Saturday, May 29, 2021

Starting With 'Jumping Badger' Toward A Max Homa Tick

 I have to admit that yesterday's high sabbath was spiritually productive. Not only did I open up my Bible to Numbers chapter 9 on the first try, not knowing where the instructions for alternate passover has been covered, but I realized how giving an offering to men who behave more like real scattered cooking Levites than fake Muslims is significant.  

Now, the book of the week in review for this alternate  week of unleavened bread is still 'Where The Wild Things Are'.  On the cover, is that Sitting Bull, formerly known as Jumping Badger? Maurice Sendak surely might have been aware of Lakota Indians history since he did not have a degree in illiteracy. 

 An enemy of mine claimed the handing teddy bear was a sign that Max had murder on his mind, but I've always seen that detail as a sign of drying the bear after washing the bear: the clean bear act. The string is around his shoulder joint, not his neck, right?  Mischief in progress could be pounding nails into a wall rather  than pounding spikes into the flesh of people like the Romans liked doing, so mischief becomes  incidental contact causing  holes in a wall without parental permission. Next, Max chasing a dog out of a portal is not necessarily a bad decision. and the fork in hand is better than a gun in the hand like the deranged video programs invented by immoral idiots. What is the dog was crapping and peeing in the house like many have been known to do? Max has no father figure in the  book, so he took animal control up for a career training option.  

'Rhino face' appears on the wall  in a concept drawing. Let's rename 'Rhino face' as Ezekiel (rather than a Detroit illegal drug dealer)  in the Holman Christian Standard format.  Many children have been misled in the concept of what is edible and have not been taught by their father to respect their mother, so what's a Bnejamite in retraining to do? The Mormons ate people and many Americans eat  frogs, swines, alligators and don't seem to object to swallowing up human baby parts through a needle in Operatio WARP SPEED, which is the same as eating people.  What will Max improve on after being so misled by wickedness in low places?

Since it is a regular sabbath today and day 28 of the omer count, maybe Max and the bunch or Kool and the Gang than consider what being grafted in to ישראל COULD look like in words.  A person gets cut off from their anti-Haifa roots and gets transported to Haifa or some other designated tree sectional to get grafted in. Then that person shoots out and survives in their post-grafting inn , stretching his or her branches out to the same area they had been cut off from another family tree, and survive to produce goodness in another branch form with a new family tree name.  Mikell Clayton  doesn't think like I do, and being grafted into a tree that then seeds, produces good fruits and survives under Team Yahuah's gardening skills  becomes an expectation rather than a common offense. Thus, Max soon will embark to a place he has not yet been  after leaving father and mother, as some have desired to visit Haifa or Jerusalem or the caves of Maresha to reconnect with the turf of the Biblically mentioned prophets.  

On the way, a beast rises out of the water while in and out of weeks and almost over a year to where the wild things are rather than are not or Arnott.

Tomorrow, on the defensive secondary keeping of First Fruits, I do contend that First Fruits Sunday is a regular work day and not a sabbath, but I have many opponents on that perspective.  I do recall reading a wall in Pittsburgh that claimed that the builders of Israel are holy. Decent body builders sometimes look like Israel Idonije and the indecent colored guys look like Brent Burns.  

Prepare to consider what a white ram or goat coat bearing up over 'Rhino face' Ezekiel could have meant to Maurice Sendak.

To ensure you are not as immoral, immature, biased against people with Bibles and as fearful as Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mizewski of 4054 County Hwy P near Rhinelander, WI, thoughtfully research the Hebrew spelling of H3168 and then contemplate why some people  prefer Ezequiel to Ezekiel in translation options.  In Owen Sound, Ontarioa, a book does not even have to be opened to view the Hebrew spelling of H3168 near the Lumley Arena.

I'm thankful I don't have amnesia, since I do not want to forget how kind the people at Rhinelander Honda and Rhinelander police squads 1 and 12 were toward me when I was cut off from the anti-Biblical Mizewski mindset, even though I was wearing a Philadelphia Flyers 'COFFEY' jersey and jeans rather than a Mosinee Indian or Wittenberg Charger dance squad abomination outfit.

