When it comes to privacy, don't expect anything you put into any form of print to remain a secret. It is only the fool who thinks what they write or dump into a computer is somehow a guarantee of privacy. The inteliigent person not only is unfraid of others seeing what they have written to others but also realizes that the best route to security in plans is still word of mouth to trusted allies.
The DNC and the Hillary Clinton associates are invoved in a lot of criminal activity, and I really don't care if foreign nations can 'hack' into their evil computer plots. As a matter of fact, I think that a foreign nation is going to be clessed that obtains information that evil people in the United States are trying to keep a 'SECRET' . Using computers is one of the least secure forms of communications, and only the most UNPROFESSIONAL security buffoons rely on them. f what the DNC is doing is LEGAL, who cares if someone else obtains their plans and tries to plan an offense or a defense against them?
I make plans that might or might not work out, but they certainly are not illegal nor do I intend to exclude the most brilliant observers from becoming part of my spiritual and physical battle systems. Who WILL be excluded are those who are not sorry for crimes they have committedagainst me or anyone else and who stupidly choose to staying temporarily 'safe' rather than take the risk of becoming a friend of mine rather than an enemy of mine.
Indeed, my enemy is close very often, but when I branch out away from the area the enemy has excluded me from, I expand my ability to commincate with humans who have not decided to hate people like me. I happen to be a person who despises violence, despises criminals that have not chosen to turn themselves in and be punished and also despises LIARS in any shape or form. I do believe in the God of Edad and Medad and I do believe that the Israel tribe system is far superior to any native American casino system or any Dwayne Johnson stupidity that is even worse than a Gregory Sierra line. It is only a fool like Justin Timberlake that would want to cuddle up next to a political beast like Hillary Clinton and the wisest people will only try to prosecute her for treason.perjury and or criminal misconduct in office.
The fools that refused to process my charges against Shane David Hendrikson decided to try and play it 'safe' rather than be sorry for their lack of god works and lack of good working knowledge of just what a CRIME really is. I did not commit any crimes against my employees, and only used minimal force to escape a potential aggravated assault against me at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI. I took reasonable risk to protect my life and unreasonable unsaved and immoral humans took over my former 'turf'.
It is better to be sorry and seek forgiveness along with necessary punishment than to be temporarily safe trying to get away with your crimes or your stolen property and go into hiding somewhere. The wealthiest people are often the spiritually weakest, and will get sifted as though they were nothing more than a grain of sand in history. Indeed, it is possible but not easy to have hope that the United States will be spared by choosing to elect a willing man rather than the lying deranged Hillary Clinton brrod, but it is not in my hands to spare or destroy the United States of America. I suspect that the people who will never be raised in the twinkling of eye are those who have let trickle down economics load up their overseas bank accounts and they forget to consider those who are spiritually above them in their decisions.
Strength, proper and decent bodiiy covering, courage, nutrition and safety are all good goals that every potential saint should strive for, but without your first goal being the rejection of committing sin, all other goals will become mere trivia and as useless as a Bernadette Peters skit on 'The Carol Burnett Show'. Sometimes the enemy is easily watched from your own television, and other times the enemy is easily avoided even if they are nearby because they are too busy being fearful of people like me and have chosen to remain ignorant of prophesy and the necessity of just scales when making public of private decisions. Private decisions eventually do get revealed over time, just like a license plate such as FALAFEL, FISH$ME, SIEVE EM, ANCIENT, EPHOD 5 , which all were once a private thought has become public information.
If the weakest 8 ball links are tied to Zirbel, Asher and oxygen, woe unto those who decided to ignore rather than trust Zebulun and the 8th beryl foundation systems. If you went the wrong way at jasper, you might be between the Devil and the deep blue C section. If you end up in the deep blue sea section, you should have remembered that even a good New Jersey Devil can save you sooner than a real pig can. .
Jazz is such an interesting religion to study.
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