Friday, March 3, 2023

Whitney 12738: Wisconsin's 12/14 Madison Curve of Disorderly Writing

WARNING: The following literary compilation reads more like an intellectual buffet than a dictionary. There are plenty of paragraphs to choose from, and you don't have to try to gobble up all these thoughts, alerts or conundrums your first time through.  If you really like a paragraph or typed thought, you can return to it for second helping of quips, questions and opinions. Some thoughts may be puzzling to you, but  puzzles that are difficult to piece together occasionally deserve serious attention or a flippant role of your eyeballs. 🧩🧩

Some people excel at writing in an extremely orderly manner but their households are literally a chaotic mess.  My household is  typically quite orderly except when I'm cleaning or re-arranging accessories so to avoid being a 'neat freak'  I occasionally  intentionally write in a disorderly manner because I want to, not because I'm expected to. 🦘 Disorderly writing can be very relaxing, especially if you know you will not be graded for  'jump around'  topics or  written compositions that seem to have puddle jumper qualities.

  Salute this frog if you want to: 🐸.

Tyler Bertuzzi is on the Andy Moog trail now, eh?  Those 2/24  men are certainly more helpful in the flesh than becoming a gold statue. You have to read quite a bit to get more commentary about 'Tyler school' and if are unable to switch topics very easily or are bordering on a panic attack, don't read any more of this article. Refocus and go read Psalm 110 instead; then try to stay behind with Detroit Tigers  2022 home run output or watch  Detroit Tiger Knapp time at first base. Surely Boston understands their  James Montgomery garden as well as I understand the song ' Hitch A Ride'. ♬   Kane Brown vs. Zac Brown should occur eventually if Evander Kane v. Donald Brown can't be arranged economically.

After a  Χ“ָּΧ™ֵΧ§  is set into place, how does a person decide what is inside and what is outside  of a protective covering?   If you notice the 2 dots below the  Χ™ of  Strongs H1785 , think of them as Dean Chelios and Jake Chelios.  Rentals in Madison, Wisconsin were always quite expensive because of university drive gouging by landlords. If you went to the 'outskirts' of Madison, apartments became more affordable because they were not walking distance to University of Wisconsin Campus. Highway 12/14 in Dane County goes be beneath Seminole Highway, not  above Broom Street.

Without going into specifics because of former presidents of 'Hell's Angels' such as Chuck 'Peewee' Goldsmith or the past battles of  east side Virginia Goldsmith  v. west side Virginia Taylor on Milwaukee's south 32nd street, every apartment I rented while in college was NeAr the 12/14 'belt line' of Madison, Wisconsin along the southwest curve of that sprawling city.  As a person who's not a fan of Esther's modus operandi  and as a person who does not partake in the rituals of Purim because I'd now stand with Vashti and Zetterberg before I'd stand with Biden, Trump, Whitmer, Evers. I'd never  join a congregation  drunkards on a cruise ship  smelling like Playboy cologne collectors.  However, if the 12/14 curve around Madison, a city named after James Madison, doesn't cause you to consider roadway reminders of past Persian events you really aren't much of a 'Bible students', whether you claim to be be Judean, Christian, Persian cat or a Vashtian.

When the tribes of  were set up in Numbers chapter 2, the southwest corner battalions were composed of Ephraim, Menasha and Benjamin; Yoseph the 12th was never specifically mentioned and Menasha the 14th was his 1st born. Now 12/14 looks a bit different...or it should if Menasha below Yoseph is a descendent's reminder.  Yoseph isn't 11th because of Zebulun's sister, DYNH ( H1783).

Numbers 4:6 mentions badgers skins, as if James Madison and Monroe Street historians of Dane county were busy slipping history into UW-Madison's mascots, right up to the Joel Stave πŸˆ and Chase Wolf lines of UW-Madison football legendary surnames of biblical interest.  This might be the year that determines if Vashti indeed was 'safer' away from Persian drunkards who probably looked no different than the current wealthy Saudi Arabians under their garments who, as friends of Zelensky, continue their excessive rebellion against  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”'s instructions.

