Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Actual ZAIRE Report of 'Little' Value

זֽעֵיר  means 'little'.   🪔  Isaiah 28:10 mentions 'ZIYR' .

Zaire,  extremely similar to ZIYR,  has had a leopard sign, not an owl, wolf or lion. 🐐🐐🐐🐐

Learn and sort through what you may from 'Marc the Messenger' the YOUTUBE  salesman but he and a multitude of other professional salesman  are not troubled when Gd and Yah  are being switched around ..but Gd and Yah are NOT the same. Gd is the name of the 7th tribe of YShRAL.  Strongs H3068 will never become  גד  . 

This brief, correct information is not 'blogging'.  I can't prevent the woes to come.

Emergency update:

It's time for me to mourn the loss of  Milwaukee Officer Peter Jerving, who clearly cared more about his country and neighborhood than any lazy politician or  the multitude of anti-commandment people who scoff at the concept of taking toddler steps from Gd toward Yehowah while observing the week of unleavened bread with works requiring faith in a Creator who isn't named 'Norman'.

It's time to counter unrighteousness and political wickedness with courage, intelligence, truth and fidelity.  

From the mouth of Milwaukee Tech Trojan  Alphonso Morales comes sobering facts that Jezebel Jill Biden ignores while her husband lifts up Jeffrey Dahmer pride flags in his depraved political surroundings. I'm going refer to allies of Michelle Obama and Mr. Biden's supporters as  227501's since there's no way for anyone to be insulted by being identified by a number rather than by a pejorative or some pronoun they don't condone. Dennis Murphy is a friend of mine, and the  behavioral traits of 227501's are what the Biden administration is trying to normalize in his anti-Yehowah zones.



There is no proper behavior reports for 227501's. In heaven, there will be no 227501's.  In today's version of the USA,  Nicole Childress would be arrested for interfering in a relationship between 2 boyfriends rather than as a concerned  teenager who realized sin was in progress on 25th and State street while Phil Arreola was in the process of making Milwaukee 'liberal'  by forcing officers to sit through 'inclusive' propaganda.  If you keep saying 'yes' to all types of irrational and unconventional behaviors, 227501's expand their dominion of wickedness a they are in the large cities of the entire west coast of the USA with no opposition from political liberals. 

Edwin Layton wouldn't be approve of a code change to from 'all caps' tp 227501's in order to recover  words like boy, Lincoln, queen, tom, George Lima and golf.

Lionel Dahmer didn't want his son to be a 227501, and many parents are grieving over the inclusive  and lifestyles of rebellion against the Creator that their children have assumed upon themselves and are being prompted into. An expandable baton has a purpose, and so does expanding 5 capital letters to 227501.

Biden ruined the spirit of March 31st long before I concluded this report. Arreola ruined Milwaukee when he applied for a job in a city that he didn't have any real appreciation for and he only was seeking more $ than Detroit offered him.

'Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little there a little'....🍞 I was looking at property in Ottumwa, Iowa  this week; a couple days later a huge tornado only stirred up the soil there. Too much  GMO corn, not enough grass-fed  cattle, barley and wheat in Iowa...yet.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Magnificent White Brothers Exist!

Zelensky the evil Ukranian political entity never wanted the Russian people to dwell in unity with Ukrainians. Murderous Zelensky should watch the 'Little House on the Prairie' episode when Melissa Sue Anderson refers absurd actress Anita Dangler to extremely concise Psalm 133, mentioning of living peacefully. With the world being ruined every time he utters everything except true repentance for his wickedness, Zelensky has been too busy extorting funds from USA taxpayers after shamefully  promoting lewd R-rated movies to sell to his supporters of sinful lifestyles to learn a holy lesson from Psalm 133. Such a lesson could easily be comprehended by an 11 year old with a mind that has courage and wisdom included within it.

Ezra 10:35  mentions one of the men who repented of choosing an improper wife was  listed as 'Chelluh' in the KJV, but in Hebrew, Strong's H3622  looks more like 'kahlua'  to me, the name of a liquore used in a tasty cocktail known as a 'White Russian'. Not everyone knows how to handle a 'White Russian' properly.

There were two White angels on the hockey rink with me today, the goalie is named Evan White and his brother is Jacob White.   They cared enough to ask how I have  been doing and though I had not seen them in quite a while, I am extremely thankful that I got to skate with them today. They may not realize it, but it was because of their kindness that I actually felt physical improvements in my lung function today. Stress can induce breathing problems and conversely, comfort and safety can reduce breathing problems for asthmatics.

Young men with  benevolent manners  toward senior citizens who also exhibit actual brotherly love  toward each other are indeed magnificent to observe and it is a privilege to befriend such young men if you are able to, no matter how old or young you may be. 

That was the encouraging luminary news of the day. A serious warning is also necessary since it is appalling to see how many people of all ages empty their time into computer games that never do have realistic , and often irreversible horrific outcomes.

There is a huge strategic disaster in progress when humans try to learn what to do from computer programs or computer gaming. When you play a computer game and make a serious error in judgment or reaction, typically you know it immediately and you either lose some imaginary points or lose a contrived scenario labeled a game of chance.  Often some buttons are pushed and you are able to restart as if you never made the seriously wrong decisions that you made. Electronic games create strong delusions of success or an unrealistic ability to pretend all the horrible decision you made never occurred.

In real life, when you make a seriously wrong decision or react to a situation in many of the worst ways possible, it might take years before the consequences of your earlier, uncorrected decisions or reactions shorten your lifespan or ruin your household in a multitude of ways.

Need a 'Swimmy v. Pondus'  water pressure and flush point?  Penguin is now a commode brand, joining Crane, Church, Kohler, Mansfield and American Standard  in an business where it is impossible to claim 'there is no competition'. 

Call me Abaddon if that makes you feel  comfortable or warm and fuzzy inside, but don't call me a Hun. 

As  Winnie the Pooh's animated Tigger is not  stuffed tiger Hobbes illustrated  by Bill Watterson, I am not a Hun.  🐅

I think I'll now sound my imitation gadwall  noisemaker . Tonight I'll think about all the ways I can use my newly purchased yet extremely old 'Detroit News' wagon to do gardening chores , since I learned from my parents and grandparents that a metal wagon like a 'Radio Flyer' is one of the most practical burden bearers that a thrifty gardener can invest in. As reports from Israel have it, the new year is delayed by another solar cycle  due to overcast skies and thus the evening of March 23, 2023  my shofar will sound...quietly on an eve  astoundingly marked by Strong's H3976 in  continuing timeline research , a word that means 'scales'. The eve of  Thursday April 6th, pesach should be observed in my household.