Friday, May 28, 2021

15 for 2 and That Will Dew!

 A trustworthy hockey referee gave me a suggestion that I believe will prove to be helpful. Initially, I asked 2 different reliable men the following question:

" If there are 2 different battles going on at the same time and one is spiritual but the other is physical, which battle should I try to win first? " Both agreed that the spiritual battle was more important to win than the physical battle, and I also believe that to be true.  I then told the hocye referee I was winning the spiritual battle but losing the physical battle and I asked him to advise me as though he were a fitness trainer, since he is a fit man as well as a loving father and husband. I was advised to consider:

"It is only half an hour."  There are times when 30 minutes does not feel like 20.83 years, and today I started with  'Thee Y's Wheels' program to retrain myself for 5 months with a lot of help from my true blue friends.  The second month observance of the feast of unleavened bread started off differently from the April 27th, 2021 start since I launched off with my Muslim friends who shared their lamb with me. I then looked as my taco shell, packed tender lamb and rice into it, at a bit of parsley and drank water not wine from the most beautiful cup I own, painted with my dearest Benjamite friends by at the base of the Blue Mountains in Ontario several years ago. Why Benjamites? Because they set a foundation with me of friendship that will never be jasper in a rebuilding process preparing the way for Lapis Lazuli lines or natural sapphires.  

Month 4, day 5 was a turning point for the prophet sometimes seen as Ezekiel, but realistically  that prophet's name begins with a י not an E, since an E is more like an א than a י. Since translations can cause derision and confusion, I =70 and Y=10 in my code system but not in the fallible Roman system. E=0 in my system and A=1, since Scooby Doo codes of A=26 and Z=1 can't produce dew.

 I prepaid for my holy convocation meal yesterday,  since I am viewing today as a high holy day to start off the 2nd month week of unleavened bread, even though it is the 27th day of the omer on this Friday that some refer to as Memorial Day Weekend. It's wonderfully cold and thankfully rainy in eastern Michigan today as I have 5 months now to prepare for the 7th month, the 15th day in the autumn. I intend to win a physical battle during the next 5 months while I am still in winning mode spiritually.

Prepare to consider Maurice Sendak's 'Where The Wild Things Are' from the viewpoint of the rhino hugging a tree, looking at 'Max' while he is in 5th place behind 4 creatures.

Dismember the movie version of 'Where The Wild Things Are' if you want to start winning a spiritual battle that a Capitol One helmet can't win, but a Bell or a Ball could win with the proper longevity strategy in mind.   Until the dusk, it's month 2, day 15 but not Canadian Flag day here in the house of uncommon defenses.


Rushing speed is safer than WARP speed, and every person who has competed in USA football should remember that fact of  reasonable RISK evaluation.  

Let us reason together for an anti-Biden cause and effect test.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

14th Day, Month 2...But Not February Routines

 A last hour decision might be contemplated today for those who really wanted to be cut off from Ysrael and thus did not keep the Week of Unleavened Bread last month in the spring. It is still spring, and there is time to make an attempt at keeping the 2nd month option for those who still want to be connected to Team Yehowah rather than to Las Vegas attorneys on a nasty bench.

Due to lack of an argument, I am going to do more than observe the 2nd week of unleavened bread option this year even though I already practiced that discipline last month. Observing is not the same as KEEPING a remembrance. I can observe Matt Dumba's efforts, but only watching him is not enough to say I am a defenseman on the Minnesota Wild team; since I would have to wear a Minnesota Wild uniform and have to defend their goal area against intruders. I can LEARN and be inspired y the efforts of Matt Dumba as I have been, but if I want to be more like him I have to be willing to do some of the things that he does well such as wear a Minnesota Wild jersey and be prepared to defend teammates OR rebuke teammates ass needed. 

