Sunday, March 27, 2022

Does Y=39 While Going Toward XL Right?

What's your constant as a standard for 40: Zr and 91.224 or מ?  Christos Chelios and the Montreal Canadians draft suckers?  Ronald Reagan isn't constant enough.


What happens when Michael Richter is 39th, dropping to 40th place in W's?

 Romans, is it  IXL to XL or XXXIX to XL?

Lashes matter.

Q: If on Ezequiel day 129 Left , you do not have a Christoebl Huet uniform to cover you, what is an acceptable chemistry substitute for subsequent day 127?  _______________. 

 (The answer  to the Q is an iodine jersey #52, not a Wausau/Merrill Freemason Lodge #130 outfit. or a WCLQ 89.5 FM recorded message. )

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Yellow Jasper Worker Vs. ?

There's a Wisconsin campground near Banner

That may have sprung up from Wayne Manor

The West came from Adam

The Ward came from Burt

'WestWard Ho' might have knowledge of valor

There once was 2 poles in alignment

Named 'Dick' and 'Bruce', not 'Max Confinement'

Who do we blame

For every paid sleazy dame?

It seems Dick and Bruce lacked refinement!

( Old reruns of 'Batman' commenced with 'Gideon Peale' news and the question 'When is an orange like a BELL?)

I suppose a ? on your hat  is still safer than wearing a  garth 'g'  or BLM on your head.

Now, back to 'dirty Harriet'   Aunt culture studies , partially generated by Stafford Repp.  Gardening is dirty, not unclean.


You may choose to carefully follow my communications with my YouTube collections listed @ the title of 'Shadyside Locust'.  "It's better to go to 14 than to take  40 on 13". 🎾✗  I'll only release another post if I am close to death, otherwise I have been instructed to refrain from sharing my opinions and insight ON THIS VENUE for the upcoming year. 

It's time to refrain, to let great Yehowah guide us until the 40th year is complete for some real men who have to now have to go ahead of me.   I'll be praying for Vladimir Putin, Dustin Byfuglien and those who understand what 'Tak bylo, Tak yest' means , suspecting Putin's desires are less horrific than what Biden, Obama and Pelosi have conjured up.  Getting delivered is not easy, but  a mother  delivering a man-child knows when she must let another pair of hands grasp onto that which she has protected for many months. Delivering a child is painful, not impossible with Yehowah.

'Open up thy Crystal fountain....'    ♣K

Χ–Χ‘Χ•ΧœΧ•ΧŸ. ⚓  ➇  πŸŒŠ


πŸ¦‚πŸ¦‚ 🦑.  " and thou shall dwell among scorpions, but they will not hurt you '

πŸ•Š I trust Yehowah, being thankful for what I have been allowed to do and what I have been prevented from doing. 🐒 πŸœ„⛄🚰

Tis the End of Over 39 Years.... For Dustin Byfuglien

 All through my house, I see the following sequence:

H1439:  GDYUN, who had 70 sons (Judges chapter 6,7&8)

H1824: DMY , namely to silence, to rest, to refrain. (Psalm 83:1)

H2165: ZMY, a time period set or appointed, but not by Yehowah, such as Halloween or Purim

H2551:   CMLH,  feminine compassion

H2860   : CTN   'bridegroom'

H3264 : YIURYM, woods/forest as used in the childlike stuffed animal question  'Do you want to play forest ?' 


H3614:  KLBY, as in 'Kalebites'

Deuteronomy 28:32 is surely a current problem in many families.

Job 9:12 is where the concept of 'snatching away' (H2862) really was not a pleasant event.

Job 1:21 makes mention of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” with sober respect the authority  of Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  .

Is Cheryl Byfuglien and her parents the light burden or heavy burden bearers of  Dustin Byfuglien?

Their burden is light, because Dustin Byfuglien still appreciates how they upheld him in his youth when his father apparently chose not to.  I'm not as fortunate as Cheryl Byfuglien, and my burden often feels as light as Dustin Byfuglien.

Whether people or things are your burden, tis best to carry and protect a burden that doesn't despise, hurt or abuse you, and  be prepared to let other dangerous burdens get snatched away because they have become useless, lacking practical value.

Is there leaven in vinegar, and should all vinegar products get removed from your dwelling during the 7 day feast of Unleavened Bread?  When a person rejects vinegar product during a period of agony, was it to please the onlookers who might have considered vinegar to be yeast/ 'chamets'? 

I'm supposing that Mrs. Dustin Byfuglien appreciates Dustin's mother and grandparents too. When too much emphasis away from a mother's role and vague, repetitive prayers are uttered  toward  a 'father and/or son' combo, there can be no regeneration of nations and peoples.

Starting his 40th year. I suppose Dustin Byfuglien could represent  Yzequiel's  40 right side days now.  If our thoughts don't lead to good, holy & lawful works, our thoughts and subsequent deeds need correction. Yah's laws, statutes and judgments don't need correction or removal from society. 

I hate Halloween.


I'm thankful for Dustin Byfuglien's role in my life, though from a distance.  πŸŒ

Χ• , shall the end come?  123 challenging months have gone by, tears of joy and stomach aches included. occasionally.


'Earth Hour' Hypocrisy Pushed on 'The Weather Channel'!


I'm going to cover a variety of topics in this post like Benjamin Moore covers various N.Y. Rangers. 

🟒 ( One of my seeds promised to meet me at 'the Green Circle' a few years ago, but he still hasn't kept his word.)

If you're a business, a government site or a household, don't bother turning your lights off for 1 hour if you're not prepared to keep them off every night year around to 'naturalize' the surroundings and lower electric light pollution.  Shutting off the electric  lights for 1 hour with a bunch of inconsistent leaders and token 'green circle' followers  is about as useless as a Torah reader fasting on Yom Kippur and then returning to every form of lewd and lascivious behavior while bowing to the anti-beagle Fauci regime.

I was going to write about the really nifty dream I had about my former-stepchildren, but if I ever see them again, I'll mention that encouraging dream. Until then, how about facial recognition codes where Patrick Maroon looks like Randy Lilla and Timothy Raczek looks like Wayne Gretzky? 

Adar 24th is at hand tonight, not 'West Side Story'; I'm not going to read Yeremiyahu chapter 52 in the dark; I'll light my non-Amish lamps and keep paying my bills to best of my ability.    Appreciate Χ›ΧœΧ‘  , do not wear  'LOVE PINK' attire , don't worship Arthur Walkington Pink nor Victoria's Secret beasts. Did Mr. Pink keep the feasts of Yah or was he only another  mix of Billy Graham Kerr, dishing out unclean animals in English soup bowls in the name of  a vague 'Christ'?

The number of Kaleb is 52!  By the way, Benjamin Moore used a couple of Charlotte, N.C. streets  as their color names for 147 and  146, namely Woodlawn Blue@147 and Wedgewood Gray@146. Counting down the days of Yczeqal is getting more interesting. Why wasn't there a 'Gilmore Black' in the Benjamin Moore collection or ' Hollyday Court Leafy Brown'  to compare to 'Weston Flax' ?  Is the Dallas Star goalie named 'Wedgewood'  able to  start some good works such as prophesying against unholiness in order to prevent lewd and lascivious attractions in his  Dallas arena, in Las Vegas, in Dallas Cowboy stadium or in New Orleans?   

I'm going to put every light I can in my house tonight as though it were the 12th month, 25th day!

144,143,142....there is a legend of NHL goalie losses too during my prophet Yczeqal's remembrance countdown while a  possible final countdown to month 'Eu' the 63rd might be starting off another new year for the FAITHFUL and TRUE few  people of  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  .

