I suspect many people have been forced into situations they rather not be in. For instance, Justin Best decided to advise people on what to do if a grenade lands at your feet and he has real experience in that area. Now. lets look at 2 teams consisting of Team O, namely Bo Horvat, Terry O'Neill and Bodo Gajevic vs. Team 0 consisting of Bill Horvath, Jarob Ortiz and Whitney Swenson of Woodlands Church on Hoover Avenue in Plover, WI. and see who would score higher on this 22Gray test:
Q1: If you are being coerced by a political enemy to expose your private information on unofficial business documents not covered by medical privacy regulations, should you:
A: Put your name and real phone telephone number down, knowing that people like Sam Little or dangerous strangers have access to that document without verifying their identity by fingerprints
B: Use a familiar telephone number and an alias such as ' Sally Holmes', 'Adult Ruth' or 'Anne Back Stir' to resist the coercion and keep wicked people in derision .
C: Stop going to business you want to support where you have been known to them in order to avoid releasing valuable personal information on a very insecure document to prove you are fearful of making a serious mistake during times of tyranny and modus operandi of an unjustified 'dictatorship'.
Q2: Knowing the people such as drug dealers, paid fakes in movie roles and legitimate military forces often use identities other than their legal name in order to complete a mission, whether good or bad, which of the following is good advice against your enemy:
B: Never give false information to people who you realize represent your local government law enforcement agencies and who ARE not fake names such as 'Anne Officer' or 'An Office Sir' in the process of their questioning of you for their or your safety.
C: Do consider it fair but maybe not always perfect to use your past legal name or nicknames on unofficial documents IF you are not under deposition or filling out baptismal forms.
A: If in the process of a mission you seem unable to resist such as Judas Iscariot in a silver transaction after his neighbor 'Jesus Christ' didn't try to prevent Satan from entering into him, tell others you are unsure of your current title but are human with the ability to generate proof of identification sufficient to vote in the USA in an emergency,
Q3: When looking at Tigray in 2021 rather than in 79 AD, do you see:
A) BBC as a pure and reliable witness
B) 22Gray, in code like Milwaukee Tech Trojan David Ortiz might use when near Miss York
C) Not Gary Osgood
D) Utter or wrote the phrase: 'Words mean places and sometimes Ti means Titanium when skies are gray areas.'
Q4: When the difference between 344 and 261 when followed by 1413 is 87, what or who do you use as a constant to test Squad 87?
A) Francium
B) Anthony Wickersham
C) Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins
D) Acquine Jackson, who has been told he is a security expert at the Milwaukee public schools
E) 715-370-4668, with 46= the obviously confused Joseph Biden Jr. who obviously isn't able to INDEPENDENTLY care for himself or others because he has signs of dementia
F) The largest physical point of reference for 44.95 North latitude and -89.61 longitude, with .61 equal to Captain Stone #61 of the Las Vegas Knights
G) the most recent sighting of unleaded gas price per gallon of $2.17 in Michigan during the Whitmer era ( the prophecy constant)
H) James Strong's Hebrew 1165
I) Richard Belmore in 1987
Q5: If questioned by friend, foe or family about the use of a variation of your legal name or your method of securing your own unlisted telephone number, what is the best response for an Izardist or mythologist can answer in the presence of a Yahwehist:
H) Hey, I was writing in tongues and speaking in codes that I learned from my public security guard. Do you want me to call the unlisted number of a police officer before I decode what I wrote?
Y) The LORD watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another.
V) Vegas Viper, Bald316 and Digital Frog started a new religion based on the freedom to choose our personal identity options while not under arrest and not conducting business in the lending and saving industries, especially when we haven't yet heard our Samatha warnings from Miranda Stroik. I'm testing the spirit of that old age religion until someone tells me my name isn't Mystery Babylon.
W) I think I may have had a condensed version of the Simon Bourne headache which caused me to think of my friends and past acquaintances rather than of myself under pressure, but isn't that better than a Cuban missile crisis and a drug-induced anxiety attack?
B) In my mind I was clear as to what I was thinking. Aren't you thankful I'm not married to Alex Pietrangelo on a Honda commercial and appearing as though a mortician did a make-up test on my face?
C) I sometimes list my next of kin or a friend who has a SMART phone and knows how to contact me with a string and a soup or a mailed paper letter can since I'm suddenly considering becoming Amish.
As Mrs. Christ's mythology class , Leah Picciolo's science fiction class or Firefighter's Local 215 representative Robert DeLeon would know, only the giver of the test is able to determine which team submitted the best answers during an average case scenario known as 'suspicious telephone calls' or a unique Armada musical case scenario of 'Sweet Tea' test sites, since Lindsey Swenson and Bo Horvat are equally able to determine what 'rated G' means in public gatherings.
When using the internet or with audibles, people typically use nicknames or code names in chats, on blogs or in other unsigned electronic documents since those should never be considered as weighty as a copyrighted book, a set of fingerprints in a police chain of command and parental identification for REAL sensitive crime solving purposes involving civil divisions.
If government officials can use code names such as 'renegade' or surnames such as 'Wilhelm' or 'Klink' to protect themselves, so can we the people, in order to protect ourselves from people like Sam Little or Jeffrey Dahmer, use code names or choose to use our original legal names since what is reasonable for the honest elected official is acceptable for the legal tax-paying citizens who are being coerced and sometimes harassed by horrible government officials.
Did you know that whoever submitted falsified votes for Joseph Biden Jr, actually CURSED him as well as defiling their own body? Rebuking a sinner or obvious wickedness is not a curse, but is a non-disguised blessing.
I'm thankful the robotic, suspicious telephone call from ' an office sir' I received didn't come from Whitmer or Wickersham's office, since I rather provoke them to do good and not evil.
For those in the 3rd year of tribulation practices, recall that the answer for #815 is POINTB according to USA Today's April 28th, 2019 crossword puzzle and my questionnaire for this day is only counted as being completed on day 812.
Roy W. Allen got into life-threatening trouble when he was doing puzzle works. Why file a report with Bill Horvath's office when Horvath doesn't have any power nor authority to correct or forgive a suspicious telephone call from his area that wasn't directed at Michigan 5211?
Some Getzel guy in the state of Georgia claimed it is a sin for a follower of Yeshua to be unhappy; that man must not believe the beatitudes mentioning those who mourn and I suppose he thinks that the rules for feast days of Sukkot are supposed to apply every day. Does the phrase from Revelation 6:10 sound like it is coming from the staff of 'Happy Feet'? I disagree with Getzel's edict demanding that we be happy during a difficult battle against liars, whoremongers, murderers, thieves and morally depraved neighbors.
Is it the 'happy people' who get sealed or those who are vexed and cry out against abominations as Ezequiel 9:4 indicates?
Well, that's all, disciples!
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