Hadessah doesn't look like Esther; Esther went 'Persian'  in her outward appearance at her uncle's suggestion.  However, such a suggestion seemed to have instant gratification but instilled long term folly into the mindset of congregations who refer to themselves as messianic or Jewish, terms which differ  in form and function from Yahowahist and Χ™Χ©Χ¨ΧΧœΧ™.  πŸ§Έ  with me, and continue to read, please.

I have heard it from a serious Muslim that 'dish communications would increase', but he was referring to foods, not electronic devices draining our bodies of mechanical and gardening skills. But what happens if he meant DYSh communications, since that Muslim might have known some Hebrew?  H1786, the number of this post, is in fact DYSh, referred to in Leviticus 26:5 namely as a time when a time of threshing , sowing, bread eating and safety could occur. The following was on a framed picture I had chosen in Oklahoma in 1998, but the person who took that painting wasn't really. interested in peace and safety, he was interested in Las Vegas casinos and ending a 2nd marriage to try a 3rd marriage. Meanwhile, I gladly retained a painting of 'Daniel in the Lion's Den', knowing that there is no biblical prophesy about a 'lion lying with a lamb'.  Christianity often makes trinkets and sells music, art and books that are contrary to the Holy Scriptures contents in order to profit as the 'Profit Brothers' do after NHL appearances.

Although I did attend one Purim event in Wisconsin, I felt no reason to continue such lopsided views in Esther v. Vashti.  I admire what Vashti chose to do, and do not admire the 'beauty contest' Esther decided to go along with to appease a politician.  Surely there may have been another miracle that might have occurred if Esther would have declines to get involved in Persian kingdom's 'replacement theology', but instead a group hanging occurred and  most of the earth still lacks the peace and safety mentioned in Leviticus 26:5-6, which precedes warfare prophesies before, once again in Leviticus 26:13, Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  professes to be the  commander which brought a portion of people out of the land of Egypt. 

How many of those people who left Egypt went the route of Edward Nakhla, tennis player from the Wausau West area?  Once again, the internet offers several options of 'Ed Nakhla' as there are several options for 'Charles Goldsmith', but I'd recognize Ed Nakhla from Wausau since he never mistreated me nor implied that I should disregard the Holy Scriptures.

Stopping at Leviticus 26:13 is a grave error and warns of the consequence of ignoring the instructions of Commander Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  and the horrific consequence of intentionally breaking a covenant.  Leviticus Chapter describes options that have consequences.

12/14 might remind a chemistry major or the 2 atomic mass numbers of carbon. For now, a tiny remnant of people will be looking for signs and occurrences once again, but Vashti was already gone before the real troubles began for those hooked on Hadessah, eating with Esther or prancing with wealthy, arrogant Persians.

Curve balls are occasionally known as a 'draw' if baseball isn't your forte.  

Falter, Fader, Prosper, Battle...... all surnames being circulated in  current USA sporting systems. Jordan Fader is least likely to encourage gambling on sports, which often become professional entertainment with pre-determined outcomes because of corruption within the sports entertainment business which apparently Byron Jones has now warned against. 

The former president of 'Hell's Angels' , Chuck 'Peewee' Goldsmith knows that professional and college sports circulate around gambling rings and are more likely to get choked by those gambling rings than choke the gambling out of collegiate sports.

Byron Jones isn't Howard Jones, Mr. Falter. #70.  How will you remember Robert Scott Smith this weekend before 12/14 gatherings start to be typically nothing more than vain repetitions in Jewish gatherings centered around a book that makes no mention of Commander Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   ?

Time and events might determine if this post is within the rear bulwark or high and outside the siege wall of many posts previously deposited within this electronic book like a policeman's ball rather than a bowling strike.  The planning of U.S. Highway 12/14's short span of unity seems intriguing from an Alvin York, Hole Scripture & military history perspective.

