Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shane David Hendrikson = Joseph Raczek the Unrepentant Felon

If you don't want to read Birtles vs. Breitzman in Joel Ward splits, read this electronic non-Morse press release!!!!

MSOE goalie 36 ( starts Kr I V O K Ra S O V for Daniel Magno units) took in 3 pucks, UWSP  Windsor goalie took in 2 pucks for the Debbie Musante's Portage county Sentry Insurance pension apartment dwellers known as 'Hammock Chicken Not Milwaukee Rice Code 10'.

Was it by accident that Shane David Hendrikson's 4 some did not end up behind Lebedeff's equipment on October 25, 2019 and instead he and his anti-commandment associates dined'freely' at table #33 in Portage County's 'PJ's" restaurant in their 9th year of anti-Yahweh planning? Why didn't Shaner take his bride to a place he would have been comfortable in such as 'The Twisted Kilt' or a 'Hooter's' place such as his darling dog-tagged daughter Ashley prefers in her 'Dallas Stars' and USA Army' promotions?

Was the beast and his non-Nikita table given an hour of power to prove they werem'y Eisenhower material and actually more worthy of incarceration than freedom to keep flaunting their sin-based relationship? Sure, Wesley Ashley answered a question or 2 on my 'left behind' side before he darted like Debbie Musante to his Windsor buddies at a longer PJ's table, but did anyone other than me really know that I paid cash  to try to alleviate a [possible intentional attempt to change a BIlling address to 5318 Lake Shore Drive with a credit card swipe mix-up?

Did anyone other than me hear my words comparing Shane Hendrikson to Jim Costa? The waitress heard me say that the enemies pre-seated in my presence would have rather seen me dead than alive, but I suppose I might  have suggested Karen and Roland Hendrikson  could have been better off aborting their 1st son since Wisconsin is now such a pro-abortion state and so apathetic toward corporate felons that they let them walk around like Kelly Oehler in and out of Hardee's to visit his adulterous girlfriend..... but I didn't suggest that. There are some people I wouldn't even try to prevent from committing suicide if they have proven to be continually evil after intentionally sinning wek after week.

I better understand the word chet resh vav nun now, since viewing a cruel deceiver and unpunished felon was worse than seeing my son's real uncle, Timothy Jackson, in a Milwaukee courthouse being charged with illegal drug offenses, knowing some officer cared enough to try to correct his path. It is worse than a crime committed by atheists when people who have sworn allegiance to an entity labeled Jesus Christ' and have been baptized in that name then go about to do wicked acts of anti-Mosheh nature without even TRYING to get along with or behave as law-abiding Israelie apostle types because inwardly and outwardly, they actually are enemies of not only the tribe of Yehudah, but also the enemies of every other sealed 144,000 that Abaddon the king cannot hurt nor torment.

I did pray that every evil and demonic spirit that the occupants of  Shane David Hendrikson's table #33 have released toward others in the past 9 years return to their household and associates with power and not void of power to control their actions in and out of Marathon County, Wisconsin.  Men like Howard Caine do have a far better chance of being 'saved' than the people of Christianity who have rejected commandment-keeping and have chosen to represent the spirit of apostacy, deception and hypocrisy.  Real men like Simeon Rice would understand why I do not view going into a  ZEST business on a regular Shabbat for a sup of kindness or PJ's for a non-toxic vitamin burger rather than toss myself into the local Stevens Point dangerous drug centers and wait to see they experiment with me now that I am officially retired rather than on extended sick leave from the Milwaukee Police Department.

Was it a coincidence that when I stepped into Culver's before an MSOE hockey game, where 34 was the median number, I was given #30 to remind me of the good works that Robin Michael Ortiz refused to do so he, like Shane David Hendrikson, could continue in his form of  anti-Mosheh Catholicism today with the cowardly MIzewski types.

Tyler Johnson of the NHL is not Tyler Krueger, the UWSP hockey coach. Numbers do solve problems if they are accurately displayed and not manupiluted to deceive a viewer.

A 63 inch amberjack is weightier than a 36 inch northern trout;  Wisconsin state trooper Loonfoot was mentioned at 175017 Cypress Lane for a Jeff Mielke Morse code reason. Not all state troopers are as full of apathy and hypocrisy as Thomas Wahl formerly of Marinette, Michigan.

Post-C day 2740 is in progress, where C=court, not captain.  For those nowhere near the 2300 days that it takes for sanctuary cleansing to occur, consider why Forbes rated Xavier University ahead just of MSOE and nowhere near Jacome's Clarkson development and pause awhile to see how long it is before your real son bothers to check on your actual physical living conditions on earth/  It could be that Wilder vs. Ortiz's wicked selling of violence to heathens is far more than a St. Norbert ice control problem.

Stephen Pidgeon tossed a compilation supposedly from Yoseph, son of Rachel and if that writing is an accurate report, Yoceph errored seriously by believing it was better to hide his brothers cruelty than be truthful and expose facts to those who held him in slavery.  Loving a brother does not include intentionally deceiving your NEIGHBOR and lying about your true identity.

What Esaac Israel hasn't heard from the left-hand is that talking to brother Gd is not the same as talking to Yehovah face to face.  Cameron Gee whiz!  Ephraim probable talked to Uncle Gd face to face long before I tried getting past Uncle Wiggly and the slezak problem.

Brett Sheva does not equal Peterkin the Plymouth, Michigan referee.

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