Many years ago, I wrote a story about the journey of 'Little Flower' looking for penguins . Now , that Bear Island, Ontario is a factor in my journey, 'Little Flower' is fading and 'Grieving Turtle' is developing.
Lepidochelys is a beautiful sea turtle that has the colors of turquoise mixed with browns. The 'Trachemys Slider' is also beautiful, and eating a turtle is not an option for those like me who believe in Leviticus words. A turtle seems like a midpoint between a little pasque flower and a honey badger .
As I researched the name 'Miskwa Benais', what I heard in Hebrew was a strong seed container that is able to rebuild' and it fit the person that the name was given to. Although I see myself as Grieving Turtle, more mobile than a pasque flower's root system, I know that grieving after the loss of many family members and the apathy of former friends is a sign of good mental health, since why would a mentally stable person NOT mourn the loss of companionship and friendships that had been precious and not worthless in her sight?
The turtle must feel pain in it's flesh when it is injured, something that I don't think a pasque flower or a tree can feel. If animals didn't feel pain, why would they withdraw to an area they think is safer after they are injured to allow time and space to improve their chance of healing?
I've always appreciated turtles and feared the power of snapping turtles. A snapping turtle would still lose in combat against a honey badger, which is why the turtle shells were not used to be a covering over the ramskins mentioned in Exodus 36:19. Even a lowly red bellied cooter could find it's way under a tent covering and not get intentionally stepped on by those inside the tabernacle near the ark of the covenant.
I'm not impressed with most of the USA politicians right now, and if men like Admiral Karl Schultz and Scott D. Berrier don't know how or aren't able to behave like a honey badger against wicked, lying politcians, the USA will fall into the hands of people who not only will want to take away our Bibles, but also will want to steal, kill and destroy with malicious intent those places that were not built by slaves but by humans hands that chose to accept a paying job rather than be forced to work and receive no pay.
Video games will never be able protect our homes or our homeland from liars, thieves, adulterers and lewdness. The turtle is smarter than a video game and does know how to work in soil, on soil and in water which makes a turtle something like a well trained Marine or perfected Coast Guard officer.
As the low dive team instructor at the Milwaukee Pulaski pool once taught me during the Richard M. Nixon presidential years. " Turtles don't go jogging. Now it's time to learn how to float like a Bobber."
🐢 🌑
Someday, Miskwa Benais might give me a different Indian name, but Little Deer will always be Larry Hovis at heart.
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