Monday, November 29, 2021

Warning To Birmingham, England from Craig Birmingham's Class

 Face some facts standing up. The state of Michiga has had the same opportunity to embrace Yehowah's plan as England. so why is sending another father to England  to preach the anti-Yehowah message, knowing full well that the USA father of at least 3 is unashamed about not communicating with his pro-Moshe mother near Birmingham, Michigan?  I suspect the people answering 704-357-3355 have the same problem as Nancy Pelosi, namely they do not care about repairing family relationships as long as money is coming into their offices.

There is not reason to once again warn about their Hendrikson missionary team attitude, since nothing was accomplished after a prrio legitimate concern. If it does not concern a mother that her son refuses to communicate with her, though she has tried various legal methods of doing so, that mother has either given up hope OR isn't a real mother of that male who is getting ready to reach out Englanders rather than to his mother. Here's where Bill and Jed of 'Build The Home' failed to be proper investigative reporters. Since I periodically do try to find out the whereabouts of my son and my grandchildren, an October 19th, 2021 podcast did not cast out fear of Yehowah but did input more money requests.  Go ahead and listen to the podcast and decide for yourself, Birmiingham, England residents, if a man nearing 40 who is supposedly representing the gospel of 'Christ' should be making real efforts to be in contact with his mother, especially if such contacts either by letters as long as Paul's or as short as a birthday card would be welcomed.

Sometimes there has to be a prevent offense occurring, and the more times deploys a couple who has not put any real effort in the past decade into being part of the male's natural family tree, what are they going to preach to Englanders?  I accept the fact that the team giving podcast commercials about their European activities don't want to keep the scheduled times of Yehowah like I do, but since when is there version of Christ so opposed to such good works that Bethlehem's Yoseph and Miriam did do?  Only a Luciferian light would be opposed to the instructions of Yah that are a map unto my feet and the feet of a few others that aren't playing in the Parliament $ vs. Newport cigarettes games.  Yes, Lucifer does emit a light that is contrary to Yehowah, and many are attracted to those staged lights.

On the/'Build the Home'  podcast, the speaker Rich Hendrikson testified that his wife wanted him to read the Bible in front of his children, but did she see how many times the speaker had seen me, his mother, read the Bible in front of him when he was in his teenage years?  He probably saw me read the Bible more than his wife saw her father read the Bible in front of her, yet that isn't reason enough for him to believe that I take the Scriptures very seriously, unlike's adminstration. Warnings are part of grace, and when the warnings disappear, expect judgment and adverse reactions toward those who did not appreciate the warnings. I tried to contact 'Build The Home' but the elctronic line of communication did not work and I received no 'code' to contact them. There is no address and not telephone number, so I could not even ask Bill and Jed when my son intends to contact me again, if ever.  I'm not getting any instant messages from David Snyder since his death occur, but I do know when a couple is unfit for real 'church of Philadelphia' missionary duty, and my son is unfit for that type of duty at this time, especially in the UK where there is no chance he will improve his severed connections with me. Maybe should keep Rich 'stateside' to do community works in an urban area in the Midwest and mandate he actually put effort into rebuilding his connection to his true relatives on his maternal side, since that is what those relatives would prefer. My family members aren't atheists by any means, but certainly willfully ignoring  mother and her side of the family does not seem to be 'just scales', but rather makes people question  the real intention of things done 'in Jesus name'. He has fears of me that are unreasonable, yet he seems to desire to ignore my genuine requests for some reasonable son to mother contact which he should know will make a lousy situation worse over time.

Esaac Israel's bunch of men are unlikely to reach out on behalf of a mother who is not in their 'race' category, even though his sometimes vile shows do have content of warnings toward people who will not return to their house.  My request to that Stone Mountain, GA group was also prevented by electronic circuitry so this report is a better option than screaming at a volleyball like Tom Hanks. I do hope that my son and his wife get rebuked and corrected before they not only do more damage to their children by isolating them from their father's side of the family but also that they realize if they are not corrected, they are not truly representing the spirit of the preacher who, according to reports, warned an adulterous woman to 'Go and sin no more'/.  