As a person interested in practical architecture, this electronic depiction of a house and garden  isn't realistic: 🏡

The photo below reflects what used to be my daily reality check; I got strengthened by personally developing the  perennial gardens over years, but it was eventually destroyed and considered ugly by the purchasers of that property on what is now Hollyhock Lane in Knowlton, Wisconsin:

The person (s) who chose to destroy those gardens and replace all the perennials and beautiful sandstone paths surrounding the house with common, cheap grass lawn is a fool and a sluggard who should never have purchased  what he did not appreciate; such people are a curse in a neighborhood and never will be a friend of mine.  Fools and sluggards are plentiful in the United States of America  because their complacent and anti-beautiful attitude reflects it's deplorable leadership.

Evening 3,977 is quickly approaching. Do you know what Mosinee means? ♎ Considering signs such as Libra, that cycle of time aligns with what is known as the "feast of tabernacles/booths" , observed by those who desire to align with  יְהוָֹה   , something simple Roy Potter of Utah  and billions of others have no desire to do and their works reflect their lack of trust in the instructions from  יְהוָֹה .

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

As Vague As Possible," To Descendants"

To my known and/or unknown descendants, 

It's the eve of a new year according to writings in the book of Exodus...Adar 29.

It would bring much joy to the waning months of our predecessors lives if you would restart written, non-electronic contact with me.  There comes a time when it is just and proper to set aside our conflicting religious believes and merely inform each other about thoughts, hobbies, living conditions, sorrows, joys and accomplishments. That time cannot be yesterday, but it can be today or this week. 

We have  predecessors  in common who have been not only been very hospitable but also very knowledgeable about survival skills.   Uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, nieces,nephews and friends have been hoping for us to reconnect for many years; some of those relatives have died never hearing the good news they had been hoping for. When a younger generation fails to learn directly from the previous generation, it is similar to becoming a genetically modified stranger than a natural  descendent. I promise you that if I do receive non-electronic mail from you that I will write back to you after letting you determine what topics to correspond about or what questions you might like to get answers to.  I didn't initiate the years of 'no-contact' and once the lack of contact commenced, in order to prevent feeling cornered into loneliness I decided to express a variety of topics with literary therapy which seemed far safer than seeking anti-depressants or taking my anger and sadness out on local acquaintances, friends and family who were more than willing to be in contact with me.

You will feel much more confident about the deity whom you worship if you agree it is time to write to me.  Pray to whomever it is you rely upon for the strength and courage within you to become cordial to me and maybe eventually genuine love for me will bloom within you again.  I cannot deny that I think of the difficulties we struggled through together and I retain many good memories from the items and artwork you have gifted me. We have been hurt by each other and by others in many ways, but are not yet mortally wounded.  This is the time of year when the pasque flower emerges from the ground; it is a beautiful perennial that is an indicator or the time of the feast of unleavened bread in my household and various other spring traditions in other households, including those of our predecessors. This last attempt at indirect contact is somewhat like that pasque flower emerging, though few even know what a pasque flower is.

I honestly  don't understand your deity choice anymore, but  my leader, savior and instructor, the most holy יֽהוָֹה  ,  has prompted me to reach out to you in this final, electronic manner.  Maybe if I get written word from you, I will believe that whomever it is that you pray and have committed your lifestyle  to is somehow connected to most holy יֽהוָֹה , whom I pray to and who was clearly referenced in a hockey wall design that I, with the help of graphic artists, provided for the Mosinee Ice rink.  Isaiah 45:22 was the only Scriptural verse attached to that design. If your deity doesn't prompt you to reconnect with me after this sincere request with no direct names attached, why would I  ever trust that name? 

I have descendants that currently range from grade school ages  through  40's and maybe someday, it will be the youngest descendants who decide to write to me with a spirit of gentleness, though I can handle spirits of frustration, disappointment and normal feelings associated with the hardships society inflicts upon all of us in this era.  There is every reason to hope that you, as a person, will feel improved and healthier within yourself if you do draw out your inner strength and contact me by letter. There is a bit of comfort that accompanies genuine effort to do good, regardless of whether or not that good is reciprocated.

Incidentally, if you are not a descendent but had been well acquainted with me in the past, news by paper letter would of course be welcome and considered a blessing indeed, but such is not an expectation as it is with actual descendants.

By withholding specific names, it is less likely that this message will be drawn up during a specific name search, but anyone who has been reading my posts knows far more about me than I know about them.  That  imbalance of information seems a bit absurd and has been tolerable until today.  I can no longer accept a situation where I expound on my experiences, consider scenarios ahead and share strategies for survival and yet hear nothing from you, my descendants.  Lateral relatives have been communicating well with me and my predecessors have no doubt that I appreciate them and love them for who they are, not for what I think they should have become. There is not much excuse for us not being able to do the same. My enemies are rejoicing because we are disconnected and those type of people actually are your enemies too, thought they might not directly reveal it to you.  

It made no sense  sending you a more direct email, since there is no expectation of privacy in the United States anymore; that privacy is more likely obtained by writing a letter on paper and mailing it between us.

I hope you are in good health. I also hope the photos below expresses a genuine yet perplexing emotions I cannot put into words. I know that the Scripture states that Yehowah will cause my enemies to flee from me for my own protection, but that does not seem like a category you should  desire to be part of.  We can restart together from a distance, by writing. I love you and you are like a limb amputated from me.  I hope the deity you pray to helps you.

Loyal to יְהוָֹה, 

your maternal predecessor, be it G as in grandmother or M as in mother 

The Cape Hatteras lighthouse looks lonely, and old but serves an important purpose.

 'Little Flower' is a puppet I made in grade school.

                 'Calvin and Hobbes' is amusing and a de-stressor,  but hockey is getting harder

Various forms of  art might provide a link of good or bittersweet memories. I framed the flowers I received at the Florida airport almost 20 years ago from a  thoughtful descendent. 
20.83 years is to 1/2 hour as a 1000 years are to a day.

Rebuilding takes courageous effort that often feels lonely.

Now Contending for Constitutional Rights: Reimer, Staal, Rangers, Blackhawks and Wild

It's not a fine line between a state of inertia and  a state of derision. What is the symbol of straight humility attire? Black and white striped outfits since neither of those colors are in the artificial rainbow designs? How about a useful and eloquent hammer and sickle ? 


The New York Rangers, Chicago Blackhawks and Minnesota Wild have made perfected decisions when they decided to 'scrap' LBGTQ promotions. Of course, any fan purchasing a ticket can wear all the queer gear or pro-lesbian attire  they want to at any event, so events still are 'inclusive' but not promoters of questionable behaviors that offends more people than a cup of Coca-Cola with a scoop of ice cream in it.  Mark and Eric Staal made perfected decisions and didn't prevent anyone else  on their teams from advocating the lifestyle choices of Jeffrey Dahmer and Rachel Levine. Unless every lifestyle can be represented on any given night, 'special nights' are a form of discrimination against every lifestyle not foolishly 'elevated' for a time period.  

