Thursday, April 13, 2023

Pigs Can't Fly ,Yet Locusts Can


Do you believes that Proverbs 19:26 is an accurate  assessment of a serious 'family trouble'? You should believe it, but if you don't believe it should you refer to yourself as a Bible teacher or Bible believer?

No pentagon or trapezoid included in a good triangle.

1st and 14th does commence peach week; April 13th often includes and sometimes concludes the matter of unleavened bread.  I though't I'd produce a bit of 'home on the range' proof, since I am truthful.

What's delicate?  דַּלֶּקֶת. (Deuteronomy 28:22)
Myocarditis is an inflammation problem.

What's tar and pitch? זֶפֶת (Exodus 2:3; Isaiah 34:9)

Two ships, namely 'H.Lee White' and 'Presque Isle' were alert enough to sound their horn when passing by me on the 7th day of unleavened bread, reminding me of the sound of an awakening blast from Tobemory's ferry.
When you work by ear, the left ear looks like this : פ
When you work by sight, don't trust computer images.


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