Sometimes posts  have reflectors on them to prevent a damaging collision and to indicate boundary lines, especially during the hours of darkness.  Sergei Fedorov is another version of a 12/13 alert system to counter the folly of 'Clifford and Belmore'.

Look at the word for 'deliver' and 'give birth' which is a March 8, 2023 word for month 110 students: YLD.  It looks more like the English word  'yield' rather than like restrain; it's number is 44 and it's H3205 word looks like > Χ™ָלֵΧ“    .   I'm going to refer to anti-abortion squads as being  Strongs 3205 brilliant,

The USPS has a lot of careless employees, but since I am not careless I refuse to accept anything addressed to 'Cheryl L Hendrikson',  known associate of unclean dogs named 'Stella and Stanley' Hendrikson, because "Cheryl L. Hendrikson' is a dog-keeper  and will never reside with me because she is a corporate property thief.  I've already advised my local post office that I will not accept anything improperly addressed  to my enemies  from unhealthy "Bath and Body Works' product salesman, but the careless post office employees are being too much like Joseph Biden and aren't paying attention to their tasks. I use more caution addressing my golf ball than large sellers of toxic chemicals such as 'Bath and Body Works' use addressing their customers who seem to have a lack of natural product line education. By refusing mail not intended for you or your household, you also are refusing a form of a illegal procedure 'mark' in your domain.  

"I had plenty of dreams that are none of the  U.S.A. government's business!"   -the author and finisher of this informative article that might even have some conjunctions within it

WAtCH the 166 if you can get past Y&164 in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.  166  is 500 below 666.  That seems to be a pivotal W number if 8th round NHL picks loose their footing at L.  Paul Coffey's ESPN has been 166; Jeff Hackett won 166 battles, Bill Beveridge lost 166 battles.  See who was drafted in 166th place and notice the Pennsylvania intersection of 166 and 167 if you have access to a paper map. 

Here's NHL 166 draft pick 'blue line' trivia without any Tippett or Aaron strings attached:

Steve ' no Pence'  Penney

Greg ' rope man'  Scott

Logan  'mustard seed' Koopmans

Theoren 'near Bauer' Fleury

Cory 'No Mayo' Pecker

Don 'Knot Brown' Sweeney

Marshall ' the amplifier' Warren

Scott 'anti-Denzel' Valentine

 Fact: Milwaukee's Jordan Poole doesn't have to wear Michigan wolverine suits anymore and Ray Bourque doesn't have to wear Benjamin Moore '1579 Greyhound' suits

 If you look at a computer map of Dane County, it's difficult to tell that 12 and 14 are joined together for a LITTLE stretch of highway and then a roadway split occurs.

DLS is DeLaSalle in some, but without a מ  brain, the concept of 'the 40' gets lost in space force.  If you want to see how a circuit tree makes a Red Lodge, Montana pancake, here it is: πŸ”΄; however 'First WAtCH makes tomato basil soup that looks like this:  πŸ”΄  ."  An architect knows there are many views of the same design.  Now, compare the word for 'prison' and compare it to 'restrain', but they both have the  Hebrew letter components  of   Χ›ΧœΧ with vowel variations that can be observed by checking H3607 and H3608.... no Χ‘  as in HBB included. 

I don't know how 2510 restaurant in Wausau makes it's food now and I have no desire to retest their past or present employees because I am not fond of that service industry facility; bad memories should be retained for a reason, namely to prevent repeating serious mistakes that eventually caused harm to your body. 

March 7, 2023 is the day of the  restraining word H3607, tied closely to Purim's perennial timing problems but possibly best reviewed for context in CGY 1:10, also known as Haggai chapter 1.  It sounds like a year where planting does not occur and thus, there is no fruit yield in the tomato patch. Since Zerubbabel is mentioned, maybe the Freemasons should be more careful to behave as congregations delivered unto Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” objectives  in the future than they have been in the past when clearly they behaved as common Gentiles passed into the prodigal son's pork roasts.

Disclaimer: If I don't restrain myself from adding anymore posts regardless of coincidental major events or incidental contacts to come, the Freemasons  can question if I actually am a descendent of Zerubbabel and can wonder if jasper is really my family stone. 

