Saturday, August 21, 2021

THE Right '40': No Longer in the Minneapolis Metrodome

 Although it shall be less than a year until the remaining 362 night of retesting the messages to and from Yczqal occur on the left, like a student preparing to take an SAT  test in high school, it is time to prepare your mindset now. Let's look at the stupendous man choices to best represent 40 on the right, out of a football field, by assigning benevolent strains of a gnat to them like Greek letters of transition:

Neutral Zone Fact: Iota is not  and cannot be Zirconium the 40th element,

ρ =  the Interstate 40 area of  Cary, NC in 2011,including the  Cary Imp marching band 

θ  =  Superamerica's store on the corner or N. 40th Street and North Ave., Milwaukee in 1986, based on westbound traffic patterns

χ = Christos Tselios, AKA Chris Chelios based on his Montreal position 2nd&40 in a draft pick 

γ  =  Hatley, WI based on their  right 40 in 54440, their assigned zip code

Ω = Patrick Lalime, based only on outward numerology of 40

Φ = Garth Snow, based on the 40 W's as a Philadelphia Flyer

Greek might be a transition point for Miss Wormwood, Spaceman Spiff's classroom adversary according to Bill Watterson.  My thoughts and intentions are anti-Musk and anti-liar at this time, not anti-390  LEFT.


Keep in mind that Ed Jovanovski's 117 assists (before COMPLETING his NHL years with the Florida Panthers, unlike Viktor Koslov or Jaromir Jagr) with the Coyotes were more tolerable and more decent that the 117th Congress now attempting to destroy the maturtion of a nation propelled into being to counter the UK's wretched king and wicked queen line.

500 NHL battles as a goalie certainly seems more courageous than watching Cabrera play ball  and stuck at 499 against  'Hogan's Heroes' plate  pick 3XR 499 and  Frank Marth's  gated yard of expression which included 'The what is WHAT?'

The war against chemical warfare and political tyrants trying to destroy us with deceivers, cigarettes, risky drugs, obscenity, lewdness, mandatory masks, WARP SPEED puncture marks, lack or respect for official private property 'NO TRESSPASSING' signs, toxic waste mismanagement and Marxist liars that look exactly like Joseph Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris is not over, it's just begun to be more evident. In my opinion in what might possibly be the 67th month of a war worse that we earthlings has never seen before.  I have no idea what Nancy Joseph now thinks of Curtis Shayne Joseph, but I suspect she wouldn't give him a  GOOD recommendation.

Jerry Kelly can't be Kevin Sutherlamd, as Kelly Sutherland the #11 NHL referee knows.

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