Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Red Heifer Audibles

 Suppose I only heard words from Mikell Clayton mentioning a creature being taken outside of a camp to unclean areas and 38 years have gone by for a segment of unclean people who have refused to adjust their behavior after a fact has been established: I don't want to refuse to adjust.

Since this was the 1st year I followed the 2nd month keeping of an unleavened bread week, consider the reports about the crucified son of Mary and if they are accurate, there was no way he was able to keep the 1st month feast of unleavened bread and thus he was indeed 'cut off' from Israel UNLESS he kept the 2nd month passover option  after he supposedly rose up from the tomb. That keeping of the 2nd month week of unleavened bread  is not mentioned specifically, but within 40 days of the resurrection reports, the son of Mary would have had an opportunity to keep the WEEK of feast of unleavened bread  in the second month, setting an example for his followers. Now it is apparent how few people really have decided to follow the son of Mary, since not only do they refuse to keep the feast of the week of unleavened bread as his mother Mary would have done, they also put no effort (good works) into the 2nd month option in the USA or in any place while clearly surrounded by unholy and unclean areas.

I don't understand the red heifer stuff, but I do understand the problems that occur when 38 years go by and person does not regard the instructions passed onto him or her by a saint or prophet determined to be aligned with Yahowah. Arguments occur and as Mikell Clayton mentioned, we lose people in our life that we still miss but grief should not prevent us from  obeying our Creator's instructions not only for first or second month pesach week, but also for the observance and respect for the day marked as Shavuot after counting 50 days that are based on 7 weeks of regular 7th day sabbaths.,,,, not Sunday sabbaths followed by a Monday Pentecost.

Mikell Clayton is not going to be observing Shavuot on June 20th, 2021 but I will be trying to set that day apart according to my understanding of the instructions from Yahowah the LORD of hosts,  I suppose the LORD of hosts will judge how well people host one another during important times.

Every work day is also as important as a weekly day of rest, and refusing to work 6 days a week also show you do not really believe the Creator.

Janet I. Dunn and her Macomb library builders certainly do not believe the Creator of heaven and earth and keep setting themselves up as an unclean idol in their own expensive mirrors .  At a time when a political figure of Utah is asking people to pray for rain during drought, has he ever considered that the Mormon Tabernacle is a curse that has led many astray?  Who does that political figure pray to?  I wasn't interested in going into the Mormon's monstrosity after observing the haughty, rotten fruits of Catholicism rise up in St. Josaphat's basilica in Milwaukee in 1995.  Now, Janet I. Dunn is trying to create her own little Babylon in Michigan....don't be deceived by people who WON"T work in the fields, however small their clean food crops may be. 

A flogged heifer would not meet the terms of a peace agreement and Mikell Clayton should believe that fact but he and billions of others reject that fact.  Did Yeshua, the son of Mary, actually keep the 2nd month feast of unleavened bread? If he didn't do so before the report of his ascension 10 days prior to Shavuot, he was not 'Torah pursuant' since he clearly was unable to keep the feast of unleavened bread in the 1st month in the year that Pilate redirected him to a death camp.

The final place I want to end up is 'heaven' since that does sound like a good final destination to see how the war between Michael and Satan is going or how it get's completed.  I know heaven's number isn't 1-715-372-5425, nor is heaven located in Las Vegas and it certainly will never be a Macomb library full of literary apostacies and unclean, unholy spirits.

38 years was pivotal according to Numbers chapter 20-22.   Is last the same as final? Was your last breakfast your final breakfast?  Your first mother is always your real mother, no matter how many liars try to convince you that your first mother isn't real.  Have you been told your true mother doesn't exist by the unholy person you choose to call your 'father', who then also deceives your children? 

In sorrow and pain, we real mothers have brought forth children, though their fathers loved us not and viewed their vows as trivial audibles. Such a thought brings to mind  Hagar, the maid of Sarah and the mothers of Asher, Dan, Napthali and Gd.  Scattering seeds and not caring about nurturing their offspring is what a whorish man does, and there are plenty of whorish men who have been causing divisions and derision in and out of courtrooms.

Day 47 of the omer count is waning as dusk is nearer than dawn.


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