There seems to be a problem like Dibris (H1704).  A grandmother did get mentioned as being the grandmother of a problem grandchild in Leviticus 24:10-16, and as such she was from the line of Dan. It doesn't report that grandmother  Dibris was the problem, nor was Shelomith accused of anything EXCEPT that she married an Egyptian, and her son then became a blasphemer against Yehowah. Yes, the influence of the Egyptian father seems to be a problem and still is in many wrongly divided households. There is a time for rightly dividing, and Birmingham, Michigan is reightly divided from Birmingham England. However, neither of those locations need hired immigrants to come in to prod them to red the Scriptures they have had free access to for hundreds of years. Indeed, spouses can either influence their mate to be pro-Yehowah, as often happens in the debacle branches of Catholicism renamed 'protestantism', where 'go an sin no more' is not the advice they give to sinners.

Doing nothing seems to be against my nature when there is a family problem that could be improved. I already have a niece who I encouraged to contact her father who she has been rude to for years, but I suspect she will continue in her ways of admiring 'Christian rappers' while she ignores Biblical instructions. Nevertheless, I warned her as lovingly as I could on behalf of my mission work in Milwaukee.  Maybe Bill and Jed of 'Build The Home' want to question what it means for a parent to be consistent, as their guest speaker Richard suggested parents do. I am a parent, and I am as consistent  as I can be in many areas when it comes to aligning with Yehowah and Moshe.  There is also a duty for a son or daughter to be consistent and persistent in maintaining contact with their parents as part of their testimony of faith in the teachings of Yehowah, whom the preacher Jesus quoted from on some occasions and deterred from in other instances.   

Bill or Jed could contact me before they make the same error that 'God's Great Outdoors' di in Episode 604, but they'd have to get contact information from their Gentile buddy, Rich. I'd be thrilled to let Bill and Jed know how mortifying it felt to have my Bible taken from me while Milwaukee county employees did harmful drug experiments on me at the same time they bound and shackled a woman for singing a 'Christian' hymn that they did not like in 1994.  My Bible was reluctantly retrieved for me, but there was no food, no money and no protection against pharmacia wickedness imposed upon me BY FORCE from the book alone.

Rich Hendrikson, is it time to judge yourself  in the matter of who is going to be disallowed from the next site you are calling your rental place?  Is it only the Christmas tree erectors you'd allow in so your children don't hear about the Feast of Booths or the end of Ezequiel' hard left count on August 19, 2022?  I was appalled to hear from Zach Bauer that Indonesian Muslims have embraced the spirit of Molech and Santa Claus, yet a remnant of Muslims still has rejected such folly of the heathen genre.  In the interim, Birmingham has now been warned less times than Visanthe Shiancoe crossed the Atlantic ocean and won't be warned again from my perspective.

If I hated my son, I would  have injected myself  once again into his Gentile-based church assembly or in whatever vegetable garden he is tending against his will and possible been charged with theft of a lettuce head if I hungered and was not invited to their table.  Instead, I'll remain on this site and wonder if once again, he will be questioned by others who read my articles of reality as he was in France regarding the whereabouts of his mother.  

Be of good health and a sound mind and do read Leviticus 24:10-16 before or after you listen to the October 19, 2021 episode of 'Build The Home', where my son actually admitted that he has a mother.   I'll be watching from 3rd base to see if there is catcher problem at Jesse Raczek yet. There is no Hannukah celebration going on in my home now, since I suspect it is the 8th month of a very trying year  in progress. Thankfully, it is not valium , diazepam or lorazepam I require or crave to ease my tension and frustration with those who seem to want to provoke me to anger, since exercise, a healthy dietary intake, blogging rather than podcasting and listening to some good tunes by a bands such as 'Oceans'  or Jimmy Sturr actually de-escalate my anger and my tension in a much safer way.

Whew!  My spirit and flesh has done duties which I have been fit enough to do.  The 107 NFL games Michael Bennett of Milwaukee was involved in might have been just as difficult/

Day 1321 now draws to a conclusion, unless it has been Yehoshaphat day without a Milwaukee basilica full of idols in site.

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