Is eschewing evil and doing good permissible in the United States of America yet? What books can we quote? "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."???
The signs of Allah are unfamiliar to me, but Surah 2:158 references such signs.
Title seem to affect views. I needed a pitching change to see what 'save' actually means. I know what eschewing evil means and it's time to close out correspondences with 'Eschew evil and do good' when communicating with people who aren't pro-abortion or sending donations to Zelensky's mansion fund.
I read all 18 verses that had to do with 'tears' and only three of them literally brought tears to my eyes. Hezekiah got an extra 15 years after weeping bitterly. In Psalm 6, David seems to lack ideal planning since rebuke should be desired when needed. Those verses didn't tug at my heart strings. Yes, there is a lesson to be learned in each of those 18 verses, but Psalm 42:3 did cause tears to well up in my eyes, only because it reminded me of horrific events in 1994.
The second most touching verse was YRMYH 13:16-17, and this verse indicates there is a cut off point in time that is sometimes unexpected when light will not lead you out of deep darkness ( H3991) and you have to יָמַשׁ (H3237) like blinded Samson rather than move forward with confidence . When a person weeps in private because so many rejected the multiple opportunities they had to choose to align with יְהוָֹה, it had to have been pride or apathy that caused such rebellion within so-called 'Bible believers' and 'Holy Scripture' readers.
The verse that affected my thoughts and body the most was Yermiyah 9:1; in this chapter through verse 9. Yermiyah is as disgusted with his nation that he wishes he were elsewhere. He refers to the slain of daughter of my people as the problem with slaying children by abortion. Adulterers, liars, treachery abounded in Yermiyah's nation as it does now in the United States and every similar nation that has rebelled against the sound advice in the Holy Scriptures. "They have taught their tongue to speak falsehood' then and that's what the typical person does now worldwide. The truthful end up being hated and despised. As Yermiyah was repulsed by the condition of his nation, I wept as I understood his feelings while I am vexed and horrified by the current condition of the United States and Canada. Yermiyah wanted to leave, but like so many today, we are not free to move about to another place prepared for us. So we weep and endure and persevere as best we can while resisting sin and the habitual sinners that infected our nations.
If I could, I'd assist those public school teachers in Virginia who want to personalize their correspondence with Holy Scripture thoughts but paid teachers need to think wisely for themselves. For instance, instead of citing a Biblical reference, find a phrase that you love and end your correspondence with such a phrase. For instance, forget 'yours truly', 'sincerely' or 'respectfully submitted' and try these closing phrases which no public school or government bureaucracy can disallow, and keep in mind each would specifically relate to a Milwaukee police district or a Michigan state trooper district quite well:
VII. 'The wisdom that is from above is first pure'
VI. 'Yet neither shall ye mourn nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down, forbear to cry,'
V. "Be sure you will be tested with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruit of your toil but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere"
IV. "Oh you who believe, persevere in patience and consistency'
III. 'As the heat in a dry place, even the heat with the shadow of a cloud'
II. 'Produce your proof if you are truthful',
I. 'As jacinth, agate and amethyst,'
Make sure you sign and write in cursive whenever possible, and force youngsters to learn to read and write cursive in your household. The responsibility for teaching remains within the household of a mother and/or a father. Only a fool trusts a 'government' or religion that clearly intends to groom their children for spiritual , emotional and physical disaster rather than preparing them to prevent such disasters.
Who can find 10 righteous men on a school board? If ten righteous men are found on one public or private school board , maybe that school system will excel in holiness.
Regarding contents of salutations of closings, what idiot will discourage controlling the emotions after intense losses? Will wisdom from above be declared illegal in Democrat pro-abortion communities? Will the concept of the reality of testing be forbidden in schools? Will geology be disallowed in military complexes? Will meteorology be forbidden as a topic within your apostate church? Will every thought encouraging tests of truthfulness be eradicated from the media? Will it be illegal to believe in the phrases from the Qu'ran when 'Where the Wild Things Are' is prohibited in libraries?
Sometimes the sheep are on the wall of a Greek diner in zippy area 28210, and then they end up in your gyro meat surrounded by eggs, not leavened bread.
Don't cite the Scriptural reference in electronic letters or texts, and let the seeker find your point of phrase reference. Quinnipiac's lewd dancing girls weren't taught by their father or mother to cover their abdominal area properly in college; can the bobcat girls learn a lesson from Marwa and Safa? They can if they realize they aren't looking very virtuous in their lewd college outfits.
Are you meandering on US Highway 219? You might be asked concerning wine and gambling. Shall you say ' In them is great sin and some profit for men, but the sin is greater than the profit.'? I say, divide the wine from gambling, and the greater sin is still gambling while sober. I'm not opposed to limited amount of wine. Replace wine with cigarettes, and the sin from cigarettes and gambling surpasses the sin of wine and gambling; my pulmonologists would agree.
Maybe you understand my 158 reference, and maybe you don't. I can't sell understanding to anyone. It's time for Justen Close to discern between Glenn Close and Eric Close, 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' and Close pins out of Graf's lanes, or Karen Carpenter's 'Close to You' and David Sanborn's 'Close Up'. I already know the difference between fusion and pop. I probably won't ever see Marwa and Safa.
Maybe you'd learn more or less watching 'Combat' episode of 'Cry In The Ruins' with Fletcher Fist.
Don't forget to keep an inflatable raft in your house, since the word for April 24, 2023 is Strongs H3999.
I left puck 81 in Stevens Point,Wisconsin for a Visanthe Shiancoe Viking variable. The #245 seems so important, but Shiancoe's 245 is close to 243. I wonder who picked up puck #81 in area 54481.
Last of all, it's highly probable the United States C.I.A. has never made a good or helpful decision in their mutated, corrupt history.
As an agate near the fairway,
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