Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Phillip Di Guiseppe's Rangers Vs. Andrew Mangiapane's Flames

I would expect both DiGuiseppe33 and Mangiapane88 to have more  diplomacy skills than Guiseppe Mangiopane [GM] when private property issues are not a laughing matter.  When young children are not trained to respect borders, they become as untrustworthy as illegal immigrants. When parents, guardians or grandparents such as [GM] think their household youngsters should be able to trespass in a neighbor's garden when they can't keep their basketball game in their own turf and  that same [GM] doesn't want his grandchildren tossing basketballs into his garden, it is like living next to an irrational ruler.

There is a reason that a basketball hoop is a bottomless pit by design and why 10 people on a basketball court can never complete a 12 tribe sealing process.   Real life won't let me behave like  fictionary'Ben Randall' , who couldn't prevent 24 from drowning once the fake captain and himself were added to the prior drowning toll of 22.  Investing in a fence would cost me money, but it might keep the rude Italian grandchildren out of my garden and unlike Nancy Pelosi or treasonous Congressmen, I can't force money out of Guiseppe Mangiapane to keep his own out-of-control family in their assigned lot.  If I try to be at peace with an irrational man who thinks his grandchildren should be able to go into my garden but that same irrational man won't let his grandchildren toss basketballs into his garden, that would prove my intentions are good. However,  peace won't occur unless [GM] learns some manners and behaves like a rational grandparent by relocating his bottomless pit so that the stray balls land on his HUGE front yard loaded with grass that  he doesn't seem to let his grandchildren play on.......yet they trounce into other yards as though there will be no consequence.

There are consequences when children are allowed to be rude and disrespect private property rights, and such consequences include lack of peace and safety in an area that WOULD be capable of having peace and safety of the older people would properly discipline and contain their offspring in turf they are willing to pay for, protect and defend. 

Maybe I'll put up a fence but until I do. I already blessed my enemy and his grandchildren of lawlessness with a warning.

After being more than 3,414 since being disposed of by a man who used to call me his 'wife' and his rude children,  the name pf the prophet Y r my'h reminds me that in heaven, there won't be people like [GM] who thinks his garden shouldn't be trampled upon by his offspring and thinks his grandchildren should have more  'border crossing' privileges than me, a taxpayer who wastes less money than Larry Neal in his overbuilt Macomb Library.

I suspect that NHL hockey players DiGuiseppe and Mangiapane would be more rational neighbors than [GM]. Writing this complaint may have prevented me from losing my temper like Shane David Hendrikson did when he thought Timothy Stroik cheated him during chicken dispersement time after he invested in a neighborhood farming co-op.  

By the Genesis way, beware of people who stay in a FOX hole like Peter Gabriel.  A FOX skin was never authorized as a fit covering for the Ark of the Testimony.

Fox Hills, Fox River Valley, Exit 44A at Oshkosh..... whoops. LEST we forget, it might only be day 881 of the tribulation and whether Sheldon Souray is your 881 or an international satellite is your 881, as those in Ocala know, neither Swift nor Cephus, a couple of the the AKC ahility champions, can never become a Detroit Lion.

KitKat the papillon isn't +351 like Chelios, and now you can stare at Curtis Shayne Joseph's 352 losses if you want to.  Meanwhile, we  Cantlay around all Jason Day after the 476 yard hole repeats was starting to look like Slava Koslov's ESPN number legend instead of a puck.

🚘 Draft Kings & Rocket Mortgage lost to Titleist and Lexus as I viewed the  BMW tournament finals merely from a SPONSOR's position. 

Did you know that carbon dioxide levels increase more than 20 fold when wearing a mask?  Try not to become as ignorant as Joseph Biden, who really is very much like Adolph Hitler.  A few Germans actually decided to work against rather than for Hitler, and those were the good German citizens.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Ida Isn't Ho nor HO

 For those desiring to be in the 67th month of the tribulation, maybe we are and our Holmium reminders could be the Ottawa 67's, Kurt Warner's 6855 rushing yards and Henrik Sedin's point position.  

NOw that the Black vs. Decker  NFL show has been completed between Indianapolis and Detroit,  Detroit's  Decker is not what the spirit of Psalm 68  is, since intentionally defiling your body with tattoos because it is 'trending' is as foolish as accepting unclean, experimental internal injections that scientist Robert Malone has declared to be unsafe for humans only because your local heathen government officials have allowed such folly to proceed as they activate their role as obviously wicked haughty and naughty servants rather than preferring to be good, holy decent bondservants.

