Thursday, March 17, 2022

Is 'Once Misdiagnosed, then Criminally Mistreated' Your Crime Against A Patient ?

A good medical doctor should able to discern between  a temporary state of trauma and permanent, unrepairable and thus irreversible damage to the body.  A good psychological counselor should never asses a behavioral condition as irreversible.  Thus, there is a time when the merciful no longer choose to be merciful because when they had shown mercy toward others who were intentionally, they became abused.  However, being unmerciful, unthankful, unholy  and never being WILLING although able to reverse the hardness of your heart results in no chance of aligning with a creature as amazing and light as a locust.

When a strong delusion occurs, a few might recognize and resist the delusion. Which of the following audibles or perspectives is potentially true on earth as it is in the kingdom of Gd?

A) 'Once sick, always sick."

B) " Sick 10 times, never curable."

G) 'Wrong 666 times, never correctable."

D)  'Once disorderly, always disorderly."

H)  'Mistrusted by few, trusted by many.'

W)  "1 winner gets proceeded by many losers."

Z)  "1 loser gets proceeded by many winners.'

C)  'Once misdiagnosed, then criminally mistreated as a result of wrong and hasty conclusions."

T)  ' Not all T's are pink and connected at the $ line to T-Mobile.'

Y)  " Wrong judgment calls made by  an unjust and wicked being SHOULD get overturned on earth. We shall see if wrong judgment writings SHALL get overturned in heaven."

K)  "Once divorced, always divorced. "

L) " The friends of my enemies might be easily deceived."

M) " Considered  as Lord to billions, yet in reality a defenseman to none.''

N) " Alvin York used a gun very reluctantly but in times of war, some military leaders wanted him to use his skills in combat."

P) 'Anti-Christianity, not anti-Yehowah and anti-Moshe Ben Amram.'

Actually, all of the above COULD be true in some instances and in other scenarios such as A,B,G.D and K they could be considered stupidity, ignorance and intent to ruin a person's chances of success or gainful employment by removing optimism and  intentionally inserting fiction into official reports.   H, W, Z, C, T,Y,L, M, N and P are very possible occurrences.  

Some swords are a light burden to bear, but without being subjected to occasional heavy burdens, the human body gets weaker in accelerated time.  Don't be afraid of accepting a heavy burden, especially if there is a helpful, honest neighbor nearby to assist you as needed.  

Once stoned, always dead?

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