has written,  darkness and gloominess happen. 

Toronto Ohio... O O & Clarke Hinkle

It's William Clarke Hinkle night; remember the Green Bay Packers.

Michigan is steeped in gambling trash now, and not showing any signs of repenting. FOX 23 news somewhere in the corn belt of the USA had a report about an 18 year old who died after her 2nd dose of a USA government sponsored  injection left behind her 'BUCKET list. #7 on her list was a desire to skinny dip; #19 on her list was a desire to get a tattoo.  Young people who are encouraged to enticed into partaking in risky activities such as gambling, getting tattoos. and smoking marihuana are less likely to say no to other activities or trends that are risky and dangerous. 

'God' doesn't need to bless Michigan when Michigan  residents who want online gambling, marijuana and the option to murder a baby at any age is a curse unto itself now. If Julios Campbell was correct and attitude reflects leadership, Gretchen Whitmer is certainly a horrible leader no better than Jezebel, the antithesis of the prophet Elijah.

Q)  If REMPE 73 is in TREMPER and Tremper is in Kenosha, where is Toronto?

A) Ohio

Look at a map of Mauston, Wisconsin instead of staring at Auston's unholy team of Toronto.

L O O K again.

If you hold your right palm down over  a map of the USA, you can still line up the Bend, Oregon intersection  of the 2 past solar eclipses  where you upper tumblebug join meets the palm lines.

Remember when Disney's version of  'Ronnis Bass 12' raised his right hand with pam down and he said 'Are you going to leave me hangin'?  What the left had holds onto with palms up, the right hand releases with palms down.

Do you believe in catastrophes? Winning an Olympic game is not actually a miracle and participating in such events is as dishonorable now as the  NHL All-Star game and the Super Bowl events are.

On 2/28/2024, I'll observe the effect of a   מוסך     while alone again, naturally.  This word seems to be connected to muskmelon, Muskegon, muskie and possibly mosque and music, yet it defines a canopy or a covering.   

I won't justify this report and Michigan is too derelict to rectify itself based on trends that a nearby solar eclipse won't reverse.  It seems like lower Michigan has become a suburb of Toronto, Ontario and that is worse than being in the suburbs of Toronto, Ohio.

Maybe I should end like Jennie, the rather independent dog-nurse in 'Higglety, Piggelty, Pop' instead of Toto, the basket case of Elvira Gulch. The Monopoly metal dog does look like 'Jennie' the dog of Maurice Sendak's old developments. 

                                                                 night  15 🌕 73rd month

Not sure if looking for the sliver of the moon is the correct way to determine season or a month when so many are now pushing for the conjunction of the moon?  Watch for the sliver and then start the second daily cycle  of the month  when the sliver is sighted if that makes you feel more confident when the two 15's and the special 10th day matters. 

H2137 or H2138 refers to a human male; in English it looks like ZUKR. Didn't Mr. Zucker own a pig named Arnold in 'Green Acres'?  Why the German word for sugar and Hebrew word for male sound similar is beyond my realm of knowledge.  Why didn't Gerry Bertier call Emma 'zucker' or 'beet sweets' in Disney's depiction of the dead?  My  M for memory isn't perfect, but it's functioning well enough  to reject  bad works such as  online gambling, tattoos, marijuana, skinny-dipping, abortion, unsafe pharmaceutical products, bowing to statues, pornography, trying to become a fake blonde, voting for people with worse ethics than I have, adultery, lying, stealing, ignoring or  dishonoring my parents, consumption of unclean animals and cigarettes;  samples of the many bad works I now intelligently refuse to partake in is a  indicator of my current  MIND  set  though in the past I surely did  partake in many (but not all) of those bad works against the will of  יהוה   .

Is time to watch 'TWO' on the Twilight Zone again to see how Nikki Haley, Joseph Biden, Barack Obama, Vladimir Zelensky and Mitch McConnell and their despicable  United States military offensive workers want  your warring city or town  to look like while they live in their expensive, gated mansions. 

Amanda and her propaganda pandas might decide to provide you with different information than I have offered.   A panda knows how to divide black and white much better than a koala bear. 🐨

Alex Proctor 11 + 64 + 25 (Cole Hampton) 25 + 64 + 11 Nate Wodka

 ר = R , so   R = 200.

When paragraphs don't 'flow', it's because they are like individual bodies of water scattered in a forested area. Welcome to the forest.

Does Alex Proctor and Robert George Deer vs. Nate Wodka and Michael Richter sound less troubling than another 'Battle of the Badges'?  

Since  Strongs H7299 is only used in the Book of Daniel, maybe baseball's Jack Bell and swim team's Daniel Bell can spar through the remaining 'Homer Noodleman' division without a Skinner to corrupt their canine division bag of  Noodles.  It seems the battle has gone into extra innings rather than sudden death overtime and I need more help than Sheryl Yoast would be willing to scream about in Virginia.

  H 591, which means a ship, could look be ANYH in American translation and similar to the last 2 syllables of Virginia...inia.   Ships have moved in and out of Virginia harbors, even if the Austrian Navy escapees didn't command them with Frauline Marya and Frederick Birts.

 R used to and might still designate a police squad that started 30 minutes earlier on a shift than other squads on their D, E or L shift in Milwaukee.

This is not  a 'Sesame Street' presentation.  Typing 'The End' seems like a vain reparation.

Q: Is the Nile River 4150 miles long or dad Jerry Mathers releasing false information in the USA?

                                                     HOME                        AWAY

                 Na | Gd | Mn | Mn | Gd | Na 

                            north                           south

This can't depict the KB Willett Arena, where Bucholz+Skinner tied Proctor yesterday in WIAC hockey, since KB Willett Arena has an east to west hockey rink placement.  

