Saturday, November 5, 2016

כִּי הִנֵּה הָאֶ בֶן אֲשֶׁר

The protected 'Nun' , father of Joshua, is well protected in Zechariah 3:9 but not hidden. I referred very carefully to Psalm 118, and the word translated 'stone' is not exactly what is used in Zechariah's text. The extra 'chet' seems problematic UNLESS you translate it with the 'beit' connected to the final Nun and keep only the chet before the aleph.  In the below text, there is confusion as to which foundation is set before Joshua:

I do not have access to original texs, but from my understanding there was no spacing and the reader at one time understood from audible perfection passed onto him what was to be the spoken word. In this possible solution to an unidentified foundation, the translation could very well be :

For be advised  #2009), look (1887),( son (1122 or 1123) Asher (834 or 836) I have laid before Joshua

'Be advised'  is a term used commonly in police work, and what has a Hebrew street book value of 5, the 'hey' does match up in front of the aleph  and the following 2 letter 'Ben' combo leads to the name of a tribe that means 'straight'. If there are 7 eyes above this stone, it may well be because Asher is the 8th and Asher had 7 siblings preceeding him. This particular placement of a foundation for Joshua, part of the tribe of Ephraim, might clear up the serious problem in the Book of Revelation where Ephraim is neither sealed nor does it have an affiliate stone foundation mentioned in the New and Holy Jersalem. If you have been calling yourseld 'Ephraim', I would suggest you follow the foundation of Asher to avoid being 'lost in space'with the wrong foundation. What foundations is laid before Joshua is also laid before his entire affiliated tribe if there is not to be a breach in unity.

I do my best to learn with the tools I have access to, and in the past 'experts' have either refused to assist me with questions or brushed off my input as 'amateur'. I am an expert in many areas, and I do not need a college degree to be properly influenced by the Scriptures.  People who reject opportunities to study the Hebrew letters and words often are mislead and improperly influenced by centuries of corruption and complacenecy dispensed by seminaries worldwide.

I do not rely on fools pricing common semi-precious such as the agate stones at  more than $500  when used humbly in biblical self-defense, and an articale suggesting that a sardonyx stone is orth $200 million dolars is never what the Holy One of Israel intended.  What has been intended for good, fools have used for evil in financial heists and auction scams, but the person who is wise with their finances will seek out proper foundations to guard their heart and not devour their financial resources.

A Yod set between a couple of 'Hey' letters means calamity, but setting the NUn between the two 'Hey' letters means 'Take NOTICE'.  Sixty is not always represented by Samaech, and much if the beauty of Hebrew is that even math nerds never have to be bored with its combinations. Brilliant minds need a challenge, not to be lulled into a state of mediocrity which has permeated religious, political and cultural venues for far too long.

Yeshua might have been similar to the goat animal the older son desired to have slaughtered and feasted upon with his friends based on his complaint to his father in the parable of the younger prodigal son. It seems 'Jesus Christ', more accurately translated as Yeshua, will not be sitting in the judgment seat if you are wise enough to believe Zechariah's prophecy. I believe Zechariah's prophecy.  I have been drawn to the area that my most loving, honest and reliable friends reside in during this period of uncertainty in the United States. Isaiah chapter 54 is not too difficult for me to relate to in times of sorrow, loneliness  and in times of hope and confidence in my obedience to Yehovah after clearly being rejected by an extremely unholy and anti-Israelite spouse.  A beautiful moss agate guarded my heart today, not a kevlar vest.

Day 1661   Greek 'elephant/ivory' and Hebrew Gath, almost the end of the Gimel series

Day 950: Greek:' to establish by an argument' and Hebrew 'empty, hollow'

Day 593: Hebrew 'Aniam', groaning and Greek ' to reject', rejected stone' ( what lead me back to Psalm 118 and the Zechariah study)

Day 210: Greek: unwilling; forced

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