What if while in the USA, it is  month 2, days 15-21 that a person who has been scattered  from Israel after BEING IN THAT NATION that the week of unleavened bread is to be kept? Then if I suspect that could be true, I will test that instruction this year though I had not in past years. I intend to do a daily report during this week on this site, even though Alon Anava thinks that the number 13 is connected to 'love'.  2008 was when I was last in Israel, and then did get scattered after having my vision and hearing tested there.  

Many last hour decisions were made on February 14th in my past history.  I can recall my adult son returning home in tears after being rejected by a Buch woman for the 2nd time, and his pain then was lesser when compared to the pain of being the bride of a man who then dumps you twice after misleading the second time.  Valentine's day doesn't prove you love Yehowah, but abstaining from leaven from 1 week starting this evening and preparing for the scheduled Feast of Weeks on June 20th is part of proving you have some faith in Yehowah and desire to be aligned with his power and might.

Yup, Matt Dumba is a warrior on ice, and  SOME other men are warriors in fire departments and police departments, struggling to earn a living and be a good honest non-treasonous citizen at the same time.

Joseph BIden Jr. is  treasonous and he is so obvious in his hatred for Scriptural instructions and his animosity toward holiness and goodness that he is not a deceiver. 

Trick or treason are 2 choices, and sometimes it is necessary to trick a wicked opponent. Did Rahab trick her wicked neighbors in order to realign herself with Yehowah's team? Did the mother of Moshe trick the Egyptians by sending her  infant son off in a boat by faith after she had done good works with him and did not murder her own child?

Sidney Crosby's team might be heading to their houses to keep the week of Unleavened Bread while others are still at war. The Pittsburgh Penguins have that option now to repent and seek forgiveness for uplifting homosexuality rather than defending marriage between a man and a woman as the people of Yehowah are supposed to do by faith and with works. 

Tomorrows headlines will be based on Ezequiel chapter 1, verses 5-10.

If you can't get all the leaven out of your household within a few hours, at least start by resisting leaven in your dietary intake for 7 days and 7 nights to test the spirits like a Berean.  Adult steps are often easier to take than baby steps when fear is changed to respect for existing perfect laws that do not keep changing with the stroke of a political pen or a rabbinic counsel.

Monday, May 17, 2021

39 Million USA Welfare Families? Biden Is Surely The $ Beast.

 It was extremely bad when Obama's Democrats were  buying votes with cigarettes. It's unforgiveable to keep paying parents  a 'living salary' when those parents refuse to work and labor for that  welfare check income. Mathematical idiots intentionally bankrupt their own household. Who in their left mind is going to have the uncommon sense to resist those bribes which actually are possibly checks that will 'bounce'?

A tax credit is supposed to occur if you are paying taxes.  I anti-love the Democrat 50 of the current USA despicable senators.

Who's time is short now?  Don't say 'good morning', don't utter 'good afternoon' and surely don't say 'good night' to any of your  USA neighbors until there no longer is a Biden/Harris/Pelosi combination making a mockery of the honest, anti-welfare retirees who actually DID work and actually earned our income..

The USA Senate Democrats are an immoral disgrace.  


How many months until Yom Kippur?

Sunday, May 16, 2021

2020 Death Rate Per Capita in USA No Higher than any year from 1950 through 1989

 It should be rather simple to prove that there was no pandemic in the USA in the past 18 months because if the definition of a pandemic is 9 out of 1,000 people dying from a wide variety of reasons, then there were pandemic conditions in the USA from 1950 until 1989.  Chickem pox. mumps, measles.... all were moving around from 1950 to 1989 and yet the local authorities were too intelligent to shut businesses and churches down, and educated enough not to force people to wear idiotic, typically unsanitary napkins on their faces to DECREASE  normal oxygen intake.

Look at the data from Macrothrends to see annual deaths, which once again proves that the USA politicians are either extremely ignorant, exceptionally wicked or intentionally treasonous when they imposed restrictions on a nation that never exceeded typical death rates and in fact the death rate  was lower than it had been in many previous years between 1952 and 1989.  