Alex Proctor chose 72 and Hf weighs in at 178'486, which is also the distance from goal line to goal line in a standard ice rink.  Alex proctor's colors match the colors I chose for a goalie with 'JESUC CHRIST' on the front in an advertisement that had been in the Greenheck ice arena, Mosinee ice arena and on central Wisconsin billboards for a few years.   A choice is not a coincidence.

I actually don't know any hockey player who has listed Macomb, Michigan as his 'home'.

North/south  Busha Highway 29 in Michigan is not east/ west Highway 29  through Marathon, Wisconsin. 

Many legends will collapse.


Friday, February 23, 2024

Sew long with Monticello Rose, YShIYH Chapter 63

Is PROKAZNY a real word?

2nd book of John doesn't influence me anymore, so I'll manage and survive without it.  13 verses of rather vague content, based on the lack of commandment keeping within Christianity, aren't enough instructions to complete sanctification nor to attain 'level  זכה  ' . 

I'm  not a little child anymore.  

It's possible I've been deceived by this computer site. It's possible no one else has actually been able to read the contents other than the employees of 'Blogger' and I suppose that is the option of the 'site developer'. I've written letters that I hoped would get to my associates when I was in serious trouble while in the state of Israel and subjected to the cruelty of arrogant things like Rico Cortez, the male who never behaved like a man, even in the presence of his irrational buddy, Monte Judah.

What if I assisted my enemies more than the people I had hoped to target with the perspective I've shared in the form of 'output' from my M as in memory section. The Christians should  then have to applaud me for blessing my enemies, but  they didn't and they chose to hide in their  businesses offices, ignoring me as Mary Ball and canning jars never did.

Even a lid does not ignore the person who handles it. It responds when it is dropped and it relocates when it is handled.  The rubber gasket ridge of a canning lid might be able to handle a 2nd sealing process better than an arrogant business would handle a valid complaint against the hypocrisy of their employees.  

I view today, Adar 13, differently than Jewish partiers do. I noticed George Washington died on December 14, 1799 and that 12/14 combo gave me more insight into the south and west side of Madison Wisconsin. Mary Ball was not a Butler, and George Washington had 1/2 brothers that might have hated him, loved him or tolerated him.  I do know that the signature of George Washington was extremely beautiful and artistic, unlike the throngs of unintelligent youths being ejected from USA schools now without even learning how to read or write cursive. I'd say that William J. Clinton was initiated the worst from of anti-family traditions and still has a mind so deplorable that he's a asp when compared to the spirit of George Washington, DOB 2/22/1732.

I remembered George Washington yesterday and my grandmother.   I'm sure that Mary Ball and my grandmother had many similar characteristics as they approached a church, a kitchen, a barn or a garden and I'll be thankful to move downstream from where my grandmother's cows were watered.

63 as Europium is tough to locate. Chris Archer of Raleigh, N.C. had 63 wins, not 65 wins. When you back in '63' like 'Oh What a Night' mentions, don't let the disgusting Brad Marchand types fool you.  There is a way to approach the number 63 with dignity and whether or not a St. Louis Blues member labeled NEIGHBOURS was chosen for his work ethic or his name is unknown, but  63 was slapped onto his jersey.  What do 4 corners mean when squad 63 is tested rather than squad 36?

                                                           🌹    HC-63 Monticello Rose  🍷


                                  2.      David Akers                yards           points          Paul F. Stanton    22     

                                             human   height    <     63     inches     63    >   amberjack   length

                                  24  Christopher Archer         wins          elections       Richard S. Artison  ?


                                                                  Port Huron police tags 062


I don't know what Richard Artison's badge number was when he was a Milwaukee County deputy.

George Washington lived 67 years; maybe I won't even complete 63 years but I'm certainly not afraid to be buried with respect rather than being tossed into a horrific Obama&Biden  filled with aborted baby parts and the cancerous body of a former co-worker of mine named Roy 'Chako' Benford who recently died at age 60.

I wonder if Chako's cancer was exacerbated by needled injections with false advertising paid for by the United States government.   Sometime the questions we wonder about are never answered, so answer the questions that you can, such as ' who is your real mother?'' or "why didn't your father have to pay child support when Milwaukee police officers had to?"

Maybe I'll learn how to raise chickens in Wisconsin someday and never again have Mrs. Timothy Stroik as an anti-sabbath, unthankful, anti-D.A.R.E. program neighbor anymore.  I certainly can't claim to be Mercury and it's not my goal to weigh in at 200.591,  so I'll leave a portion of בראשית  chapter 49 word behind, instead of 14 NHL goals:


Strongs G591 could be hurtful or beneficial, depending on what gets dispensed and allocated to the receiver that isn't always hand-held.  📞            🐸 



Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Income vs. outcome: Enterprise Center split between PUCK and SUCKEr

  Candy bar code variables in St. Clair County's  'police vs. firefighter'  split are included. When you see the number 133, it represents PUCK; when you see the number 201, it represents SUCKEr.

SUCKEr is a type of fish, not a lollipop.