Ojibwe Zoogipon= U.S.A. SNOW.   135 w's -147 L's  might look like -12 to some while they WAIT for more prophesies to be fulfilled.  Without  'Jesus Christ'  or anyone that is actually is willing to behave as he supposedly did plopping themselves in Sunday gatherings around their baked swine , is Amos now the best option for study?  Since  Leviticus 22:22 should be believed,  accepting a bad flogging that maims and crucifixion that lames a human  and prevents that body from being acceptable for anything other than burial and eventual judgment calls,   During the Week of Unleavened Bread, will you be with anyone  in sight who are you going to rely upon for accurate  prophetic warnings who hasn't sold you a ticket their  'passover' event that should have been held quietly in their houses.?  πŸ¦‹  

Butterflies aren't considered food for humans according to Yehowah, and neither are lobsters, spiders, bears, seals, rabbits,  rats or pigs considered to be food by a Creator who never has needed to change his perfect rules which are supposed to guide us like lamps. 

By the way, Eugene Lord , a city of  Milwaukee retiree stopped breathing long enough to be reported to be dead.  I don't recall anyone named 'Officer Lord' but I do recall an 'Officer Captain'  and 'Detective Wolf' at Milwaukee district II.  Fighting memory loss is actually good fight to be involved in. Patrick Martin didn't forget to send me a photo of the Steel City Renegades which really cheered me up after Alex Wod decided to be a Troy Sting rink bully,  prompting me  to leave after 'Krueger the 25th' rather than get into an argument  with Alex about where the hockey net should be  properly positioned.  Arguing with someone who clearly  DESIRES to be wrong about where the hockey net belongs  is a useless as trying to tell a Protestant that Sunday is supposed to be a work day if they actually believe the words that Moshe Ben Amram heard and repeated.

🧈 Five, six...pick up sticks.  Butter is up to $6.00 a pound in Michigan. A good shot is $4, and a hearty bowl of chicken soup is $5 in Macomb county  non-low places where human friends and grouchy strangers didn't chase me or the clouds away.  πŸŸ¦   Like we say in Troy, "Matt Murray isn't  Mr. 62 G's, Sean Hill, even when looking at 5400 Murrayhill in Charlotte, N.C."

πŸ₯….  Who's your  holy sanctified anti-Biden goalie now? Richard Broduer, the painter of Canada. isn't my G.  I eat  my weekly portion of goat on Friday or Sunday now...without drinking Coca-Cola to ruin my digestive enzymes.  This  weekly 7th day can be pecan pie and coffee time while I rest rather than wrestle with words such as H3262,  Χ™Χ’Χ•ΧΧœ    which I'd translate to Yiwal or YIVAL or most properly if you read like a Hebrew starting at the Y,  LAVIY , yet King James Version chose 'Jeuel' not Jewel or Jevel.   690 is the family number mentioned in 1st Chronicles 6:9, which also is connected to Mario Lemieux's NHL goal total.  Yup, 3262 was in grandmother's Mosinee ( H3977) telephone land line! I visited with both of my grandmothers at least 2 times a year,   tried to speak Polish  language to them, played card games with them,  learned history with them, laughed with them, cried with them, did household tasks,  and visited them when they were sick. It didn't bother them that I decided to live like a recovering  Zebulunite or a recovered Gadite.  I behaved like a grand-daughter SHOULD be allowed to behave toward her grandmothers who often struggled financially but kept busy and useful  by gardening in Wisconsin. My grandmother was different in many ways, though one was a bit more talented in pie making, and my visits with both of them were extremely important.   πŸ„πŸ„πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸžπŸžπŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰

Translations are sometimes like  solo jazz improvisations.  If we are trying not to deceive, there can be  reasonable variations.   ♯ isn't the same as #.  Lousy parents raise up children who care not for their grandparents,  so look at your woman out of the mirror and ask her if your children can spend time with their real grandparents.  A selfish, pompous  spouse can transform a formerly good child into a lousy parent by bringing  wickedness into their household and disrespecting real family connections.


Would you rather say  'I have nothing to Ware' like Esaac Israel referring to Dennis Ware, #74 than saying to your parent or grandparents  'I'm sorry for ignoring you and treating you as though you are less important than French people or a trip to England.'

🦑🦑.  I have to listen to FM radio now; Chris Osgood isn't calling the Jeff  'blue collar' Blashill vs. Jon  'white collar' Cooper game properly and the Detroit radio station can't include visual Fanduel offense. 'Jungle Juice' , 'Choo-Choo Cherry' mix and 'Hamhose' doesn't seem to repair hockey ice.  Notice details on men without head coverings to avoid ignorance!

Could it once again be Gordon King, Roger Bushell and George Harsh conditions? 🐜🐜  Antennas aren't always called 'rabbit ears'.  πŸπŸ  Yes, there is a NCAA hockey player surnamed 'EASTER' who might have been chosen for his surname rather than his hockey IQ.  Yes, there is about a 5 to 8 second delay on  Bally's  television compared to what is heard on Detroit radio.

Is 586-306-0034 what is keeping the Red Wing /Lightning score to double 0 after 2 periods?  Actually,  there was too much Vatican methodists in AMVETS 93 for me to invest in their shrimp. 

Special oops... Brian Elliott  just went the way of Carey Price and allowed 1 puck, which isn't an insult. Could it be that 32 is in the middle of 1321 now that the score is 1 for Elliott,  1 for Nedeljokovic? Or from a commercial art perspective, is Meijer's temporarily tied with TGH helmets, which doesn't represent  'Timid Gary Hendricks'.   Letters sometimes mean athletic accomplishments, as Richard Van Beck already knows.


Adar 26th is going to be Robert Scott Smith day, for amethyst's sake. 🟣

Colors matter and so does numbered puck progressive intake.  Detroit Redwing agent 39 took pucks #2 & #3; Tampa Bay Lightning agent 1 took  in  ⚫ #1  in a 3 puck split decision.  How you view a gatekeeper, AKA 'goalie' is subjective regardless of Χ€ checks.  For instance, did 'back checking' concepts begin at Mt. Sinai with Moshe Ben Amram checking the back of  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”  ?    Certainly!!!!

Proper electronic puck design symbol should  currently  be ⚫ , not πŸ”΅ or 🎱.

Instead of 'Axis Sally' or 'Tokyo Rose', how about 'Circumference Robert ', 'System Matick' or 'Perimeter Marie' with Webster questions?  Quips can lead a friend or mislead an enemy.   

I'm not opposed to 'Booster Juice' nor to quality, reasonably priced jewelry,  but I am opposed to Anthony Fauci's sorcery methodists and those politicians who agreed to the hiring of such overpaid unholy,  heathen lunatics who are  as wicked as any abortionist.  

Slippery Rock isn't Split Rock or Blowing Rock.  πŸ¦ Here's a Building 40 Robert W. Smith Center non-joke developed especially  for  Erik Cole center lines.

 P : What's ' a 'Rose feature' at 124 DOWN according to Sherwin Williams color schemes in X formations rather than according to Ashley Judd pushers?

 S: Cabbage Rose

Currently, P is for PUZZLE, S is for SOLUTION.

Periods are not always required! Pour play sometimes starts in Wisconsin taverns.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Disconnect The Polka Dots

Hurricane news  isn't Candy Kane time. I have no idea why Patrick Kane is constantly spitting as though a snake has gotten his tongue, but I do know that Jim Montgomery was given too many chances which prevented good men from getting bad positions. Now  Vlad Namestnikov is in a bad position, namely part of the Dallas Stars

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Unjust Scales: Libra, Snake, Truck or Fish?

Contain hope, spread truth and D.A.R.E. programs by saying 'NO' to huge-profit drug pushers needling healthy people with experimental alterations, causing dangerous side effects and spreading diseases. 