Jeremy Capps  and his parents who modestly proclaimed 'Bondservant Ministries;, has been remembered today for a good reason.   What is deployed from a pharmacy can cause intended or unintended disastrous results, so resisting contrived drugs, cigarettes, induced mania, induced apathy and drunkenness, OF ALL KINDS is still as good as any D.A.R.E. bear plan  I am still part of/

H2652: Gary Hendricks Vs. Christian Ponder can't become 'Gary Christian'

 Now that the frauds of St. Peter's Lutheran at 17051 24 Mile Road in Macomb have revealed their theory that Gd is not the brother of Asher, they may go ahead and die in their sins or choose to repent like any blasphemer not on Blashill yet.  Some person called himself an ELDER, but he was not qualified to be in that position and it would have better for him is a Detroit Lion surnamed ELDER was there to witness the ignorance of their expensive preacher, Their Saturday evening service is as much of a hoax as any Catholic service on Saturday and yet they keep pulling in the tares who refuse to believe that Gd is not the tuler nor the first-born of Yshrael nor shall Gd ever replace LORD Yehowah.  As a visitor, I did explain that I could only stay until they spoke against Moses, and they spoke against Moses within only 5 minutes. so I cannot bear up under their burden of sin.  He and his Kaiser plot could not accept the fact that Asher is the brother of Gd, so they do not understand brotherly love because they are too infested with spiritual darkness.  Certainly, I did treat those humans ethically so maybe we need  HETP clubs now that reflect  Humans For Ethical Treatment of People rather than forcing Lutherans to become sealed under  יהוה   , which can be seen as   %^% )  in shift code now.  Divided houses always end up only with a % it seems.

Replacement theology occurs in  the mouths of billions of people who keep trying to substitute Gd   or #$ for Yhwh, and this becomes a besetting sin that intentionally gets repeated or ignored. In either case, it becomes disgusting, revolting and unacceptable in the ears of those who want to be covered with a  חפף    . 

As I observed the word combo of Har&Rison, I realized that Harrison mean 'First Hill' as in the foothills of a mountain range.  Former Whig President William Harrison not only chose a Badger for his Navy commander, he seemed to have done less harm to our nation than th 117th Congress is attempting to do by spending as though they really are so manic they cannot control themselves nor curb their appetite for wickedness. William Harrison was not a wealthy man, yet his widow received a pension that was so generous that it is as if the politicians in that era still believed true religion was providing for widows instead of begging for money from them like politicians and apostate congregations do now.

I know I did my duty by warning the Kaiser Hall gang of their err, but as it has been written, the 3rd seal of Gd is not to be mocked but rather is to be 12,000 of a kind.  

Regarding Evgeni NaBOKOV, consider that Evgeni means the desire of a gardening group.


H2341, Havilah, might have gotten pul,ed too far into Broadway schemes to escape the mire and mud. Eric Boulton 234 certainly isn't Havilah. Meanwhile, there will not be a dove bringing a safety sign to New Orleans, the city of blatant  Bidenists.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Michigan Senate District 10 Alert: Michael D. MacDonald Lacks Discernment

Michael D. MacDonald of Michigan sent out a brochure with his political intake $ claiming that Gretchen Whitmer accidentally broke one of the Michigan laws she actually intentionally contrived and then violated like a hypocrite. Thankfully, MacDonald isn't a judge nor a deputy. since his lack of discernment has now been openly accentuated by his  self-inflicted role as a political fool and a wide deceiver. 

Who purchased  the COVID test company?  A political beast named George _______ who isn't George Benson nor George Washington.  Who demanded that his military be the enemy of Abigdor, sometimes known as Jared or in Egypt, known as Mosheh? The Pharoah that didn't care about the lives of his military who he THOUGHT had a horse and buggy advantage and who knew not Yoseph , the son of Rachel.

Humans in the USA military who may have signed up while Obama or Trump were president now need to make their own moral decision, knowing full well that ugly Joe Biden does not believe in the rulings against the Nazi beasts that condemns forced experimentation or forced RELIGION upon the occupants of a nation. Biden has a religion that is based on greed, laziness, liars and pro--abortion beasts who are very much like the King Herod the '7696' who wanted to kill off the 1st born sons in Judea a bit more than 2,000 years ago.  

Insanity is what has caused Biden to think he can overpower his own military, and he will try to make as many as he can become as insane as he has become in the same manner as anti-Abigdor Pharoah of Egypt had done when the plagues  NOR THE PLEAS OF HIS OWN PEOPLE did not cause him to repent.

The raven is Kevin  Zeitler now, not Harry James Sharper. A reminder to active and retired USA forces: Abigdor, Kaleb and Yoshua won, not Pharoah the idol builder when it was fight or flight time near the Red Sea boundaries.  

Few will be spared from the hour of resting, so be thankful if you have remained healthy, with food, clothing and shelter while you avoided becoming loaded with the spirit of lawlessness known as anti-Y!hw%h syndrome.  Yes, I shifted 1 and 5 for a Rison.

It's Hedges day 17 according to the lunar cycle as I take notice of it's monthly course.   It is sometimes preferable to go 'home' to your team's  dugout or back to the pitcher's bullpen if you can't make it past the SS to 3rd base without getting intentionally injured by your enemy between 2nd and 3rd base.  An adversary would not intentionally hurt  you, but is willing to defend the position he or she holds.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Urban Meijer Alternative: Resist Oak Cliff

18 dead from a Waverly, TN flood is not as tragic as all the deaths occurred because of WARP SPEED injections but the people selling and pushing the aborted fetal line wants to pull your sympathy chain toward Loretta Lynn's $ tree.  I'm not selling masks, 'Mildred Pierce' nor aborted fetal tissue so my task to expose hypocrisy and deceptions as different thamn what Tom Klement can do from his Manitoba, ranch struggling with drought.