Pepsi                             red                          Ticketmaster

Toyota                           ice                         Bud Light

Leafs                             wall                          Blues

    A                            Scottrade                         H

   Boston                      yellow                      St. Louis

      cash                         green                          golf

     school.                      color                          road

  secondary                   primary                        ZZ

   hurricane                   IRMA.                       54442

 Skaradzinski             'ROBERT'.                  DeLeon

   Roy Banks                Doerfler                   Dean Noonan

 158 Payday.              Bit O Honey          156. Butterfinger

   Thomas                   Hendricks                     Chad

      police                        Levi                    firefighters

     flashlight                  brown                          ax

      Yale                        Schlage    .                 Master

        V.                              M.                              I

   'BUCKY".               ' GOLDY'                " BRUTUS"

         6                              40                              70

  Sergei  Fedorov          91.224                   Catfish Hunter

                  RU                CWA                       US

      Chancellor               Winters                 Abbott

           Davidson              HOG              Harley

                      crown         Jack          dentures

                              14          7           1

                        basic     BOULTON   acidic

                         Nitschke     36     Nathan


                      David         leather        Mitchell   

                       RICE          skin          VERNON    

                           97       BrONSON      29

                        Marie          Se=34        Fiddler

                            L.                O.             T

                         201                16              132

                olive                     street                    ring

                    old               Milwaukee           brewer

                            29         Wisconsin        31     




_89___________________ 🏈____________________91_

 B                   E                     N                   C                     H

 P                    R                     E                   S                      S

                      M       45          A       45        X

                              Deer.        T       Koslov

                                ⚾         ט         🏒


          Maurice       ♫        Cincinnati       🎳      Harvey      

A man who isn't thinking sanely has  uttered on ESPN during the St. Louis Blues vs. the Toronto Maple Leafs : 'Make sure you don't turn over the puck."    🍭

Pucks always get turned over during a hockey game.  I know a puck isn't nominal value, but surely it would be wiser and more sane to say 'Make sure you don't  cheat and try not to lose another tooth . Wear a full mask." 

It's not a sin nor a crime to turn over a puck; what's ESPN''s problem?

VErIFY the surname 'Ing' if you are able to. This is incident report 1974 out of  2008.

When your income is unearned stolen funds or corrupt government 'hand outs' known as an election bribe  too many loosed criminals are still casting votes for their favorite criminal and are thus worse than dogs with a dog license, When your income or property is stolen, your  physical outcome should be disastrous.

A salutatorian is not supposed to be 'voted for', but school systems who wanted a TOKEN have wrongfully ignored GPA in Mosinee High School,  I was threatened with being jailed when I wanted to home school my son in 1996 in Wisconsin.  I complied out of fear then, but his father went to into hiding to avoid child support and I need to work rather than to be jailed.

Shame on Mosinee school district; they attacked me when I was weak, a single mother and struggling financially;  that is how the mostly liberal teachers unions ruin a state, one district at a time,  

Jeffrey Brezovar, an exceptional high school and collegiate athlete, studied and earned his honorable position.  In the 1970's public school students were not pretending to be a kitty or a goldfish in class because if we did that, we'd have been  sent to a psychiatrist or an exorcist!

Beware of people who lower their standards so that 'blacks' can become more uneducated than they should be.   David Clarke should agree with this paragraph, and might even be able to verify 'Ing' instead of claiming to be Darren Clarke's sister. 

 Most water ways seem to be extremely impure now. Which 'Donny' is going to test Majkowski the Lion?


Prints vs. Prince: 1st Attempt at '4322'

Who begat  מיכיהו?

Identification by address is not a full set of  'Michael Sieve' prints.

322 has been used as Gerry Bertier's adds, not Julius Campbell's address.

211 has been used by 'June Bronson' on 'Leave it to Beaver'.

Principal vs. interest can be considered now.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Jacinth's 12th year placement: two 99's don't have to become 198

Humans develop and destroy, but humans have never created anything. I repent for the times I used the word 'create' rather than 'develop' when describing any works of humanity.

The state of Israel is shaped like the tail of a dog that has been chopped off along the coast of Gaza. After the 6th year of reviewing Hebrew words of the Scriptures, this is my last lap past 2132's olive tree reference, which doesn't have any Benjamin Moore codes beside it. You can't drink house paint, and olives are wondrous, natural pearls not limited to the state of Israel that appear in many shades of black,  green , gold, scarlet and white; which is actually the sweetest variety. 

You might be typically unthankful  as a robot though I have taken  the time to learn and teach again, but that is your sin, not mine.

It would be easier to teach others in person what I am going to express here, but many uppities and guilty, unrighteous adults prefer extreme difficulties rather than humbling themselves and appearing in person to compensate a victim or thank their 'helping hand' in person.

"The 2042 eclipse of 8/23 ( remember Davey Solokov) will pass from the left index finger and enter the current  border area of the northern United States in Montana, then the palm crease closest to the fingers becomes a  type of night line that continues into night after the eclipse is not visible in the USA anymore. The eclipse sighting ends rather than begins at the area of the palm crease line that has a tiny twig split below the 2nd and 3rd; that highest palm crease is disconnected from the palm creases of the 2017 and 2023 eclipse paths that go through the Bend, Oregon  nearer to the wrist.   Some of us might be alive 18 years from now . "    If you heard the former sentences of this paragraph while overhearing a conversation, it might not make any sense at all until someone like me demonstrates the interesting concept of how a 'hand to eclipse' map course can be 

 Look at your left hand palm as my friend Mohammed instructed me to do a couple of weeks ago. Then look at the patterns of the past 2 solar eclipses where their paths intersected in the Bend, Oregon area. The lower path curves down to San Antonio, Texas towered the middle wrist and the outer edge of the 'pinky' is Milwaukee now as another eclipse is 48 days away. Do you know what the 5th commandment it? Those who are not on being cruelly pressured by household members, fell we employees or demonic political criminals  are more likely to appear sane not others. Those  who are swallowing unsafe, toxic concoctions with a $ sign attached  often become irrational, become unresponsive and able to defend themselves or do not react safely to counter-attack  during a dangerous situation provoked by wicked warlocks and experienced witches.  ' I  am not dead, nor deaf, nor blind to those who are physically near me but to others who belittle me  I am nothing more than a contrived cartoon character or a toy shaped like a snowman.  