Consider the difference between KJV's Chileab, son of David and Abigail, and Caleb, partner of Joshua. Remove the 'g' from Dagon's fish scales and you don't quite get Doan or a Dayan. Remove the  'a' from Dan or remove the 'o' from Don, either way is relates to   Χ“ΧŸ   and maybe a Sedin, a  Helbach, a Plesac, a Boyle, a Cloutier, a Homontowski, a Mjelde, a Ruzinski, a Campbell or a Magno.  Dan as part of Daniel is a common name, and if they are not sealed, who does the tribe of Dan become or submit to?  I don't know the answer to that, but I suspect that tribe's FOUNDATION is listed 5th as lapis lazuli, a deep blue stone that later gets listed in 2nd place during the good tribe reset or  semi-precious uncut stone codes. 

As the 78th anniversary of  Toronto's John Harris's escape from Luft Stalag III is occurring now, I firmly believe that  anyone who is attempting to forcibly shift people to digital currency anywhere on earth or a USA citizen that is totally devalue the USA dollar to worthlessness is a person guilty of extortion, financial coercion, treason and/or and financial crimes against humanity that they deserve to be stoned to death like Goliath rather than hanged as Esther the Persian might have wanted to observe.

After speaking to a retired USA Army man who was assigned to military intelligence, he agreed it was not an idiotic move for me to inspect a copy of 'Star' magazine's crossword puzzle that was being passed to an elderly bowler on my team, also an  USA Army retiree from the Vietnam era. Before I slip over to test the ideology of those who prefer to be called a 'Libra' than nasty 'Love Pink' attire, the latter of the 2 seeming to be a liberal communist party motto, here are some of the interesting clues during the countdown from 149 left to 40 right, prophet Yzequiel style.  If you consider 24 to be the book of Jeremiah and 25 to be Lamentations, once again the dates of the 12 month, 25-27th day are at foot and heel to toe tests. 

Does it matter that 'Kernel Foster' became a new term of confusion for Robert Crane in his 'Aloysius Barton' exchange? Maybe, since Mary Hoople has been as real as John Harris ( Toronto man who went from Toronto General Electric' to POW problem) and Dan Danson, rabbinic liberal Jewish man who departed from Wausau, Wisconsin to make way for a man named Benjamin.  Does it matter that last week's idiot of mention was 'Ashley Judd' rather than soap opera fake 'Ashley Abbott',  Leslie Howard the fake husband of Melanie Wilkes shoved into a DeHaviland outfit,  Wittenberg's 'Ashley Hendrikson' or UWSP's 'Wesley Ashley' or best yet, Judd Nikla of Mosinee hockey?  Maybe to people who worship 'Scramble Brains' Hitler and whorish 'Victoria's Secret' models  more than they ever tried to love or protect me or the USA paper currency value, it does matter.

Here goes with the a different test of numerology ACROSS and DOWN town splits:

ACROSS CLUES:                 DOWN CLUES:          limitations:

148  Small caps                   147. Noah's project      

146   Beer ingredient           142. Lamprey              

144. Walks the floor            141. Papal name           

139  Rubbish                       139. Actor Danson        

138 Went first                      127  Popular cookie      

136  Apple center                117   Midway attraction.  

89  Kind of code                  28   Cabbage salad

86. Pear type

74 Kinfold

72  Golfer's club

66. Levy

62  Morally pure

50. Ring bearer ?

Here's a sample of my flippant across answers that won't go along with the 'Ashley Judd' game:

86. China Asian

72. Allied Sam Lenda not Axis Sally

66. Steve or Stuart

89. Dan Campbell or LiBErAl 3+5+68+13

50. Jordan Binnington

62.  Sean Hill's NHL goal total

How about 4 Down answers? 

117. Illinois jets

139. Dan

141. Criminal at large

28. Carolina Hurricanes Current Cole Toss In

My samples are intended to prove that what media wants to POP into your mind might be a form of mind control.  Now when scales are considered, an employee hired by me, the stock holder of 'The Interiors Department, INC.' decided he wanted to devalue my stock to worthlessness rather than be thankful that I had acquired enough financial backing to hire him and pay him what he desired to be paid in salary. He desired a low salary to avoid paying high child support to Linda Maria Costa. He got the desires of his heart back then but eventually decided to become the type of person or loosed business criminal who would want the USA dollar to become worthless.  I tried to prevent him from doing such evil, but Wisconsin attorneys and deputies decided my business wasn't important enough to defend.

Who'd going to try and prevent the USA dollar from becoming worthless if no one in law enforcement authority  is willing to prosecute and jail wicked, anti-constitution dictator Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi or anyone that tries to intentionally devalue or eradicate our use of the paper USA dollar as currency?  A lot of 'Christians' are insisting that the USA dollar will become worthless, and those 'Christians' think like Shane David Hendrikson rather than like me.  If such paid preachers or financial wizards like Caleb Guilliams convince people not to bother having cash assets on hand, it will be a problem buying and selling if credit card/debit companies  decline you as one of their business associates because your not WOKE enough or Ukranian enough. 

Libra signs in the sky don't look like Strongs Hebrew #3977 on paper. The tribe of Dan's snake scales don't look like clean bluegill scales.  Truck scales might be loading up somewhere between Illinois trailer plate " 476 104 ST " and Dan Alexander or Richard Hendrikson who has been known to be  LaCrosse Area Teamster persons. 

April 1st should be 139 left in the Yzeqal count memorial, and 139 means Dan Cloutier to me, not Dan Hampton.  139 might have meant a section in Ford Field, but the 1 Brush Street people or area 313 didn't think my call regarding tickets to the Green Bay Packers away game there was important enough to return.

Jim Covert might be called the 3/22 special after conquering 62 years with a bit of 'Rick Flair' segments, and WHO really wants his Penny or Penny Chelios to become worthless or converted into digital currency? The ability to use paper currency properly is worth fighting for, and there better be more than a few USA citizens willing to ELIMINATE the people trying to shift finances into 'digital only' and at the same time, criminally charge any USA citizen, no matter what military rank or appointed position they hold, trying to intentionally devalue the USA dollar. It can be frightening to see how many wicked people have attained positions of power, yet men like Gordon King and John Harris also viewed very wicked , depraved people in temporary power and decided to resist them under extremely dangerous, unclean  HARSH conditions.  80 tried to escape after over 1 year or preparation; 50 were murdered, that is     Χ¨Χ¦Χ—   .  Recaptured  were 27 and 3 escaped that didn't look or think anything like Charles Bronson and James Coburn.  50 and 27 is  already in my address, so the 5 leading my address is significant to me. My pension is in USA dollars, and so are the pensions of millions of people in my age group which includes Anthony Wickersham, David Clarke, Daunte Culpepper, James Covert who worked harder, more honestly and more earnestly for their money than  the Vatican priests,  Phyllis Stafford, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, George Soros, Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Anthony Fauci or  facist Catholic Joseph Biden ever have or ever would be willing to do.   Spiritual war eventually does become physical war, especially if you are a baby in the womb resisting an abortionist's needles and knifes.  

129 ACROSS got you down with 'Robin or wren' clues? How's Yount, Lopez or Ortiz for the Robin answer that won't fit into the 181 DOWN  'Church center' clue scheme?

In Macomb County, '181' is a  mobile deputy squad center that some person might even being praying in as time passes by.  Outward details matter.

The answer to  98 ACROSS is 'PONCHO'  according to 'STAR' media if you don't want it to be Robert Scott Smith's # of games played with the Minnesota Vikings.  

What does 824920 mean to you without a code bearer at Lukich's pierogi restaurant? 'Mi Israelites' featuring Desmond Dekker on Trojan Records is nothing like  Colgate's 14 Records or 4 Days to Grill 2 from Iowa State. Do you realize the  NCAA basketball 'seeds' have nothing to do with how my non-GMO bell peppers will grow and basketballs don't taste good or produce oxygen  even after hard-boiling them.