Tony Evans, the $ player of the state of Texas is not Church of Philadelphia material, but maybe Bryan Little the former UW-Badger is. What the Jacksonville team is trying to do at while Bevell is pulling their strings is nothing nothing like the Church of Philadelphia in end times protection.   Really, who other than me thinks JAX is the Jason Arnott X=10 people?  Who other than me found it worse than Curtis Strange putting to see the following 4 men  on the NFL Jaguars roster who can never become Jack Campbell   the Maple Leaf and Bryan Little the Thrasher:

44  Jack            32 Campbell               Bryan  90             Little 72

Russell 49 might have his Oak Cliff fellowship attached to a bad Kurt rather than a Kempka who knows the streets of new Milwaukee.   Maybe I look at the cause of the unexpected,  the narrow gate to justification, spiritual tactical reasoning and local defense the way Chief Michael Patrick of Armada, Michigan does rather than like unfair Richmond  David Teske does.

Joe Schobert made a good transition to Pittsburgh compared to the Schobert person now sinking his line in the lukewarm waters of Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin.  As we all should know, it is not our surname that indicates our connection to Yehovah and the guiding lamp described in Psalm 119 that causes us to resist not only tattoos and cigarettes, but also drug sellers and the lying lips of Fauci and those trying to tell others that their expensive chemical experiment is 'safe' when it is far more vile and clearly more of an unnatural disaster than the cattle herd of Tom Klement north of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Tony Evans calls himself a doctor too, but he is more deceiving and misleading than experienced ER nurse, Jon Hall of western Kentucky, who has been warning thousands on a program named  'Cutting Edge' about the danger of becoming a human voodoo experiment targeted by anti-Yehovah greedy gamblers.  Maybe Donald J. Trump did bring about the scenario that would cause rich and poor to get pierced due to FEAR, thus it is not going to be Donald J. Trump that has the power to help the wise resist being altered by  substances that do not cure disease, do not prevent disease and clearly does fir into a category known as a chemical abomination.

Martin Biron isn't a Michigan politician with a surname of Scripture, but there have been houses in a place sometimes known as Iron, Israel.  That something to keep in mind when it is month 5/ dusk16 going on 5/17 on a serious biblical reckoning of time.  Now I'll see how the Cardinals do with Albert Pujols, from a distance.

🐢 🌳

Saturday, August 21, 2021

THE Right '40': No Longer in the Minneapolis Metrodome

 Although it shall be less than a year until the remaining 362 night of retesting the messages to and from Yczqal occur on the left, like a student preparing to take an SAT  test in high school, it is time to prepare your mindset now. Let's look at the stupendous man choices to best represent 40 on the right, out of a football field, by assigning benevolent strains of a gnat to them like Greek letters of transition:

Neutral Zone Fact: Iota is not  and cannot be Zirconium the 40th element,

ρ =  the Interstate 40 area of  Cary, NC in 2011,including the  Cary Imp marching band 

θ  =  Superamerica's store on the corner or N. 40th Street and North Ave., Milwaukee in 1986, based on westbound traffic patterns

χ = Christos Tselios, AKA Chris Chelios based on his Montreal position 2nd&40 in a draft pick 

γ  =  Hatley, WI based on their  right 40 in 54440, their assigned zip code

Ω = Patrick Lalime, based only on outward numerology of 40

Φ = Garth Snow, based on the 40 W's as a Philadelphia Flyer

Greek might be a transition point for Miss Wormwood, Spaceman Spiff's classroom adversary according to Bill Watterson.  My thoughts and intentions are anti-Musk and anti-liar at this time, not anti-390  LEFT.


Keep in mind that Ed Jovanovski's 117 assists (before COMPLETING his NHL years with the Florida Panthers, unlike Viktor Koslov or Jaromir Jagr) with the Coyotes were more tolerable and more decent that the 117th Congress now attempting to destroy the maturtion of a nation propelled into being to counter the UK's wretched king and wicked queen line.

500 NHL battles as a goalie certainly seems more courageous than watching Cabrera play ball  and stuck at 499 against  'Hogan's Heroes' plate  pick 3XR 499 and  Frank Marth's  gated yard of expression which included 'The what is WHAT?'

The war against chemical warfare and political tyrants trying to destroy us with deceivers, cigarettes, risky drugs, obscenity, lewdness, mandatory masks, WARP SPEED puncture marks, lack or respect for official private property 'NO TRESSPASSING' signs, toxic waste mismanagement and Marxist liars that look exactly like Joseph Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris is not over, it's just begun to be more evident. In my opinion in what might possibly be the 67th month of a war worse that we earthlings has never seen before.  I have no idea what Nancy Joseph now thinks of Curtis Shayne Joseph, but I suspect she wouldn't give him a  GOOD recommendation.

Jerry Kelly can't be Kevin Sutherlamd, as Kelly Sutherland the #11 NHL referee knows.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Portillo's VErSUS 50480 Van Dyke Rd. Has Shocking Results

 After trying to close out day 363 properly at a bowling alley which was too rowdy for me, I rechecked a  Friday evening gathering of people who try to pass themselves off as assistants to Christianity.  I noticed all the windows were open at 50480 Van Dyke Road in Shelby, Michigan so thought the air quality would be safer for me than it had been before.  It was hot and humid inside and I mentioned that I ight only be able to stay for a short period because of  unnatural chemical irritants typically used inside.

