Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 965 Ahead: Hebrew Lightning Round!

If you do not want to be willfully ignorant,accept the following facts of United States HIstory:

A) Anti-Christmas families fought to colonize North America.
B) Thanksgiving was not outlawed for a good reason and the traditional menu of turkey and vegetables is something any of the heroic, pro=Torah apostles might have asked for as their last supper.
G) You are better off displaying your national or some national flag in your house or 'public space' than erecting dead or dying evergreen trees in your household or municipality.
D) 'Santa Claus' and his myths will have no place in the kingdom of God, so every year willfully ignorant citizens try to push their 'Christmas crap' into public areas, they willfully reject the system declared to be proper an just by the God who 'Yeshua' ( frequently referred to as Jesus Christ due to stubborn anti-Hebrew inaccurate teachers and students)) trusted in as a member of the tribe of Judah.
H) The primary source of the 'disobey Yehovah and we'll reward you with carnal gifts' goes as far back as the garden of Eden and gained momentum by the German Nazis  and Italian Catholic 20th century regimes that were and still are anti-Israelite at mind and  in their method of operations.
V)  If you see eating areas that have 'Santa Claus' pushers in them, boycott them IF YOU ARE WISE ENOUGH TO DEFEND THE FAITH OF THE APOSTLES. Sadly, even the most devout saints have to enter stores that have rejected the leadership of George Washington to make essential purchases not attached to the 'Christmas' debacle; it is better to eat at your anti-CHristmas home than be surrounded by citizens who obviously are unable to reject unholy temptation and seasonal gluttony that equals that of England's disgusting Henry the 8th.
Z) It is better to briefly educate your 'neighbor' before you reject their anti-Biblical parties than to be pulled into their hypocritical churches or their Babylonian anti-Israelite practices if you actually trust in the Holy Scriptures and the prophets such as Zephaniah more than you trust 'Soap Opera Digest' for you spiritual compass.

If you spent Sukkot with family, do not fret if you have to spend 'Thanksgiving Day' goofing around in Canada or at your own household alone. If you haven't yet, make it obvious that you REJECT the festivities tied to December 25th and try to hang onto the proper anti-Christmas Puritan spirit of Thanksgiving alone or with friends who also properly fear the God of Israel. There will be a day when even Satan might have the ability to  finally 'kick the spirit of Christmas' off the face of the earth' when even he has enough sense to choose an obese adversary who only exists when stupid humans step into the 'ugly red and white Santa Claus suit' rather than into good and holy saint or disciple attire.

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