However, the US is predicting that the death rate per capita will increase in the years ahead and I suppose it will due to the effects of getting vaccinated. I have an elderly friend who got vaccinated and since that injections she is now is suffering from exacerbation of numbness in her fingers, yet she doesn't want to believe that the vaccine did more harm than good to her 89 year old body.

If abortions are included in the  death rate AS THEY SHOULD BE, the murder rate in the USA is actually despicable and unacceptable.

There can't be any forgiveness for those who falsified cause of death in order to cast out unjustified fear and profit financially with a  COVID payment.

When Yah casts out fear, it will be justifiable.  

Compare the Greek word 3418 with the Hebrew 3418 word. The G3418 is a sepulcher (tomb) but the Hebrew word  H3418 denotes green plant life intended to be food.  Then compare OAN's anchorman Dan Ball to Milwaukee Police retiree Daniel Bell when health care matters and communications revolve around Sheriff Chad Bianco and Dr.  Ben Marble.

A narrow margin of error can still lead to an error involving Ball joints and Bell bottoms. A wide margin of success can still lead to an error between Dan Ball and Lucille Ball.

By the way, the Korean War and Vietnam Wars were between 1950 and 1989. Fauci's war against the USA also resulted in increased suicides, increased drug abuse and  increased laziness and increases in  intentional deceptions that are all worse problems than a somewhat typical overall death rate in the USA of 10 deaths or less per 1000 people.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Who Is Joseph Biden Jr. Most Like?

 Joseph Biden Jr. is most like Panama's Manual Noriega, and that is based on his willingness to enhance the power of illegal narcotic sellers that work in and out of central America. 

What's a GOOD military leader now obligated to do to counter a corrupt  politician with military powers?

Kamilla Harris is more putrid in character than a pile of infected mucus in the nostrils of a dog, and that is keeping my vocabulary rated G.

The Last Second Passover

Dear Non-Youtube People, 

 I've not found a reasonable answer from the common Judaism about the Second Passover, but the importance of it is significant.

Suppose you knew you'd have only 2 chances to get over a smooth 6 foot wall without a ladder, and had to  lift yourself up and over? The taller and lighter you are, the easier it would be to get over the wall. At 65 inches and 175 pounds, failing the 1st attempt was likely and failing the 2nd attempt was more likely because of the effort expended during the first attempt.

What if getting over such a wall would lead to a steady paycheck from a job more necessary than cigarette bum Ernie Hudson ever took?  The offering of a last second opportunity to overcome a barrier became extremely important to me, since I didn't try to fail at my first attempt at getting over a barrier.

Likewise, it seems to me that the 2nd passover process most likely included following up with an entire week of unleavened bread and eliminating leavening agents from your dietary intake for such a process is healthy for your body. If you were unable to complete the 1st process in the 1st month of the year, why would the second process in the 2nd month be different?  When it explains that those who refuse to resist leavened bread for only 1 week will get cut off from being considered an Ysraelite, that is a serious matter to contemplate if you believe that Yehovah is the protector of Ysraelites along with archangels such as Michael.  The seal of obedience is imperative to those who do not waste a second opportunity to be in the winner's circle with 143,999 others.

As I contemplated the use of the word locusts in Jeremiah chapter 51 and their required commander, the task of those troops with the qualities of locusts happens to be according to Yehovah's will. Therefore, even locusts get a second chance to induce corrected behavior among lukewarm stragglers who can't decide if Yehovah is indeed LORD of their life and livelyhood or if they prefer to be  subjects of Al Muid, some 501(C)(3) demon or Minerva.

Jeremiah 51:34 also describes Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon as being a monster...a sea serpent...a dragon. Such a Babylonian king won't rule over locusts, eh?

Since the 2nd 'seed' of my ex-husband has acquired a very hard heart and has decided to be unapproachable, I was prodded by the Holy Spirit that came from the words of a neighbor to speak kindly to another neighbor who also happens to be a deputy, though I had not done so for over 2 years.  He was very gracious, appreciated my renewed effort, and I have no regrets for letting humility come before redemption rather than letting a haughty spirit lead to my destruction. I was angry for being mistreated by other deputies, but it was wrong for me to dislike and mistrust all deputies without giving some of the deputies a first chance and even a second chance to befriend a person aligned with Yehovah's ways.

