Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Get 'SEDIN' Out of Your Wardrobe Quickly!

If you have  recent Vancouver Canuck gear, go ahead and cut it into remnants, then leave it behind in a public park for the straight and slanted to think about.

As a former captain and part of Vancouver's player development, why didn't Henrik Sedin oppose hidoous  attire and slanted entertainment in the Vancouver Canuck area in 2023?

Henrik Sedin's jersey is getting ejected from my household on April 5th, 2023  and it will be cut into pieces to make it difficult for another person to use as attire.  Write 'free dog chews' on the Vancouver jersey sections if you leave them in a park where dog shit urine and bitch feces is nor forbidden. This type of anti-hideous and anti-slanted protest is no more objectionable than the Swedes burning Qur'an in Sweden in the eyes of a bitch or an adult walking a dog.

'Leaven' comes in more forms than a 'Pizza 73' crust. 

What would Ed Jovanovski do, since he knows the captain isn't always right?

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