Syria is tied to H8106, not to H1378, which is a 'pearl' but not jasper. 1st Kings 16 was 'brought up ' by Esaac Israel, not by Jim Staley today, and I fear that Staley's jail diploma made him forget the name Yahweh..... a word he used to speak publicly. There is a huge difference between Gd and Yahweh, but vain repetitions cause many to err in discernment.
Shamer,,, Schumer... it is obvious that people who keep pushing abortions, keep abusing their authority on the hill they think they own and who ignore the details of the calamity that derives from H2456 will not be part of the 12,000 sealed from Asher, and far more get cut off from protection than are protected during an testing period of their allegiance and loyalty to not only the protection of infants in the womb but also to law-abiding HONEST voters, hard working honest heads of households, widows and orphans.
On the day many refer to as January 5th 2021, I will consider the difference between a necessity (H2819) and the corner mentioned in Zechariah 9:15,, H2106: זוית
Excuse me, but H1375 , גביע , means a cup or a bowl, not a hill of Samaria. If a weak Michael fails, Michael Crivello will have some extremely difficult tasks in his IUPA vice-president role. If a strong Michael stands up and does what is proper according to the USA constitution, Michael Crivello better be able to keep his group sober and well-behaved in Key West this September.
Micah chapters 6 and 7 are more reliable than the ignorant elite who are in the 116th Congress, passing only trouble and unrighteousness to each other as they have got 'richer' by unjustified pay increases. Yeshua quoted from these chapter involving troubles within a household that can't agree to unite under the rule of יהוה and they do end up making fools of themselves next to lavish images, idols known as 'zool' in Hebrew .
What might STOP at day 649 for a 2 year old is a milk supply from a very tired and overworked mother. What if Hasek really is חשך and the arrogant at 4054 County Road P look more and more like common unclean beasts unable to understand non-simple codes?
Some people think it is the year of Arnie Bait. I don't know anything about Todd Higgins, but I do know that Ralph Hagen is much wiser than Larry Mizewski.
How do we say 'head of garlic' in Hebrew? Garlic is most useful when it is crushed,
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