Saturday, March 26, 2022

Yellow Jasper Worker Vs. ?

There's a Wisconsin campground near Banner

That may have sprung up from Wayne Manor

The West came from Adam

The Ward came from Burt

'WestWard Ho' might have knowledge of valor

There once was 2 poles in alignment

Named 'Dick' and 'Bruce', not 'Max Confinement'

Who do we blame

For every paid sleazy dame?

It seems Dick and Bruce lacked refinement!

( Old reruns of 'Batman' commenced with 'Gideon Peale' news and the question 'When is an orange like a BELL?)

I suppose a ? on your hat  is still safer than wearing a  garth 'g'  or BLM on your head.

Now, back to 'dirty Harriet'   Aunt culture studies , partially generated by Stafford Repp.  Gardening is dirty, not unclean.


You may choose to carefully follow my communications with my YouTube collections listed @ the title of 'Shadyside Locust'.  "It's better to go to 14 than to take  40 on 13". 🎾✗  I'll only release another post if I am close to death, otherwise I have been instructed to refrain from sharing my opinions and insight ON THIS VENUE for the upcoming year. 

It's time to refrain, to let great Yehowah guide us until the 40th year is complete for some real men who have to now have to go ahead of me.   I'll be praying for Vladimir Putin, Dustin Byfuglien and those who understand what 'Tak bylo, Tak yest' means , suspecting Putin's desires are less horrific than what Biden, Obama and Pelosi have conjured up.  Getting delivered is not easy, but  a mother  delivering a man-child knows when she must let another pair of hands grasp onto that which she has protected for many months. Delivering a child is painful, not impossible with Yehowah.

'Open up thy Crystal fountain....'    ♣K

זבולון. ⚓  ➇  🌊


🦂🦂 🦡.  " and thou shall dwell among scorpions, but they will not hurt you '

🕊 I trust Yehowah, being thankful for what I have been allowed to do and what I have been prevented from doing. 🐢 🜄⛄🚰

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