Friday, January 8, 2021

Why 'Mock Jericho' Marches Didn't Prevent Wickedness in Defiled Places

 When the walls reportedly came tumbling down in Jericho, Yoshua was leading a group of people who had established a routine of being obedient to   הוה    for quite a while, including rejecting consumption of unclean flesh, resting on the 7th day of the week and keeping of the times such as a full week of unleavened bread. They weren't masked up like a bunch of people who failed a basic human anatomy class nor did they try to gather in a bunch of strangers after a press release. In fact the people who had been led by Yoshua had been united for quite awhile and had established themselves as willing to be obedient to  יהוה    , even though human failures occurred during that genuine attempt.

A bunch of unclean so-called Christians or various other capitol hikers basically tried to do something as ridiculous as trying to become a 32 degree Freemason before even getting through the 3rd degree.  I'm not recommending Freemasonry, but the folly of a throng of people who haven't pledged allegiance to  יהוה    was more of a curse on themselves than a blessing since their 'march' was clearly NOT done with the spirit of Yoshua and looked as wicked as the spirit of wicked  Joel Olsteen.

Certainly, it is a reason to mourn that once again, too many Georgians chose politicians that would rather murder an infant than protect a human's option to choose a Raphael that is actually aligned with יהוה  rather than aligned against  יהוה    as the 2021 Georgia senators are who know not the redemptive attempts of George Harsh during WWII.

I'm not saying that many of the people who took a hike around their capitols were not hoping for decent results, but I am suggesting that before you expect a plan reported in something as common and erred version as the' King James Bible' to work, you first have to prove allegiance to יהוה BY  YOUR WORKS to the avenging angel who led Yoshua who let you read about the battle strategy that those who behaved as true Ysraelites had success with..

On a side effect note, why was David Carrico wearing a  head covering marked with an Ag for 'silver the 47th' while he was discussing Enoch 45?  Could it be that he is sending a sign that he believes this is the 47th month of the tribulation as he was discussing the number 1380 with Jon Pounders? Could it be he was trying to avoid getting slimed by the thing known as something like Hiram Abiff, since in the illustrations they were showing of  Freemason's Hiram was shaped like the Ghostbusters slimer who also 'rose up' to play?  Could it be that mocking pictures of what appears to be George Washington's head merging with the body of a turtle dove is not very wise from people who speak as though they believe in equally absurd characterizations of entities such as is described in the book of Daniel?  Could it be that if John Hall, the Kentucky nurse, does not openly tell Bruce Belin to repent and believe in the 7th day sabbath and start behaving like a real Ysraelite that Bruce Belin's sins will be on John Hall, the nurse from Kentucky?   Indeed, all those 'could' scenarios might be true.

If a researcher is honest, what many of the Freemasons believe can redeem them is just as absurd as thinking some sort of Calgary Flames logo was deposited over the heads of a crowd on Shavuot aka Pentecost long before the Haifa Hawks even had a hockey arena.


Don't fret over the 20 to 100 views I get per day on this site, since most of those views are probably  considered only 'AI' things that electronicly hit and run elsewhere with my opinions. After all, how can AI pay me for the opinions I am freely giving? I'm certainly not going to accept Bitcoins, no matter how many guests of Rob Skiba claim that 'bitcoins' are safe.

I also am not part of the southern Wisconsin gang referred to as  Bless Team' .

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