Is anyone going to have a 'circumcised penis' night or 'divorcee night' to prove that those classes of people are accepted in am arena and welcome to buy as many tickets to a sporting event as they can afford?📜

If the Rangers, Blackhawks and Minnesota Wild players want to go out recruiting and advertising for LGBTQ activities, there is nothing preventing them from doing so on their off days.  There never has been any justifiable reason to force any person to advocate that type of lifestyle by costuming their way into  artificial rainbow attire at the work place; Kroger already lost a lawsuit involving an employee who's moral fiber opposed endorsing the  Jeffrey Dahmer& Rachel Levine bizarre lifestyle choices. 

Do intelligent people who are opposed to cigarette smoking have to endorse, promote and advertise for cigarette use in order to be employed in an occupation that does not require cigarette smoking as a required experience for employment? Such bullying of a non-smoker would be no different than the bullying frequently occurring to coerce employees who are justifiably personally opposed to LBGTQ species behaviors in order to unjustifiably pressure them into endorsing LBGTQ options. 

The  47th element, silver, is mandatory for  יהוה's tabernacle sockets, along with copper.  Exodus 38:26-27 confirms the requirement of  utilizing silver. 

James Reimer, like a piece of  silver as goalie #47 for the San Jose Sharks, is  the 3rd living NHL example of what it takes to be a man with enough courage not to go along with a trend he does not spiritually or physically agree with.  What will Nazem Kadri do when faced with a similar ultimatum? Will he disgrace his instructors and the name of 'Allah' in order to please folks that despise the basics of his religion? I won't be able to comment on here, but I will be as impressed with Nazem Kadri if he refuses to wear pro-LBTGQ attire in order to prove he believes what Muslims are taught. If Kadri dresses in pro-LBTGQ garb, I would no longer refer to him as a Muslim.  

Does a recovering alcoholic or father who lost a child in a drunken driver collision have to wear attire that advertises for and endorses hard liquor such as Jim Beam? I suppose he would feel uncomfortable doing so and only a cruel employer would try to force such attire upon that man. 

Ivan Provorov and James Reimer should be admired for their rejection of 'double-minded' status.  Tyler Bertuzzi is another man who chose not to go with the flow of trending experimental injections that the NHL pressured its employees to endorse and accept .  Instead of being hypocrites and expressing statements of faith within their household that they are unwilling to defend publicly, they decided to be consistent at home and at their workplace. 

Shame on anyone who doesn't admire a lack of hypocrisy in a specific area of  doctrinal beliefs.  I don't have to agree with Ivan Provorov's Russian Orthodox or  James Reimer's Christian beliefs to respect their right and DUTY to adhere to their current doctrinal belief(s).  I don't have to agree with Bertuzzi's tattoo choices, but I do respect his decision to say 'no' to highly marketed, risky experimental injections. 

However, Ivan Provorov was quite a bit wiser than James Reimer for not opening himself to interrogation by people who never presented him with full explanations of their spiritual positioning and their religious doctrine.  Answering questions from obviously unfriendly media foes is similar to a dog trying to play with a porcupine. Anyone questioned about why they won't endorse LBGTQ options should confidentially say 'My faith is the opposite of atheism and you don't need to know my doctrinal details since my privacy is important to my future.'

A shirt printed with ' It's Straight Protocol Activist Century' might be admired by angelic forces not able to be overthrown by Rachel Levine's mean-spirited facade.  

Why doesn't the Dallas Stars or Las Vegas Golden Knights  organizations ask their players to warm up in their team's ice girl uniforms to prove how much they adore and support the behavioral patterns of their team's lewd and immodest ice girls?  Will Nazem Kadri believe Allah's warnings or will he bend to blend in with the LGBTQ pushers and provide evidence he doesn't abide by the Muslim lifestyle, thus making him no better than the Tel Aviv occupants who don't believe Moshe Ben Amram and the prophets?  I've already asked REAL Muslims if they would wear an outfit endorsing LGBTQ and they confidently said no, and that doing so would be against Allah's way.

Dogs should know when to withdraw from a match up with porcupines, but sometimes they don't. LBTGQ pushers are like porcupines in the community, bristling up and attacking anyone who prefers to avoid or resist their anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Yahwehist  invasive agenda.  I'm not familiar with the doctrine of practicing Buddhists of Hindus. If a typically good-natured dog tries to get along with a porcupine  rather than avoid their invasive quills, the dog gets injured, sometimes unto death. Here is a photo of a boxer bitch who didn't refrain from a species that was typically uncooperative with dogs:


Tolerance differs from acceptance.  LBGTQ is like an invasive species that wants to permeate all areas  of society even if it is not desirable in specific areas so that other species can remain healthy, spiritually sturdy and true to their natural species behavioral limits and guidelines. My body can tolerate 23 degree Fahrenheit weather, but if my body becomes 23 degrees, I would nor survive.  I can tolerate seeing a pack of cigarettes but if I accept the toxic smoke into my lungs, medical crisis occurs within my body so I try to distance myself from toxic cigarette smoke to protect my body.   My body can tolerate being around  an archery team, but if I intentionally accept an arrow through my heart, I will not survive.  My body can tolerate sitting near a campfire, but if I get too close I will be burned. I can taccept the fact that LBGTQ pushers are plentiful, but if I endorse their behavior I lose protection from יהוה.


                                                Will you tolerate or accept   דַּלֶּקֶת  ?     

If you don't accept Isaiah 45:22's testimony regarding יהוה, neither I nor any "jesus' can force such acceptance.  

יְהוָֹה does not and will not endorse cigarette smoking, drunkenness nor LBGTQ behavioral options and those only three of יהוה perfect qualities.    I choose to worship  יְהוָֹה  .                    


Monday, March 20, 2023

Signs of Plague of Insanity Spreading in Macomb!

When a person tries to communicate with another person, by handwritten letter or 'sidewalk chalk' talk in a reasonable manner and there is no response at all, the person who got no response is often disheartened yet knew they had made a genuinely good attempt to  rectify a problem or re-open a line of communication that should never have been closed off. When a person picks up the trash. in their neighborhood alone and no one says 'thank you' or bothers to help, it disheartens the person doing the clean-up work, yet the person doing the cleaning has demonstrated what sanity compels a person to do, namely good works that lazy slobs and wealthy snobs won't do. 

