Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Fiery Serpent Possibility: Thomas More vs. William Tyndale

William Tyndale made a mockery of the marker of the 7th day sabbath when arguing against Thomas More , but  some reports indicate that Thomas More did NOT believe that the sabbath could be moved around like a idol in the hands of Martin Luther, a Bemidji 'Nanaboozhoo puppet' or the Vatican from Saturday to Sunday. England's Henry the VIII was a wicked man indeed.

When I see  חנוך as a water-loving Canuck as being a more accurate translation than 'Enoch' after looking at the bronze serpent who was unable to provide a clean meal, I then can see H3346 in a different darkness.  Bill Cloud always like to take people to a Berlin Hotel wall  it seems, but I refuse to get stuck at his intrepretations. In Daniel 7:11, a 4th beast is destroyed by fire, and on this Shavuot eve, I have no problem denouncing the works of Tyndale and reconsidering what Thomas More really had done that the Roman Catholic Thomas High high school fools in Cudahy, Wisconsin seem to have forgotten while they were busy twisting their income into nasty Carrie Underwood pamplets.  

Malachi 2:14 might redirect a few hardened hearts of heathen men to reconsider who their first bride was and is now rather than plopping some more cash into some stupid box of chocolates in February. Did your first wife who you mistreated become someone else's slave because you refused to behave as an honorable man and support her and your children? 

H2277 now becomes a significant female historic bride, not a variant 'other' or a 'Large Goose Backed To Quails' and only worth 40 Kuhandel points stuck in a filthy, defiled LGBTQ cage.

הברת    isn't an  אתו  . Mr. William Cloud.  Every valley of decision doesn't lead to Calvary Hill on St. Lucia of the West Indies. What William Cloud translated as OTO, I would have translated as ATV to distinguish between the א and the ו.  Lousy, inconsistent translations have to be challenged and CHANGED to a system that is more stable if trying to go from English back to Hebrew.

It does seem that Psalm 103 and Psalm 86:15 is connected to 396 G's, not 895 Social Security $ projections as a tiny monthly 'settlement', and I have typed that  חנון in Soo Greyhound Code 8.  

Who decided that the A  key would convert to the  ש ?

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