If I placed the palm of my left hand up 22 inches over a USA map 20 X 12 in dimensions, the dotted lines I marked as eclipse lines lined up due to perspective of oversight, not tunnel-vision.*

Expand your 'hand' map  beyond common Michigan limitations. View the base of your left hand while facing north.  Wausau, according to the left palm map, now has it's legend at the valley between the  left ring finger and the pinky finger. What are the 6th and 7th commandments?  Should commandments 6 and 7, as vocalized in the past by Charlton Heston's reaction figures,  be done away with because someone else decided to obey rather than reject those good behavioral expectations?   If I refuse to be adulterous or refuse to be a thief, does that mean everyone else can be adulterous and thieves  once I choose to obey those statutes? Irrational preachers,  whether wealthy and impoverished, have uttered intentional lies unto the lovers of dogs , raw oyster bars and chitterlings in their midst.  Whether the left ring finger is 2nd or 4th or oddly 9th with palms down is subjective  in  numbering systems, and might best be viewed as a 7th finger when both palms are up and counting your fingers from right to left. 

*Do not forget the eclipse path lines on your left hand and consider your housing position  if it is within that left palm map legend. Maybe the tummy reaches out to Hawaii and the left pointer reaches up to Alaska, but my map can't verify that perspective. As a matter of perspective, the west parts of Lake Superior where Wisconsin and Minnesota meet seems to go across the location where a wedding ring is traditionally worn .  Without the blessings of all four parents of an engaged couple, rarely will  a bride and groom  have more joys than sorrows.  When a foundation is set, it is beneath, not above the roof top. When your left hand is palm up, the stone on your ring is hidden, but not eliminated. Agates from Lake Superior are often exquisite, yet  are disregarded  as rubble by fools who rather suck on pork rinds and Twizzlers than examine a natural agate.

Suppose you take your right palm to do another test with the palm lines my Muslim friend claims had the name of Allah in. You'd have to face the south over the same  map and in my test case, I situated Bend, Oregon  with the palm/eclipse path lines that intersect between my thumb and pointer; my arm had to be completely vertical rather than horizontal, with my elbow situated approximately over Winnepeg, Manitoba. Such a right 'palm up' formation while  facing south with the hand near my right cheek is similar to what Hitler had his troops do or how a showy waiter might carry a platter, rather than the 'water's up' move  Gideon's  chosen men opted for when I  tested the left palm lines.  Maybe the middle finger reaches out to Hawaii, but I can't establish that perspective with the. paper maps that I am using.  This is not trivial information I can keep to myself, since I did not create my palm lines nor any continents, nor did I plan the paths of eclipses. 

H5347 is the word for a female coupled with a male; that is  a derived number attached to a necessary term that defines a natural female, not a male nor transgendered homosapien. H4753 is the word for myrrh, not a docked dog tail nor dog shit scraped into a plastic bag by the servant of a dog.

 I'm not a seller of diamonds anymore, and not interesting in owning any more than I already have.  There was a day when I was so impoverished because a corrupt court had prevented me from access to my earned income that I sold a customized diamond ring for less than $400.00 to Wickersham jewelry in central Wisconsin so that I'd have some cash to buy food to keep in the motel room I rented after a Neo-Nazi from Wittenberg invaded my house.  If my high school class ring hadn't been stolen by a black Catholic male who was acclaimed as some sort of saint by the Milwaukee Journal-Snntinal because he could swim in a chlorinated prison,  I would have fasted rather than sell than yellow gold ring that I earned the money to buy by working at McDonald's near Marquette University.  If that Jackson person who stole my class ring with amethyst claims to be under the authority of Jehovah or El Elyon or AL ILYON, he can't be forgiven unless he replaces it or compensated me for it at current market value plus a 20% penalty. 🐀 If he does not want to remain within יהוה's  protective law system, he'll go steal from others as putrid rat gnawing away at a building trying to destroy it.  Beware of slippery-tongued men that restrict the name Jehovah or YHoWH  or יהוה to a  cap on their head or clothing bout and sold with an insignia that will eventually get tossed into the trash.   

I'm not sure if Mohammed would agree with the prior paragraph.

Ho-WAH!   🏹

I was at a tavern where 4 televisions were on, all on different channels. The east television, closest to 53, had golf on it; the west television had female gymnastics on it; basketball and hockey were in the middle.

Who remembers when the USA media and NFL hypocrites were 'outraged' by Randy Moss, fully clothed, only making a completely legal move known as a 'FAKE. MOON'.  Meanwhile, whorish females strut about in a form of gymnastic suit nakedness and the media applauds and encourages their deplorable,lewd displays excessively worse and more deplorable than anything I've seen Randy Moss do on any football field.  

Randy Moss didn't do any 'fake gun' moves like James Costa Jr. did toward me in a threatening manner and the Everest Metro police in Wisconsin didn't think there was any cause of concern about James Costa's trigger move toward me but as usual, Marathon County officials were WRONG and either lacked discernment  or thought my Bible-reading life wasn't important enough to be protected and the cops did nothing other than tell me James Costa, Jr.'s conduct wasn't  disorderly or worthy of a fine.

The golf channel had athletes that were dressed far more decently than any gymnast; there is no such thing as an innocent female gymnast, and parents that allow their daughters to do such lewd moves in front of an audience certainly are more unladylike than the character known as 'Scarlett O-Hara'.

