A last hour decision might be contemplated today for those who really wanted to be cut off from Ysrael and thus did not keep the Week of Unleavened Bread last month in the spring. It is still spring, and there is time to make an attempt at keeping the 2nd month option for those who still want to be connected to Team Yehowah rather than to Las Vegas attorneys on a nasty bench.
Due to lack of an argument, I am going to do more than observe the 2nd week of unleavened bread option this year even though I already practiced that discipline last month. Observing is not the same as KEEPING a remembrance. I can observe Matt Dumba's efforts, but only watching him is not enough to say I am a defenseman on the Minnesota Wild team; since I would have to wear a Minnesota Wild uniform and have to defend their goal area against intruders. I can LEARN and be inspired y the efforts of Matt Dumba as I have been, but if I want to be more like him I have to be willing to do some of the things that he does well such as wear a Minnesota Wild jersey and be prepared to defend teammates OR rebuke teammates ass needed.
What if while in the USA, it is month 2, days 15-21 that a person who has been scattered from Israel after BEING IN THAT NATION that the week of unleavened bread is to be kept? Then if I suspect that could be true, I will test that instruction this year though I had not in past years. I intend to do a daily report during this week on this site, even though Alon Anava thinks that the number 13 is connected to 'love'. 2008 was when I was last in Israel, and then did get scattered after having my vision and hearing tested there.
Many last hour decisions were made on February 14th in my past history. I can recall my adult son returning home in tears after being rejected by a Buch woman for the 2nd time, and his pain then was lesser when compared to the pain of being the bride of a man who then dumps you twice after misleading the second time. Valentine's day doesn't prove you love Yehowah, but abstaining from leaven from 1 week starting this evening and preparing for the scheduled Feast of Weeks on June 20th is part of proving you have some faith in Yehowah and desire to be aligned with his power and might.
Yup, Matt Dumba is a warrior on ice, and SOME other men are warriors in fire departments and police departments, struggling to earn a living and be a good honest non-treasonous citizen at the same time.
Joseph BIden Jr. is treasonous and he is so obvious in his hatred for Scriptural instructions and his animosity toward holiness and goodness that he is not a deceiver.
Trick or treason are 2 choices, and sometimes it is necessary to trick a wicked opponent. Did Rahab trick her wicked neighbors in order to realign herself with Yehowah's team? Did the mother of Moshe trick the Egyptians by sending her infant son off in a boat by faith after she had done good works with him and did not murder her own child?
Sidney Crosby's team might be heading to their houses to keep the week of Unleavened Bread while others are still at war. The Pittsburgh Penguins have that option now to repent and seek forgiveness for uplifting homosexuality rather than defending marriage between a man and a woman as the people of Yehowah are supposed to do by faith and with works.
Tomorrows headlines will be based on Ezequiel chapter 1, verses 5-10.
If you can't get all the leaven out of your household within a few hours, at least start by resisting leaven in your dietary intake for 7 days and 7 nights to test the spirits like a Berean. Adult steps are often easier to take than baby steps when fear is changed to respect for existing perfect laws that do not keep changing with the stroke of a political pen or a rabbinic counsel.
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