 πŸ€ Purdue 63, Wisconsin 61: Did  Gilmore, Wahl, McGee or Hepburn let Greenville's Matthew Light through the ESPN desk speaker lines?   Put a ? on your headgear instead of  MAGA, Nike or 'Air Jordan' trash, even if you have to customize your own 'Batman and Robin' hat trick that  Jimmy Dore might be amused by, but Tommy Francis Dorsey Jr.  can no longer question unless some sort of resurrection of musician's occurs.

Need to dive to the bottom of the Asher's agate foundation for Jackson Hinkle's sake? Here's a Jordan Fader pointer system for hockey enthusiasts:

Numerology constants for  month 49's 'A=1' team are indicated below:

Paul F. Stanton : 63,  Charlie Batch: 61.  

There is a significant difference between Australian telephone wires and Germany's Hamburg Lions alumni.  I suspect Melbourne, Australia residents are in more bondage under unholy Charles the Fool than residents of Melbourne, Florida are under their governor's reactions to serious problems that Benjamin Altshuler and E. Dan Danson might need to ponder before, during and after 'Purim' party lines are erased.

Additionally with or without Euclidian math considerations, I'd like to thank the employees of 'Jason's Deli' on Woodlawn Blvd. in Charlotte, N.C. for being part of my life-extending health care plan, even though 'Jason's Deli' beverage lines were not  Ottawa's Bill Beveridge lines. Kindness from Carolina people certainly helped to counter the intentional cruelty from Wisconsin's anti-commandment protestants known as  the 'Wittenberg Hendrikson gang green' and the 'Iola Snyder pork sausage people'.   The kindness and respect that Charlotte, N.C. police officers showed me was more genuine than the lack of respect I received from a couple that never returned my refrigerator to me that I left behind at a Rosemont, Illinois 'Holy Scripture' convention in 2009.  

Now, for Calvin  College🌷 and Tulane  geeks,  what's linked to the word tool, as in 'Milwaukee tool' and 'tool' and die makers?   Close to tool  is H2905, indicating an organized line system and a course of stone foundation structures; the base of that word is probably tied to tour, Tortorella, tortoise, turbine, turtle, tornado, turbo, turnips, turkey, torque, Turk Broda, alligator 🐊 and maybe 'Torun'.  If you are able to, discover that word instead of trying to discover a horse with no name or a Toffey numbered 73.    However,  there is only 1 'puck' in the  Strongs H2904 Hebrew word   Χ˜Χ•ּל (TUL as in Tulane,  Tulsa, Jethro Tull, TWL  as in towel, etc.) which means 'casting' or 'to hurl out', terms any pitcher or fisherman in a boat with Dennis Green would understand . According to my preset codes for H2904, Paul D. Coffey has the 'puck' dot, flanked by Ron Soreanu and Robert Scott Smith, but does what I preset matter anymore? My excellent preset plan might eliminate the 'great reset' wicked and illegal procedures of Klaus Schwab the anti-sanity man!  In order to get H2904 in context, read the verses surrounding Yermiyahu 22:28, since tool and die casting 🎲🎲 have been linked together for centuries.

If you pass through the Waters named  George Roger Waters, you still won't have passed through extremely important waterways near the Wisconsin  police chief  thermodynamic duo of Mark P. Waters and Michael Snow  with proper etiquette and appropriate attire. Some waters are bitter, some waters are fresh, some waters actually have way too much saline to sustain an amberjack! I might have lost my map to 'Hidden Lake Park', but not to Phantom Lake in Mukwanago or  Referee Pike's frozen lake in Troy, Michigan where the 'Trevor Daley' penguin things are.

