Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fast Forward to the 18th Hole For Goodness Sake?

Unholy men often approach unholy women as a sexual golf hole. The man want to 'play' the hole, get in and out of the unholy woman, and continues on to the next female hole who is open to his approach shots. If he runs out of unholy women, he might seek unholy men to approach as a golf hole, and the unholy men move from fornication to adultery to abominations in their sexual activities.

In an era where television and media have spread  anti-holiness messages worldwide,. it is not uncommon for a man to have played through 18 women in the course of his lifetime if he has been unmarried and more than one female hole even though he has been or is married.  The lack of resistance to the next unholy woman or unholy man wanting to 'play' one another leads to besetting sin which is possible to repent of.

Just say some woman lured you to her 17th hole, that is, she would be the 17th woman you have desired to have sexual relations with. The term 'lay up' treasures in heaven would be as if you wanted to get closer to the hole, remain on the fairway, and determine your next 'shot'. If you do not repent of the prior 16 holes you conquered in an unholy and unrighteous manner, cheating and lying along the way to impress your unholy companions, the unholy woman at the 17th hole will look too attractive to resist and you will once again defile what you had laid up.  If you do repent of the way you handled the other 16 holes and a holy woman is  the 17th hole, she will be very different than the prior 16 holes.  She will expect you not to cheat, hopes you do not lose what  you laid up on the fairway and actually may have been willing to be unholy hole 1 through unholy hole 16 in her lifetime prior to deciding to become holy and purified by resisting unholy men.

Yom Kippur is a day to ask forgiveness for  unintentional sin, not to request forgiveness for intentional sin which should have been properly repented of long before Yom Kippur. It is worse thn foolishness to think  that confessing intentional sins to a Catholic priest can result in forgiveness of those sins; likewise, it is arrogance to think that self-proclaimed Jewish people can be forgiven for their intentional sins annually on Yom Kippur. The wrong attitude and unholy plan after intentional sins makes a person like an annual noxious weed rather than as a perennial good grape vine.

If by the 18th hole, that is the 18th person you have decided to try and conquer sexually, you have not decided to choose Yahweh's plan for his people, you will finish your course as an evil-doer, a  pimp, a prostitute and an entity of flesh that is an abomination.  If what you see at the 18th hole looks like a 'skank' an obviously immodest person of temporary interest, pick up what you laid up on the 18th fairway, eliminate yourself from competing  for the 18th hole, and go to a new course of only 1 holy hole that you hope you can work your way into at least 18 times a month before you finally realize that 1 holy non-bottomless pit is better than the 18 unholy holes  you played  with your unholy enemies  in your recent world history.

Leaders such as Yahweh do understand that 7 years of resistance to letting someone 'hole you'  after being easily holed as an unholy person prior to exposure to Yahweh's mindset shows you have had a change of mindset in your method of operation, now preferring living according to Yahweh's will. The  forgivable unintentional sin may have occurred while looking with desire upon an attractive person with no wedding ring sign to deter you, which contrasts heavily to the  intentional sin requiring penalties of a person who successfully  tried to lure a married person away from their spouse, whether  conquering them by intake as an unholy woman or output as an unholy man.  

There is no way that the dumping of the blood of a man who was crucified nowhere near a purified altar can be made equal to the shedding of lamb's blood for intentional sin in an appointed holy place,  What the shedding of blood of a crucified man does can make his bride a widow who ought to be waiting for holy perfected man to lay up his 'treasure' nearby her hole before he decides to approach her state of holiness after proper keeping of appointed times, a state of holiness which was not easily achieved by the holy man and the holy woman he pursues.

I did try to approach a difficult topic in a rated ' YG' way, that is, Yahweh's Guidaance suggested.  The woman whom Yeshua openly contridicted had at least 5 husbands;  the adulterous woman who was scolded and told 'Go and sin no more' after escaping a death penalty due to lack of witneses may have been like a woman waiting at the 17th hole somewhere, being sought on a regular basis by unholy man but maybe finally hoping she could become part of a faithful and true married couple.

Rahab has been like the 7th golf hole to many men of anti-Yahweh beliefs.

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