Friday, June 30, 2017

What Didn't Happen in Room 446

Bob Crane's moves in and out of fake hotel room #446 are interesting to study, but real life is not as easy as playing out a role in a television series. There are no guaranteed conclusions when a conflict starts, but without reasonable dialogue to START with, there is little to no probability that kindness, friendship and understanding  will be the outcome in an attempt at some form of 'peace'.

The last person I expected to speak to on 'Ezequiel Day' was Tommy, the same man who basically forced his religious believes into an area that affected me in a negative way. Six months has gone by since I LEGALLY protested excessive 'Christmas lighting' , and the letter I wrote to my HOA board was not a waste of my time because it contained the Truth. 'Tommy' informed me that some lanscaping changes were being made and that his wife is the new president of the HOA board. I have learned that the board is going to respect my request for reduced 'christmas' lighting and that the color of the lights will be changed from green to blue and white. It seems we have reached a compromise in that area, but of course I'd rather have no signs of 'christmas' like George Washington. I am thankful that tensions have been reduced due to peaceful conversations between a couple board members and myself.

Some people do not have the life experiences I have and as a result they don't know that goldenrod is not a noxious weed that needs to be completely eliminated from North American landscapes. Because our new HOA board president was so willing to talk to me, I'm going to reduce the amount of goldenrod in my  perennial  and naturalized Michigan wildflower area. I graciously was gifted some extra perennials  and will utilize them properly, not  waste them. My HOA president does not need to be like me, nor does she even have to like how I landscape, but she is now in a position of power and it is wise for us to learn to about each other, knowing there will be situations were will view identically.   We still have to figure out how to get the spotlight redirected so that it does not 'blind' me as I exit my rear door, and until then the new;y elected president has to understand why I have a blue sled up to block the spotlight which only affects MY lot, not her and Tommy's lot. Tommy already lowed the light, so he is TRYING to improve a past very serious matter that raised tensions to a high level. Tommy also has heard the phrase 'repair the breach' and I hope he and his wife now understand why a Pittsburgh Penguin reminds me of my family and why talking about D.A.R.E. bears to their daughter is good common ground to begin a neutral exchange of information and a few facts about our history. My history affects the way I think and the way I approach my lifetime activities, and my faith in prophets such as Ezequiel is not diminished  by minor disagreements abut goldenrod and the leght of grass blades. As a matter of fact, a grass blade is much safer and better to have in a neighborhood than a dagger, a bladed knife with a blade such as a Strong's concordance  #3979. Tommy and his famiy did not see the IMAX production at the Henry Ford theatre which inspired me to 'go natural' and have green spaces that are environmentally safe for me and for butterflies, bumblebees and birds.  Gardening is healthy, requires creativity, strength and patience AND a better way to spend time and allowance than blowing off fireworks. Educating neighbors about water conservation, natural habitats and alternatives to the typical fertilized mowed irrigated lawn areas is about as challenging as being part of the Milwaukee Pulaski dive team at the age of 10.

I also thought earlier about  Bradford and Carol Scott today, who once again failed to respond at all to a very important request I made for contact information about my friend I met in Israel who had been an Air Force pilot.  Did I expect Tommy's family and Ashley from lot #10 to take my reasonable requests seriously? No, but I'm thankful they did. I am also very disappointed that Bradford Scott ,of Vernal Utah, did not take the time to get me the information I desired for a good reason, since Bradford Scott knows much more about how much I have suffered in the past and because of that I expected kindness and due diligence from Bradford Scott, which I did not receive from some reason.

I am thankful that 'Ezequiel Day' seemed to produce good results on Estates Lane today.   Since I reported what went wrong in the past, I needed to report what went right today in my neighborhood, and neither the sheriff's department nor expensive attorneys had nothing to do with what went right today.  As unlikely as it might seem, Tommy's daughter and a DARE bear talk was part of what went right today while shrubbery was getting pushed around in this Michigan zone 5.

A video clip on the Brigham Young University station wrongly claims that people LIKE to be tricked, and  BYU has made a very wrong assumption.   It's better to understand that Aleph Shin Resh means 'straight', not trickery and deception. The tribe of Asher is not a joke, and is 4th up at 'seal' time, even Asher's mother was Jocob's 3rd down female if your Jacob's troubling first down through 4th downt plays  start at Leah and ends at Rachel.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Nobody 'Won' On D-Day

Retraining the eye is as tough as retraining the ear. My eyes are being patient with my back yard which is a clay bowl, not a dust bowl. I am learning to let  decent-looking local native grasses grow and go to seed, hoping they are better suited to survive in harsh conditions.  I'm even going to transplant long-stemmed grasses that look beautiful when the wind blows , and the border area that i control eventually might have a few more large shrubs and perennials planted alongside them. Long term plans sometimes change when short or former long term plans did not work.  Being a 'naturalist' can be easier on the budget than trying to continually fight against the piece of earth I am on, so I am trying to work WITH the Michigan clay soil. I have no cultivator and no horses to break the hard clay, so I have to continue a process  that is sometimes very frustrating as best I can.

