זֽעֵיר means 'little'. 🪔 Isaiah 28:10 mentions 'ZIYR' .
Zaire, extremely similar to ZIYR, has had a leopard sign, not an owl, wolf or lion. 🐐🐐🐐🐐
Learn and sort through what you may from 'Marc the Messenger' the YOUTUBE salesman but he and a multitude of other professional salesman are not troubled when Gd and Yah are being switched around ..but Gd and Yah are NOT the same. Gd is the name of the 7th tribe of YShRAL. Strongs H3068 will never become גד .
This brief, correct information is not 'blogging'. I can't prevent the woes to come.
Emergency update:
It's time for me to mourn the loss of Milwaukee Officer Peter Jerving, who clearly cared more about his country and neighborhood than any lazy politician or the multitude of anti-commandment people who scoff at the concept of taking toddler steps from Gd toward Yehowah while observing the week of unleavened bread with works requiring faith in a Creator who isn't named 'Norman'.
It's time to counter unrighteousness and political wickedness with courage, intelligence, truth and fidelity.
From the mouth of Milwaukee Tech Trojan Alphonso Morales comes sobering facts that Jezebel Jill Biden ignores while her husband lifts up Jeffrey Dahmer pride flags in his depraved political surroundings. I'm going refer to allies of Michelle Obama and Mr. Biden's supporters as 227501's since there's no way for anyone to be insulted by being identified by a number rather than by a pejorative or some pronoun they don't condone. Dennis Murphy is a friend of mine, and the behavioral traits of 227501's are what the Biden administration is trying to normalize in his anti-Yehowah zones.
There is no proper behavior reports for 227501's. In heaven, there will be no 227501's. In today's version of the USA, Nicole Childress would be arrested for interfering in a relationship between 2 boyfriends rather than as a concerned teenager who realized sin was in progress on 25th and State street while Phil Arreola was in the process of making Milwaukee 'liberal' by forcing officers to sit through 'inclusive' propaganda. If you keep saying 'yes' to all types of irrational and unconventional behaviors, 227501's expand their dominion of wickedness a they are in the large cities of the entire west coast of the USA with no opposition from political liberals.
Edwin Layton wouldn't be approve of a code change to from 'all caps' tp 227501's in order to recover words like boy, Lincoln, queen, tom, George Lima and golf.
Lionel Dahmer didn't want his son to be a 227501, and many parents are grieving over the inclusive and lifestyles of rebellion against the Creator that their children have assumed upon themselves and are being prompted into. An expandable baton has a purpose, and so does expanding 5 capital letters to 227501.
Biden ruined the spirit of March 31st long before I concluded this report. Arreola ruined Milwaukee when he applied for a job in a city that he didn't have any real appreciation for and he only was seeking more $ than Detroit offered him.
'Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little there a little'....🍞 I was looking at property in Ottumwa, Iowa this week; a couple days later a huge tornado only stirred up the soil there. Too much GMO corn, not enough grass-fed cattle, barley and wheat in Iowa...yet.
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