Saturday, June 17, 2017

From D-Day to O-Day: Where's Charlotte Marie Miller?

Jim and Kay Miller of the Bevent, WI area typify apathy, not wisdom and the courage to server the proper saint who will be a witness against them, not for them. I do not need to reveal my source of information, but siding with a pushy Roman Catholic 'sister' in unwise spending patterns is as bad as working for the Marathon County Sheriff and refusing to charge Shane David Hendrikson with felony theft of my corporation's assets like they SHOULD have but didn't. Overspending when you do not have the funds to meet the costs sometimes results in a different form of theft known as 'failure to repay money' from a reasonable lender. 

I did some non-blood line history and found out that seventy students graduated from Mosinee high school in 1950 and that my mother was #11 in her class, not #1. A review of their class will was interesting but is it legally binding without a signature? My mother willed her 'giggle' to someone named 'Hobbs', not to Milwaukee Police veteran Daniel Bell, and his giggle is nothing like my mother's as I recall. Some other Mosinee indian willed Chicago to whoever could handle it, which seemed as illegal as a Stuart Rottier court document contrived to pass property to an unintended receiver with the consent of a criminally minded judge or morally corrupt court commiswioner.

My father wrongly thinks that the 'best man' at a wedding does not have the right to object to terrible conduct of the couple he once stood up for, and as a result my father is struggling with my mother and I to clean up some flood damage in his basement while Richard Isaiah Hendrikson is busy ignoring the family who at one time were united around him rather than divided because of him. Read the book of Numbers, Chapter 16, and you will realize the majority of people with the most propblems are exactly like Dathan and very unlike Nathan. Dathan ended up getting swallowed up into some pit that might be considered bottomless to some and topless to others, and he will not rise out of it like Joseph or Jeremiah did. To Selleck types are also like Dathan in  'Quigley Down Under'  dung that he deceives and eventually leads more away from a God that can save them from their pattern of sin than I or   my classmate Phil Quigley ever could, even on a busy day in  MIlwaukee district number 3. 

As I write this, I know I am in enemy territory but still able to find a peron willing to deal with me rather than rob me. I met a high school friend of James Wisniewski who also had bad news to report to my parents and they did not verbally assault hiim while he represented Accuity Insurance. INsurance salesmen sometimes do not recommend exactly what a family might need, and that is just as bad as selling them what they do not need or desire. I could write 'The best insurance to start with is obeying the commandments delivered to the tribes of israel' a million times, but only a few will take my very sound and holy advice due to generations of family corruption that has steered them away from the Truth, the Way and the Life directives for an anti-sin nature.

Did I make the proper 7th day point to my parents by helping them in an emergency for a few hours this morning and then walking away to rest, pray and meditate on what and who they still do not have genuine faith in? I told my father I will risk my life tomorrow trying to make their household safer for them than it is now, and that is no different than what I did when I worked I was working 'full duty' in the city of MIlwaukee as a police officer. Even atheists sometimes know eneough to help their parents, their uncle or a godfather who has just become a widower rather than helping France recieve messages that are nothing like the instructions delivered to the real saints of Yehovah. If I did not take the time to rest , pray and study, I might not be able to help my enemies such as Jim and Kay Miller reconsider how they look at themselves in the mirror. The vatican systme might have a few Jesuitites in it yet, but they must escape the unholy anti-prophet organizations just as easily as I escaped out of the grounds of Thomas More HIgh School, were I got by with w little help from my friends dressed in 'cop gear'. 

If you got sucker punched by soe lyrics suggesting that the singer is going to walk 500 miles or Diana Ross's ridiculous clai that there isn't a mountain high enough o keep her demonic spirit away from you or me,  you better learn how to fight back mentally, legally, physically and spiritually. I asked a mailman how far he walked a day, and he said his route is 13 miles; 13 miles 5 days a week will get him way over 500 miles in a year and he is actually serving his neighbor rather thna setting himself up for the next stage act of unnatural lights and overly computerized sounds. Even the mailman has better instincts of how to serve his neighbor than the typical sminary graduate who no longer goes house to house because he is too busy ignoring truthful people who have escaped their anti-Israelite attitude.