Z-day is here, and maybe it's time for everyone to start continuing a full alphabet count from June 6th to  June 28th every year. What, if anything, have you done help your family and friends rather than destroy   or harm others during the past 22 days? That might be the question  that prepares you for reading Ezekiel chapter 1, which specifically mentions a vivid occurrence that 5th day of the fourth ISRAELITE month.The 3rd day of the 4th month has started, so Friday, June 30th, 2017 is a day more significant than D-day IF you rather focus on the prophet Ezekiel than on wars that really had no 'winners', and only had survivors or casualties of man-made disasters.

In the process of surviving D-Day through Z-day, I was able to help my parents and my godfather in extremely difficult current situations. I spent a bit of time with my niece, Jennifer, while a natural strong storm moved from Wood county to Portage county that caused considerable repairable damage in central Wisconsin. Jennifer and I might not have a lot in common these days, but we agreed we both never considered ten years ago that we would be in the current situation we are in now. Jennifer is getting a chance to keep her wedding vows and prove her love for her husband while he is extremely ill, and I still have no idea what it means to be loved and cared for by a faithful spouse yet in my lifetime. Our burdens are very different, and the people who help us bear our burdens are the rarely same.  When damage to our dwelling, our bodies or our  family has occurred that isn't repairable without an actual miracle taking place, we need to retrain our eyes and our ears to handle reality, an adversary or an enemy, that is not what we expected to face.

For divorce petitioners who took their vows seriously, any divorce day should have been avoided if possible, especially if there was no confession from and/or proof of the respondent being an adulterer.   Divorce day is another real declaration of war, a terrible D-day of mourning if the petitioner refused to keep vows, refused to be more patient with his spouse than he or she is with their favorite sports team who they most likely are still 'faithful to' or refused to go for counseling because they already had another victim of their habitual and voluntary unfaithfulness waiting on on some divorce court side.  My current back-yard did not turn out the way I originally planned, so I have to make some very hard adjustments to my former plans. My marriage to the father of my son did not turn out the way u had hoped or had planned, and as a result I made some very hard adjustment to my perspective of unfaithful fathers, apathetic relatives and former friends who aligned against me and against the God I still I aligned with.

I don't know what it felt like to be the prophet Ezekiel, reporting very strange occurrences and very strange visions to others. I do know what it feels like to seriously consider that the intentional breaking of marriage vows is actually a form of perjury  based on the past public testimony of a serious 'promise' to be faithful and true rather than unfaithful and a proven liar.

If the Word of God is sharper than a two edged  sword, I know the Word of God is not what you will hear or see on the typical Chevrolet commercial and which you certainly won't hear from a person ruining the environment with 'fireworks displays' . It's amazing that with all the good, living English students in the world that Chevrolet could get the following phrases SO wrong:

'Real people. Not actors.'

Neither of the above phrases is complete sentence deserving of a period, yet some idiot got paid to come up with horrible English word combinations  that exhibit a serious illiteracy problem by Chevrolet  business leaders. I wonder if some Michigan high school students named Brokaw and Gaffney are able to adjust their eyes and ears away from Chevrolet ads and toward the writings of the prophet Amos, Jeremiah and Zephaniah. Fireworks are not a wise investment, and actually fall into the 'strange fire' category which the prophet Elijah did not utilize when he won at Mount Carmel against people who did not choose Yehovah.

It might be time for a closing curve comment to avoid being accused of being preoccupied with religion. I wonder what former Milwaukee Police Inspector George Fuhr would say about Grant Fuhr's hockey jerseys in uniform division discussions.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

From D-Day to O-Day: Where's Charlotte Marie Miller?

Jim and Kay Miller of the Bevent, WI area typify apathy, not wisdom and the courage to server the proper saint who will be a witness against them, not for them. I do not need to reveal my source of information, but siding with a pushy Roman Catholic 'sister' in unwise spending patterns is as bad as working for the Marathon County Sheriff and refusing to charge Shane David Hendrikson with felony theft of my corporation's assets like they SHOULD have but didn't. Overspending when you do not have the funds to meet the costs sometimes results in a different form of theft known as 'failure to repay money' from a reasonable lender. 