I was surprised to find out that the deputy even has a sense of humor, and that can be used properly in to reduce pressure of an unusual predicament or a usual conundrum caused by lack of courtesy toward a man with an important job in our community. I did mention that I needed to start behaving more like an Ysraelite after I shook hands with the 'Wickersham Rock'.  The occupants of Michigan State Trooper squad 3418 also have important duties, and that unit is often as close to me as the deputy across the street, but a lot quieter.

Shavuot should align with Father's Day this year for a thread of  remnant, and that does seem significant since I know my father would have approved of my second effort toward my neighbor the deputy. If only my ex-husband's 2nd seed, my son, would have direct access to a good, holy role model to demonstrate what a good second effort actually is! Can a person who is unresponsive to a communications really be upset if the the person wanting a response from them goes to their supervisor and the complaint is made public or passed on to someone higher than G-d the son? Additionally if the unresponsive person claims to represent  'God's people', how much more should they be expected to be responsive to legal and civil efforts to have them behave like a decent family member on earth? When gmail venue fails, maybe Blogger is a venue that won't de-escalate a stale mate situation for a good reason. There is no winner in a stale mate situation, and it does take strategy to defeat demonic attitudes that might even have been imparted from the consumption of swine.  It was Christianity's 'Jesus Christ' that relocated demons from people into swine, supposing those swine would not be scrambled into Jared Allen's casserole.

Yehovah surely was patient with me, maybe for the sake of the  Tony, the 'Wickersham Rock'. I also was very patient with Peter Vitale.


Shadyside ICe  🧊

Sunday, May 9, 2021

#59 AL-MU'ID versus CBC's Rosemary Barton

 It is a fact that many detectives are sickened physically when listening to a criminals confess their crimes, yet it is the duty of the detective to gather that information. Likewise, it is sickening to view Rosemary Barton because she might as well be called 'Axis Sally'.  I suppose suicides are nor listed as 'COVID related' because is a person rather be dead than imprisoned in their houses or behind masks for more than  5 months without a trial by jury,  then unethical propaganda pagans like Rosemary Barton think it's permissible to claim a suicide is COVID related.

Since I am more likely to be served kindly by real Muslims who are familiar with not only 73 and 74 as being associated with the First and the Last defining names of their anti-statue spirit in the sky lines, I'd like to test the spirits with NHL referee Steve Barton in the middle between AL-MU-ID and the CBC's pro-lesbian Rosemary Barton are her Christmas tree pushers on Sunday morning's CBC agenda. 

Since I including a variety of entities, I surely can't be called unfair in drumming up this spiritual battle and like Kim Barton, the USA Navy veteran, I'll stay alert and hopefully view another parting of  results. The concept of AL-MU'ID as being a restorer and reinstater is good, not evil, IF someone has been ejected from their proper place in a unjustifiable manner and by methods of cruel, intentional deceptions which oppose truthfulness.  I'll now insert some sideline constants at '48' (1948), which some historians tie to the beginning of the 'state of Israel', but others view '73'  (1973)as being associated with the truer beginning of the political state of Israel.

Current Daley Double legend at 48: Columbus Blue Jackets  and Detroit Red Wings

Constant at 48:  Mark Messier

Variable at 48: 48039, Marine City, Michigan

Here's a 3 vs. 3 scenario with a trinity in the middle.


                                      The Bottom 4  Conscientious Observers

  4. John Tortorella   3.  Carlos Ortiz   2. Me, the author of this post  1.  Dean Morton

  Mark Power*                        North #59: Steve Barton           Ricky Castillo**

 g (East)  Rosemary Barton         NORTHSTAR                      #59   AL-MU'ID(West) G

 Ben Schmidt **                     South # 63   Trent Knorr            Cole Hammer *      


 🏌 In The Robin Bullock' Titleist' Tree Top: Luke List, Patrick Rodgers, Keith Mitchell

 *  48th Walker Cup   Europe Team

** 48th Walker Cup    USA Team  

g=garth brooks

G= Gadites


No true Muslim would have voted for the Democratic Biden/Harris combo since Biden and Harris are of the same genre as Rosemary Barton.   However, there are many hypocritical Muslims, Jews. Christians and Catholics who AL-MU'ID #59 should be opposed to if his title is true and faithful to the anti-hypocrisy cause of Abraham, who was guided by El Shaddai.  NORTHSTAR, aka Polaris, is a constant in the heavens used for navigation purposes.