I remember what colors I wore for my confirmation, my high school homecoming,  my high school prom and my first Purim observation!  None of those events can ever be repeated in my lifetime and that's because the wheels of life keep on turning when there is a curve near Dime, Pennsylvania or an oval the size of a bird egg on the back of a United States of America $10.00 bill. The legend of Peter Rabbit in blue and Benjamin Bunny in brown seems significant to me, but others think the 'Sesame Street' or 'paw Patrol' colors are more dominant in 'Code Ninja' splits.  When Mr. MacGregor's clubs are more helpful than James Brolin's performances or that Hagen man who pretended to be Ingall's 'Doc Baker', it's time to adjust your depth charts at the lyrics to  'LOVE IS BLUE' to consider the center blue πŸ’™ of the Russian flag and either sapphire, beryl or topaz in Χ™Χ©Χ¨ΧΧœΧ™  'recognition code' gems.  πŸŽΆ 


Thee Sergei Gorbachev identity certainly is unique if not peculiar!  πŸ’.

Tulip bulbs aren't in Fleet Farm aisle 31, are they?


Each electric bulb now represents a police district in Milwaukee, and that is a Golda Meir wax candle substitution.  πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨                     

It's not surprising that Detroit Redwing's pork pizza palace didn't appreciate Tyler Bertuzzi's good D.A.R.E. program perspective when he rejected the Whitmer regime's injected toxins experiment.. but it is SAD.  Thus '2nd & Boston' is now Tyler Bertuzzi,  due to lack of Eddie Shore in active duty. When a Shorelander trailer is gone and actually useless to Eric Land cruisers, look for a huge grasshopper in the Detroit zoo.

                 ⛄    πŸ’ "Where's  the  most courageous cat of  Χ’Χ“  or Χ™Χ©Χ©Χ›Χ¨  ? " πŸ†   🐈


                                                  🐁 "What's in Fleet farm aisle 15 now?"

December is tied to 10 codes not 1st & 12 codes.  George Winston isn't David Lanz. 🎹

Often the midwestern snow comes down during Adar programs. 

 Check your  current altitude.  πŸ•Š   I passed through plenty of  white SNOW and cold WATERS today.

🐝 I'll be busy trying to determine if the upcoming year is a '7th' year  since  I'm not on a the Talmud's calendar and don't rely upon Jewish rabbi schedules.  thinks that March 7, 2023 is passover night but Joe Dumond's site reports doesn't care that it's still winter.  I'm not jumping offside with his New Testament perspectives, however serious Joe Dumond of Orangeville, Ontario, Canada might be about them.  There's no reason to trust the people in the state of Israel who planted barley in 2022 since most of the Talmud rings should not rely upon the signs of crops that they claim shouldn't have been planted!  As for me and my house garden, if I'm incorrect about the upcoming year being the sabbatical year then it's because I received conflicting information and should make a choice to practice a year of ' no sowing' in the garden beds that are connected to the earth. If I made an error because the male teachers can't agree, ideally it be Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”'s WILL that I be shown mercy.

Why does Colorado College have Mr. Will 20 and another Mr. Coffey 17?  There might still be a serious problem with daughter 'Theresa', who was never really a Catholic mother.  If we are not supposed to refer to anyone other than our true father as father , don't call a Catholic nun 'mother' or 'sister' when in fact she' more likely a distant cousin.  Many politicians and paid pastors have tried to convince multitudes that our natural family can be replaced by government hand-outs or some staged group of musicians calling themselves a 'worship team', but those government agencies and religious congregations have taught people to have unnatural affection for government and church strangers, typically after they have been lured away from their true family. 🌳 

 How about blood line commentaries? 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸  

I do love my real parents and my real brothers and my works should reveal that fact, even if my religious beliefs have very different  goals than my siblings or parents. When true family wants to speak to me, I'm extremely thankful that I can hear their voices so I can respond properly and with mandatory respect for my parents, honoring them as required by Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  . Why would any 'Bible believer' dishonor parents who encourage you to keep the commandments of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  rather than expelling you from their company for doing so as if they were a branch of Calgary's current idiotic police department?

If IV is your 4 point weak end, your numerology line is too shallow to be taken seriously . 

My recoded Hebrew I = 70 and thus my IV league = 76.

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