I thought about keeping this report to myself, but the hypocrisy level of the United States of America and other pro-Olympic 'cunt trees' has become too much of a burden to retain in my 'N' as in neutral zone and hence, I am either going on offense against gymnastics or going on defense for male football team uniforms.  None of my strategies will be anywhere near as horrific as international terrorist and paid USA hate speech  official known as South Carolina's Lindsey Graham.

Why hate Russians that are decent and obey the laws of their nation and love the criminals such as Mitch McConnell, pedaphiles, illegal aliens and Joseph Biden ruining the United States of America?

Make sure you are dressed much better than a female gymnast; the media won't cover what I just reported as an obvious discrimination against Randy Moss and the vain repetitions of  irrational, unjustified anti-Russian terorist style hate speech   by Lindsey Graham.

These home NOON games were at Lambeau Field in 2023:   3,  8,  9,  11 and 15.  That schedule was devised by extremely influential businessmen.  I don't fill out gambling cards, nor have I ever exhibited obsessive compulsive behaviors with an electronic device such as is now plaguing school age children of all ages and pathetic adults who know nothing about self or community defenses anymore. Certainly there are  schedules such as the lunar,  solar and associated eclipses far more important to be aware of than the multitude of unconstitutional schedules provided by the beasts of the Internal Revenue Service that the typical illegal alien will blatantly disregard while buying and selling drugs or waiting for their stolen funds to arrive in the palms of their greedy, lazy hands being lifted up by reprobates such as Gavin Newsom and their fellow lazy, greedy man, Mr. Joseph Biden.

This memorandum anything like the 1979 speech I gave to my fellow Milwaukee Trade and Technical high school classmates and the parents of those Trojans, yet I have completed 13 years of a daily study of Hebrew words listed alphabetically in Strong's concordance, being diligent and serious in this area of study considering  the  12th year setting of   לשם  .

I'll rest in peace as scheduled, but not in Canada's Peace River.  2 X 99 is 198; allow James Reimer and Joseph Schobert to  combine as 4753 or 5347. Both of those men understand defense and have been sent to work in conditions not nearly as deplorable as I have worked in to provide earned income for my dependents in past years. Both seem to have chosen their spouse carefully and had more success as a head of their household than any of my former  husbands ever had.

The 11th theoretical reset placement of jacinth is not a laughing matter, but is Revelation chapter 21 really worth getting studied anymore if the earlier chapters have not yet been fulfilled and the book of YCZQAL is continually ignored as too complicated or 'done away with' by a person whom some refer to as their master deserving of worship?  Freemasons lodge in all denominations from what I've seen, so when 'they' are viewed as an individual, a Freemason can't be excluded from some CHANCE to comply with AL ILYON or with YHVH.  Freemasons have served me breakfast when my daughter-in-law refused to for over a decade.  The term love is now merely a surname of a Green Bay Packer quarterback who dresses much better than any female gymnast , beach volleyball whore or competitive swimmer.  

Does X=10 now?  Viking 8 jersey was easier to steal from me than a stove or an icebox that I inherited, yet Wittenberg, Wisconsin graduates decided to steal  an icebox and maybe the Viking 8 jersey also that never had the name LONGWELL on it.   Cousins matter, but parents and grandparents should matter even more than cousins when connections are chosen to be repaired and valued or severed and discarded as 'nominal value' trinkets less important than a T-Mobile device.

7th place isn't last place of 12 brothers, no matter who your mother is.  Whether of not Dinah is your full sister is more important than. being wrong about jacinth's connection to גד.  🦅

Read Yermiyahu 49, and be aware that the word 'king' in the 1st verse might be an extremely erroneous translation involving  troubling events of the Ammonites.  I've given  others plenty to consider when studying your left palm and the Texas to Ohio to  New England path of the next eclipse, and I am astounded by the signs in my palm revealing the path of genuine, non-faked, anti-NASA eclipses.   When deeply astounded as I have been today,  behavior is usually significantly altered and thus regular activities  are wisely  negated for a period of time for the sake of the MIND process.  I know how to use my own 'sick days', which aren't scheduled on a regular basis.

I'm thankful for my parents and teachers who have pruned  my literary skills enough to keep my shrub of library branches functional.  My parents are more worthy of my respect and honor than the unfaithful members  of  the body of G-D are.  Meanwhile, anti-abortion groups in the England are being fined plenty of pounds simply for displaying something as beautiful as 'Thou shalt not murder' while the beasts of the UK and Gretchen Whitmer supporters groom up female gymnasts to become whorish shows for lesbians, pedaphiles and King Herod types.

You might compare the race splits between the USA's Simeon Rice and Canada's Michael Vernon on February 24, 2024.  As for me and my MIND, I will remembering my grandmother as well as George Washington while considering  the term  זכה ( as in the audibles of Zachary and Zakaryah)  on February 22, 2024, whether in pure darkness or in pure light or roving as a house cat above the impure and very polluted grounds of unholy Michigan.

Bumblebee men can eat tuna. 🍯   

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

White Bear Lake , John Chambers quarters, high A's & Kaprizov: month 97 FINAlS

When VICE is divided between lords and squads, perfect advice might delay your death.  Squad 97 in Milwaukee is not as easy as being 'SUEDE' #12 playing games at Adrian College near Tyler Fyfe.

Steven Fyfe might have perfect advice; Tyler Fyfe might only have fair advice. When a mother's input is no longer being received, it may be that a mother has died and only a sister or daughter remains for valuable input that is rarely identical to a male's perspective.

288 hits occurred on this post before I altered the title.  Toronto, Ohio seems to be a more interesting topic for search engines than Jolly and Rice.