Clues for 5 or V are 'Luggage' or 'Foundation'.  Is the ark of the covenant actually 'luggage' or a foundation that Napthali seals need to consider with the tribe of Dan either cast outward or cast inward?  Personally, I'm glad Chucky Hepburn doesn't have to go to Chicago and that his buddy Davis #1 can rest his tender foot.  Is 2930 N. 4th Street in Milwaukee, a solid orange billiard ball or sardonyx your foundation or  are you currently thankful that your foundation is a pair of comfortable leather Joseph Seibel or NAOT shoes?  Is a cotton pillow case or paper grocery bag  your luggage  because a practical hockey bag or 'Atlanta Thrashers lunch box' isn't your luggage option now?    

Ted Barris' book 'The Great Escape' is on loan to a terrific friend of mine in Troy, Michigan who is kinder to me than any of my descendants by his own choice. Bad, cruel relationships are are choice as much as holy, decent relationships are a choice.

42 DOWN?   TENSES as in 'grinds his teeth'.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Bill Cloud&Rachel Allord Trap: Vain Collections & Broad, Inconsistent Terms

 A silent treatment is often too cruel to be allowed. Real prophets such as Yoel, Yeremiyahu&Yonah spoke out to warn rather than remain silent. After comparing people who had failed to respond when a genuine plea was made to them by me, the unresponsive all had a common denominator: Sunday-based Christianity which either caused them to be fearful, rude or totally disrespectful toward a me, person who had done many helpful works toward them.

Brian Berg and his self-proclaimed 'elder' staff refused to respond when I was very sick and trying to go along with their Pauline play book though I had freely played the piano in his turf for years.  Miranda Stroik, now a central Wisconsin foods teacher, failed to respond though I had freely helped on her family berry farm and let her and her siblings swim in my family swimming pool. Nick Hallas of 'In Control Technology, LLC' in Rhinelander, WI turf failed to respond though I had freely helped serve his wedding guests and had let him gather water from my family's well water supply in Knowlton. That's just a short list of real examples of hypocrisy, namely people who have no desire to respond to a former friend or elder relative* who they had dined with and been served by, and thus 'peacemaker' is not in their protocol.

Passing tests is not easy, but failing to respond is the sign of a lazy employee, a cruel spirit or a truly arrogant attitude and thus, those that have failed to respond toward me revealed their unholy spirit in a common way.  I've pondered why being silent toward others is not an option for me, and I suspect it is because my Milwaukee school teachers and parental influence in my life has not been relabeled 'expendable'.  When a silent treatment is returned in 'eye for an eye' or 'ear for an ear' rulings, it is with reluctance that I would be forced to be silent toward a person I desired a sincere relationship with. The following paragraphs are complicated thoughts that the spirit of animosity received from others has generated within me.

Bill Cloud and many other internet show producers have a vain repletion heard as ' Our father, the Gad of Abraham Isaac and Jacob' . Go ahead and pray to Gad, but don't then I insult the people who pray. to Mary, the wife of Joseph since neither group had chosen to ever or consistently direct their prayers to Yahweh, Yehowah or Yehovah, the guide of Moshe Ben Anram. As a result, they become double-minded and inconsistent by their own audibles, yet  those who have ears to hear  their consistent disregard  in sermons, song and common speech patterns for the very name that even Satan is subject to and retrained by  is only part of the reason they have a 'refusal to reply' attitude toward people such as me who openly preach the authority and precious holy name of    Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” and instead they preach northern tribe Gad, who's majority will not be sealed nor protected from wrath that accompanies judgment upon disobedient, disrespectful people who had plenty of access to the Scriptures for centuries, especially in Europe, the UK and the USA.

When time of war continue, how does a sanctified person try to avoid becoming a target of destruction by  wicked forces warring against one another? One strategy that I use is to supply valuable, truthful information to  both sides which is helpful to them, and which does not deny my trust in Yehowah; though those receiving such information are not now considered friends and actually they may have revealed themselves to be my enemies,  they have obtained considerable power in earthly realms.  Whether the information is set within a hockey locker room, on a scorekeepers table, in a bowling alley, in 'chat' chaos or on this site, I am still freely revealing the type of information that might not only dissuade a person from murdering me but might also keep them from falling into the spiritual ditches that people like Doug Allord&Rachel Allord lead others into so they can avoid producing products which our nation needs such as PBM valves, Greenheck fans, household insulation, non-GMO food sources and decent clothing in anti-gymnastics, anti-bikini styles that properly covers not only the cleavage but also the crotch  and belly area properly.

I'm thankful that I'm not afraid to communicate with those who have chosen to become my enemies, even if such a courageous lack of silence toward them only allows me not to be captured or destroyed by them due to a seed of mercy and thankfulness inserted within them toward me by  the spirit Yehowah, not the Gd of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  I'm thankful that I still strive to resist sin, though grieved that people whom I formerly referred to as my closest friends now prefer to be abusive with their 'silent treatment' toward me.

The gospel of Yczeq'al chapter 33 is crucial and the reason why I resist becoming silent, fearful or lacking the faith to try and mend my wounded body with a lot of help from my active hockey associates and those who are like-minded toward viewing an adversary as a potential, trustworthy defender of  health, pro-life services and  'non-silent' non-shock treatments.

Why do so many people listen to 'The House of Pain'  sing known as 'Jump Around' or consider the role of the 'Queen of Clubs' in a music video known as 'It's Tricky'?  Maybe Colgate's Woodward #55 and Wisconsin's Hepburn #23 can respond to that question more swiftly than I am able to.  

2 books authored by Bradford Scott exited my household into a little Armada book booth; the Ted Barris book about 'the Great Escape' is currently being reviewed, 78 years after Gordon King, Roger Bushell & their  suffering neighbors in a German concentration camp never became Gordon Jackson or Jill Ireland's husband. An escape order had been established in late March of 1944, and escape a few did.

Their clothing changes mattered during any escape attempt out of cruel bondage. Maybe some people  actually want to celebrate James Paul Covert's 62nd birthday or wear a short that says 'I'm with Dirty Harriet, not Ozzy' instead of shaming themselves with  various anti-Yehowah marks such as a little 'g' on their head for garth brooks, BLM  gear , 'Victoria's Secret' labeling  or  heathen Michael Jordan's basketball mark. 

A cloud of locusts doesn't deceive,  but staged humans do deceive and  intentionally mislead their own kind while they temporarily appear to be 'entertaining' their audience with speeches, music and hand gestures that lead incoming cash flow into their own weak and beggary lazy, households.

I hope today's editorial assisted another pro-Yehowah or anti-hypocrisy human being more efficiently than a 'silent treatment' ever could.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Is 'Once Misdiagnosed, then Criminally Mistreated' Your Crime Against A Patient ?

A good medical doctor should able to discern between  a temporary state of trauma and permanent, unrepairable and thus irreversible damage to the body.  A good psychological counselor should never asses a behavioral condition as irreversible.  Thus, there is a time when the merciful no longer choose to be merciful because when they had shown mercy toward others who were intentionally, they became abused.  However, being unmerciful, unthankful, unholy  and never being WILLING although able to reverse the hardness of your heart results in no chance of aligning with a creature as amazing and light as a locust.

When a strong delusion occurs, a few might recognize and resist the delusion. Which of the following audibles or perspectives is potentially true on earth as it is in the kingdom of Gd?

A) 'Once sick, always sick."

B) " Sick 10 times, never curable."

G) 'Wrong 666 times, never correctable."

D)  'Once disorderly, always disorderly."

H)  'Mistrusted by few, trusted by many.'

W)  "1 winner gets proceeded by many losers."

Z)  "1 loser gets proceeded by many winners.'

C)  'Once misdiagnosed, then criminally mistreated as a result of wrong and hasty conclusions."

T)  ' Not all T's are pink and connected at the $ line to T-Mobile.'

Y)  " Wrong judgment calls made by  an unjust and wicked being SHOULD get overturned on earth. We shall see if wrong judgment writings SHALL get overturned in heaven."

K)  "Once divorced, always divorced. "

L) " The friends of my enemies might be easily deceived."