Adults who toss their trash anywhere except into a garbage collection bin are insane. The people who aren't troubled by garbage building up along the roadway or street their homes are adjacent to are also insane, especially if they will take the time to scoop up their dog's shit but won't take anytime to pick up trash accumulating in their local culvert, along the road's shoulder area or on their sidewalk.  Now that 'insane' has been defined, I'm the only sane homeowner on the north side of the road the runs east and west from my house in lower Michigan. When you invest money into purchasing a  house that is supposed to feel like 'home' , if you ignore the buildup of trash your house faces is proof that you lack sanity and/or are lazy beyond correction.   Such a sinful plague of laziness won't spread into every household, but it certainly is spreading near the Macomb's Town Center area.

What I wear when I pick up the trash matters because I am proving I care about my community's appearance, even though thousand of wealthy homeowner's in Macomb don't. I know it is cleaner in Moscow than in Macomb, Michigan and that means  a large amount of Michigan residents are not properly educated and have ignored Biblical warnings.  'Monaco' booze seems to attract the filthiest residents of the area I reside in, and it used to be Budweiser products that had the largest percentage of  depraved customers.  

A toddler  25 months old can be trained to pick up their toys, but who will train a teenager to pick up the trash on their block? Only a caring parent, often frustrated in an uncaring neighborhood,  would insist that their children participate in trash clean up to prevent them from being community pigs.   Today I wore a 'Koslov 25' jersey while cleaning up roads debris alone;  I once again knew that Michigan will never be called my 'home'.  Like the political representation of Michigan, their is an increased lack of respect and thus increased depravity toward infants and and increased filth is apparent in any parts of non-rural, southern Michigan.

I can recall my former step-son, Eric David Hendrikson , wearing a Florida Panther jersey for a 'Baptist church' family photograph . I can recall purchasing a Detroit Redwing jersey for his father, but his father wore a St. Louis Blues jersey in that same well-staged photography session. Uniforms often can  instantly divide or  eventually unite a few people who are observant of suspicious rosters and unexplained transfers of athletes from college to college.

This is a serious commentary that true hockey goalies  who understand the concept of  defending a restricted 'crease' area will agree with. If anyone can go into the crease, it's no longer a respected area.  Switzerland as a nation is not known for their defensive integrity and is often more interested in profitable money laundering than clearing Zelensky's Neo-Nazi's out of Europe.

The NHL is extremely corrupt and willing to erase the integrity of the sport that college and high school teams still sometimes manage to uphold. When the 1st period score against Bobrovsky on March 20 2023 occurred, Suter #24 was extremely far into the crease area and behind Bobrovsk;  a properly trained human WITH NATURAL INSTINCTS will desire to protect his own body rather than risk injury by forcing aside a male who doesn't respect the crease area intended for the goalie and the goalie's defenseman . No contact might have been made with the goalie, but certainly because of peripheral vision and lack of knowledge where  exactly where the puck was, Bobrovsky would have hesitated and was unable to maneuver freely BACK TO HIS POSITION as he should have been able to  do because the net crease area was intruded upon by the opponent.

To put in 'sensitive crimes unit' terms, Pius Suter's. goal  was the equivalent of inserting a puck in 'rapist' style, forcing his way into an area he did not belong. 

 In financial terms, Suter's forced goal would be like an employee going in to a credit union to remove $50,000.00 funds from the stockholder's account without the stockholder's knowledge or consent, later claiming gambled all of it away at  a casino.  The  local deputies ( like uncaring referees)  didn't investigate whether or not $50.000.00 was actually gambled away at a casino  or deposited into a relative's account who then became PTAC. Credit union employees don't allow the stockholder to directly protect her own cash assets but after a criminal complaint was made by the stockholder, they should have cooperated by verifying the unusual removal of funds from an account which had been managed responsibly by the stockholder until her  salaried employee decided to become a thief in the day.  

Are gambling losses tax-deductible in Wisconsin? I don't know because I don't go to casinos to gamble.  If casino losses are tax-deductible, did Shane David Hendrikson declare $50,000.00 in casino losses in  2010 or  2011? No, he did not because we filed joint income tax returns during the year he not only claimed to have gambled away $50,000.00 of my common stock assets and in the same year or subsequent year he should have been charged with obstructing and felony corporate embezzlement. There is no 7 year limit on felony charges unless laws keep getting changed as often as Biden changes his underwear. I suspect that case , which I wanted opened, filed and have been willing to press charges as the victim, was wrongly disregarded and should be re-opened IF the Marathon County Sheriff's department still thinks they have 'time' on their side. Again, should does not mean shall and some men rather die in their sins  and toss aside any chance of forgiveness than clear up a criminal complaint by admitting they had lied to investigators.

The referees in the Detroit Redwings arena should have objected  and said ' no GOOD goal' even if the overpaid coach's best described as 'onlookers' didn't care. Specifically, the NHL referees during said commercial entertainment event were #20 and #16 while the linesmen with less 'power' to object were #68 and #96.

Chris Archer is a more reliable figure 24 than Pius Suter. All forms of life don't revolve around a 'figure 8'.

H5321 isn't H5318; H5321 as NPTtLY gets sealed, but H5318 is not a recognizable seal of any specific tribe of ישראל in the book known as  Revelation that Christianity claims to be 'perfect'.  If you decided to live by that book, you will also be divided by that book.


 Away from the range, sometimes is heard many discouraging words from the victim of a felony who never did get mercy nor justice from lazy public officials.

Why end this blog with joyful  optimism when I foresee plenty of reasons to mourn ahead, as did the boatmen mentioned in YCZQAL in chapter 27.26-32.  On electronic statistic files,  Pius Suter looks like he did 'good works', against Bobrovsky the 72nd but in reality, Pius Suter intentionally disposed of the internal respect he should have had for the goalie's crease area and thus proved his lack of proper and well-disciplined 'hockey IQ'. If you fail good spiritual lessons, you won't pass a physical test of works.


If Pius Suter made that same 'move' during an overtime 'shoot out', would it have been allowed? Pius Suter move into the crease  behind Bobrovsky would not have been allowed during a penalty shot nor during an overtime 'shoot out', and thus it should  not have declared  a 'good goal'.

                                                   Adar  28th          🌑.     29th.........  🕶

12/27 '48er' Question : Is 'Hellcat' in the Book of Yoshua?

If I recall correctly, the airplane known as a Hellcat , in the control of a proper pilot (H2259, YCZQAL 27) had a 19:1 'winning' ratio' during battles.  Sometimes the 'real thing' is not a fantasy, but is a human's worst nightmare.

