Sunday, March 19, 2023

Who Actually Won the Dog Fight @ 273 S. Charles?

Pointers Evan Junker #3 and Goalie Proctor #72  actually won the spiritual warfare event in Adrian, Michigan because they were not ashamed to exercise their freedom of religion by publicly praying together or merely counseling each other on bended knee after their overtime struggle against the Bulldogs. Using strategic placement, they were far enough away from England's abortion clinics that they did not get arrested by the Brighton, UK thugs for  appearing to be praying.

Also winning rather than not responding to offensive announcements was the audible angel who reminded Adrian College LBTQ pushers that Jeffrey Dahmer was very inclusive and never rejected any queer people regardless of their age or color.

Sitting next to a white widow was a wonderful opportunity to learn that Sam Ruffin appreciates his grandmother; a bad grandson can't be a good son since consistency is important in how you behave toward the aged family members.

The intersection of 50 and 52 in Michigan certainly made me think of my mother's efforts to take her education seriously.  There I go, bringing class into IT again.  Class of '50' occurred 72 years ago.

Ontario CJKR682 won the best parking award and Mark Danley's diner won  'Gideon's meow mixture' competition since Jane Powell AKA 'Millie' got eliminated because she disregarded official  dietary signals from Leviticus, as do most MGM employees..

Prefer more strategic results?         

                  2G"s     29  | 30.    3G's

            Mathieu Roy.          Patrick Lebeau

               Adrian                  UW-Stevens Point

What a goalie allows matters. 2930 N. 4th Street  in Milwaukee looks like it got divided  between Locust St. and Chambers Street again.

Does 29 make anyone other than me think of the Edmond Fitzgerald's sunken sailors?

People who leave healthy food behind that they ordered in a restaurant but they were not hungry enough to consume can be considered unthankful and deserving of upcoming losses.   If you aren't going to take 'leftovers'  you ordered home with you, cook for yourself in your own home. DOn't have a garden or land you can stop 'sowing' into for the upcoming year? Stop financially sowing into 'ministries' and 501(C)3 organizations to see if they have learned any concept about 'storing up' for the times that might be similar to the  'skinny cattle' prophesy in Egypt. If I don't 'sow financially' into restaurants for the upcoming year, it's because I have been compelled by יהוה  , not by 'love of solitude'.  The last 2 years of Jezebel Jill Biden's treasonous household seem to align with years 49 and 50 according to a few diligent respecters of the Holy Scriptures. Most people will never experience a '3rd' Jubilee yearend often were too young to understand or pay attention to their first because it was never mentioned in Christianity triangles. Some other die so young they never get a chance to disregard a '7th year' of no sowing.  

Incidentally, carrying a cell phone in either of your hands habitually is a sign of body function stupity. You'd be wiser carrying an expandable baton with you for self-defense if you don't know how to war with your hands.

 ל It's Adar 26; maybe 98th month is coming to an end without a Gaffney in sight.  I decided to cover myself in a Robert Scott Smith jersey rather worrying about a missing Skaradzinski 73 jersey in case NUNGe ( NUN32) is a bit too shallow to keep up with an experienced lifeguard in the  UWSP Poulias sectionals. Jack Nunge oof Xavier went '24', which is month sensitive for 2 year olds getting ready to try to start their 3rd year.  How many miles is USA Interstate 26  actually  extended? I typically think about  יהוה, Alymer, Quebec squad 26, Yapeth, 'Iron Bridge' road in western Pennsylvania and my father's parents marriage when I wear '26'.... maybe Brian Piccolo and D.A.R.E. bears should be recalled in Matt Suhey's mind. Think about what you were like at age 26 or consider what war you might be drafted into by Biden and  Zelensky, when you are in your 20's.  Get Hollywood's version of 'Ben Our #32' out of your irrational mind.

The Valspar Open has some '16th' hole.  Healthy  "anti-tattoo 16 " is  a safer leader  if you're inclined toward golfing,  fishing or hiking with a leader;  'sweet 16' is not a 'good goal' since sugar is not an essential mineral.  Maybe Dean Butler's courtship with Melissa Gilbert is a California 'false flag' for 'sweet 16'.   Many things  actually are impossible; a cigarette will never turn into a butterfly and frogs will never become  clean animals.

Healthy 16 looks like this:    ע  

Like thinking about providence or a 219 yd par 3 in the middle of golf's infamous   'snake pit?  The total yardage of the snake pit is recorded to be 1123 yards, namely 462, 217 and 462.  Marla Hansen and her sister Janet Janet Hansen are well acquainted with 1123; Janine Cleary and Charlotte Dent are well acquiainted with the Sherwood 'Woody' Hansen household. north of west Virginia Taylor and west of east Clifford Goldsmith.   My lunch invoice number was 17 today and there were no lottery games in the diner I chose so 'sow into'.  A lot of professional golfers never had to learn to survive around the Hansen, Dent and Goldsmith types and thus are often not men to rely on in a  crisis situation, with the exception of someone like Benjamin Hogan, of course.  Benjamin Hogan is a name to be remembered.

Healthy, typical 17 looks like this : פ

Precise 17th looks like this : ט,  kind of like the side view of a snake pit or a scorpion hole.  9 over 17 typically occurs on chemistry tables if chemistry seems more reliable than the language of the scrolls read by Reggie Howard White, still in Cornelius, North Carolina.

Charles Grisham isn't Charles Meeks or Charles Rotramel. Eric Moore isn't Carrie Moore, Mary Tyler Moore or Charlie Moore.  If you have community freedom, choose your  companions, instructors and/or students  carefully; billions of people are examples of what you shouldn't do with your body or soul.

                                                    A   🪔   differs from the role of a  🦡  .



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