After a short 'hello' to those inside, some old man started referring to 'hell week' for Navy seals as he was complaining about Christians being stuck in Afghanistan.  Because I wanted to hear some of his utterances, I reached for the plug-in toxic air pollution maker ( maybe an Airwick like my daughter-in-law liked using to shorten my visits to her apartment at 2020 POrter Street in Portage County Wisconsin) and the 'Navy' boaster told me HE would decide when the toxic emissions would be unplugged.  I told him that in that case , I had to leave and knew that the spirit of truth and Yehowah was notable to be in such a haughty gathering, thought after I left they then had only 4 or 5 people in their  'Jesus Is Lord' gathering which clearly had no gift of hospitality toward a person with lung function limitations.

I decided to curve over to Portillo's for an Italian beef sandwich for Shabbat dusk openers and was treated extremely well even though I asked a few questions such as 'Do you have an ingredients list for the milk shake mix?' since I believe in informed consent of my bodily intake. The ingredients in the Portillo's milkshake were safer for me than the chemical warfare spewing out of the walls of 50480 Van Dyke Rd.! Shocking?  Not really, but I was reminded of the difference between stupendous and stupid in the course of my pursuit of a peaceful gathering place in my area.  Portillo's was stupendous, and the person who prefers the company of an stinky electronic wall device to a Bible student is stupid.

When "Christians' aren't getting protected or assisted by a Catholic president or their own kind, maybe it's because they need a second review of their attitude toward Yehovah's rules and regulations. Portillo's respected my viewpoint and verbal input, and the man who might be way too much like Michael Rood, Nehemia Gordon or Kevin Hermening mentally attached to an electronic wall stinker didn't accept a reasonable truth against his version of XYCLON B'.

The real elect rather flee than be in the presence of a haughty, careless leader.  Phil Arreola is a lot like the stupid man who staged himself at 50480 Van Dyke Rd. as my 55 jersey and I made a stupendous escape toward peace and safety at Portillo's in Sterling Heights, Michigan/

If Jamie Sharper is Agent 116 based on his games played, let Jimmy Hall, the retired Milwaukee detective/Hyatt hotel security guard be a  #  now so VErSUS can be +215.  💛

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Which Sinners Shall Have Injection Remorse?

 Whether it's the 5th month or the 55th month of a 7 year testing period, there is consequence for sinning. As a legal citizen who loves her siblings and her parents, I was very discouraged to hear that a portion of my immediate family made choices to trust lying, deceptive greedy big pharmacy output rather than clean and true input from a Yahwehist.  However, that choice has been made and now they most likely will not repent of their choice UNLESS disease sets in and they relate it to their injection choice.

Once again, what the USA legalized in in it's boundaries would not be permissible in heaven.  Some people never repent of their cigarette smoking, their adultery, their abortion or their refusal to believe that swine, rats and frogs are not intended for human consumption so they continue on their path out of the church of Philadelphia into some other anti-Yahweh sect or mindset. If someone asked me if they could be forgiven for choosing the costly injection, I suppose it is possible BUT  consequences still will occur to prove that their injection choice was something designed to corrupt and weeaken their body rather than maintain their natural immune system.  Based on the fact that parents can be forgiven after requesting an abortion procedure or committing adultery as Bathsheba did, without a rod of correction the sin would often be repeated. Thus, if a person gets sick after a series of Rudolph Hess method of experimentation, they are less likely to demand more from the same heathen source of unclean, immoral potions. Asking for more injections from the same drug dealer either means you are addicted to you really didn't repent and your injection remorse was superficial.  

Maybe this is a sample prayer many people will choose rather than demanding their right to smoke cigarettes, eat unclean animals, have abortions, be an unfaithful spouse, ask for government money without earning it first OR seeking another experimental injection:

Holy Creator, 

I know I offended rather than defended my own body and you with my unhealthy and dangerous choice. Others are not afraid to die naturally, yet I chose to prolong my sins with unnatural vices which I now know have harmed me. Had I heard the information from Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho about the injection results or heard the cries of my aborted baby or spouse who had been faithful, my unseared conscience may have responded much sooner than now after much damage to my family and myself has occurred. I ask for forgiveness, but realize that only a miracle will minimize the damage done and help me to prepare for the rod of correction with dignity and a voice to warn others of the pain and disease that I chose receive, since my choice cannot be blamed on you.

Go on RUMBLE and seek 'Cutting Edge' on August 17, 2021 to hear the voices that care for you far more than a Biden/Harris ticket to a Las Vegas Raiders game will ever be able to do.  Some people thought getting on free trains provided by Adolph Hitler would help them, but it led to their death. The children being herded in from the USA southern border are more likely to end up in the house of a lazy, dangerous liars than in a employment line waiting for a job in home construction, but that also was their or their demonic guide's choice.

I had a terrific day meeting USA Marines, Michigan police officers, Michigan National Guard  representatives and some honest, working people at a small city gathering today, and we learned from each other in very humble ways.  

What would Harry James Sharper have done differently than I did today, being 13 years younger, darker in skin tone, more powerful than a locust and much wealthier than me in my 'pecan skin'? Hopefully, he would have used the men's bathroom instead of the women's bathroom.


Night 363 is now in progress as I count the days as Ycz^q*al did upon request from his Holy Creator.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

On Behalf of Skiba Baddoo...