The casino people slap a different name onto their unseen spirit guide, and their G 'name' already lost  so many battles against  seen forces that it is no wonder they can't resist slot machines and casino chip depravity. 

 At this time, AL+MU'ID should be considered as an unseen force being tested and tried against a seen force of intentional deception and anti-Biblical perspective labeled 'Rosemary Barton'. 

Breton isn't Barton.  The Canadian Armed Forces should recall the name 'Breton', even if they refuse to call upon the name of Benjamin Hogan. It's more merciful to be barren and without children than to have to admit you are a father who taught his children how to become lazy, unkind, unhealthy, unthankful, unholy, lying, secretive, impious adults.

Reviews of the Wells-Fargo Open crowds. mostly without masks, seem to contrast substantially with what the Calgary police are subjecting their neighbors too which does cause me to rethink the opinion cast at me from WWII Virgil Smith. Virgil Smith claimed that the Canadian soldiers were 'cowardly' during the war in comparison to his USA units, and I supposed Virgil Smith was incorrect. However, maybe the Canadian military has let their nation crumble because there just aren't enough Canadians as stubborn as the PGA golf fans in Charlotte or the typical Texan. If Virgil Smith's opinion gets some Canadians mad now, well then maybe those angry people and the Canadian military will finally resist being forced into prisoner conditions in their own nation , not even being able to get visitation from some of their stubborn, healthy  friends toting the book of Joshua from the USA (245 years and struggling)  who are not bowing to Biden nor to the uppity, nonsensical English monarchy. 

There was a time when a certain quota of male babies had to be tossed into Egyptians river to weaken a generation with too many women. Now, a certain quota is being pushed for vaccinations and if not resisted, maybe your national political body will next demand that the abortion rate increase to 90% to prevent the  mercy and instructions of Yahweh from coming to your nation.  Think long and hard before you or your political body decides to go along with the unholy flow of Rosemary Barton's bunch.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Non-Easy, Non-Green Circles of Divisions

                                                                       O      🐍     O

                                                            O                                         O                                                 

                                                    O                           🏌    *                    O

                                              O                          Psalm 91                          O                                                                                                                                                                  

                                        O                            o        🦅       o                            O

                                                        o                       1                        o

                                                o               ⚾             י                                 o

                                           o            2       ב    12                            ר     🐺      o

                               O       o    🦁  3        י        11           🏒                  ג            o    O

                                      o        4       A               26 = יהוה             Z   🚢   10       o    

                                        o    🦌      5                                       9   י                     o

                                           o              6       ל    8                       מ                      o

                                 O          o                                  ש                                o           O

                                                        o                         7                       o

                                      O                              o   (386)  ישוע   o                           O

                                                               < sword area ^ to guard inner)>

                                                O                    Abaddon zone   🏈              O

                                                        O                                                   O

                                                                       O          🦂         O

         Outer space farthest from  יהוה  : Greek   Jesus and all anti- יהוה    religions

                                *  Honest golfer ejects dishonest competitors outward


In my typing viewpoint, I could see the outer O rings encircling the inner o ring. The O zone looking like chaos is fine with me as long as the inner circle is intact,   However, what got ejected onto the public view is not as organized as what I intended it to look like. The non-blind can still  view the inner non-0 premise of drawing close to יהוה   as really being the opposite of  a  Michaelangelo statue, since holy actions are required prior to being protected or becoming a protector in the Abaddon zone..