M) " Considered  as Lord to billions, yet in reality a defenseman to none.''

N) " Alvin York used a gun very reluctantly but in times of war, some military leaders wanted him to use his skills in combat."

P) 'Anti-Christianity, not anti-Yehowah and anti-Moshe Ben Amram.'

Actually, all of the above COULD be true in some instances and in other scenarios such as A,B,G.D and K they could be considered stupidity, ignorance and intent to ruin a person's chances of success or gainful employment by removing optimism and  intentionally inserting fiction into official reports.   H, W, Z, C, T,Y,L, M, N and P are very possible occurrences.  

Some swords are a light burden to bear, but without being subjected to occasional heavy burdens, the human body gets weaker in accelerated time.  Don't be afraid of accepting a heavy burden, especially if there is a helpful, honest neighbor nearby to assist you as needed.  

Once stoned, always dead?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Biron News Line 16/3

Thanks to proper corrections taken by the Department of Justice and F.B.I. , the courtroom words of Stuart Rottier have been proven to be false and his credibility is now down to 0, not up to an extra '81'. When Werner Klemperer in his infamous Klink role said he was 'badgered' by the Gestapo, what did he  really mean by 'badgered'? 

My right to bear arms has been properly reviewed at my request, and I do know who I can thank for that review in a  state of Michigan out-of-court settlement.  After all, I wouldn't do very well in a sword fight trying to defend my turf or to do room clearing protocols without a German shepherd.  I now can legally bear a hockey stick in  hotels if I want to. 

I.U.P.A. Local 21 pro seed formations know how to proceed with caution.  I'm not afraid to pull  'Garrett Rank'  methods of operation rather than roll over and play anti-Constitution with JW.ORG, Nancy Pelosi and anti-copper formations.  It is sometimes more reasonable to take advice from retired military personnel such as Kim Barton, Rodney Weary or Adam Marks than  to worship a dead 36" northern trout surrounded by rubble.

I am actually surprised  and yet extremely thankful that anyone in the F.B.I. actually passed  hours of testing, but certainly some individual or D.O.J. unit has indeed reviewed a case with more integrity than an automatic 3rd down in Rothschild, Wisconsin. Hopefully, my proper conduct with border patrol agents at Canadian/USA borders did tip the scales of  weighty past illegal searches and seizure errors done by the state of Wisconsin and weightier matters of corrective action& facts now outweigh matters of myth&uneducated guess work. 

As in the past, I never intend to use unnecessary or excessive force to defend my body or belongings  because I was trained properly by city of Milwaukee experts such as Gerald Dunning and Russell Kempka.  I also am not impressed with the current conditions in Australia.  A.J. Chapman might be able to properly bear a bowling ball with excellent form when defending his body, and some other people prefer to bear pool cues in an emergency defense situation. Even when choices are limited, Cutco knife sellers don't need to consult with D.O.J. records or Fair Bureau Insurance  to sell self-defense options to Rob Flay or Colette, the polite waitress at a BBQ joint in zippy area 48095. As a matter of public record, this was the first day I met a polite and hospitable person named Colette; every other Colette I've been introduced to has been witchy.   However,  there seem to be plenty of polite and real people named 'Cole' or Maresha's' Minutemen

Stuart Rottier and Shane David Hendrikson, I hope you 2 liars  always get plenty of opportunities to piss and crap in plenty of self-inflicted agony. That's a better outcome for Shane the 'anti-commandment man'  and his lying attorney than ever of the had ever desired for me. Venue matters, especially when portals and firmaments are involved rather than limited POP and  blood line issues. Courtroom lies, smirks by Cheryl Lee Brown who's a poster woman for rancid, selfish Christianity and false statements to Marathon county deputies should have gotten Shane Hendrikson to prison by now, but the separation of pigs and chickens is not always as swift as a new division created between Q in Shawano county and BB in Marathon County.  If the F.B.I. record checkers disagreed with my objective conclusions, they had the  tools, talent and opportunity to do so. After all, side effects from legally prescribed pills and intentional spousal abuse can result in illogical but not illegal behavior that is temporary rather than permanent impairment  or long-term inability to care for myself or others.   Disorderly conduct is even a highly subjective matter, especially if you observe how disorderly&dangerous many households are on a regular basis, many intentionally filled with uncontrolled cigarette smoke, mind-altering drugs and/or disorderly dangerous dogs.

Psalm 37:4 just became more interesting as I observe and react properly to my  wisely chosen 'sweet 16'. I suspect the Armada Police Department will be thankful to see me smile when I drop off some important legal Michigan paperwork into their trustworthy non-Marathon office.  After all, it would be against my Yahwehist  Local 3068 position to intentionally take the chance of purchasing stolen firearms or intentionally take part in some illegal cash or drug deals like Hunter Biden most likely is guilty of. Of course, occasionally real people with perfected intentions are not  always able to recall what happened  as recently as 7 years ago in Europe. but somehow  I can recall what happened 59 years ago in Pennsylvania. I wonder if some drug sellers actually try to convinced others that COVID-19 'brain fog'  or intentional alcohol intoxication should be diagnosed as 'mental illness' and if their mindset gets permeated into society anyone who has suffered with temporary  reported period of 'brain fog'  is as much of a society risk as someone who intentionally chooses intoxication.  

It is possible that scripted Melissa Sue Anderson would have argued a case of altering an excessively punitive judgment toward the victim of criminal violence ( the 'Adam Kendall' faked law school example) than I have contended for the concept of a state's right (Michigan) to disregard an adjacent state's (Wisconsin) non-criminal, civil or family court FALLIBLE rulings or temporary court orders that unjustly restrain or illegally seize a person's literal right to choose their own health care and recovery processes after an accident,  physical abuse from others or  undesirable side effects from legally prescribed pharmaceutical choices.  Safe anti-drug decisions that a person makes to avoid recurring undesirable disease identified as 'side effects' is actually evidence of sanity and a sound mind.  Consider whether you, your D.O.J . agent or the Wisconsin Supreme Court would decide it is more logical to shoot an unleashed dog that is violent and attacking another dog or person on your property  than to drug the dogs or people that had been bitten until they no longer have any reasonable fear of an unleashed, dangerous biting dog. 

What would Rocky Balboa say? " If I can change, you can change.... we all can change" or 'It ain't all right, little Marie.'  When 'official' medical or computer generated records have  intentional or unintentional errors, a rod of correction needs to be applied eventually for a purified outcome to occur.  Preponderance of evidence in serious legal, medical or subjective matters sometimes takes 14 years or more to accumulate, especially if your name is Laban or Rachel and Zilpah is a future tense  or past tense situation. Now who in the F.B.I. is going to stop a bunch of insane men with way too much money and temporary power from genetically tampering with  the mosquito  population with. the intent to harm others? What local hero is going to require voters to produce proper identification or insist they get arrested for presenting false identification or voting more than one time per election?   What international hero is going to use necessary force to eject illegal immigrants from USA turf so those who gained  USA citizenship properly are shown mercy and justice? 

Whatever will I do with my shallow state of  Wisconsin right to bear golf clubs while still contending for the '6 deep' church of Philadelphia rights in Michigan?    What occurred on 'Purim' historically doesn't sound like a reason to celebrate. If your sleepier than normal in March of 2022,  it might be because of an unusual planetary alignment .  

Respectfully submitted, 

Squad 50 , in memory of Roger Bushell

    πŸ’                           Χ 

(When and where does L=50?)

After the Pestilence is Resisted:Yeremiyahu 15 : 2

Death, sword, famine and captivity are all listed as options  you might be fearful of when  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   is  not directly visible.  References to Ezequiel 14:14, Exodus 32:11 and Psalm 99:6 have been inserted by a Zondervan KJV version printed in Published in Grand Rapids, Michigan and those may be more helpful to you than my Blogger notes or my  playlists from 'Shadyside Locust' on YOUTUBE.