Since I did pass college level  probabllity and statistics and it is not secret that I am trying to disprove the theory of Nash Equilibrium (NE), here's a new dog fight to observe from the perspective of Chase the blue and Rocky the green.

Since neither a cocker spanial named Gorbachev nor a German Shepherd named Noodles can topple Minerva and Zuma in the NFL bracelet scenarios, let's look at an optimistic outcome:

Y) This yellow band Shell team is looked at as 'police line, do not cross'.  In other words, don't intentionally provoke the NFL players in those colors, since they represent a body that has not been tampered with.  Leave them alone and they'll go home, which means let the be real men and they will not turn against their weak employer.

R) The red band of  Berensen  has gone the way of the Michigan Wolverines board of dictators and obviously chose not to choose holistic, naturopathic and Yahweh's protection indicated by Psalm 91. 

O) The orange dressed team of Lightning the boxer isn't afraid of a flu that most likely will cause temporary discomfort and longer term protection against natural variants; Zuma can try to edge into this non-red, non-yellow group.

T) Toby, the Norwegian elk hound in Rochester Minnesota's humane society in April of 1995 that I almost adopted to cheer up my son Richard, can be fondly remembered here.  

I have noticed that Rob Skiba has been trained differently than Joseph Daniel of 'Corner Fringe Ministries', but some former military, deputy and police people do not get in as much of a panic as those who have not yet faced plenty of life or death situations in battles, especially if we have not placed our trust in a dog and aren't stupid enough to write 'Dear Vaccine' letters. 

Professional math and science teacher from Edgar, Wisconsin,namely Clara Fons, is more likely to be aligned with the Y=Yellow formation, and not the Red Elmo group.


Keseth isn't Qeset: NFL Wristband Analysis Turn

 Color coding?  Daniel Joseph brought up yellow as in 'Jewish' but I suspect that code is not how the NFL is trying to split the ferrets from the goats. Suppose yellow is the Sweden way and red is the Norwegian way when it comes to 'cross movement'?  How about yellow bands are for Yellow Sea crossers vs. red bands for Red Sea failures? More likely, red bands are for Elmo and yellow bands are for Big Bird, since the NFL is not thinking like VMI students.

Does the ROYGBIV  color spectrum lines move when billiard balls take a turn in color schemes? 

I realize that the people who were aided in Plainwell, MI by Daniel Joseph's group do  not necessarily watch his weekly sermons, but maybe they should, lest they get caught between Alexander Wells and Leonard Wells in a no 'Win Parkinson' situation.  We know people all over the world are being F'd with by opposing forces at the current time, and for me, solid yellow means Y1 and  solid red means R3.  Does it matter that in my subdivision, Lot 3 is code R and Lot 2 is code Y?  Maybe what happens in a minute case  won't happen in a large fish scale such as Yonah out of an orange roughy, but enough friction or wind contrary to a  vessel can stop it's momentum in a chosen horrific direction planned by wicked leaders and financial greeders.... new word for those who invest in drugs rather than in Fresh Thyme products.

I'll suggest it's time to stop praying that your daughters be as Rebecca, willing to take on a curse in order to play favorites between her sons and rather pray that they have a bit of Rahab in them, since H3405 is not Jarob Ortiz... it's  a Yericho matter that preceeds H3414, Yrmyh. or less precisely, Jeremiah.  

Not only does low pressure cause problems such as with Hurricane Irma; high pressure will also cause objects and people to collapse.  If this is only day 864 of the tribulation, keep your Tae Kwon Do mindset intact and strive to be honest with with enemies and friends during this DIFFICULT  (black diamond) times of shameful experimentation pressured onto many who are too uneducated to make a healthy decision that does not align themselves against Yehowah, which does start with a Y, not an A.

Anal is part of analysis, and unlike a prophet it indicates what has already been done to a body. 

In order to prevent a bipolar conundrum with Y and R options, I suppose rated R is like 'Scarface' and rated Y is like 'Paw Patrol'. Sure, put the R bands on the Marshall team and the Y bands on the Rubble team before you decide there's a Zuma or a Rocky color to tag people with who have already been allowed to make a choice without getting fired from the NFL...yet. If you like Freemason schemes, you could consider the NFL color codes of Y as Team Bevent and R as Team Rib Mountain in Wisconsin splits during the 30th month options.  Don't like maps and prefer an Egyptian split color decision? R can be Ramses and Y can be Yeshua, which doesn't fit into an MGM movie scene.

A Buffalo Bill named Wildgoose isn't an Emperor Goose out of the Ottawa Wildlife Refuge codes.

כסת     The locusts work in bands.  Scorpions can work independently.

Laughter, anyone?  🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽☕☕☕☕☕🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🍺🌶🌶  Roy W. Allen's Philadelphia football field isn't Roy Hamptom's best northern paintings.


 The Mother  of    קשוט  

( We're the good ladies.)

Got Federko Slaw or Bernadette Henderson's Hill?

 Night 369 is past and day 369 is tailing now in this testing period of thinking as Ycz^q*al who started a process of what....;left side, strong side for 390 days 3 weeks ago in the annual cycle of time?  I wondered, as a mother, which animals were in the womb that long and the camel and zebra were closest. Those 2 animals were included in Boyd's Bears ark scenario but won't be found in a Coca-Cola machine. Now, the 390 days is more interesting, since real camels have a special anti-cigarette place in my memory. With my calculations, this7+390+40 day series will be completed on September 26, 2022 which is Yom Teruah time AND a special wedding anniversary time in my family.