Don't neglect to read  all of 2nd Kings chapter 25 before nightfall, since it is the  end of 12th month of Adar. 🌑 

If you answer the 'title bout' question correctly before nightfall when I reveal the correct answer, you are 'agate' material since you let some light information shine through you!

Yehowah already taught me to appreciate the upcoming 2 years, namely 49th and a 50th year of 'no sowing'.  I'll be able to do more traveling to visit my well-aged parents without worrying about intentional vegetable gardening. I'm amazed that parlsey and kale survived a mild  zone 5 winter and should continue to bear edible leaves if I do not disturb them.  Shortly before I considered that a 7th and 50th year would be consecutive, Yehowah prodded me to plant rhubarb, blueberries, peaches and asparagus; those along with 2 fig trees will decide for themselves what to produce in the next 2 years. Peppermint is a perennial and I can learn to make small salads with peppermint leaves in addition to making fresh tea. I can scrounge for dandelion leaves that have no pesticides on them and maybe even decide to try sautéed hosta shoots this spring.  

If I were a farmer, how wonderful would it be to plan to work 6 years and have a year of far less toil, yet I've only heard testimonies from 2 men about what happened when they obeyed the statute to let the land rest while the ground forces  are still allowed to let emerge that which might have been dormant within the soil.  That which grows, if edible and seed-producing, might drop some more seeds into the soil like the invisible hands of father nature 

חֶלְקַת can be pronounced 'hellcat' as easily as יחזקאל can be pronounced  Ezequiel. It is listed as Strong's H2520 and as the 86th month draws toward the start of a new year like an archer draws a bow back, my bowling team reached 86 points!  My bowling team is unique and we all seem to have more sorrows than joys now as we have seen the United States tumble into a pit of crime stemming from political corruption, a spirit of laziness and a lack of Bible believers. Within 7 more years, if no one as decent, intuitive and strategic as Vladimir Putin intervenes to topple the Biden dictatorship, the United States of America will become as weak and pathetic as Canada has become and that is something that would anger Mr. and Mrs. George Washington, a woman who understood the importance of healthy, non-GMO crop production. 

Monte Judah has made a fool of himself. I had a 1975 Mercury Cougar, Behr 'Night Club' 500 in color, that made less errors than Monte Judah who props himself up on 'Lion and Lamb Ministries' as though he hasn't heard Vladimir Putin suggest that the Holy Scriptures be studied and instead Judah thinks Mr. Zelensky, the actor and pro-abortion fiend, should be assisted with free donations of jet fighters in addition to all the non-taxable dollars he connived from idiotic, predominantly Democratic congressional representatives. 

It's  evil and sinful to steal from people what they  have legally purchased  such as 'Michael Rood' recordings; if the speaker or teacher or salesman is giving wrong recorded instructions, it is up to the listener to discern and  learn why the speaker is in error.  In-laws often do become our enemies, but that should not be an automatic occurrence. If people in Sweden or any non-Muslim nation wants to burn a Qu-ran, let them.  Personally, I'd return my Qu-ran to the giver rather than burn it because I was not gifted it with a spirit of hostility toward me.   Let Muslims burn Bibles in their territory. if they don't think they can learn anything from it.  I've tossed a NIV bible in the trash because it was so inaccurate; I have no need to keep JW.ORG version in my house either for the same reason. I'm not interested in retaining a book of Mormon in my household, but if there is one in a hotel room it probably is safer to page through than the televised nastiness options in hotels owned by hypocritical billionaires.  📚

Jerusalem, Israel is making their own version of Nazism with the Talmud rings rising up like Hitler youth and if that's what happened in Europe before Hitler came to power then those hypocrite Jewish clans deserved to lose protective covering.  I have never seen  in the old testament any  place where Gentile idolaters are any other people are  instructed to be beheaded. As a matter of spiritual warfare fact, the crafted idols can be burned or tossed into the trash like a useless totem pole but only clean animals are supposed to be beheaded. The Netanyahu gangs in their nearly Amish garb should be taken outside of their camps and stoned before they even try to behead a person who never has claimed to be of  ישראל or subject to יהוה as I have chosen to be .  What does 'anti-semite' really mean? It means we are choosing not to be a Semite in the same as an anti-lesbian person has chosen not to be a lesbian.

Time is short, and I will adhere to a 'cease fire' from this computer bed ...unless there is an emergency. There so many people that sit in front of their computer camera, talk to themselves and hope someone else tunes in to hear what they have to say. Such an expression is less logical than speaking your thoughts peaceably within a local or distant community business and hope that someone will hear something accurate, helpful and truthful that didn't  need to be presented on a YOUTUBE video. Such type of communications are much safer than letting the privacy of your own home be turned into a video production site easily tapped into by billions of internet users and internet abusers.

I'm not convinced that the writings of the 'new testament' are accurate and prophetically true, but I didn't have to believe that broccoli was beneficial to the human body before I ate it as a toddler. Asher is reportedly the 4th sealed unit of 12,000, and Asher's boundaries had previously been set at  חֶלְקַת  according to Yoshua 19:25. After a covenant is voided due to lack of adherence to it by any of the participating parties, Asher's  new and improved turf might established nowhere near Tel Aviv or Haifa or Eliat.  HLQTt has markers that are easy to remember; namely 3 dots to 2 vertical dots to 1 underscore before the sign of the ת  appears, which looks nothing like a 'cross'. as depicted on Canadian Legion 525's black ribbon logo but in fact looks more like the side view of a  gardening bench or piano bench.

When HLQTt (hellcat) is mentioned a second time in Yoshua 21:31, who can say what 'and her suburbs' actually means?  What if a suburb is disconnected from the parenting city but sprouts up elsewhere like a sunflower seeded by a cardinal? A suburb of NPTtLY (H5321_) could be anywhere in the world after a refined representative of the tribe properly resettles there.  Some believe that NPTtLY is  sealed 5th but it's stone, clear quartz, in my practical opinion, is a magnificent 6.   In non-random coding,  5321_ is zip -coded in all parts of Milwaukee , nowhere near zip 01888.  'Sieve' is translated to  Hebrew version of NPUTt and is also an area south of Mount KRML (Karmel). 

Twisters of proper order will insist that the 6th stone refers to Zebulun, but I say that is not so. The breastplate stone order was established  at the same time that it was imperative to place birth order on the side onyx stones.  NPR won't teach you how weakened you are after a spiritual battle, but I experienced that weakness after non-violently countering the LBGTQ pushers with the private warning about how inclusive Jeffey Dahmer's apartment was.  Adrian College is a private college, and what they allowed to be said or worn there is up to their executive's discretion, provided they are not less restrictive than local ordinances. It would be miraculous to hear that 'heterosexuals are welcome'  in oral deployments, but instead strange, unholy voices  in North America continually prefer to make the  normal, well-trained heterosexual feel unwelcome and unappreciated  in most sporting event venues, thus making their unjust scales and favoritism evident to a few who aren't  immoral zombies yet.  Private residences must be allowed to be far more restrictive in what they will allow to occur than radical, atheist government officials decide can occur in their 'public' areas which clearly don't have enough good laws to keep anyone safe and secure  in North America's public schools, courtrooms, jails or parks anymore.