I did some non-blood line history and found out that seventy students graduated from Mosinee high school in 1950 and that my mother was #11 in her class, not #1. A review of their class will was interesting but is it legally binding without a signature? My mother willed her 'giggle' to someone named 'Hobbs', not to Milwaukee Police veteran Daniel Bell, and his giggle is nothing like my mother's as I recall. Some other Mosinee indian willed Chicago to whoever could handle it, which seemed as illegal as a Stuart Rottier court document contrived to pass property to an unintended receiver with the consent of a criminally minded judge or morally corrupt court commiswioner.

My father wrongly thinks that the 'best man' at a wedding does not have the right to object to terrible conduct of the couple he once stood up for, and as a result my father is struggling with my mother and I to clean up some flood damage in his basement while Richard Isaiah Hendrikson is busy ignoring the family who at one time were united around him rather than divided because of him. Read the book of Numbers, Chapter 16, and you will realize the majority of people with the most propblems are exactly like Dathan and very unlike Nathan. Dathan ended up getting swallowed up into some pit that might be considered bottomless to some and topless to others, and he will not rise out of it like Joseph or Jeremiah did. To Selleck types are also like Dathan in  'Quigley Down Under'  dung that he deceives and eventually leads more away from a God that can save them from their pattern of sin than I or   my classmate Phil Quigley ever could, even on a busy day in  MIlwaukee district number 3. 

As I write this, I know I am in enemy territory but still able to find a peron willing to deal with me rather than rob me. I met a high school friend of James Wisniewski who also had bad news to report to my parents and they did not verbally assault hiim while he represented Accuity Insurance. INsurance salesmen sometimes do not recommend exactly what a family might need, and that is just as bad as selling them what they do not need or desire. I could write 'The best insurance to start with is obeying the commandments delivered to the tribes of israel' a million times, but only a few will take my very sound and holy advice due to generations of family corruption that has steered them away from the Truth, the Way and the Life directives for an anti-sin nature.

Did I make the proper 7th day point to my parents by helping them in an emergency for a few hours this morning and then walking away to rest, pray and meditate on what and who they still do not have genuine faith in? I told my father I will risk my life tomorrow trying to make their household safer for them than it is now, and that is no different than what I did when I worked I was working 'full duty' in the city of MIlwaukee as a police officer. Even atheists sometimes know eneough to help their parents, their uncle or a godfather who has just become a widower rather than helping France recieve messages that are nothing like the instructions delivered to the real saints of Yehovah. If I did not take the time to rest , pray and study, I might not be able to help my enemies such as Jim and Kay Miller reconsider how they look at themselves in the mirror. The vatican systme might have a few Jesuitites in it yet, but they must escape the unholy anti-prophet organizations just as easily as I escaped out of the grounds of Thomas More HIgh School, were I got by with w little help from my friends dressed in 'cop gear'. 

If you got sucker punched by soe lyrics suggesting that the singer is going to walk 500 miles or Diana Ross's ridiculous clai that there isn't a mountain high enough o keep her demonic spirit away from you or me,  you better learn how to fight back mentally, legally, physically and spiritually. I asked a mailman how far he walked a day, and he said his route is 13 miles; 13 miles 5 days a week will get him way over 500 miles in a year and he is actually serving his neighbor rather thna setting himself up for the next stage act of unnatural lights and overly computerized sounds. Even the mailman has better instincts of how to serve his neighbor than the typical sminary graduate who no longer goes house to house because he is too busy ignoring truthful people who have escaped their anti-Israelite attitude.

I didn't will my giggle to anyone else, but I did pass on my Ropken #8 jersey to a man who has sheltered and protected me many more times than Rachel Snyder Hendrikson's family has. IN a storm, whether it is a violent flare of human tempers or uncontrollable  rain, winds and heat, where pro-Israelites choose to seek shelter for themselves matters.  It is a wide way between Elliott Street in Elderon and the useless tanks sitting on Elderon grass, but it is a narrow way into the Wolffe's Den, where 3 perfect fish options are offered on Friday night, just as they might have been offered by the apostles to hungry persons of interest. I am thankful I got to meet Jim Wolffe and bring my family memebers with me to start of this shabbat. There were more people in Wolffe's assembly than there were for the passover meal I offered at INdianhead Gold Course several years ago.  I realized long ago that the father is a thief, an expert at deceiving others but not me any longer and has taught my son  how to hates me,  hate Yehovah and hate correction. It would take a miracle worker to retrain my son to love me, love Yehovah and love my family enough to become a humble servant rather than being a proud protestant who is as anti-Marie as Dathan. The 5th letter of the Hebrew truth is not far ahead of  word #1885, and the letter 'ey' is not an empty word. It is full of Truth, unlike the typical Catholic bulletin or the typical report from political assemblies hovering around a baseball game.