While I am awaiting another result from a pending trial that the F.B.I. might pass OR more likely will fail,  who's arming millions of Ukrainians without doing background checks on them and then not being delayed by USA computer systems while preparing for their common offense?  People ignorant of  their own  spiritual and physical liability when they refuse to let honest, anti-lawlessness people buy a rifle for deer hunting hurt themselves and thus, those  unfair and unjust 'judges' of rights to bear arms eliminate own chances of being defended by the military forces of   Χ™Χ”.   If Michigan is 'shallow state', then deep state problems might be in Wisconsin yet, a state where plenty of wrongs have failed to be corrected after false testimony was received and believed in and out of their courtroom settings.  We who are no longer in U.S.A.  social security paycheck captivity often are forced to change our mindset depending on the outcome of an unholy government's processes. For instance, I had to change my mindset from having a surname of 'Xavier' to take on the surname of 'Ortiz' for a period of time after a ruling from the Polish National Church was deemed to be in favor of 'Ortiz' and not Theodore Reynaud Jackson's Vatican-based fraudulent alignment and his 2 different social security numbers he was using alongside of' Carla' his Milwaukee east-side disc-jockey heathen.  

While I wait results from the F.B.I.'s DISCERNMENT rulings that will either ruin their own reputation or improve mine, I do not fear their conclusions on a form of self-defense matter that hasn't yet reached the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  In wicked sectors of deep state government offices in Maryland ,maternity sections are being physically, spiritually and emotionally attacked by a wicked governor is refusing to allow living, innocent babies to be protected by their Maryland decrees as wicked ,depraved and insane as  Barack Obama's pro-abortion innocent infant neck stabbers. Justin Trudeau is not welcome in my household, and eventually those who know Canada's rules also know that if I was able to in and out of that country safely for years that I do not have a criminal record nor was I unwilling to abide by their local laws. That fact makes reveals that I am   not considered a danger to myself or others and am contrary and opposed to to  the millions crossing into the USA illegally at any border.  

Many people working within the F.B.I. and current USA military have chosen to remain in captivity wrongly believing they won't experience famine after their choice to bow to Biden or Maryland's political leaders who want to normalize the murdering of infants as it was in the days of Moshe Ben Amram's toddler years.  Sometimes captivity is a choice, a choice that  I believe Queen Vashti rejected in order to defend herself against lustful males of lawlessness while she got released from her marriage of bondage. I suppose those  Persian drunkards were a lot like the people who can't resist Overton's magazine and costly bikini shows, but that is a supposition that others might contest.

Unlike many who have given up their right to life and chosen suicide, I am not trying to incite or accelerate my own death, but death eventually becomes a natural option preferable to being coerced into Moderna, Pfizer or other George Soros mind-altering media injections . Other wicked, unnatural and arrogant modifications such as female breast implants seem to increase a cup size in a Dallas Stars arena rather than vegetable crop production in shallow state family gardens.  I wonder if the female known as 'Esther' was in fact coerced to become another pawn in a 'Miss Universe' contest that Vashti chose to withdraw from a grievous position rather than enter into negotiations with a depraved Persian king and his lustful 'Trump&Clinton' wealthy, lustful companions who stuck around to see Esther's bait get launched publicly with the consent of her foolish uncle Mordecai.

I already had to repurchase a rolling pin; I'm not afraid to purchase and use a bow and arrow rather than ever voluntarily salute Joe 'Guiseppe' Biden , Nancy Pelosi or Kamala Harris, even if the arrow has a edge sharper than a double-edged sword.  I don't  suppose F.B.I. employees are forced to salute Kamala Harris or Biden, but if they got injected, they already bowed to and took the mark of   Joseph Biden's pro-abortion,  anti-natural, pro- LBGTQ representatives; such a mark is definitely  anti-Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”.  Thankfully, I do know that when defense is of Yahweh, firearms are not mandatory. Firearms can't stop flooding, can't grown a radish and can't prevent a Biden mind from continuing to be perverted and distorted.  Firearms are more likely to be used improperly by people who have not gone through police academy training than by people who have passed such training as I did. A car in the hands of a drunkard is more dangerous than a gun in the hand of a person who is not altered by drugs  or influenced by computer wars like the USA military forces and common children have been influenced in homes where children are stupidly plopped in front of computer screens rather than sent into their yard to raise vegetables or clean animals such as goats.

65% injected by the Fauci plan is about 2/3 of the USA population.  Did some guy named John on an island labeled 'Patmos' claim that 2/3 of a population would die off?   I wonder if Nick Hallas on Bunting Road in area 54501 chose to be in control of more than electric circuits.  There are plenty of people named 'Nicholas Hallas' on the internet input and output, but only the 'In Control' electrician had the chance to see how out of control gun-owner Shane David Hendrikson got after his voluntary back surgery, his pharmaceutical drug choices and his voluntary marital infidelity that Cheryl Lee Brown lured him into. Cheryl Lee Hendrikson is a lot like Zelensky of Ukraine, which is why I rather sit at a dinner table with Vladimir Putin than be drawn toward a Shannon Wahl or her brother's gang of unjustified Las Vegas hotel&prostitution supporters.

'Jesus Christ' didn't prevent me from getting to instructions and warnings from  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   , but idiots like Steven Ben-Nun and Tom Hughes certainly are putting forth plenty of effort to deter people from gathering under the protective wings of  Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” 's   discipline.  Sunday Christianity has been getting their heads stuck in Vatican sand boxes with  "Jesus the Jesuit' and the fruits of an anti-Torah body style embraced by Biden, Trump, Elton John and Nancy Pelosi for decades now.  What if the crucifixion was part of a punishment for disrespecting his mother and calling her 'Woman' at a public gathering? or for suggesting that looking toward visual temptations is equal to adultery in progress when fornication was resisted after a weak 'look' at temptation?    By the way, part of perfection does NOT have to include selling everything you have and giving it to the poor, but Anders Lewis and Blake Lewis of Waukesha, Wisconsin bought into that anti-Moshe PROPAGANDA message alongside of people like me before I left that cult.  No where in the scrolled-up instructions for grafted in or faithful natural Ysraelites does it require nor even suggest that all of our assets to be sold to support others and acquire a status of financial worthlessness. Thus, the observer of 153 caught up in a net was adding to and taking away from the instructions delivered by other pro-Yehowah prophets such as Moshe Ben Amram.   It hurts to admit you were tricked or believed a liar and I know that pain often causes conflict within the body parts long. before conflict with those who still trust their favorite liars are willing to hear or read your  anti-Jesuit mindset adjustment.    Royston Potter has his opinion of whether or not Gad=God, but I know that Gd is the brother of Asher, no matter what vowel sound is inserted and family trees are a serious matter.

There's plenty of soft down zones in a bird's wing section.  The prophets I rely upon gained favor and mercy at times of discernment and judgment, and their names are Yczeqal, Yeremiyahu and Moshe Ben Amram. 

The oil laid down in Bowlero lanes has different patterns named Cheetah, Scorpion and Shark. What happened to me in Waukesha, Wisconsin more than 25 years ago was a shame to Wisconsin's reputation, not mine. Daniel Berger was not 'happy' with the position of his golf ball when Viktor Hovland and Joel Dahmen were given power over Daniel Berger, yet the dispute did force him to give up his golf clubs as he continued on with his adversaries next to him.  The Pabst 'strike' night scenes I saw was nothing like Bowlero lanes, since it involved picketing and some violence in Milwaukee.  X is sometimes used as a distress signal and not always as the sign of a shower in blueprints.