Sure, I leave notes around while I try to better understand the Creator's timelines and they are easier to discern that what has emitted from David D, Covert lately. 40 on the right side revealed that kangaroos and flying squirrels are 40 days until they emerge from their mother's privacy act, and kangaroo tanks had their place in military history.  245...like the USA,  are the days of the polar bear, but the black bear is a bit speedier in it's sortie strategy with 220 days. Of course, these are all averages, but I don't humans going around trying to tear developing cubs out of  mother bears in the womb or father penguins trying to  intentionally destroy the egg they are supposed to be protecting, so the male penguin is more honorable than the father who doesn't try to protect his seed/egg line.

A black rhino typically would emerge a bit overdue in about the time from Ycz^q*al's vision until he complete his 7 days of awe, 390 days on the left and 40 on the right.  

Jace Drengler isn't  a Peterson, Peterkin nor Peterson.  There are Ron Gleason types and there are Jackie Gleason types, yet who decided to put Groth Street nest to Stoner Street in Fraser, Michigan?  It certainly wasn't the Indiana license plate P669796, which is not connected to Xavier Cooper 96.  

Now that the Richie Martin 1 vs. Zach Short 59 is completed, why did the Buffalo Bills choose an Elliott and a Hart that aren't Philadelphia Flyer material?  Maybe  the Detroit Lions McKinley #83 went the wrong way in Holmes County, Ohio and lost his way without Idonije to steer him away from strumpet cheerleaders and  King Herod's nasty dance squads of Washington, DC.  Who's still trying to bear up at 245 W. Lincoln in Milwaukee now that David Olivo isn't there to clean the jail cells?

You don't have to accept a job in a professional sports whorehouse; the USA needs carpenters, plumbers, electricians, concrete workers and active military personnel willing to defeat and incarcerate treasonous politicians and a commander-in-chief trying to bankrupt our nation with his gang of unholy women and unconstitutional spending plans.

Frank Heinrich can't be Field Marshall Rudolph Richter. 

It costs to increase a holy force to 144,000. Go ahead and do the math to NOTICE what time of year that the prophet  Ycz^q*al started then completed his mission that was far more honorable than anything the Clinton,  Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden families ever did.  No need to go as far back in your left behind series to Ronald Reagan or Keith Trump, is there?

When it -46 time, outerwear matters.  Bernadette Henderson and Aedan Hanley might both feel very comfortable at the Milwaukee Brewers stadium, but I am no longer made to feel welcome there and am more optimistic in a Portillo's speaking with Roberto Luna about Ben Hogan, the straight hero. 🏌🏌 

Lastly, I find it interesting to know that the Australian people are being constrained to limited space without a trial and without proof of any sinful behavior, but they better realize what they are being confined to  far more comfortable than being shackled in a Wisconsin 'mental health' facility in solitary confinement cell.   Get  a bitter taste of involuntary confinement without a trial or criminal charges against you and see if it improves your 'trust' in your government or medical practitioners.

Mikell Clayton said we should think before we deploy an editorial. Did Mikell Clayton think before he decided that singing the Song of Moshe was not necessary in Markham or is he willing to openly rebuke Gary Hamrick for suggesting his church people can be cannibals, eat cockroaches, rats and grubs and  not get sick, defiled and deranged?

What's Trix Hamilton doing walking around in Canada without a mask while being interviewed by the propaganda panda unit os CBC Toronto? It looks like Trix was resisting a plague of stupidity and biological warfare against his own body, but I could be wrong.  

X divides Guenther and Knowlton in Marathon County, and maybe Buffalo special K,  Bass #2, is a tenor.

♯♮♭   42 is middle D, not highest C.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Who Knows That Their Time is SHORT?

Today, the 1st day of the 5th month, got honorable mention twice in the historic non-fiction, once mentioning the day Aaron Ben Amram died and another when Ezra entered Jerusalem.  While some Canadians might like to yell 'The Campbells are coming' , many of the Canadians might have disregarded Brian Campbell or Fadia Campbell whil being distracted by silly Dan Campbell.  Mike McCarthy has gone insane thinking that the most important achievement for his team  is a stupid trophy in his AT&T trashy cheerleader colony, while others with Bell tones on the Canadiens side might like to consider the difference between Kornferry's Eric Cole and the NHL's Erik Cole, since there are differences.

Is the Detroit Tigers time SHORT now. or MIchael Landon's contrived version of  Nellie Oleson's  Jewish husband? The hoodlums in Detroit are making demons out of themselves ontop of police squads, while others like me have decided to by anti-Lori Lightfoot. Basically if Lori Lightfoot thinks masking up is a good idea, I know it's a horrible idea since Lori Lightfoot is full of demonic spirits and irrational, anti-Yahweh behavior.