In old school manner, what I have tried to do is depict a  division of zone coveraעe, in which  יהוה  is the center of good counsel and  144,000 of the sealed saints draw near to that center; 200,000 000 protect the 144,000 and outside of the O  perimeter are all those who lacked the faith and the works due to lack of good counsel and failure to desire lawfulness.  Each tribe listed as 'sealed, other than Asher-A and Zebulun=Z is represented by their beginning Hebrew letter   between the compact  o zone and the  expanded O zone. I tossed in a few animal symbols for reference and to test 'legend' associations.

Of course, like non-hybrid, natural molecules able to move around, the 144,000 and the 200,000,000 are not centrally located in one country or in the military and in fact, would be very difficult to find based on percentages.  

I'll hope my theory is more correct than the seminary versions of what or who it is that guards the way to the Tree of LiFe, but only getting to the  door of a building of refuge is like only getting to the north security gate of 749 W. State Street in Milwaukee and not necessarily being allowed to get any farther because of your fraudulent identification, your unlawful demeanor, your unruly behavior or lack of willingness to abide by the rules of the posted security guard.

Yeshua isn't a puppet.  Losing a friend is far different than shoving a friend away from you which leads them to become your adversary.  Many of us have lost friends without even trying to lose them, and then we hope they care enough and are educated enough to strive to be part of the 144.000 within the non-green   zone.

Ignorant does indeed start out with ignor.....    consider the ant  🐜 or remember the locusts and the scorpions.  A person who pushed me away once had claimed he would meet me at the Green Circle, but that paid pastor actually lied to me and did not keep his word.  Remorse does not always lead to true repentance, but it might lead toward improved demeanor at a security gate.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The WH Letter That Had To Go Down in Flames


Today, my mailbox was defiled not only with mail that should have gone to Rib Mountain, Wisconsin but also with evidence of wasteful spending by Biden the Junior.

Writing 'no such person here' on a letter intended for Cheryl Lee Hendrikson and her house of dogs is not a difficult task and legally had to be done to prevent opening mail not intended for me or my household. Taking a butane lighter and setting the letter ablaze that emitted from the root of the Biden bunch was a step in spiritual warfare not much different than what occurred in a Henry Fonda flick of a photo in ' 12 Angry Men'.   

The name 'Joseph Biden, Jr.' will not be part of my household, even when it was inserted into an intentionally deceptive envelope labeled 'Internal Revenue Service' rather than 'Cawood Honda'.

On such a day as this, I might even have friends at 7319 Devonshire Avenue in St. Louis, MO , 63119, waiting to hear from me indirectly. However, instead I heard from Ashley Maria Hendrikson directly as I viewed a picture she had drawn for me of a cute, friendly not on a block of wood, but on paper that came from the Mosinee School District 20 years ago.

I think I'll keep the drawing from Ashley, done when she clearly was content , safe and optimistic and nowhere near the current anti-flower people on Hollyhock Lane in Knowlton, WI but actually near Mary Lane in Knowlton, Wisconsin.    My former step-daughter was guided into many errors by her Wittenberg guardians, but she should remember who had the patience to teach her how to tie her shoes and play 'forest' with her. I hope she would have enough courage to contact me now if she needed someone to listen to her, since I would listen to her and show her the pretty picture she drew 20 years ago.

Thanks for the good memory and evidence of our past artistic successes, Ashley M. Hendrikson, and where ever you are now, maybe by a miracle someone will pass this blog note to you and know that I do want you to succeed in resisting evil-doers and desire that you trust in the leader named   יהוה  as I have done  . You should have realized that I loved and cared about you when I would read to your kindergarten class in Eland before wicked-minded selfish adults didn't want us to have that safe public school time together.


How odd is it that on page 605 of a wonderful Bible that was gifted to me by Adam Fink's friends, the book of Daniel chapter 10 almost seems to collide twith Daniel Boyle's NHL point output of 605?

Ten:4, as in the book of Daniel chapter 10, vs. 4.culturally means a message has been received, and it seems to me that it is very near the 24th day of the 1st month today....maybe on day of re-testing # 766 in now in progress.