Now, bowling pin heads will know this paragraph is important. Only an unlearned  idiot  would call the Stadium Course 's 17th Hole  at TPC-Sawgrass 'an island' when the non-blind can see it is a peninsula. Only a mentally-ill person would think they were subjected to any real trials or tribulations while playing golf at TPC-Sawgrass among the extremely wealthy gaming people. Like leaving drunkeness to  seek sobriety by choice, a mental breakdown , whether drug-induced or  induced by the wickedness surrounding you does not have to become a permanent loss of sanity.Some men ate maggots during WWII to avoid starvation, and I suppose that was a sign of temporary insanity to a person who would rather choke down a locust than eat Culver's pork bacon. 

If you read this entire editorial, you'd don't have attention deficit disorder and you obviously can face a real conflict with more courage than an image of a crucified human or a  statue of 'Jesus' in Marshifield, Wisconsin can. 

Where's pure Rimrock Road now?  Closest to 'Todd Lewis ' and the NBC  golf $ crew or closer to Kyle Heckendorf than Kyle Sherman?  πŸŽ³πŸŽ³

I did convert the tricky 1-5-10 split with my Slingshot, but it was my friend Dee Sutherland who bowled an impressive 245 game.  Stormy and Gritty can start to worry about their own NHL mascot costume parties. with or without Cameron Smith.

Death, famine, sword and captivity all have to be approached carefully.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Yeremiyahu 14: The 6th Down Split@42

Jackson Uggla might not approve of the way his step-mother or his mother choose to display themselves on the internet, and children are often split after a divorce.  I faced conflict today, but I didn't expect the conflict I would have to face.  First, I decided to once again replace that which had been stolen from me, namely a rolling pin. I used to have 3, but the Norwegian Catholic Christian who decided to have an affair with Cheryl Lee Brown decided he needed all 3 rolling pins.

I decided to learn to make organic red lentil fritters before I try to make my own red lentil chips, and I actually am a good cook. They were extremely tasty and now that bread is $7.00 a loaf if you don't want  cellulose wood chips included, making my own bread is not going to be a burden but rather a cost-saving joy. What wasn't a joy was seeing a woman who claims she is 'Muslim' happily trotting around with a Victoria's Secret gift bag that she received from a person as wicked as Zelensky of Ukraine.

The  USA Muslim woman married a Catholic man, so she already strayed from going the direction of Moshe Ben Amram.  I wonder if the same masked old woman that handled her the Victoria's Secret bag with her husband's approval would have accepted a Danish ham from that same person? My guess is she would then 'play the Muslim' game, but maybe she would take the pork to her house for her husband.

Accepting, buying or selling Victoria's Secret products are actually worse than scrounging a pack of cigarettes from a person during an anxiety attack. Victoria's Secret product and advertising =U.K. $ =  LBTGQ  pride flags that Pelosi and Biden rather drape themselves in than with a modest mantle of  Yehowah's justice.  LBTGQ is a pestilence that even Vladimir Putin realizes is pestilence HOWEVER, Norman Link of San Diego, California is trying to lift up the banner of Ukraine now, a nation that has had a pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-gambling Las Vegas boy misleading them for at least 7 years now. I took the time to warn Norman Link that his Church of God is named after the brother of Asher, and that he ought not become a cheerleader for Ukraine's current leader at the same time he complains about Biden, who is similar to Zelensky in lack of morality.

Dan Uggla completed 42 years today, and the photos of a person claiming to be his wife  named 'Janette'  rather than 'Jackson', decided flopping her cleavage onto the internet next her daughter was acceptable behavior, but actually it was lewd behavior which is acceptable to me who haven't decided to follow Yehowah's rules and regulation.  U is not the same as V or W in English, and Latin Kings are not the same as Spanish Cobras. I suspect Vashti might have rejected the 'Victoria's Secret' bag as she was departing from the scene of her king's crimes so that another pawn named 'Esther' could come in to amuse the Persian pervert and then somehow become the center of Jewish Halloween acts in and out of Israel.

In 2011, I was conducting peaceful protests against Victoria's Secret in a Charlotte, N.C. mall and never got arrested because I was behaving sanely while robed in a Bryan Little jersey #10.  While Shane David Hendrikson was spending our marital funds of 'Twisted Kilt' Irish strumpets and 'Victoria's Secret'  clothes for his adulterous  Las Vegas style girlfriend, I was choosing Tae Kwon Do lessons and refused to strike at any person during the training. 

When Dan Uggla was with the Atlanta Braves, it was 2014. It's not 2014 anymore. 42 isn't 'New 98' nor is Dan Uggla struggling in  month 49 in the same manner Germany Thomas Greiss might be while stuck at 153.  However, if grown men do not start steering their female spouse away from 'Victoria's Secret' or away from pork hocks& chitlins, clearly those grown men do not believe Yehowah, nor Yah nor Yahweh's non-instant messengers such as the prophet   Χ™Χ—Χ–Χ§ΧΧœ  .

Making tasty unleavened bread out of sardius lentils was easy; now I suspect I finally have to throw out every piece of lingerie that I purchased or received with a 'Victoria's Secret' label before I trusted   Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   as my LORD, judge and ruler, since that  U.K. London reprobate company is a pestilence I would not want my brothers, nephews or friends to see in my household when my estate is settled and divided toward them.  

When Dan Uggla turned 40, the state of Michigan decided to shut down almost all of it's churches over a pestilence far easier to defeat than the pestilence of LBTGQ agendas and U.K.'s wicked queendom $ quests.  There was no need for me to warn the Muslim waitress of the wickedness of Victoria's Secret company policies since I had done that a few years ago and she chose to disregard those warnings. Her Catholic husband is not interested in protecting her reputation, and I wonder how her Muslim male co-workers viewed her happiness as she clung to the beast of London's sign in her hand that came from a liberal ,masked woman who does not qualify as a holy lady of Ysrael.

7th down is ahead, whether it be hail or a Lamed or a Zayin problem contained within Yeremiyahu 15:2. 

The enemy of my acquaintance made themselves known; I now know that the waitress woman from India who took the Victoria's Secret product is not my friend, since she did not believe my testimony nor heed my important warning. Indeed, it would have been better for her to reluctantly shove a grilled pork chop in her mouth than laugh and accept the Victoria's Secret bag as she did in public. She already denied the faith a good Muslim woman who is opposed to lewd&lascivious marketing would have done, so why not honestly (without hypocrisy) take on the role of a regular Catholic's  'imported from India' wife?

Bon-du means friend in Bengali. Tovarich means friend in Russian.  Lukewarm Muslims are as unsaved and unrighteous as lukewarm Christians and pro-abortion Catholics such as  Joe 'Guiseppe' Biden the  'Red E' wicked unelected man who did not actually earn the title of 'president'.

Discern the times as you divide 91 by 25 and end up with 3.64, with 158 days to go on the left side with the prophet Yczq'al.  The gestation period of a monkey is about 160 days, but a porcupine only needs 112-113 days to emerge naturally and not ever request a gender change.


Monday, March 7, 2022

Hemlock, Michigan: 48626 Zip News Break

I reached 48,626 views on my frugal blog. Unfortunately, I suspect many of those 'views' were robotic gestures, not interested human beings hoping to get swayed away from Lucifer and toward Yehowah. 

Without Ted Baxter and WGN news, maybe Steve Sands of CBS sports could have made an announcement that Hemlock and Forest are tied in Port Huron street turn offs, but instead I decided to check another numerical connection at 48626 after being questioned about Metamora today, not about Amy Guenther.

I'm also testing my 'reduced' AT&T internet speed  before I  hop over like William Boyett to Yeremiyahu 15 considerations after renegotiating my lines of communication with them for another 12 months. 

Thanks for speaking English and working for a paycheck,  Dayton 'Renee' from AT&T!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Famine At TPC's 5th Hole Possible After Whorish Zelenskyy Fumbles

Yeremiyahu 14:12-13 mentions that famine before pestilence is approved by Yahweh.

