Friday, October 4, 2019

Hi Rose Thorn: Is Low Rose LaCe An Age Sign or A ' Cabbage Rose' vs. Clint Cabbage Vision Test?

"And the moon turned to blood" might refer to people who respect the lunar signals turning to their true family and checking blood lines. " The sun turned to darkness" sound like the problem for regular Sunday churches and turning to sackcloth could mean turning toward those who have signs of mourning.

I carefully considered and compared 3 gifts I received of similar nature. The first gift is a brightly colored linen scarf from a friend that is closer than a brother. The second gift is a figure 8 scarf which I chose for myself during another lonely deployment to Ontario. The 3rd is a cabbage rose polyester triangle lace piece which was sent from an adult American Christian who is more distant than a brother.

25 years ago, my blood family tried to do their best in a horrible situation caused mostly by the side effects  of prescription drugs. A nurse named Rose at the Milwaukee County Medical Center tried to help me, but her VERITE ( truth) was ignored and psychiatrists almost KILLED me with their tactics during the era of the Clinton presidency.  I thought I had many friends before I spent time imprisoned for non-criminal activity which humans didn't understand, but the fact is that I had only a few friends who chose to continue to treat me as a friend after October of 1994.... 25 years ago.

9 years ago, my legal husband tried his best to ruin me publically, privately and financially and to his shame, in part he succeeded  in his efforts that were the total opposite of the health, wealth and well-being my true family desired for me.  The Shane David Hendrikson types have gained expertise in trying to 'trip a trigger' in a person who has been countering past trauma and those closest to him have learned from his tactics. Now this pause before the next 'hole' is very serious matter, even to those who are employed by lousy, toxic sites such as 'St. Michael's' hospital in Stevens Point, WI and possibly to those in and out of the upcoming MSOE Raiders hockey team ( my past college) and UWSP ( the college of the adult American Christian Hendrikson who sent to cabbage rose lace).  Yahweh's people do not war with guns and attire can protect or endanger because attire sends signs and signals.

I had no explanation of why the cabbage rose lace was sent to me, nor do I know who chose it or if it is 'new' or 'used', so that item currently is an item of interest and not of nominal value.  I will try to find out why that item was sent to me, but until I find out a bit more about the mostly German  GIVER of that gift, it might be as much of a sign as a yellow 6 point star or a purple triangle in a Nazi-camp. Cabbage rose happened to be the paint color I and Robin Michael Ortiz chose for a guest bathroom and a guest bedroom in a house that I had helped design more than 25 years ago which had been on my blood family's land in 1993. My grandchildren never saw that house as I had kept it, and I intend to send them pictures so they know what their BLOOD grandmother is capable of when hopeful and not being threatened nor tricked by 'in-laws'.  Wisconsin Badger Beach ball is now #65, not 84 or 42.

The brightly colored linen scarf has covered my head and has covered my waistline like a sash that guards my gut feelings. The Muslim family that gifted me that sash understood why I tied it on my waistline after I explained different defensive coverages while I had the figure 8 lightweight scarf around my neckline and occasionally over my head. It has been about 8 years since my granddaughter last saw me inside my own house or apartment, and that fact indicates a form of war between her parents and I which is still in progress.

As a war progresses, people sometimes refuse to change or change because the side they had been fighting for has exposed obvious errors and faults that make them unworthy to continue to defend. When a building labeled 'REGULAR BAPTIST' church sits quietly in Port Elgin nearby  no less than 4 other branches of the Vatican Sunday people close to Roberto's Pizza in Southampton, it is folly in my eye and actual proof that the name 'Jesus' does not unite people the way the name Moshe Ben Amram unites people against lawlessness.

Esaac Israel reminded me of Jeremiah's plight and how he was tortured; others have been tossed into wells by their enemies and sometimes are recovered by their adversaries or friends. Elisha was laughed at in ways similar to the way that 'Labatt's Man' at Glacier Pointe Ice Arena tried to humiliate me.  'I hope all is well with you' are words that emit from a person who is so distant they have no idea what your actual status is on day 534, 915, 1272, 2002 or 1645 and such a person should look up each of those words in Strong's concordance before they consider if all is well with them who they can see in AMYR.  For those in Brown Deer, Wisconsin neutral zone considering the acts of women who have suffered while in the households of anti-commandment men, observe these words and number sequences to avoid becoming mentally ignorant of chemistry:

V + Er+ I +Te

23+ 68+ 53+ 52= 196

V +As+  H +Ti

23 + 33 + 1 + 22 =79

Vashti most likely did not want to spend hours playing on the BEACH under grey cloudy or sunny skies, but Sean Lewis seems to enjoy playing near the Badger Beach lines. Vashti escaped a wicked anti-Moshe husband before trouble with Haman occurred.  I suppose I could split the name Barnes a few ways to prove that surnames often are of interest when assumed from Milwaukee misfits that are not genetically related, but beach lines loaded with bikini lines or Normandy trauma are typically far more trouble than solid rock lines such as Benjamin  the jasper, Gad the ligure figure,  or Joseph the Pitawanakwat onyx.

B5 Ar18 Ne10 S 16 (49)

Ba56 Rn86 Es99 (243)

Barium Radon Einsteinium

B5 Ar18 N7 Es99  (129)

Gimal Resh Shin starts the most recent surname of Trent Grisham and Charles Grisham in case you have studied the G words as have been doing for several years now. Charles Grisham taught me a few non-televised facts and figures in 1998 and 1987.

