Saturday, August 27, 2016

Day 881 0r Day 1592: Good Deal or The Road to Perdition?

Just when I thought that my enemies would be surprised to find out that 50% off deal on repayment of theft would result in paying back double what was stolen, I got even better news about good deals for respondents who have not received their proper 50% in a marriage settlement. Let me try to write this up as the IRS might do in a supplement to their 1040 forms.

Example I: Petitioner M does not reveal the true amount of money he really has in his illegally established business accounts, nor does he disclose the true value of all the property he refused to turn over to  respondent F. Petitioner M intentionally gave information to real courts that were $300,000.00 short of what he really had in combination of hard assets and bank accounts in a state that had a 50/50  divorce split of marital asset law in place at the time Respondent F failed to force Petitioner M to pay up what he owed to her. In order to maintain the possibility of Petitioner M being saved by grace through faith, he must  be able to come up with 7 times the amount he withheld from his business/marital partner since he clearly had the additional $150,000 in assets funds to pay the proper 50% settlement.   Instead of trying to sneak by with the fourfold settlement of $600,000, his crime is considered worse than theft and he must pay sevenfold of what he shortchanged honest Respondent F.  In order to remain in the lukewarm church and the best case scenario of going from carnal to spiritually pleasing unto the LORD, petitioner M must pay Respondent F  $1,050,000 in order to meet the undiscounted minimum settlement to the Respondent who is not in the mood to offer the 50% off discount that a hireling might settle for.

I hope you clearly are as astounded as I am that shortchanging your own spouse during a divorce procedure is worse than theft by a stranger in the eyes of a holy God who does not condone lying in or out of courts. Now you may be reassured that you either will never see your lying, cheating ex-spouse in the kingdom of God or that it will cost him more than the price of an arm and a leg to get in by repentance and required fines. Being in the same kingdom does not mean that  a person will be in the same nation or state after proper funds are presented to the respondent who was truthful and sorrowful during divorce procedures.

It is good to study the very precise and holy biblical  Laws that the true people of the Ruler of the tribe of Judah are expected to obey since such laws clearly show just which 'God' a human has decided to trust in. It's obvious the honest respondent who does not force the unbeliever to obey God eventually has the upper spiritual hand in righteous judgments that will not be controlled by carnal court systems.

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