A woman with a very sick husband keep praying the prayer designed for people to  keep people in the bondage of their own sin, and it goes like this:

'Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinner now and at the hour of our death.'  Inclusive in that  folly-filled request is the spirit of a person who has decided not to stop willfully sinning!!!!!  Pray for us sinners??? No, no. no --  sinners have a duty to read and understand how to stop sinning and improve their requests that usually only goes to the ears of nieghbors that also have refused to stop sinning. 

read this as your next audible  to break the chains of  cvain repititions:
Holy Elohim of unknown gender, guide me though the wilderness of Sin like ahoney badger going through a concrete wall. I will prepare myself to be anti-sin because the desire of my mind and body is to be pure, holy and wanted in one of the positions of the 144,000 sealed Eldad and Medad types.'


'I realize the remnant of Israel is unwanted by the police and has no outstanding criminal shcarges against  them. Yehovah, help the unwanted!!' I want to be like a stone set against the unbelievers, willing to provide water to the thirsty and willing to receive holy water,  clean animals and healthy vegetation  to strengthen me in the days and years to come.  Keep turning the  sinners over to Satan or Abbadon  for correction or destruction of their flesh in order to cleanse the earth of those who are continually evil and untruthful, prone to adulterous behavior and full of lawlessness. '

For those dragging young people into military forces before the age of 20, do not be surprised if your nation fails. There was a time in recent post-donasaur history that only males of age 20 and up were considered to be worthy of defending a nation properly. If there are 601,730 active anti-crime warriors on earth, we are no worse off than the people being lead by Moses through an alley cat day after Nun ( the samech is after Nun) rather than another 'Dog Day Afternoon'. . My family's dogs did not outlive me. Ashley MAria Hendrikson is now one of Dean Noonan's problems if he wants to save his own reputation as a 'Preacher' in Wisconsin. Eric David Hendrikson is a typical state of Wisconsin problem, unstable in all his ways and Richard Isaiah Hendrikson can get turned against Rachel or turned toward Satan for all eye care.  I doubt if any anti-commandmentist knows it advancing to be part of Abaddon's forces is better than drapng yourself with an Eisenhower jacket or over-exposing yourself  your own flesh on 'Facebook'' or  in front of casinos and  Las Vegas nutt, butt  and obvious slut shows.

a few misspelled words isn't a problem unless fellow veteran MIlwaukee police officers such as John Dorsey or Ronald Quackenbush is ready, willing and able to review my electronic opinions and anti-Mizewski anti-suicide progress reports. I don't want o end up like Marge Low Beine and I doubt if Marge Beine or Kay Miller ever would want to be just as I am, since I would not be wiling to feed pork ribs to my friend and godfather. Andrew Beine. Real saints seek better better treatment than I received in the Marathon County Jail on Yom Kippur, and pork does  increase the probability of obesity, disease and cancer, no matter what Marge Low, any Nueske or various other anti-Zebulun Wittenberg high school graduates suggest. 

Maybe James Miller of the Milwaukee POlice department class of 1986 can figure out that I am  not Charlotte Marie Miller even though I dwelled in Charlotte, NC  for my own strong safety program a few years ago. Closers have to remind you that the title of an article matters  as much as James Beryl Kasten matters to class of '50 'historians.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Will An Empty Cup Lead to Drought?

Many losses occurred on D-Day due to offense responding to offense and that trend continues. When a city relies on professional athletes to make the city popular, the city eventually becomes like the breeding bed for Dagon or Zool types, and lack of respect for the people who call the city 'home' leads to more than a battle of the minds. For instance, I called Milwaukee 'home' for many years, but now filthy rich athletes like Jacob Barnes pretends to protect some 'home' area in Milwaukee, but he really doesn't protects a small area with a rubber mat that is not of nominal value BUT also cannot produce good fruits.

In the same manner, people nigrate to Nashville get caught up in unholy music productions and they are chasing vanity and error broad error ways rather than seeking the proper area to humble themselves in the sight of neighbors who have not yet seen an example of a living saint trying to lead them away from   the make-up cake faces that unholy women like Faith Hill, Cher and Mrs. Mike Fisher-Underwood lift up when a mortician could produce the same unnatural effect on their anti-Yehovah heads.