Should a 'pastor' be interfering in a Canadian libraries porn programs? Did that pastor rid his own home of a television to prevent himself or his loved from seeing him and the drag queers on television? If that pastor has not rid his own house and his own church attendee's homes of that type of anti-   behavior, he should not be trying to eradicate it from  Canadian atheist zones, and that is a harsh yet truly justified recommendation.  Will a paid pastor or Muslim activist go into a Walmart department store and demand that all the nastiness in the book department be removed or will he boycott the Walmart instead to hold a hard line against  sellers of lewd and lascivious material?  

Luke Marion of the Kimball, Michigan area has been mishandled and unjustly penalized by wicked Whitmer's regime who contrived false evidence in order to create imitation 'wetland' zoning.  I don't know Luke Marion, but pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns is a pagan way to make $.  I do know how horrific it feels to be mishandled and unjustly penalized by several  hospitals, political government  regimes and  corporate religion units that will never be blessed with mercy because they never bothered to prove they regretted any of their cruelty and inhumane treatment of me, but it is silly to expect an atheist stranger to be sorry for their inexcusable cruelty when it is  sadly obvious your own family members , former in-laws , former spouses or former friends won't take the time to express their repentance either.

Bowling a 174 helped me today, as did bowling a 356 after 2 games in  senior league low-roller action this morning. 356 , Slava Koslov and Slippery rock go together like 174, Scoville & Brunette. Could there have been a more encouraging way to prepare for month 13?  Maybe, but if there was I never achieved it.

Purse funeral home  on Highway 52 in Michigan is nothing like Boston funeral home on business 52 in Wisconsin.  I don't believe in re-incarnation and if I am resurrected into some renewed body form, I still want to be the daughter of my  two thoughtful parents with only 1 head on my shoulders and no wig necessary because I'm not interested in becoming a manikin that can be easily pushed around. ⛳

Bon soir, and try to get an alert, anti-lewd  couple of  נַפְתָּלִי years under  your belt. I've never seen a deer plant a peach tree.                                      🍑P

             🍓 S           🥑 A                                             🍋L

                                          🍒 C                                                              🍌B                                     

                                                   🍏A                                       🍎A

Connect the fruit from left to right and you'll see a new pie graph anagram which illustrates that  bowler Tom Cherry,  football player Mike Cherry and  dangerous Milwaukee west Cherry Street are not forgotten. ⛽       Let's       B     A.  L . P. A. C. A. S.      

⌚ The night watch computer screen prototype indicates 2009 hrs  not 0209 hrs.  What a difference military neon-secrets can make in your self-defense systems.  🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂

   🦡  "Where's my dirty escape tunnel?" 🌲     🥅   🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐  

My favorite national anthem happens to be the Russian national anthem now because it still matches the quality of it's  non-dictator leadership and horrendously, that is something the U.S.A. and Canada cannot now truthfully claim to be true.

I do like 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' though, even if I no longer cast my cares  or burdens upon  'christ' of the lily section or a Roman Jesus anymore.  Yehowah seems to handle my cares more carefully, more persistently and with the best results possible during worst case scenarios while loving family members are distant, friendships are few and uncaring descendants  are antagonistic toward  literary therapy due to lack of practical maturity.  

🎳 86 team points.... wow! My lousy 116 game prevented my team from reaching 88 points this week, not John's 202 game.  🍺 always will need a safe, fresh🚰  source.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Who Actually Won the Dog Fight @ 273 S. Charles?

Pointers Evan Junker #3 and Goalie Proctor #72  actually won the spiritual warfare event in Adrian, Michigan because they were not ashamed to exercise their freedom of religion by publicly praying together or merely counseling each other on bended knee after their overtime struggle against the Bulldogs. Using strategic placement, they were far enough away from England's abortion clinics that they did not get arrested by the Brighton, UK thugs for  appearing to be praying.

Also winning rather than not responding to offensive announcements was the audible angel who reminded Adrian College LBTQ pushers that Jeffrey Dahmer was very inclusive and never rejected any queer people regardless of their age or color.

Sitting next to a white widow was a wonderful opportunity to learn that Sam Ruffin appreciates his grandmother; a bad grandson can't be a good son since consistency is important in how you behave toward the aged family members.

The intersection of 50 and 52 in Michigan certainly made me think of my mother's efforts to take her education seriously.  There I go, bringing class into IT again.  Class of '50' occurred 72 years ago.

Ontario CJKR682 won the best parking award and Mark Danley's diner won  'Gideon's meow mixture' competition since Jane Powell AKA 'Millie' got eliminated because she disregarded official  dietary signals from Leviticus, as do most MGM employees..

Prefer more strategic results?         

                  2G"s     29  | 30.    3G's

            Mathieu Roy.          Patrick Lebeau

               Adrian                  UW-Stevens Point

What a goalie allows matters. 2930 N. 4th Street  in Milwaukee looks like it got divided  between Locust St. and Chambers Street again.

Does 29 make anyone other than me think of the Edmond Fitzgerald's sunken sailors?

People who leave healthy food behind that they ordered in a restaurant but they were not hungry enough to consume can be considered unthankful and deserving of upcoming losses.   If you aren't going to take 'leftovers'  you ordered home with you, cook for yourself in your own home. DOn't have a garden or land you can stop 'sowing' into for the upcoming year? Stop financially sowing into 'ministries' and 501(C)3 organizations to see if they have learned any concept about 'storing up' for the times that might be similar to the  'skinny cattle' prophesy in Egypt. If I don't 'sow financially' into restaurants for the upcoming year, it's because I have been compelled by יהוה  , not by 'love of solitude'.  The last 2 years of Jezebel Jill Biden's treasonous household seem to align with years 49 and 50 according to a few diligent respecters of the Holy Scriptures. Most people will never experience a '3rd' Jubilee yearend often were too young to understand or pay attention to their first because it was never mentioned in Christianity triangles. Some other die so young they never get a chance to disregard a '7th year' of no sowing.  

Incidentally, carrying a cell phone in either of your hands habitually is a sign of body function stupity. You'd be wiser carrying an expandable baton with you for self-defense if you don't know how to war with your hands.