People who are closer than a brother see the signs from my household... signs from a woman who studied chemistry in a public school and lasted more than 2 years in college but never got a 'degree' because the father of her son never really desired that I achieve good goals. Adam Link attempts good communications in different ways than I do, even on his tests codes 43 81 55 and 66 02 60. Sure I guessed that Sarah lived 127 years only because I thought of the roads near Lansing Michigan, but when I saw the correct answers to the other questions I did guesswork on, I certainly learned more facts from a teacher who works very hard and who is not a hireling.

My granddaughter has desired to visit me and spend time with me at my USA house, but what Frenchie Lord must she commit her ways to in order to receive the desires or her troubled heart? Who is the captive in a scenario where a mother is not welcomed into her son's household to see if her grandchildren are WELL and a grandchild has not  been allowed to visit her pro-Yahweh paternal grandmother due to a war where true peace with HVHY nor HWHY has not been achieved  by the grandchild's parents?  There are far too many parents who think like Linda Maria Costa, the mother of Ashley and Eric, and not enough who think like Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, after being unloved by the father of their children.

I will turn to blood to seek shelter during the feast of booths, not being concerned what the' sun' (HELIOS) does with its upcoming positions.  I also will ask my Muslim friend what he thinks of the cabbage rose lace, especially if he thinks it is proper coverage.  My grandchildren want to love me and Autumn Rayne thinks that I am the best! Encouraging words have not come directly from my son recently, which causes me to be concerned that he is still far too much like his father and not enough like the best man at his wedding; my son's best man  will be helping me observe the instructions from Yahweh.  The 6th appointed time starts sometime near the next full moon for most who want to dwell in the shadow of El Elyon.

'Rabbit Dash' in Port Elgin is kind of like 'Rabbit Brown' and there I met with a family leader who's household truly understands the children's  book titled 'A Friend Is A Friend'.

 I may not shine in Glacier Pointe
I may be stiff from joint to joint
I do remember 'cabbage rose'
An actual paint color that I chose

I was forced to 'be a dad'
And inside that did make me mad
I would have made much better choices
If I always heeded Yahweh's voices

Yahweh gave me several chances
To understand  just what romance is
Men that used me departed like rats
And left me to live as an alley cat

When I  watch M.S.O.E.
Brezovar and Ty Rice  won't see
What John Mack's well trained players do
When guided by true jacinth blue

I watched the Lake Huron horizon
Rather than focusing on Verizon
The fresh lake waters were beryl blue
The clouds above were jacinth blue

At the 7th seal line
The topaz people will look fine
Golden moon beams, pale blue skies
Simeonites are like fruit pies

Dan's lapis is the darkest blue
The hand of Yahweh is so true
The 2nd shallow stone foundation
Dalet and Nun comprise ND nation

Ongoing battles are in progress
It matters what we wear as our dress
Don't be surprised at the 7th hole
When golf balls take a Canadian roll

My meal dish communications matter
Naan bread that started with a batter
Met  Poultry Kurma  Thirty Six
What's a 1983 Flag Day Mix?

Non-drug therapy, including poetry and chalk drawing on sidewalks, is far better and safer  than being drugged into apathy and oblivion while in the care of USA or international unholy people. What happened to me in 1994 was worse than a wake-up call in a Gwinette, GA motel, but even worse than the horrible treatment I received from paid professional hirelings have been the sins of greed committed by  my son's father and the adultery planning written with his own Wittenberg hand in 2010 that caused me to take flight rather than fight with a man much stronger than I was. The sins  that  a self-proclaimed Sunday churched anti-commandment man surnamed Hendrikson, son of Roland Hendrikson committed with plenty of accomplices who included Richard Peterson of Mosinee, are sins that are unforgivable due to the lack of post-felony repentance that anti-commandment people typically practice.

It is not a miracle that I can think properly and discern when sober; it will be a miracle if the 'Labatt's man' last seen at Glacier Pointe repents of his cruel and inaccurate assessment of my hockey skills which do not center around permanent PUCK control. Easter and Christmas gatherings do not provide reconciliation with Yehovah, the LORD that women such as Rahab decided to side with for her family's sake.

The cabbage rose scarf might have been sent to me with very good intentions, and that opinion may or may not be an accurate assessment of American Christian woman's thought process after  being heavily influenced for years by an anti-commandment Hendrikson male. I intend to wear it carefully and occasionally rather than insult the purchaser of the gift.

57/58 is La/Ce to some and an age group of 61 and 62 year old to others.  Numerology can ruin a person if it is used carelessly; chemistry numerology is a constant that can be used wisely to spell and teach memorization skills better than 'Scooby Doo' or 'Donald Doo' the Dr. Seuss capital D sample.

Thessalonians chapter 4, verse 6 will be expounded upon soon and has to do with FORE warnings that include the ruler of Silvanus to be described as an avenger.  The 7Ten offense must occur eventually, since very few have considered Yom Kippur to be a 7Ten defense.  A reminder that 10/7 is typically viewed in all nations except the USA as the 7th month and the 10th day is appropriate today, but 7/7 is the 7th month, the 7th day either way you view 7/7. A tiny remnant of people is still on this course of literary output.

My the rear guard, since nobody really knows what the day or hour of Yom Teruah was a few days ago due to variations in understanding of appointed times signs, does anybody really know what time Yom Kippur is?  I will observe Yom Kippur starting at dusk of October 9th at the latest.

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