Johnny Jolly was a Green By Packer, #97. Simeon Rice was Tampa Bay Buccaneer #97.  I'm not sure if Rice was ever 'Jolly' good, but he certainly knows about Chicago 'vice' wars.   Being assigned as a regular on  a 'wagon' in Milwaukee back in the 1990's  typically meant you were capable of transporting prisoners reasonably well and were considered a competent veteran officer, not a lover of violent, wicked gang bangers.

Suppose you already realize that Biden's 2nd-hand tongue, Karine J-P,  is leading an excessively deceptive and untruthful information center and you can choose between a latrine and a marine as your partner to counter or return the damage to the United States of America that Karine has done back to Karine. The marine might be less helpful than an operable, clean Church brand latrine in your household while you protect yourself against the Karine J-P types, so I'll even offer 4 different shift options for a non-Rood marine to assist your counter-offensive against offensive, deceptive and the current black face of the anti-constitution party, Katrine J-P.  

SHIFT:                   military experience                                                 element LiNKS

97D day:                Jeff Sonnentag/Marines  USA                                      F =  squad 9

97E evening:          Sergei Fedorov/USSR                                                  I = squad 53

97L late:                 Brian Berletic /Marines USA                                       N = squad 7

97P power:             Curtis Carson/Navy , Michigan/ USA                         Al = squad 13

97R: rotating          Adam Marks /Air Force/  USA                                    S = squad 16

I could have removed Brian Berletic from that list, but I didn't.  Boater  Richard 'Dick'  Heckel, trinket salesman Michael Rood, absurd Justin Best, unresponsive Adam Fink,  disappearing Brian Meyer and $ boy Kevin Hermening had plenty of opportunity to do more than nothing, but they did nothing to make critical situations improve. Recent history about Curtis Carson, brother of Ben Carson, indicates he respected his mother before and after his father  undearly departed from his financial responsibility, and that discerning fact makes Curtis Carson more reliable in judgment than my son has been since he decided my efforts were neither merciful enough nor consistent enough to surpass the image of his irresponsible and unreliable father figure. Since I have a brain, being honest about past, present and current conditions  indicates proper brain function which Joseph Biden does not currently possess.

Christianity is far less of a problem when hypocrisy is abolished within it's venue.

When nothing improves, I tend to amend the digital frog pond of information. Unlike the Biden administration and South Carolina's warring terrorist known as  senator L. Graham, I prefer that conditions and situations improve in the jurisdiction where I am and I do not believe that angering Russia and hating good, honest pro-Bible, straight Russians is in the best interest of North America.

Squad 91 and squad 13 are both had been known as district 1 in Milwaukee squads, but if you live in area where there are 9 districts, squads designated in the 90's might scramble your MIND a bit. 

Switch to your new squad MIND set to  the chemistry position of your theoretical selection.  This change of squads after doing as much research as you can about a theoretical partner as valid as trying to decide which apostle you might have wanted to be linked up with or which from of D  you'd be willing to work with if Cleveland currency is not an option.  

As I have expounded upon, use of the N as in neutrality is important in  MIND operation, so I included 2 marines I have had plenty of contact with and 2 marines I have only heard of but never met.  There is more latitude here than choosing between Jeff Coffey and Paul Coffey in a split of 'Chicago' units and if you theoretically choose stupidly or without doing any research on the marines in question, in reality you will also make a stupid or uniformed choice as many voters do. Using M and D components of my MIND,   I wouldn't choose Kevin Hermening because he thinks divorce is laughable, he plays with numbers in the financial world,  his daughters went to very expensive colleges and his wife is overly attracted to HGTV programming.  I also only have one Pittsburgh Penguin jersey with an actual '9' on it, so I wouldn't be likely to be seen affiliated with Dick Heckel.  

If you heard '2 point' conversion during a Juneau vs. Marshall football game, it's only a Milwaukee high school audible.  If they meant 'to 54 in the paint', it might be a Craig COXe  xenon idiom or Urlacher vs. Osgood in a Jesuit split or a Dean Butler split.  What you hear is often so coded you might as well mute your television unless you are assigned to decoding like Edwin Layton or Richard Dawson had been. 

'Off the back Board' might mean the NFL'c Chris Board; off the backboard might mean Ryan Shazier as a '50' below 32nd&Belgium.  There is a lack of proper, eloquent and accurate language skills among those hired to spout off about a gaming event. 

Obama's generation of Fort Leonard Wood's army recruits were taught to say 'Kill, kill, kill we will!'  I'd not want any of those 'grads' babysitting or toddler sitting or getting paid to tend to a defenseless  elderly patient. 

Obviously evil and wicked SeNaTe employees, such as Chuck Schumer,  voted to AGAIN steal from United States citizens so they could shift an additional $60,000,000,000.00 in murder money to  Neo-Nazi Ukraine and then  more $ to the obviously anti-יהוה state of Israel. Those wicked SeNaTe employees who voted 'for' rather than against funding Neo-Nazi foreign nations  such as Ukraine and Israel would be better off if they evolve into swines and then drown themselves in their private swimming pools to eradicate their wickedness from the face of the earth.

Call the  SeNaTe 'squad  97' ; the United States no longer has a legitimate senate, and those who voted to fund Ukraine and Israel are  bastard formations of foreign whores who mated with the CIA. 

Blessed are those few, elect SeNaTe employees  such as Rand Paul and Josh Hawley who have voted against such wickedness in the form of anti-national  deficit redistribution of wealth to Neo-Nazi nations and to those congressional employees who actually voted against stealing from their employer (legal United States citizens) and against continuous funding of warring nation that hate the very  notion of peace on earth and good will toward legal citizens of their own or neighboring nations.

Cursed be Ukraine and Israel for continually receiving stolen property and for bedding down with Joseph Biden, Barack Obama and CIA agents in their anti-marriage beds of dead flowers.