 ל It's Adar 26; maybe 98th month is coming to an end without a Gaffney in sight.  I decided to cover myself in a Robert Scott Smith jersey rather worrying about a missing Skaradzinski 73 jersey in case NUNGe ( NUN32) is a bit too shallow to keep up with an experienced lifeguard in the  UWSP Poulias sectionals. Jack Nunge oof Xavier went '24', which is month sensitive for 2 year olds getting ready to try to start their 3rd year.  How many miles is USA Interstate 26  actually  extended? I typically think about  יהוה, Alymer, Quebec squad 26, Yapeth, 'Iron Bridge' road in western Pennsylvania and my father's parents marriage when I wear '26'.... maybe Brian Piccolo and D.A.R.E. bears should be recalled in Matt Suhey's mind. Think about what you were like at age 26 or consider what war you might be drafted into by Biden and  Zelensky, when you are in your 20's.  Get Hollywood's version of 'Ben Our #32' out of your irrational mind.

The Valspar Open has some '16th' hole.  Healthy  "anti-tattoo 16 " is  a safer leader  if you're inclined toward golfing,  fishing or hiking with a leader;  'sweet 16' is not a 'good goal' since sugar is not an essential mineral.  Maybe Dean Butler's courtship with Melissa Gilbert is a California 'false flag' for 'sweet 16'.   Many things  actually are impossible; a cigarette will never turn into a butterfly and frogs will never become  clean animals.

Healthy 16 looks like this:    ע  

Like thinking about providence or a 219 yd par 3 in the middle of golf's infamous   'snake pit?  The total yardage of the snake pit is recorded to be 1123 yards, namely 462, 217 and 462.  Marla Hansen and her sister Janet Janet Hansen are well acquainted with 1123; Janine Cleary and Charlotte Dent are well acquiainted with the Sherwood 'Woody' Hansen household. north of west Virginia Taylor and west of east Clifford Goldsmith.   My lunch invoice number was 17 today and there were no lottery games in the diner I chose so 'sow into'.  A lot of professional golfers never had to learn to survive around the Hansen, Dent and Goldsmith types and thus are often not men to rely on in a  crisis situation, with the exception of someone like Benjamin Hogan, of course.  Benjamin Hogan is a name to be remembered.

Healthy, typical 17 looks like this : פ

Precise 17th looks like this : ט,  kind of like the side view of a snake pit or a scorpion hole.  9 over 17 typically occurs on chemistry tables if chemistry seems more reliable than the language of the scrolls read by Reggie Howard White, still in Cornelius, North Carolina.

Charles Grisham isn't Charles Meeks or Charles Rotramel. Eric Moore isn't Carrie Moore, Mary Tyler Moore or Charlie Moore.  If you have community freedom, choose your  companions, instructors and/or students  carefully; billions of people are examples of what you shouldn't do with your body or soul.

                                                    A   🪔   differs from the role of a  🦡  .



Saturday, March 18, 2023

5th & Adder: Snakes Do Leave Their Pit

🦂 G1811: 'follow after' ; used in 2nd Peter 2:15 🦡

H1811: 'to be weeping' ; used in Psalm 119:28 

                                          H1835                      דָּן           🦅?


No Chess Peace: Loafers & Fish

 P.K. Subban gives idiotic fashion advice and frequently lacks dignity in his choices of attire.

 Socks should  surely be worn with loafers but not with sandals.  

                                                  The light bulbs shown are not in   'Aisle 31'.  

Friday, March 17, 2023

Thou Shalt Not Steal


Will I Be Forgiven?

Suppose those opposed to me for more than a decade believe that my years of blogging did more damage to me and others than good. If I stop as abruptly as a woman who stops using cocaine, a  man who quickly stops smoking cigarettes or an angry alcoholic who stops getting drunk, will I and the man who quit smoking cigarettes both be forgiven for shifting our  legal de-stressors to activities that are less obvious to onlookers?  Careless, violent drunkards and cocaine users typically need  far more than verbal forgiveness for their illegal activities to cease abruptly.  I know for a fact my father stopped smoking very abruptly, and I do not make light of my father and mother's qualities and abilities. 💙

 Of course I'd be forgiven by any truly saved  individual, ideally even more quickly than I'd  forgive a cigarette smoker for intentionally  smoking cigarettes next to me or others only to satisfy an urge to do something that is and always will be  illegal to do in the zones ruled by יהוה. 




Preparing YOU For Withdrawal Effects Like Luke Marion

Withdrawing from a conflict often is done too late to allow forgiveness from the person that was forced to be in a conflict of decent v. indecency or the right to farm v. government enslavement.  Once a person files for divorce, another is forced into a conflict and the choice to withdraw rather than be murdered by the petitioner is a sane choice, often trashing any former happy memories. 

The withdrawal  method has different effects on people before the concept of abstinence becomes understood and utilized to . Luke Marion of Michigan knows how disgusting the state of Michigan has become while the curse of Whitmer, like a whore of Babylon, is  making conditions barely tolerable for good, sane, honest decent citizens to endure until the curse is removed, but recent pro-abortion voters have extended and intensified the curse. upon Michigan. Some people evade curses like others evade plagues, but the overall condition of Michigan and most Democratic zones is dismal and thus not a wise 'Sukkoth' destination.  

Watch March 17th , 2023 live YOUTUBE testimony  'MIGardener',  namely by Luke Marion, to see how corrupt Whitmer's unjust scales have choked people's hopes away like a boa constrictor whose run out of Minnesota  gophers to eat. He expounds to relieve pressure withn himself safely, and I do the same through writing since I don't like to be on videos.  He can speak without getting interrupted, and I wish I could speak to my son the same way Luke Marion testifies against ridiculous behavior of people that don't appreciate how intelligent he is.  Basically, once people decide to try to crush you rather than help you rebuild wisely, it is impossible to love or admire those trying to crush your spirit and your desire to be valued in your place of citizenship.  Luke Marion has been trying to teach others worldwide something far more important than how to have a 'worship team' of musicians or how to toss a tea party for illegal aliens in church locations; he tries to educate them in gardening and so does Yehowah through the Holy Scriptures.   Yehowah never gave instructions on how to dance, and as a matter of fact dancing , typically  immodest and done to attract attention (pride problem) does more damage than Luke Marion's justified complaints and is less useful than blowing a shofar once a week. 

I already have my contingency plans for my 7th year of 'no sowing' into this venue of ministry. People I actually know will still get direct communication from me, but because I am such a humanitarian toward the 60 to 150 people or automated things that have been logging in to my posts for the past several months, you can practice reading  and contemolatingwhat the following other typists have typed:

Team 7: Olivia DeHaviland's hospital room story line while she portrayed 'Virginia Cunningham' instead of Robert or Gordon.