I accomplished quite a bit during a week in a town I used to call home, but 'home' base for me is  where  doors are opened to me without fear of me and where people know that those who trust in the God of Zebulon will disagree with Martin Luther King, Jr.'s perspective. Light does not change the darkness, it only proves there is a difference between light and darkness since darkness returns as soon as light leaves an area.  I know I have the light of the 7-lamp system in me, and when I leave my current location my light goes with me, it won't  stay inside of the darkness of Gideon Bible pages that sit in a drawer in the typical hotel room.

If I didn't have family members that welcomed me into their home, I would not be able to be reminded that living at 2229 S. 25th street in Milwaukee was a blessing because my father made sure I had affordable housing and even that duplex was a mansion compared to what humans were forced into by various governments and various 'world powers' before, during and after wars.  Yes, even the United States of America has incarcerated humans even though they did not commit any crimes and I have experienced and survived some of the most unholy, unsafe and UNLAWFULLY drugged during conditions that I was forced into by the state of Wisconsin.  I can't forgive people who refuse to apologize for their drug-pushing acts of violence against me, and until then I refuse to forget who my enemies are for the same reason any other victim remembers they have to change their own patterns in order to prevent becomeing a repeat VICTIM. Forcing a faithful and physically ill spouse into divorce court results in evidence that the petitioner committed PERJURY when legal vows were uttered in front of witnesses, not just evidence that the attorneys and judges have chosen to be participating sinners in very serious sins as long as they get paid.

At least I intercepted some properly prepared beef bologna that will not end up in an unintended receiver, It is much safer to purchase 'halal' animal products than to get involved with a man who's desire is to make you drink his semen rather than desire to help you water a vegetable garden or  set  a table at 'home' during the feast of unleavened bread. Once you escape the most deranged males, you know that 'Babylon' is often a center of oral sex homosexuality, horrible vulgar movies and not enough physical coverage of the human body to prevent perverted, depraved humans from being drawn to you and away from the real saints.  Charles Barkley got drawn into  the typical Babylonian center  on June 5th, 2017, not me. Thankfully, I was buying good products from kind people to provide proper food for my family and friends.

Who can really tell the difference between Austin Barnes and Austin Costa of  the Wausau, Wisconsin area  now? I watched Austin Barnes in his playpen on Shavuot, not Austin Costa.  The MIlwaukee Brewers game was better than any Tim McGraw or Carrie Underwood concert will ever be because I got to yell 'Gong That Song' when some Faith Hill trash was deployed by a spiritually foolish humans while I wearing a 'Singletary 50'  jersey while I was seated next to people who looked much better than P.K. Subban while he was making a fool out of himself in a wig. I guarantee you, 'Robert Clary' ( not his original name) looked better in HOgam's heroes than P.K. Subban does in his expensive helmet.

Please remember Ronald Hogan's past problem and start to ignore the New England Patriots. The 'Stanley Cup' is an empty vessel that does not contain water, wine or lamp oil , so  it the man who hands it to some team this year is NOT a cup bearer that is a trustworthy servant of the most high God.  If you live in the Pittsburgh area, be thankful you have the Steelers rather than the Titans to represent your image.  Empty cups are no better than a bra on a JC Penney shelf and trophies are trinkets, not moral guides  within  extremely corrupted nations.
My good beef bologna isn't getting sacrificed  to Dagon or an idol!!!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Tail Of Two Tommy Stiglers

Since it is the 50th day of the omer count, I will deliver 3 questions, not 3 answers of particular interest to my extremely intelligent readers, some of whom may be from Wisconsin:

1. What is the difference between  Ronald Reagan, former MIlwaukee Police Officer issued badge #1632 who is not related to Darryl Winston and Marie Xavier, former MIlwaukee Police officer issued badge 1532 who is NOT longer related to Shane Hendrikson and Cheryl Hendrikson?

2. What is the difference between a MIlwaukee police squad marked #372 with a WI license plate E325 and Sheridan Pabst of Chippewa Falls Police Department?

3. What is the difference between Tommy Stigler, who passed away in Monroe County, Arkansas on in 1988 (tombstone could be viewed in a computer search) and Tommy Stigler, the former Mequon Police officer who is currently a MIlwaukee Police officer after passing through the same police academy class with me,  currently known as Marie Hendrikson and will never agains be related to Shane David Hendrikson even though  error-filled computer records still list me as related to the Shane David Hendrikson family?

Since I do not have the absolute answers to questions 1 and 2, I'll just renember that I had dinner with Chris Taylor at his old MIlwaukee home 2 days before Chris Taylor of the LA Dodgers hit a Grand Slam in Milwaukee Miller Park.  Computer records have more  errors, many of which may be intentional, than any commandments of Yehovah I have ever decided to believe.

If I report anything else, it would feel like work and I don't want to be like PK Subban on a hogh holy day for many Israelites.