I'm not hoping for a rapture like some people are in the next 2 days, especially after reading Yeremiyah (Jeremiah) Chapter 28, which indicated a 5th month turn around and a change in 'holdings' for the next 2 years.  I already suspected that not only whoremongers, but also dogs and other animals could harbor deadly viruses and that was confirmed by a real courageous, truthful medical doctor in Mt. Vernon, Indiana.  I see some arrogant people who pride themselves at refusal to get a toxic experiment at Biden's demand, yet they let unclean dogs into their household and let their daughters prance around in bikinis that are nastier than what the Olympic gymnasts wear, so refusing to get pushed around by Biden's gang of chemical warfare experts and Lori Lightfoot's mask pushers isn't enough to get angelic protection for the next 2 years.  

What our family members have chosen to do with their bodies cannot be changed, whether they took a tattoo or took a mark in the arm because they believed a lie. However, what our parents have chosen to do does not excuse their children  who claim to believe in the Bible from being kind and helpful to their parents, like the son who stayed home with his father while the greedy prodigal went to pig slop and squandered his money away in a worse manner than Esau did.

Sparta, Wisconsin isn't Troy, Michigan,  I'm a ' NEVER Coca-Cola' person now, not an ALWAYS Coca-Cola swallower who believed advertising liars.   I was given time and space to repent, and I did repent of my past sins but as the people in Troy, Michigan know, having the patience of the elect is far more important than developing the skills of a sluggard or a  thief who refuses to present an accurate income report to their state  government.

It's not pleasant having to admit that my son is more like Colin Kaepernick  in his attitude than Scott Gomez when he considers his mother, but someone has convinced Kaepernick and Richard Hendrikson to despise the  non-African people who had raised them safely.  Woe to the people  who think the instruction to  honor your father and your mother is less important than refusing to commit adultery.

If it has been the testimony of Jesus of Nazareth who suggested disrespecting a mother  or brother is acceptable IF that mother isn't a commandment keeper, then even Jesus might have deserved to be forsaken. If my mother or brothers asked to see me, I wouldn't send them away as though they were nothing, since I believe Yehovah's message to his people.  Honoring a parent includes telling them the truth and refusing to ignore their attempts to keep you from becoming a Colin Kaepernick, who had a much safer upbringing than Robert Scott Smith of Euclid or Curtis Martin of Pittsburgh.

Now I suppose a fast somehow has to become joyous.  20 pointers don't always look like Chris Osgood.

Suppose this is the 42nd month of the tribulation? What would Darren Sharper do now if his brother Jamie  or his mother wanted to visit him, in or out of prison?  Has his time in prison been worse than Tim Severud's time, or did a second round of 'Operation Pedestal'  cause problems due to NHL fame and fortunes being mixed in with Teton Pines money in Eric Cole lines?

Xavier Cooper of Tacoma, WA is probably wiser than Phil Arreola now and maybe Xavier is as shifty as Jonathan Cooper.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Month 78.97 Simeon Rice Toss In 'Closer' Question

 Now that I displayed my right to object to cigarette pusher Phil Arreola, here's a question designed especially for the Ruiz  hockey line # 88 and the Port Huron Northern Huskies:

Q: Why didn't the Howard Merrill and Stanley Cherry team defeat the 1454 N. 27th Street Superamerica Team?

A) Because 14 dropped to 4 in a London, Ontario Best Western division

B) Because Jimmy Howard and Jon Merrill had no staying Power of Michigan

G) Because professional boxing is more far dangerous than not getting  a WARP SPEED  experimental puncture wound  and Elk Point, Manitoba just became more important than Cedar Point, Ohio.

D) Because Merrill, Wisconsin's Jake Hauswirth line is still passing up David Snyder's Merrill Steel dead lines at Greenheck ICe follies

H) Because bowler Tom Cherry and football's Mike Cherry are  actually outperforming  Paul Stanley and Laurel, Mississippi TV shows

W) Because the 'Eavesdropping' show with Jerry Paris didn't include Tomas Plekanec foresight

Z) Because Therese Howard has more chemistry knowledge than Dick Van Dyke

C) Because a few people realize that Anthony Fauci is a lot like Jim Jones, though he is expecting a slower reaction to his toxic, immoral experiments on the fearful and the living beneficiaries can then cash in their insurance policies since it won't appear to be considered a suicide attempt if the unholy government recommended it

T) Because the American Bowling Congress people are now exceeding the prior limitations of Timothy Raczek with help from Firefighters Local 215 super American athlete Lester Hutchins

Ne) Because LeBrun's Wisckersham rocks didn't get bombarded with plutonium to make a MIchigan 'REFEREE' plate

Well, that concludes the actual options for the final Locust Street Technical D team.  Look for the lunar sliver, and blame the people who voted for Gavin Newsom for every tragedy that occurs in California.

 When Tyre, Michigan gets spared, Gomorrah doesn't.  Yes, I believe there will be a lot less pressure to get an experimental puncture wound once people are reminded of the 1979 Jim Jones kool-aid rush. which meant they were trusting a very wicked leader.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Why Noah Moved Ahead of Levi: True Brown Agate Crew

 This is  testimony that involves a window of opportunity that some people who lack humility refuse to open. Many years ago, a small segment of the Macomb Sheriff's department might have thought it was humorous to treat me as though I was less important that the Detroit Free Press or the wealthy, stubborn owner of the Suburban Ice Rink near me and as a result, for many years I become openly opposed to anyone representing their uniform division to try and prevent a repeat of THEIR error in discernment and enforcement of unjust demands in a venue that is constantly utilized by high school hockey teams such as Romeo Bulldogs in Michigan.  

