Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Space Case of the Rarely Used Dishwasher

 After observing Mikhail Peterson denounce anti-depressants, I decided I should deploy an idea out for people who live in a small kitchen and do not want HGTV television $ to defile their reputation.  While I was happily subjecting myself to a small temporary booth in Menomonee Falls during a recent geast of Yahweh. O had very little counter space in my temporary dwelling.  Since many people do not actually use their dishwashers due to low household population or a desire to hand wash their dishes like Ma Ingalls, the dishwasher space makes a wonderful drying rack, especially since it typically is located next to a sink in both large and small kitchens.   Using a CLEAN dishwasher as a drying rack opens up sink space and counter space for other kitchen duties such as Clint Cabbage might be familiar with, so make sure you run the dishwasher to clean it out before you repurpose it as a HUGE dish drying rack.

Former USA Marine Adam Fink has not yet answered my question about his family's whereabouts during his keeping of the feast of booths in his chosen remote setting, which leads me to believe he has a problem he needs to address before he attempts to teach others.   When a person learns to abide without a spouse, it is often because their spouse decided that they could divorce their mate after engagement, which someone has suggested should not have been the route for those who believe the Scriptures 'Jesus' listened to.   

H2424 looks a bit like 'coyote' to me, and means a lifetime. Suppose Kind David did financially support all the women he mated with for their 'lifetime', even though his mind and body strayed like an alley cat. That might explain why Hagar was told to return to the setting of Abraham's family so that he could continue to provide financially for Hagar, who he chose to mate with and thus had no engagement period to divorce her nor disown his firstborn son, Ishmael.

For those thinkin Barry Awe has everything correct, rethink the matter of divorce only bring both permissable and honorable during the engagement period before intercourse occurs. Then, look to the duty of Abraham to financially provide for Hagar, which would have not occurred if Hagar had not been redirected back to Abraham's dwelling zone by a commander she did not know as Yahweh, since that name was revealed to Moshe.

 For 11th year night by day biblical aleph /beit students, H3499...Yethr means remaining abundance and surplus, not shortages and unjust confiscation of property  as the Biden administration is attempting to do while he tries to demolish the workforce of the USA by pushing them  into oppression, depression and laziness which often leads to drug abuse, The Pharoah of Egypt made better choices when he expected more output from those under his reign who were not yet strong enough to defeat military forces without the assistance of natural forces/  After being married to and divorced from many men who refused to heed their financial duties to me as a follower of Yahweh is required to do, I think I now better understand why Hagar was told to return to a tent of protection that Abraham was obligated to uphold.  

Did Hagar and Ishmael get repurposed to free up come 'counter stupidity' space for scorpions in the wilderness?  

Maybe Henry Morris and Todd Wash will try repurposing their dishwasher space as I learned to do during Yahweh's perennial  "small booth time' before Larry Campbell redirects Dan Campbell's  helping Hand.


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