There are many beds that get defiled, and flower beds are defiled with garbage and chemicals and fake imitations due to lack of appreciation for natural species and hatred of the knowledge that a  home  gardener and/or  hired farmer gains through  'hoe in' and hands in soil experience. 

The distorted, putrid vision of Chuck Schumer and the hearing of Bodo Gajevic won't be able to induce or extort anymore information from me.  It seems I have little good during several years of warnings and advising strangers in the electronic stream.

Maybe Columbus Blujacket goalie coach Niklas Backstrom can be a chief shepherd more intelligent than the one who didn't provide a lamb for you and your household.  I've seen that some Knights of Columbus locals actually support anti-abortion units.

"Blog, blog, blog... I won't!" I'll restrain myself without hiring a personal trainer. Do we need another fake character named 'Gnat Ali Kohl' or an artificial fishing tackle named ' Co-Sure Hymn Lure'?

Now, for those Christians who say 'don't judge me' or 'all our sins are erased away', what do they do with the prediction that judgment will first begin in the house of 'God'?  Do they depart from that house of God and demand no judgment be made for or against them? Do they edit  out 1st Peter chapter 4:17-18?  Isaac Brush and Paul Combs might have equal silence regarding this paragraph, but neither of those characters wrote portions of the Christian bible.

Read Psalm 97  and see if it has any advice that the renters of 97 Bristol Road in Birmingham, England have heeded or neglected. Then read Psalm 119:97 and see if that verse has advice that Amy Guenther of Michigan has taken seriously. 

I'm going to read Psalm 97 and Psalm 119:97, which should be in the letter 13th letter M section.

I assigned the M to Canada's Patrick Lalime and the USA's Benjamin Sheets, but it is possible my memory is not correct or is incomplete on the M assignment. Karine has no form of  M in her name.

Not accidentally, I gave away my 'Simeon Rice 97' jersey to a football player from Detroit who also happens to be a tremendous friend of mine. I still have some  '40' jerseys. 

Connor McDavid should wear a full face mask or a cloth mask since he has a horrific, hazardous spitting habit; if  he lacks the ability to stop spitting and that might be what doses of  snake DNA  would cause.

1 point in cribbage is sometimes a laughing matter; spitting all the time is like sneezing on someone else's body rather than sneezing into your elbow, and spitting onto someone else isn't a laughing matter.

The reverse of  Wisconsin  Route 86 in Tomahawk could be 68 or 98, but not 89.

"The thorns of Sharon Case have corrupted many bodies." - the unchosen viewer

 Statesville,  North Carolina is real and has been known for  it's BBQ  joints.  🦆

When it is dark, it is difficult to notice a change in countenance.  Noticing a change in countenance is extremely important, as serious as a natural family being reduced from 6 members to 5 members after records are checked that indicate  there was a fraudulent '6th' added to a family tree.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Bend, OR Bust Ware 74: Korducki 25: SLIM LiNe anti-'Shin Bet' K Class

I didn't forget about Tom Christian, Tom Hendricks and Tom Best, and I can't forget the important role of Jerry Jaeck in my neighborhood history . Though we may have felt like we shoved into a sardine can at times, we never did get 'canned' because appreciated our important jobs while lazy sluggards and criminals have been continually begging for more government  freebies and access to unearned, stolen assets.

 Shin Bet  can't become as sturdy as a wondrous agate. Let that be a  superior 8  anti-Obama warning unto everyone, including Michigan.

Bald locusts are not imaginary avatars.

'Buxton Blue' at 149 is close to Sergei Zubov at +148.  When sorrows accumulate, colors do not disappear.

'revelation chapter 21 unproven theory: G5556: chrysoprasus 

                                 10th repositioned gemstone after  Simeon's 9th topaz

Fact: H5556: סָלְעָם / SLIM 

                     a  CRuSHEr; a type of locust mentioned in Leviticus 11:12 

                     THE CrUSHEr: a WWF wrestler claiming to be from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

You actually shouldn't have watched any part of Nevada's depraved 'Super Bowl 58'.   I didn't watch any of  queer, lewd host Las Vegas's  immoral atrocities.   If you watched the Las Vegas Super Bowl, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!

There might be a K between J and L.  K in soccer is the goalie, K in football is the kicker.

This is a follow-up test for 'Broad Gambler' units that are familiar with 'Bitter Berry' and 'Black Berry' paint codes of Benjamin Moore. 'Kingston Gra 86y' isn't as foolish as Shinny Miller or 'Dusty' the idiot of George Strait..  Too many people have wrongly focused on an ambiguous term such as  'Heartland' and have not focused on the condition of their kidneys, their liver or their brachial arteries. 

Liverland management vs. Liverpool water might be the next game on 'Word Girl' after kidney stones have been tossed out from a pitcher's mound.  

L is assigned to Robert Scott Smith, but the J is split between Joseph Pavelski and Joseph Cannan.

Take the Kansas City Chief score and divide it  between the 'J' team and reassign the J to the  'split ball' squad.

Robert Scott Smith gets assigned to whatever squad the 49ers 'finish' with numerically.

The  Hebrew Y, the Roman X and the USA  J are considered a '10', and the L is viewed as a Roman 50, Hebrew 30 or a USA 12.

Robert Smith squad:___22____    📺. KFAN squad

Joseph Pavelski squad:__8____ ⚽   keeper squad

Joseph Cannan squad:__17____   🏈.  kicker. squad

 Now there 3 squads that can go 'Separate Ways', based upon their affiliated symbolism.

Currency numerology is not a joke. 

Year 12, month 12 , day 1 has begun; read Yczequiel chapter 32 again.

2001-34 = 1967.   Mercury (Hg)  is listed as 200.59.

