Thursday, April 6, 2023

From Copper to Umpire: Redirecting the Jordan Fader for Ohio's Jim Jordan

Feel nauseated? It often helps to  ἐξέραμα .  🚽

I'm not sure how Marc Joanette feels today, now that his #25 won't be seen during the NHL playoffs.

2nd Peter 2:22 is the reference pointer for  Strongs G1829.

I suggest tuning into a detail-minded experienced umpire who has informative videos on United States of America history, current events and timeline formation very different than my Strong's concordance sequences. He lists himself as thesignswatcher on RUMBLE. 

His presentations might encourage you, which is something I am incapable of anymore in this venue.

thesignswatcher only has 26 followers, and I've had roughly 50-80 views per day since I limited the viewing age. 

My  sardius month, evening 14  meal of haste in 2023 is almost in progress.  Original order matters. 

Joshua 21:35 mentions a  city known as a dunghill 💩,  not a pitcher's mound. The word  'Dimnah' only has 1 'puck' in the letter D , as you can observe.   X does mark Congressman John James  🏈 spot:


Do you see the puck in the ד ?  ^

Zebulun is such a multi-faceted tribe; remember that beryl is beautiful and often blue. 🔵 ⛵

"Listen down, Richter&Michelizzi! Ivan Goff & Ben Roberts aren't Jeff Goff 16 & Gary Roberts 10!"

       Recommended  non-toxic therapy to commence as soon as April 6, 2023:

       Sing Psalm 62 daily until the Feast of Tabernacles is completed in October of 2023.

       (  I really have been studying defense systems.  🌕    ). 🦂

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