I didn't will my giggle to anyone else, but I did pass on my Ropken #8 jersey to a man who has sheltered and protected me many more times than Rachel Snyder Hendrikson's family has. IN a storm, whether it is a violent flare of human tempers or uncontrollable  rain, winds and heat, where pro-Israelites choose to seek shelter for themselves matters.  It is a wide way between Elliott Street in Elderon and the useless tanks sitting on Elderon grass, but it is a narrow way into the Wolffe's Den, where 3 perfect fish options are offered on Friday night, just as they might have been offered by the apostles to hungry persons of interest. I am thankful I got to meet Jim Wolffe and bring my family memebers with me to start of this shabbat. There were more people in Wolffe's assembly than there were for the passover meal I offered at INdianhead Gold Course several years ago.  I realized long ago that the father is a thief, an expert at deceiving others but not me any longer and has taught my son  how to hates me,  hate Yehovah and hate correction. It would take a miracle worker to retrain my son to love me, love Yehovah and love my family enough to become a humble servant rather than being a proud protestant who is as anti-Marie as Dathan. The 5th letter of the Hebrew truth is not far ahead of  word #1885, and the letter 'ey' is not an empty word. It is full of Truth, unlike the typical Catholic bulletin or the typical report from political assemblies hovering around a baseball game.

A woman with a very sick husband keep praying the prayer designed for people to  keep people in the bondage of their own sin, and it goes like this:

'Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinner now and at the hour of our death.'  Inclusive in that  folly-filled request is the spirit of a person who has decided not to stop willfully sinning!!!!!  Pray for us sinners??? No, no. no --  sinners have a duty to read and understand how to stop sinning and improve their requests that usually only goes to the ears of nieghbors that also have refused to stop sinning. 

read this as your next audible  to break the chains of  cvain repititions:
Holy Elohim of unknown gender, guide me though the wilderness of Sin like ahoney badger going through a concrete wall. I will prepare myself to be anti-sin because the desire of my mind and body is to be pure, holy and wanted in one of the positions of the 144,000 sealed Eldad and Medad types.'


'I realize the remnant of Israel is unwanted by the police and has no outstanding criminal shcarges against  them. Yehovah, help the unwanted!!' I want to be like a stone set against the unbelievers, willing to provide water to the thirsty and willing to receive holy water,  clean animals and healthy vegetation  to strengthen me in the days and years to come.  Keep turning the  sinners over to Satan or Abbadon  for correction or destruction of their flesh in order to cleanse the earth of those who are continually evil and untruthful, prone to adulterous behavior and full of lawlessness. '

For those dragging young people into military forces before the age of 20, do not be surprised if your nation fails. There was a time in recent post-donasaur history that only males of age 20 and up were considered to be worthy of defending a nation properly. If there are 601,730 active anti-crime warriors on earth, we are no worse off than the people being lead by Moses through an alley cat day after Nun ( the samech is after Nun) rather than another 'Dog Day Afternoon'. . My family's dogs did not outlive me. Ashley MAria Hendrikson is now one of Dean Noonan's problems if he wants to save his own reputation as a 'Preacher' in Wisconsin. Eric David Hendrikson is a typical state of Wisconsin problem, unstable in all his ways and Richard Isaiah Hendrikson can get turned against Rachel or turned toward Satan for all eye care.  I doubt if any anti-commandmentist knows it advancing to be part of Abaddon's forces is better than drapng yourself with an Eisenhower jacket or over-exposing yourself  your own flesh on 'Facebook'' or  in front of casinos and  Las Vegas nutt, butt  and obvious slut shows.

a few misspelled words isn't a problem unless fellow veteran MIlwaukee police officers such as John Dorsey or Ronald Quackenbush is ready, willing and able to review my electronic opinions and anti-Mizewski anti-suicide progress reports. I don't want o end up like Marge Low Beine and I doubt if Marge Beine or Kay Miller ever would want to be just as I am, since I would not be wiling to feed pork ribs to my friend and godfather. Andrew Beine. Real saints seek better better treatment than I received in the Marathon County Jail on Yom Kippur, and pork does  increase the probability of obesity, disease and cancer, no matter what Marge Low, any Nueske or various other anti-Zebulun Wittenberg high school graduates suggest. 

Maybe James Miller of the Milwaukee POlice department class of 1986 can figure out that I am  not Charlotte Marie Miller even though I dwelled in Charlotte, NC  for my own strong safety program a few years ago. Closers have to remind you that the title of an article matters  as much as James Beryl Kasten matters to class of '50 'historians.

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