The state of Israel was and is currently far more wicked and cruel than Poland in 1979 when Russia was Poland's defense secondary.   Biden is actually a traitor as he steals money from the United States assets and then cuddles up with  Ukraine's Zelensky and the Israeli IDF girls who never would be acceptable in the military forces of    יהוה  , although apparently Hashem isn't very fussy about who he'll take to represent him.

Cursed be  the state of Israel's  שב  personnel;  torture is a cruel Babylonian and Roman tactic , not  my  method of operation.   By the time King Zedekiah's eyes were ripped out by Babylonians, that wicked king Zedekiah had openly and repeatedly rejected  יהוה     

The 'slide' in a game of 'Sorry' isn't a practical slide rule. ⚾

Green Bay & Bender  is an intersection in Glendale, Wisconsin. 

Ryan Longwell might understand Green Bay , Wi & Bend, OR;  understand 🃝 card wars.

Godbout v. "In Cold Blood" ' : Bowlby in the middle isn't Walker

The Port Huron Prowlers have taken a dive in the direction of Las Vegas teams with an addition of unladylike cheerleaders, so  their owner isn't a  spiritual or physical winner

The Watertown Wolves might have had to go through Adams, Pulaski and Mexico to get from the 'Fort Drum' zone and Watertown, New York  to McMorran Place off  the water without driving through 'Maggie's on the Water'.

The winner was the driver of New York bus plated 13755 B1 that transported Mr. Lord the 16th. That bus plate looked like it was contrived by Ed Jovanovski, but it was designed by the state of New York.

The driver of that bus moved carefully in my presence and didn't try to run me over in my unique  2-11 Mathieu Roy outfit, which covered my body extremely well.

Watertown's goalie accepted 1 puck during overtime after a 50/50 split of the first 6 pucks.  The overtime puck was the 7th goal sometimes known as the 'Cujo' puck, but more properly known as the גד puck.

When there's a GODBOUT,  DB is needed between GO and OUT. 

Is this a  Phil Sharp progression' or an Adam-12 split  @ 'WELLS' ?

                                 Gary             BCP          Crosby      

Blake Holmes, Sally Holmes,  Jim Hogan,  Rob Bowlby Blake, Robert Blake

         ^                                               ^                                                   ^

 UW-Superior                    'The Partridge Family'                       "In Cold Blood'

Refer to Robert Bowlby Blake as a 'Bowling Green slider', not as a king. 🦈


Saturday, February 10, 2024

R. Hind Sight, 2017 to 2024; foresight until 2117

Rajab Hind might have been conceived in 2017, but did she ever live in a dreamy cloud  situation?   Yes, life in a caring, healthy mother's womb is a dreamy cloud compared to the harsh reality babes often have to survive outside of the womb.   Will any child not aborted this year survive and thrive to age 93 while honoring the commandments from יהוה until 2117?  The first challenge most infants have is not being aborted by several hateful, murderous generations clogging the earth with wickedness that as an infant  they never exhibited.  I've seen some toddlers behave horribly, and those behaviors were not self-induced but in fact were learned from their ill-mannered, violent and indecent household companions or televised keepers.

Lovely innocent 6-year old female, Hind Rajab,  didn't deserve a death penalty but she was murdered merely for residing in the prisoned portion of the state of Israel .  Like a fawn without her doe or buck, the artwork depicted below is a reminder of her Rajab Hind's demeanor. That butterfly reminds me of my first child whom I named Qeseth Charise; Qeseth was much tinier when she was murdered  in  Milwaukee, Wisconsin by a man who enjoyed murdering babies. Qeseth's murderer worked for a USA-based company called 'Bread and Roses'.  Rajab's murderer worked for a business also funded by the United States of America.  It is 250 years since 1774, and the United States has become extremely despicable and largely unrepentant since intentional abortion of the innocent became legalized murder.  Not many of the 250 escaped from German concentration camp depicted  in the MGM movie labeled 'The Great Escape', and abortion was not legal in Wisconsin  nor Michigan when that film was acclaimed and appreciated for it's content. Michigan voters that voted for legalizing abortion are as wicked as the men that consented to murdering Rajab Hind and Qeseth Charise.  When the men on earth fail to lead correctly and justly, divided families precede an epidemic of failed cities, impoverished states and wicked nations.

The list of guilty politicians encouraging the murder of innocent children from the United States, Israel, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the European Union is a far greater multitude than the tally  of innocent.

Maybe watching Russians working with a Lord, a Blacksmith and a Godbout will do good to openly oppose  those who have been supporting the Obama and Biden tickets; surely those neo-Nazi politicians who have supplied weapons to both beggarly Ukraine and arrogant Israel are guilty of abetting genocide and thus deserve a swift death penalty.  Did any of the murdered innocent children get a fair trial before unjust men decided innocent children deserved death? 

 'Guilty' can be placed on the head of the household, with or without a trial.  Cornel West surely is guilty and not innocent, and his willful ignorance spews out of his mouth like most other USA politicians and college professors. 

Hind Rajab's death cannot atone for another person's sin; it is insanity to believe the murder or death of an innocent person can erase the guilt of any other human being.

The 1st day of month 12 is mentioned in YCZQAL 32:1-16; in 2024 that day occurs on about February 11th.  Will the three days and three night until February 14th be pivotal for the innocent who remain?

Let us who love innocent children like Rajab Hind hope so; there has never been an innocent man in the papacy system that guilty Catholic Joseph Biden is willfully and actively connected to. 

( 1966 + 35 drafts=2001, in case the final number 'writings' here of interest to probability and statistics geeks.)

 יקזקאל 's writings can take over from here.