Sunday, May 9, 2021

#59 AL-MU'ID versus CBC's Rosemary Barton

 It is a fact that many detectives are sickened physically when listening to a criminals confess their crimes, yet it is the duty of the detective to gather that information. Likewise, it is sickening to view Rosemary Barton because she might as well be called 'Axis Sally'.  I suppose suicides are nor listed as 'COVID related' because is a person rather be dead than imprisoned in their houses or behind masks for more than  5 months without a trial by jury,  then unethical propaganda pagans like Rosemary Barton think it's permissible to claim a suicide is COVID related.

Since I am more likely to be served kindly by real Muslims who are familiar with not only 73 and 74 as being associated with the First and the Last defining names of their anti-statue spirit in the sky lines, I'd like to test the spirits with NHL referee Steve Barton in the middle between AL-MU-ID and the CBC's pro-lesbian Rosemary Barton are her Christmas tree pushers on Sunday morning's CBC agenda. 

Since I including a variety of entities, I surely can't be called unfair in drumming up this spiritual battle and like Kim Barton, the USA Navy veteran, I'll stay alert and hopefully view another parting of  results. The concept of AL-MU'ID as being a restorer and reinstater is good, not evil, IF someone has been ejected from their proper place in a unjustifiable manner and by methods of cruel, intentional deceptions which oppose truthfulness.  I'll now insert some sideline constants at '48' (1948), which some historians tie to the beginning of the 'state of Israel', but others view '73'  (1973)as being associated with the truer beginning of the political state of Israel.

Current Daley Double legend at 48: Columbus Blue Jackets  and Detroit Red Wings

Constant at 48:  Mark Messier

Variable at 48: 48039, Marine City, Michigan

Here's a 3 vs. 3 scenario with a trinity in the middle.


                                      The Bottom 4  Conscientious Observers

  4. John Tortorella   3.  Carlos Ortiz   2. Me, the author of this post  1.  Dean Morton

  Mark Power*                        North #59: Steve Barton           Ricky Castillo**

 g (East)  Rosemary Barton         NORTHSTAR                      #59   AL-MU'ID(West) G

 Ben Schmidt **                     South # 63   Trent Knorr            Cole Hammer *      


 🏌 In The Robin Bullock' Titleist' Tree Top: Luke List, Patrick Rodgers, Keith Mitchell

 *  48th Walker Cup   Europe Team

** 48th Walker Cup    USA Team  

g=garth brooks

G= Gadites


No true Muslim would have voted for the Democratic Biden/Harris combo since Biden and Harris are of the same genre as Rosemary Barton.   However, there are many hypocritical Muslims, Jews. Christians and Catholics who AL-MU'ID #59 should be opposed to if his title is true and faithful to the anti-hypocrisy cause of Abraham, who was guided by El Shaddai.  NORTHSTAR, aka Polaris, is a constant in the heavens used for navigation purposes.

The casino people slap a different name onto their unseen spirit guide, and their G 'name' already lost  so many battles against  seen forces that it is no wonder they can't resist slot machines and casino chip depravity. 

 At this time, AL+MU'ID should be considered as an unseen force being tested and tried against a seen force of intentional deception and anti-Biblical perspective labeled 'Rosemary Barton'. 

Breton isn't Barton.  The Canadian Armed Forces should recall the name 'Breton', even if they refuse to call upon the name of Benjamin Hogan. It's more merciful to be barren and without children than to have to admit you are a father who taught his children how to become lazy, unkind, unhealthy, unthankful, unholy, lying, secretive, impious adults.

Reviews of the Wells-Fargo Open crowds. mostly without masks, seem to contrast substantially with what the Calgary police are subjecting their neighbors too which does cause me to rethink the opinion cast at me from WWII Virgil Smith. Virgil Smith claimed that the Canadian soldiers were 'cowardly' during the war in comparison to his USA units, and I supposed Virgil Smith was incorrect. However, maybe the Canadian military has let their nation crumble because there just aren't enough Canadians as stubborn as the PGA golf fans in Charlotte or the typical Texan. If Virgil Smith's opinion gets some Canadians mad now, well then maybe those angry people and the Canadian military will finally resist being forced into prisoner conditions in their own nation , not even being able to get visitation from some of their stubborn, healthy  friends toting the book of Joshua from the USA (245 years and struggling)  who are not bowing to Biden nor to the uppity, nonsensical English monarchy. 

There was a time when a certain quota of male babies had to be tossed into Egyptians river to weaken a generation with too many women. Now, a certain quota is being pushed for vaccinations and if not resisted, maybe your national political body will next demand that the abortion rate increase to 90% to prevent the  mercy and instructions of Yahweh from coming to your nation.  Think long and hard before you or your political body decides to go along with the unholy flow of Rosemary Barton's bunch.


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