Team G: Renee Miszewski's Milwaukee police reports

Team Chicago: Pam Steffans Milwaukee District 2 squad assignments

Squad Z:  Jerry Mather's while he was portraying 'Theodore Cleaver' not Todd Jackson

Unit ז  : Secretary Frank Finney's   typed HOA meeting  reports

Team Nitrogen:  Hunter Biden's computer entries

Team  ל:  Wendy Hermening's financial statements

Brett Lindros pointers:  Your own medical reports about yourself , no matter who typed them

It would cruel of me not to refocus the attention of strangers toward  NOBODY.  In case you suffer anxiety from losing lack of my perspective, you can choose to be on any of the above '7's' that best helps you to ease your possible withdrawal symptoms while I move my typing practice elsewhere in order to let my Blogger soil rest for at least a year. 

Need a thought cloud or old signals  not made by Microsoft  or named 'Bill and Beth'                                                                                   

 Don't EVER let your household's goals  revolve around a recreational sport or an electronic device since clean healthy food, modest clothing, sturdy shelter and mandatory holiness are never sourced from a typically overpriced electronic device or sporting equipment that  never become edible or coverted into clean, fresh water. Don't be deceived, the last time I fought a good fight was in the booking rooms at 749 W. State Street in Milwaukee where losing was not an option for the matron.

                           Who's מָּאוֹס  now, Agent 3973?   

                           Strongs H3973 sounds kind of like mouse.    🐜🐜🐜   ⌛


Graham Johnson Control Alert: Adrian Bulldogs 5161, Nahum 5151

An experiences Navy signalman or operations specialist might get a grip of what I am about to bring to attention sooner than UWSP's  chuck-a- puck #195 would.

Chapter 29  verse 31-33 of the book of Jeremiah indicates that  Strong's H5161 refers to a man who set up a false priesthood to deceive others. It is not a coincidence that while Jerry Mathers is referring to Mr. Willett in televised reruns, that  Adrian College of Michigan has been assigned 5161 rather than 5163.

5163 is  נַחַם  (NCM) in error associated with book #34 labeled 'Nahum'  of the NKJV bible edition.  H5151,  נַחוּם (NCUM) is the person of interest who according to Nahum 3:17 was well aware of locust and grasshopper activities.  NCUM has a ו with 'puck', NCM does not.  This is no less significant than the difference between Gaspar and Gasper in the 1977 graduating class of Milwaukee Tech, since  confusing  events  and conflicting reports typically can lead to mental failure or temporary confusion within a department that if neglected, becomes permanent damaging errors.

Reggie Howard White learned how unholy and unlearned protestants have chosen to be for centuries. A Methodist building had been perched next to the prior location of 'Cheli's Chili Bar' in Detroit for those who understand placement tests.


I suppose Nahum would be at least +2  over H5161 based upon his 1st Chronicles 4:19 positioning, but supposing isn't the same as eventual proven outcome when there is a conflict of interest.

                                        5161 and 5151 only differs visually at the 3rd digit . 

                 How much does a  Xavier Muskateer differ visually from an Kennesaw State Owl?  🏀 About the same amount that the following 2 clothing lines differ:



                             🏈    Kermit Joseph Alexander  of New Iberia, LA isn't a Bell.  🚑


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Where Does a Hellcat End Month 86 ?

                                       "Where does a Hellcat end month 86, Max?"

                                                  "Can I ask Ninety-Nine or Agent 25, Chief?"


                                                                         חֶלְקַת  הַצֻּרִים

                                            Is there a  זָנָב  in sight for the end of month 74?

                            Many Muslims do claim that the 74th name of the Creator means 'LAST'.

Deck, Dock, Duck..... 1,796!




Momentum of Silence : Isaiah 38:12


Could it be that only in Isaiah 38:12  דַּלָּה is  mentioned? 

ἓξ  🔏  ו

273 S. Charles & $12.00 News: I Don't Know Anyone Named 'Austin'

Warren Head of Yale, Michigan should be decide between Xavier Warren and Zavier Warren. Trey Cabbage is busy trying to avoid becoming Clint Cabbage of Texas.  Meanwhile,  I'm waiting to see if 'Barb Hansen' from Arrington Ice Arena will return a telephone call from me, that is if she ever stops being busy or away from her desk .  I'd rather not type my information into an insecure Methodist  website  to buy a 'standing room only' ticket to a dog fight.   Does my thought that I'd like to observe Dawson Sciarrino in person adequately substitute for an ability to do so?  Actually, an action is a second witness to an individual's thought and a thought never can substitute for  good W's as in WORKS.  

Purchasing a hockey ticket to UWSP hockey games has always been a pleasant and cordial moment, since the ticket salesperson was able to smile at me and that is an action Adrian College's website is unable to do.   According to the Yermiyahu Chapter 52, the 12th month, 25th day is a significant marker for Evil-Merodach, not  for 'Finger Prince on Paper'. Catholic idolatry on March 17th every year revolving around  'St. Patrick'. Millions of people are going to become fake Catholics today to idolize  a man names Patrick, who in the manner of Danika Patrick and  Patrick Cudahy, never even met the book of revelation definition of a church of Philadelphia saint. 

Key 4, Charles 1: who watched Tennessee 58 v. Louisiana 55 ?  🦃. 'Standing room only' tickets at Arrington Ice Arena are $8.00, until a $1.58 handling charge is attached to the price.  I thought a few more variable would be of 2 minute minor or one year drum major interest for  Maresha's Minutemen  and CBS fantasy football data base historians.

I really don't know any person named 'Austin' and therefore can't love anyone named 'Austin', but I do know where  South Austin Street is in Milwaukee.   Maybe Barbara Becker would have returned a call sooner than 'Barb H.' who has been busy and away from her Arrington Ice Arena desk....until  she returned my call to exhibit her fine communication skills in a manner far better than the anti-Yehowah staff of UWM.ORG who really do not care about uniting family members or grandchildren with grandparents. I'll be able to see a Wendt from Troy with his arms wide open sooner than UWM.ORG staff would warn  their donors that a lack of commandment-keeping is a spiritual atrocity. 

Hockey Rule 601 involves penalties for misconduct toward referees, and it is more justified and necessary than any executive order ever signed by a treasonous USA dictator or pompous state governess.

$12.00 for a seat at a hospitable hockey convocation should' be a more worthwhile investment than the donations I made to Woodlands Evangelical Church in Plover, Wisconsin which had no meaning to the takers.  Adrian College wants mr to experience their hospitality, and I do not consider their hospitality to be coded  'nominal value.' 

 Hospitality toward an extremely discouraged parent is a precious gift.