Who are the non-conservative  fools that elected Zelenskyy? His whorish liberal agenda started as early as 2006 when he decided 'Dancing With The Stars' and 'Love in Vegas' was a better route than pursuing studies in Israel. According to unverified  'Wikipedia' information. Zelenskyy advocates free cannabis, free abortions, legalized prostitution and legalized gambling which happens to be contrary to anything a true and faithful remnant of Ysrael would advocate. I suspect his grandfather Semyon, who served in the 57th division of the Red Army might be totally against the liberal, Vegas-boy that his grandson has become.

Who's fleeing Ukraine? The people that voted for the whorish  comedian Zelenskyy or the people who would rather see a Ronald Reagan movie repeated? How about playing more Instagram games with 'Red Storm Rising', Mr. Apostate Zelenskyy?

Jaromir Jagr can go ahead and try to provide food and shelter for the people who may not have voted for Zelenskyy, the defiled man who thinks abortions should occur freely and who is more like Hunter Biden than a man worthy of protection or assistance from the spirit of Yehowah. However,  I got enough information from Brandon Holthaus about Vladimir Putin's ideology that it isn't Putin that is totally resisting the lifestyle instructions from the Creator, but rather it is Zelenskyy who is clearly an as anti-Moshe as Joe 'Benito' Biden in his public and private antics and anti-Yehowah ideology.

Therefore, after a fumble, be careful who you root for after death by abortion occurs at the prompting of Zelenskyy's movie money war against  INNOCENT fragile, infant humanity*. It seems to me that Zelenskyy is the type of male who incited lewd and lascivious behavior through his own behavior and protocols, much like the people who revolted at the bottom of Mt. Sinai while Moshe was receiving a wonderful, perfect government intended to sanctify a nation rather than defile it to the point of extinction.

Now, the whorish man leading Ukraine is begging for freebies from the USA like a prostitute that wants to get paid after not taking the words from Yeremiyahu seriously. 

After a fumble, which team gets the football continues on offense. I suggest that the remnant of Ysrael pray that Yehowah would draw Putin to his side, since Zelenskyy has gone the way of Las Vegas gaming, prostitution, abortions and drug pushing. beware of  the propaganda pandas who want to portray Zelenskyy as anything other than spiritually depraved and morally wicked.

Pestilence can abound in a body that is infected with candida; eliminating leaven from the body one week per year is a candida-resistance plan that is safe and effective and a commandment for those who are facing Yahweh's instructions and willing to be turned by LORD Yahweh against Talmud broods and Protestestants preaching anti- Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   lawlessness like Zelenskyy&Biden have been doing their entire heathen life. Inserting graphene into our veins at the beckoning of sorcery sites led by pharmaceutical billionaires and politicians like Gretchen Whitmer who hate unborn babies is also a pestilence that spreads like tattoos. Tattoos NEVER improve a person's bodily health, and neither will injections that manipulate natural human genetic composition. 

The next 6h down to face is Yeremiyahu 14:12 and I'm not interesting in getting another 'offside' penalty.

*what can't be innocent is a buyer or seller of  pestilence  labeled 'Victoria's Secret'

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Any 4th Down Conversions@Yeremiyahu 14:12-13?

 A new moon sliver has been sighted in Michigan; I no longer am going to rely upon Jerusalem reports and whether it be the 12th, 24th, 37th, 49th, 62nd, 74th (230W's), 86th or 98th month in progress in your anti-Vatican anti-Biden sanctification plan depends on your own method and keeping of time lines, not mine at month 123.

A 12 month starts very differently than a new 98th month.  Yehowah said to Yeremiyahu " Though Moses and Samuel stood before ME, yet my mind could not be toward these people; cast them out of my sight and let them go forth.'  Then 4 more meow 'downs' must be faced by those who were unwilling to align with Yehowah, namely as it has been written in Yeremiyahu 15;2, " And it shall come to pass, if they shall say into thee, Whither shall we go forth? then thou shall say to them 'Thus saith Yehowah:Such who are for death, to death;  such as for the sword to the sword:  such as for the famine to the famine; such who are  for the captivity, to the captivity." However, Yeremiyahu 14 mentions sword, famine and pestilence after the chapter 11 sword and famine has been mentioned. Yes, we often must face repeat of a trial or test.

In other words, could the message be if you wish to bear arms, go the sword?  Patrick Henry and George Washington were not afraid to be sword bearers, but cowardly Vatican boy  'Benito Biden'  rather kill of children by abortion by the millions than get involved in a face to face battle armed like a real man.  The hypocrites of  USA political arenas preach against the 2nd Amendment at the same time they arm unethical medical centers with injections that MAIM the human body's genetic alignment and ship guns to the Ukraine where some insist that the people there have the right to defend themselves against an invasion.  In the USA, the S.A.F. unit known as Second Amendment Foundation doesn't want to end up like the USA military puppets of Biden, Australia or Canada, where the unholy, ungodly invasion to not only gladly support aborting innocent babies but like Himmler in Germany, want to experiment on the population with unclean 'COVID'  injections occurred from  within their own boundaries. 

Suppose you believe that 'Jesus Christ' had a group of sword bearers with him? George Washington chose to bear a sword, not crack cocaine pipes like Hunter Biden, son of a politically whorish father and Pelosi-kissing mother. While not in the sight of Yehowah, what will a person chose to do that then might gain them favor in a future encounter with 'same' Yehowah?  Bearing arms has always been allowed by Yehowah's finest military men, but those arms were not supposed to abort children.  Be it slingshots or swords, some of us will choose to go forth to the sword when a battle begins and we do not want Benito Biden and  his token V.P. ,Haughty Horrific Harris, to reign over our soul or household.

At 12th and 1, there is a Bryan Little way or a Sergei Krivokrasov path, and maybe they  see the battles in Ukraine very differently. Look at the history of  Austria, Greece, Germany, France and Italy recently as they all have slid toward Nazi-Gestapo tactics. Is that the direction the fleeing Ukranians are actually getting pushed toward and if so, they'll be entrapped in another problem and  possibly facing death without even being able to bear a sword in hand.  Is Russia trying to regain the turf and people it had lost in a 'divorce', knowing full well there are still Russians in the Ukraine who never wanted that 'divorce' to occur?

If you endorse abortion on demand or voted to decriminalize abortion  in any senate or congressional vote, it's rather unforgivable to accuse another nation's leader of war crimes. If you voted for Joe Biden, don't say you want Putin out of the Ukraine because it was your vote that allowed him in and our USA dollars to go to Russian oil sellers rather than back into the USA economy.  If a person puts Martin Biron between Mark Messier and Vladimir Putin, would it be the new weighty '98' of TechNETium (Element 43) that chooses the USA as George Washington intended it rather than the England  and Canada that a stupid King/Queen system has weakened  to the point of 'no Old Testament  quotes allowed'? 

Once upon the ice, there probably was a goalie named Aaron Israel who got drafted by the Philadelphia Flyers, not by Miss Landers. If Biden and 'GiGi' his anti-1st amendment leech gets their way, indeed my grandchildren never will be able to hear my voice nor read my thoughts during these times of war. A Motorola team with fake deer head flopped into a basketball court  doesn't understand  'Rock, Sword$ Lamb skins' while they are busy pushing their paper dollars around the NBA towns.

The next 'down'  conversion might in fact be while facing famine. However, intentional fasting might be viewed as temporary famine with a healthy cause.  The prophet Yeremiyahu and those who properly resist  pro-abortion political devils will eventually have to face tests that aren't produced by bio-med labs and if you are shown mercy, it would be wise to use your mulligan and 'retest better' than Mark Eugene Grace used his 'freedom'.  I gave reasonable warnings to Brandon Holthaus, but such warnings might only protect my flesh, not force him into a pro-Yahweh corner when he rather cuddle up with the Vatican calendar like billions of other Protestants.

By the 'Let's go Brandon' path, it seems as though Chris Osgood understands a post-Medicine Hat click.