Four years ago, a deputy and his family decided to purchase lot 64, and that is public record not a microchipped rumor.  I refused to befriend that deputy Anthony because I had been openly insulted by some of his co-workers because frankly, I did not know if Anthony was friends with those that had mocked me like the Marathon County Wisconsin deputies had done. Eventually, a messenger advised me that Anthony did not understand why I did not speak to him and why I avoided interaction with his family and Anthony felt discouraged with my reaction toward him because he did not know how much his co-workers had injured my spirit which affected my flesh as well as increasing my cost of living.

My conscience was pricked because it has not been seared like the people who have 'unfriended' me after an adulterer and thief deserted me for his Las Vegas hotel and carnal desires.  I cautiosly approached Anthony and he was quite gracious as most properly trained officers are...I asked for forgiveness and a 'mulligan', and as I see it the agate window opened between us.  I had the name 'Levi' set in stone near my garder, bu my grandson Levi never has wanted to see my garden like Noah did, so seeing his name made me discouraged, not hopeful.  Noah, the son of Anthony, walked across to see the little gardens that produced the cucumbers I shared with the household, and he liked what he saw and complimented me rather than being rude and distant.  I now consider Noah as my friend and we can talk about football, gardening and even Hebrew with his parents consent, since they know I am quite safe to be around even though I am quite different in my M.O. to survive and counter the pain my son and his children have been choosing to pile upon my shoulder for almost 12 years now, with no end to their pattern of ungracious behavior in site.  Someday, my grandson Levi might see this report, and he might decide to become acquainted with me like Noah was allowed to do because his parents are reasonable, though we are not the same religion,  Yet, Noah was not afraid to see the Hebrew names of prophets in my garden area,,, my Ho Gan, which means a specific area of with boundaries, such as a garden or a room.  Ho is H1930, and Gan is somewhere around H1588. For now, it is Noah's name that rests in my workplace, and my workplace includes my garden. As it has been with my grandparents and parents and siblings, gardening is important for surviving a depression often caused by imbecile politicians such as Kamala Harris's team of wickedness.

Anthony and his family are going to try and struggle through the times ahead and so will I. Anthony had been seriously assaulted by a prisoner while on duty, and so was I was I several times so we have that in common.  It is important for Noah to believe that what his father does to earn money is more honorable that those who toy with monetary funds with no physical labor uncluded and is far more necessary that the men who rather sit at home and collect unemployment checks and welfare funds instead of earning their money like a good male citizen.   Real men, it's time to accept an open position for employment any place that will hire you AND that will not include forcing you to be injected with experimental fluids that used aborted baby parts in the development stages.  

On the evening that I eased my tension by watching Hogan's Heroes, I heard that the recognition code they used was 'one four', which could look like 14 (Plekanec reminder) or as a single #4 or several other visible options during a war such as 5148 which has 14 in the middle... the Strong's code number of Noah, not Levi.  Indeed, many Levites have gone the way of Balaam and won't make the cut at the 8th seal, but that was their choice since I do not believe in Calvinistic theories of behavior.

I spoke with my brother by telephone as we shared our crop news and agreed that the injections being pushed around by idiots like Dave Winfield were not moral nor ethical, in addition to being dangerous and more risky that a bout with the flu.  It is possible to sweat to life, and my son won't recall his first word that his father never cared enough to hear....'hot'. My son felt that I had a high fever when he was a toddler and he knew there was something uncommon going on. Now, that son refused to let his children get to know me and he rather teach them to associate with the Milwaukee Bucks and churched people who have rejected the way of the sealing process to hold onto their beggarly Sunday collection baskets.  My brother, who works hard for a living though he is not perfect, told me to close the book on my son Richard and his children, and part of that closing process was to let the name of Simeon remain and let נח replace לוי in my   גן .  A brother's advice during reality checks is sometimes more realistic than trying to hope the improbable will occur/

Thank you, Anthony and Melissa, for being patient with me for 4 years.  David Clarke of Milwaukee never even took the time to get to know me when he was my supervisor.

Recongition Code: Selenium   78.9

Sunday, August 1, 2021

What If The Delta Variant Has a Good Purpose?

 After hearing that the WARP  SPEED injections being distributed into frightened people are designed to CAUSE the virus to exist in their bodies and then also are designed to force their body into an unnatural destructive process with spike proteins, I wondered about the Δ  variant possibly being a natural reaction to kill off the horrid long term effects of the man-made injections with disgusting contents. Maybe Sherri Tenpenny would also think this is possible, but Joe Penny might not even consider the fact that diseases not only help regulate population, they might combat and therefore stimulate an apathetic immune system.

Additionally, what if the    variant of the flu also does cause enough fever and enough symptoms to kill of the trace of HIV virus that many people have been testing positive for after getting the WARP SPEED injection  due to unreasonable fear or a lack of patience when it comes to traveling overseas?

Donald Trump claimed he would not force others to be experimented with against their will; evidentally Biden is not as gracious and therefore he is depraved dictator material and more wicked than the  intricate Δ   variant.

It takes 3.027 days to arrive at the concept of the   יד  alphabetically in the older testaments of worldwide history. Today is the end of that day for me, and 40 days on the right for Yehudah might have seemed like a minor defense for  the courageous prophet Yczq'al.